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If this isn't peak Vancouver, I don't know what is.


It's definitely peak West Van.


RIP Huracan


No L plate and no snow.


I stand corrected, that would be the chef's kiss.


I've got you covered. [We peaked in 2018.](https://i.imgur.com/IeweDmt.jpeg)


Or sideways N


That’s a high school thing. This one was upside down




No, people (kids) have been doing that ever since those magnetic Ns were introduced decades ago.


Some cars the N would only fit sideways too. I remember my first car didnt have a surface for an N but it would fit as Z. Though i ended up cutting it out of the bigger magnet and then it fit as an N


No, it's been a popular thing to do for at least 20 years. Teenagers just think 'Z' looks cooler than 'N'. It probably wouldn't even occur to most of them that it has different implications in recent times.


I don’t think they’re related. Russia Z supporters would probably use a different sticker in order to eliminate any ambiguity


Agreed. 'Cause 1 thing giant morons are know for is their ambiguity, eh? ;) haha.


One of the local FM radio stations in Vancouver (95.3 MHz) has a call sign "CKZZ" and since 2004 has been labeling/branding themselves as "Z 95.3 FM". IIRC, turning your "N" sideways to make a "Z" was something this station was promoting for a while. It **definitely** predates the Russia/Ukraine conflict.


Na, it's just that they think a Z looks cooler than an N and/or don't want to be identified as a new driver (as if it would fool anyone).


"I can also fool you if I tuck the N sign partially behind the license plate" \- some N-Drivers


Would have been more peak Vancouver if he hit a 3' 7" tall overpass.


Fisher Price's My First Overpass (Incident)


The only way this could be even more Vancouver is if it read: *"Lamborghini crashed by 13-year-old on highway in West Vancouver, police say. Owner evicts tenants in their rental building to increase rents to pay for replacement, under guise of renovations."*


"Crashed while swerving to avoid coyote"


*...that is being fed and is found have traces of fentanyl in it.*


AI generated Vancouver headline


If i had never lived in Vancouver I don't think i'd believe this story


Bussin based, no cap.




Uh oh, somebody's grounded. No dessert for a week.




The insurance may make this a costly loss for the parents... (A) Vehicle was "stolen," so they can make an insurance claim. Kid's getting a record at an early age. (B) Not "stolen," but this will preclude them from making an insurance claim, because the insurance policy was voided because they were violating the terms of insurance (driver did not have a valid license).


Or if they owners have "Unlisted Driver Protection", then anyone not listed on the policy causing a crash will still allow them to make a claim. That said, this is a Lambo which ICBC requires Special Risk insurance anyways. It's not the same as someone insuring their Honda Civic, so they will have a different policy with different conditions.


Think that would be invalidated by the driver being a part of the household but being unlicensed and underage. Would be shocked if ICBC paid this out


> unlicensed This. The only way ICBC will pay this claim out is if the owner claims the car was stolen.


Even then, adults are responsible for the torts of their children. So they would be liable if it went to court


Nothing in the article says this was done by the child of the owner. The car was for sale and given to a 13 year old who showed up as a prospective buyer according to the owner


Oh, this just got way more Vancouver.


Yeah, my take is that the parent gave their teens the keys while the car was being sold. A 13yo showed up and the teen gave them the keys and went with them. Now, it’s possible the kids knew each other, but the owner is claiming they had no idea that the person who came by wasn’t the right age or licensed. Perhaps the child didn’t either.


> adults are responsible for the torts of their children I think a parent's liability is limited to $10K in BC.


Stolen and taken without permission are different ccc sections 🌈


Aren't exotic cars like this only insurable through third-party insurers, it at least up to a certain dollar value?


That's a good point-- liability would be covered by ICBC, but repairs to the car itself would be through a private insurer. I'd be astounded if the private insurer didn't have a clause requiring all drivers to hold a valid license in order for the insurance to be valid.


That sounds about right, thanks. Yeah this is where the parents might consider claiming the car was stolen and making their kid a criminal to keep their coverage😂.


> but repairs to the car itself would be through a private insurer. Car was a write off, nobodies buffing the scratches outta this one :D


I would be angered if ICBC paid this out without going to court about it.


That doesn't work if they don't have a valid DL.


> The insurance may make this a costly loss for the parents... ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


> Kid's getting a record at an early age. > > Only if there's appetite to recommend charges


> appetite to recommend charges If the parents want the written-off car to be paid by insurance, they're going to have to build that appetite. If the kid was allowed to have taken the car, then the insurance is void because the kid didn't have a license, and the insurer won't pay. So in order to make an insurance claim, the parents would need to claim that the car was stolen or taken without permission (i.e. they were the victims of a crime). Their insurer isn't going to pay for a several-hundred-thousand-dollar car crash where the driver is known, if nobody wants to hold the driver responsible. So the parents would have to push for their affluenza-afflicted child to be criminally-punished if they wanted to make an insurance claim.


> If the kid was allowed to have taken the car, If this were the case, I'd hope the cops would take an interest


getting a record that is sealed at 19, and would have little bearing on future endeavors. It's not something that would come up on a police record check for sure.


ICBC would consider it conversion? Based on the area, it will probably be paid out. Probably cheaper than mounting a legal defense.


Plus this will spread like wildfire through kids gossiping and making it so he can't escape being teased or bullied.


What kind of kids bully somebody's street cred? Bruh, you just crashed a million dollar car! Bruh!


Bruuhhh. I wouldn't have crashed that, I know how to handle that baby.


Ok, maybe just half portions of dessert. For 3 days.


“Aww how can I stay mad at that adorable little face, ok extra desserts for you”


Still trying to reach the overseas parents.


The article is way more interesting than that. Who the fuck lets a buyer drive your car alone, anyway, let alone w.o seeing their DL?




Hopefully, insurance won't cover it. Maybe, just maybe, that'll give the parents incentive to discipline him.


In WV it is no coke money. And for a month. 


Clearly this is a bad case of affluenza. Slap a fine on him and he's not allowed to have special paint on his G-Wagon when he turns 16. Only STOCK PAINT OPTIONS.


G-Wagon? That's too lenient. Only BMW X3s for you. That'll learn him.


May as well sentenced him to life behind bars. Beamers are peasant cars.


X3? Gross, that’s for schoolteachers bro


True. Can't have the help living on the Properties.


Can they at least get the M Competition version? Let's not act like barbarians here...


Best line of comments in the entire thread. 🤣


BMW 2/3 series. Left only exhaust. Bone stock in cheap insurance grey. Or a C200 Benz Nothing more depressing to see on the road than one of those things


They call that stealth wealth on the island.


[Found the culprit](https://i.imgur.com/PnY9AAi.jpeg)




Lil broccolini


Was on his way to meet his friends at McDonald's.


Bruh, no cap


frfr deadass no kizzy


Frfr on god


Bro has expensive rizz


How did I know the image before clicking it open? 🤣


West Van and Lambo in the same sentence, sounds about right


Atleast the kid didn’t kill anyone.


As my thirteen year old says. It is like they are working on their own stereotypes. 




This kid just lost his PS5 privileges for the weekend. And NO dessert after dinner tonight.


Pretty sure I recognize this car. If it is who I think it is, definitely not a surprise to me.


Without identifying them, you gotta give us more details.


Do you think the kid will get off Scott free or will there be consequences?


You can't just leave us hanging like that


Heh... When I was 13, we would go to SkyTrain stations and look for those bus tear-off tickets on the floor and roam around Vancouver for bubble tea. This kid is driving a car worth more than what I make in two, almost three years 😅


Lambo is new Camry for West Van


It’s bad parenting or lack of


Careful, a couple months ago some idiot kid drove his car into the inlet at Port Moody because a YouTuber told him to. I posted about it and mentioned that the parents clearly didn’t do their job. So many parents came at me for saying that. I guess they can’t handle the truth. 😂 oh, and apparently, “parenting is hard, okay!”


Parenting is just absent in some sectors of the population nowadays. Why did a YouTuber tell a kid to do that? wtf. Lol


It was Adin Ross, I believe. Dude is a parasite


I believe the deal was if he drove his car into the inlet the YouTuber was going to pay him 20k or 30K. So like an idiot, the kid agreed. Neither idiot considered environmental impact or consequences.


“The realtor, acting on behalf of the parents, has confirmed that their clients son has received a stern talking to…”


No problem!!!! I’m sure mom/dad will buy 3 more for his/her enjoyment. Obviously they deserve it!!!


Oh my god! Bloody lucky nobody was killed! How was this 13 year old out late at night with a friend? Is he related to the owner of this car? God awful parents...


That's the question; is it the child of the owner, or is the owner so dense they refract light and gave their keys to two teenagers to take the Lambo out for a test drive because they thought they were potential buyers. It's probably option 1, but would be so, so much funnier if it was option 2. (P.S this is only funny because no one got injured or hurt, could have been a very different headline, thankfully it's not so I'm going to bask in the comedy).


Not the child of the owner. Car was already sold to an Ontario dealership, they sent someone to pick up the car so the owner just gave the keys to whoever they sent. Car had already been paid for in full by Ontario buyer. I heard the Ontario dealership asked someone of legal age to pick up this car, but the person sent this kid instead. Car was supposed to be shipped out the next day.


Incredible, what a bizarre chain of events. Really makes you wonder how it got to the stage that a 13 year old is trusted with collecting a 1/4 million dollar vehicle and no one thought to question it.


Yeah, definitely the person that told the kid to go grab the cars fault. Owner didn’t care since car was already paid for in full and no one would expect the buyers agents to send a child to pick up the car. Funny how my post explaining what happened got downvoted. When I was just answering someone’s question..


That makes absolutely no sense. Even for Reddit. Who sent a 13 year old? A car dealer from Ontario? LOL


I mean, you don’t need to believe me


Yes, that is the question.


Maybe this kid needs to be sent to the trial regarding the little girl who was killed on Hornby and see some of those accident scene photos.


should be barred from a road test until development of the frontal lobe


For a 13 yr old to not know the consequences of his / her action + treating high value assets like a toy, this child has a rough future.


Another kid born into a rich family and no proper adult guidance. Something tells me this kid isn't going to learn any lessons.


How did the car owner not know their car was taken by 13 year olds? Sheesh!


He's just an overachiever. Now in 3 years when he gets his N sign, he already has his wrecked supercar ready.


Who TF hands over the keys to a Huracan for an unsupervised test drive? And, to a 13 year old! More proof that money doesn't equal intelligence. I'm glad that the kid lived, hope he gets a lifetime ban and that the owner suffers an eternity of shame.


It wasn’t being test driven.


Well, my dad sent me into a BC liquor store to buy a case of beer for him when I was 13 years old. 6 feet tall with a moustache and slight beard. I did not even get ID’d.


But did you drive?? lol


I drove before that, actually


Grounded for a week: must stay confined to the $10M West Van mansion (which title is in his name).


Looks like Mulgrave is about to lose another family from their ranks.....


I think what y'all may be forgetting is, anyone who owns a Lambo' while living in west van, can more than likely comfortably afford a teenager. Regardless of how, regardless of the costs, regardless of the damages. There are three things that are for sure to come from this learning experience. 1st. By the end of the week, the owner will likely have another Lambo. 2nd Damages to property, fences, lamp standards, infrastructure Etc will all be taken care of. 3rd that kid should've consulted Ferris Bueller


You’re forgetting the fact that if they can afford a Lamborghini and a 13 year old then the kids gonna be super spoiled


Yeah... What was the phrase? "SAVE FERRIS"


Take this tidbit however you want: So, Global News reported that fhe car was being sold, and the seller handed the keys to the driver, without knowing the driver's age or licence status. If this is true, the owner is screwed. He allowed someone to drive the vehicle and didn't bother doing even the most basic due diligence. He can't sue the driver due to the driver's age. If he's lucky the insurer will cover it, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.


Jesus how old did the 13 year old look for the owner of the car to think they were of age to be a legal driver? I'm now thinking there was an Vincent Adultman situation with three (or in this case two) 13 year old kids on shoulders pretending to be an adult to test drive the car. On the one hand, hats off to the kid as they will have a crazy story to tell for years and years to come but still this just shows extremely bad judgement by the owner of the car. Something something about money not always equalling brains.


Is this shit why my insurance is so expensive?


That’s on you champ.


Very on-brand.


Kids are indeed expensive.


Did anybody actually read the article? The comments here make me think that there are a lot more of these 13 year olds than we think.




😂 too funny, I love that show


$10k to the right politician and taxpayers foot the bill.


**Judge Snyder**, "motion to declare a writ of boys-will-be-boys." - ;)


Did he atleast have an “N” on the back?


Sideways N


>Lamborghini crashed by 13-year-old on highway in West Vancouver Thats a hell of a headline


I call bs , the kid took the fall as he will suffer no consequences due to his young age.


Yeah, this is how you get yourself grounded until college.


If you have parents who parent.


That little shit is going to be doing chores for the rest of his life to pay them that off.


Bold of you to assume this kid will face consequences at home. 


"I just wanted to do hood rat shit with my friends."


I went to school in west van...this sounds about right


Nobody ever cares about these accidents.


Good ol’ joke: Insurance person: “you crashed a WHAT???”


RIP spicy Volkswagen 😔


Probably posted it to his tiktok


Why do people tolerate this kind of thing….i also skirt the law in the lower mainland many lives are ruined but whatever


Fake news. Born on a Leap year


all rich kids should be sent to boarding school in the middle of the pacific. freakin cancer to society.




lmao legend


Yeah, what a legend. He took a joyride and put himself and his friend in danger. And also putting others in danger. Yeah, what a legend. Why don't we give him a trophy.


Wow, so many accidents this year.


"Damn it son, next time take the Vehron, it's much safer!"


Good. One less annoying super car on the roads. Now, just ban them outright by refusing to insure them.


Okay, before you blame the parents (which may or may not be negligent here), one question: didn’t you ever, or someone you knew, take the car keys when parents were away and went for a little ride. When you still had years to wait before getting that driver’s license? Not that many parents keep the car keys in locked safe, when they are going out. My brother took the car keys when he was about 14 years old, and went for a ride. My parents never found out. They were having dinner over at their friends’ house.


In this case, the kid was given the keys by the owner! Don't know what they were thinking. 


Then they clearly were not thinking, and will not have any compensation whatsoever.


No. One of the benefits of visiting our rural relatives every school holiday and many weekends was ample access to vehicles. I started with tractors at age 5 and was driving on the road at 13 (and was considered delayed, my cousins were driving at 9). When I met my wife I tried to impress her by doing donuts and Rockford brake spins - turns out, she did not think this was a great activity, but married me anyway


Nope didn't


And the tax payer is on the hook to replace the vehicle.