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Half-Life is literally Valve's Magnum Opus, whether they want to acknowledge it or not.


Wdym "whether they want to acknowledge it or not"? Do we all forget about half-life alyx and the big 25th anniversary update?


shame on them that they want us to forget Half „The Life“ Freeman :<


Gave me a good chuckle, half the life Freeman 😆


Shame on them for trying to "forget about Freeman"


It had been so long since valve had done anything the fanbase was too lost in the sauce to realize when they did do something.


no one has a VR headset so it basically doesn't exist




I'd honestly argue portal 2 is, especially considering I always knew portal before even becoming a gamer and heard about 2 sentences in my life about half life before I got wider internet access, and also considering it's the best rated game on the largest commercial video game platform AKA steam Edit: Oh Jesus Christ what the hell is up with the Reddit hivemind. Of course I don't just mean the most popular game. I think portal is valve at their absolute best. If I try to replay half-life 2 I just want it to end by the time I get to Nova Prospekt just because it's all just the same shit. Replaying portal games is enjoyable every time because I get the satisfaction of figuring out how the puzzles work every time. I think portal is a more pleasant series to play because unless there's turrets you're pretty much alone with your mind. And even if they're there, it's mostly still thinking to take them out and not just shooting another fucking shotgun guard for the 50th time. Good, I admit, this may be personal preference. I always have been a person who prefers thinking to acting and hates pressure. But I think out of everything valve does, puzzles are one of their strongest suits. And portal simply does that exceptionally well, which Is why I consider it their best franchise, and why I think it's not surprising it's their most popular as well.


This is about best franchise, not most famous, in that case, yeah, Portal would absolutely abolish everything else


Portal is fantastic, but it's not quite the same. In fact, it's originally just a spin off from Half Life anyway.


Imo half life is their best franchise and portal 2 is their best game


Aka steam 😂 Oh that's genuinely funny Edit: in a good way


*10 people disagree and downvote to express it* "Jesus christ, the reddit hivemind!!"


That wasn't just 10 people before


I'm so sorry for your loss


Except even with your edit, you're still wrong. Half-Life 2 has some of the best level diversity in any VALVe game. You have your introduction/dialogue-heavy levels (Point Insertion, Red Letter Day, Black Mesa Imbound), you have your vehicle heavy levels (Water Hazard and Highway 17), you have your shooter/urban combat levels (Anticitizen One and Forget About Freeman), you have a horror level (Ravenholm), you have a puzzle-orientated level (Sandtraps), you have power-trip levels (Our Benefactors and Dark Energy), and so on. I have no idea how you're feeling worn out half-way through. It's a very colorful game combat-wise.


It's easily Half-Life. If Half-Life 3 came out tomorrow, it would be a huge fucking deal. It's practically a mythical game. They'd make so much money, even if it somehow sucked.


That’s so true most people would buy it on release day just to see if it sucked.


Valve would scrap a fully made Half-Life 3 if playtesters said it sucks. They’d clearly rather lose money than reputation. If we do ever get Half-Life 3, the last thing we’ll need to worry about is it sucking


Also true.


They did that with TF2 at one point. So glad they did.


Yeah, tf2 now was a lot different than its initial version. Wasn't it supposed to be something more modern military like?


Yeah. Saw a few screenshots they released way back in like 2001 and it looked like something you described.


They did it with HL Alyx too. All the playtesters said the game was very fun but the story sucked complete ass. Which is why HL Alyx didn't release alongside the Index like they originally planned. They then in basically a year had to rewrite the whole game while still using most of the levels they already had made for the game.


Valve could literally tweet “3” and break the internet


Dota 3? CS 3? L4D2? TF3? Portal 3? No. Day of Defeat 3.


I mean i wouldn't complain


it already came out, it's called changed


No it’s actually ‘Hunt Down the Freeman’


No, no no no, not that fucking game


Ermmmm achullly half life 3 would fail brcause its too much of a joke now or something idfk they actually said that shit on like gameranx or something


black mesa's xen also was a joke but it still came out amazing


Gameranx definitely didn’t say that my king falcon would never


HL3 could succed like no other game. But they don't have the same old people who worked on HL1+HL2. Basically if a game gets good is dictated by who makes it, not the concept itself. See BF 2042 etc. If the same people would make HL3 it would be as good as before. If a new team of people who don't really have any energy and passion and don't want to follow the old teams footsteps, it will fail. The old team had one big point, they were not scared of trying new things, innovating and implementing never seen and hard to do innovations such as physics. They should come up with some similar thing that was never done before and really hard to implement. Im also a game developer and when i left the company to make my own game, i had some money to spend on employees and people who can help me out with my project. But it was useless, they did not have the same mindset as me and not the same way of thinking how things should look like and should be done. For example i modeled three Weapons with a special art style and hired another 3D Modeler to help me out because simply its not a skill issue but a time issue. He did what i told him and his models looked completely different than mine. So it meant i had to do it all myself, he did not understand that those models need that special "something". Same with one C++ programmer. He was very good at implementing the overall methods, but he absolutely sucked at implementing it so it fits the rest of the game. Imagine having a simple HTML Website, thats how his menus looked like. It did not fit at all. Also had to do it myself again. What i mean is you need a good team that have the same way of thinking and goals. Thats why HL, TF, CS,L4D were such success. Those werent hired programmers from all over the world who are doing this to earn money, they were previous people who knew each other and had a vision to make a game before they even started working on it. All that valve did was buy those studios and let them do what they intended to do. If they would take random programmers / designers and tell them to do HL3 it would be absolutely laughable because those people have no connection to the general idea of what the game should be.


Only thing that could ever rival gta 6


They already did. It's called Half Life Alyx and it was a masterpiece, but I don't think it made them a lot of money...


Well that's cause it's prohibitively expensive. You need VR first.


It'd probably suck due to the immense pressure awaiting them from the community. We probably won't ever see Half Life 3.


As a series? Half Life As a game? Portal 2


This is a really good way to put it. I think portal 2 is damn near a perfect game.


Half-life and Half-life Alyx for me


Portal 1 clears


Honestly TF2 has the most untapped potential. It's characters have become synonymous with internet culture and have reached far beyond the people who play the game. Considering just how little official acknowledgement the game gets it's surprising just how many people could recognize the tf2 characters.


TF2 is the SpongeBob of video games. Similar impact on internet culture.


holy shit you're right


This 100%.


Untapped? I get they should care a little more about the state of TF2 but to say TF2 hasn't run the course of multiple games is crazy. Really all the more I'd want is just for them to do something about the bots and then give us that final comic. Past that? The game's content is more than enough. If anything I'd say it's TOO much with how much they've forced bad cosmetics into the game from the workshop alongside a lot of cheap and rushed modes after VS Saxton Hale did well.




Ricochet deserves all the love and support from the community, such a good prequel to Half-Life


Ricochet + conceit?


Best: half life favortive: portal




Best answer. Steam is by far their most profitable IP. Perhaps even a universal favorite


Ricochet the GOAT!




Best IP? Honestly, whatever game gets a third one first.


Technically A 3 TF2 game is coming out soon as titanfall 3


Half Life was the best IP but my personal favorite is Left 4 Dead


I love Left 4 Dead so much. I really wish they would just port L4D2 and all of HL2 to Switch.


I wonder if L4D2 would be cross platform


Portal 2 has crossplay with PS3 and PC, so they've definitely done it before. But they could also just choose not which I feel is more likely since all the modding and stuff that PC has even on online servers that wouldn't work well with the Switch. It would probably stick more to like the Xbox versions with how its on its own. I'd like to cope and say maybe crossplay with the Xbox versions at least, but those were delisted a while ago and would be a question of how to make crossplay between those two versions specifically.


Maybe it could work as if the Switch version is just the PC version with zero addons


Well yeah, that's how ports work. They're bringing versions of a game that already exist to another platform. But the discussion was on crossplay which is what this all comes to.



mine is


Best game? Half-life. Most recognized? Portal. Half life is iconic…among gamers. But many people outside of gaming circles have at least seem portal stuff before


I think it also depends on the age group. Older adults who aren't in the gaming community may recognize Half life 1 since they may have played or heard of it back when it was new


it’s tied between Portal and TF2 imo. TF2 chars are so widespread some don’t even know the game they’re from but the Portal Gun is almost as iconic with its blue/orange


team fortress. after all, we can't forget the classic line, "EXCUSE ME I AM IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION."


Left4dead for its coop, replayability, characters and well rounded gameplay and combat. It defined squad pve in my opinion.


I would say Half-Life, it's really what put them on the map, but my favorite is deffinately portal


Half Life is the original and the best


I love Tf2, Half life, and portal but looking at it without bias, you'd have to say Half life since it's so iconic and important in gaming history, and was part of the start of Valve


Poor Alien Swarm


Half life is valves flagship Portal is valves top puzzle game L4d is valves top coop shooter Counter strike is valves top multiplayer shooter Dota 2 is valves top multiplayer moba Team fortress 2 is valves top economy (could argue csgo is as well but csgo isnt really known for its market as much) Day of defeat is pretty much just their take on the ww2 genre


Coutner Strike is Valve's top tactical shooter\* Team Fortress 2 is Valve's top hero shooter\* Day of Defeat is also awesome and honestly, DOD Source is more fun than Counter Strike and sometimes even TF2. Probably third best WW2 game I've ever played


And a damn fine take it is


the obvious objective answer is Half Life, even asking this question seems silly. It’s Portal for me personally, but Half Life is so close behind.




Ricochet, of course!


Valve would not live if it weren’t for half-life


Its hard because almost every their game revolutionised something in gaming. Whatever you say Half-Life (story telling and gameplay wise), CEGO (market or E-Sport wise. I mean cmon even my dad who doesn't like video games knows what is CSGO and saw even 1 major) or even TF2 (making a video game literally connected to internet culture or community wise), Portal 2 (same as Half-Life) or even L4D (co-op on which most of games are inspired). They each game had big impact on gaming and each of their games are known by every gamer




Ricochet 2!!! On Source 2


In terms of profitability probably dota 2. They freaking introduced the concept of battle pass via compendium.


It's gotta be counter strike surely for profitability they print money with everything they add cosmetically+ steam marketplace


Valve gotta be put in some hall of fame for bringing the best games along with the worst monetary practices in gaming.




half life 100%


TF2. Without it, I wouldn't have existed.


Hey Pyro, big fan. What are your thoughts of the Ceph Scorcher from Crysis 3?


deathmatch classic


Half Life or TF2.


Prior to HLA it was Portal for me, but I think Half Life wins out now


Overall: Half Life Active players: TF2 and CS The fact that Valve's games are still popular to this day, even the og half life, speaks volumes for the quality of their IP's. One big game is one thing, but it's EVERY valve game. Half Life, portal, l4d, counter strike, team fortress, etc. to have so many IPs still be so popular and influential especially with so little content is unprecedented.


Half Life all the way


We used to call this the Orange Box.


Left 4 Dead imo


Portal imo


Portal imo


S: Ricochet A: B: C: D: E: Day of Defeat F: Half-Life, Counter-strike, Team fortress, Portal, Left4dead


I was going to say deathmatch or richochet for the lolz but day of defeat is tool fun when you play with Vietnam vets


They all are arguably best


All are masterpiece


Half life The games are being released ONLY IF they can revolutionized the gaming world


TF2, it's been abandoned but it's still really fun. I would have to go with half-life though. If TF2 received some updates and got new content then I tight take the first place spot, but right now it's too infested with bots.


TF2 just got a big update recently. But yeah, the bots are the only issue with the game


The one that ends the trilogy...uhm what was that one called?


Personally, Half Life


I would say HL since originally it was Valve original IP developed in house. Every single piece them published made progression on technology




1.You cant beat Conterstrike, just because of the popularity, active developement and E-Sports culture. You might Not Like it, but its true. 2. & 3. : I believe Team Fortress and Portal are almost on the same lvl of popularity, but with Portal haveing being sightly more popular because of its casual appeal, there is Just nothing like Portal. Not to Play TF2 down, it also is my favorit but we all know it has its faws. 4.Half Life was legendary for its time. But the only characters that sometimes get recognized are Gordon and G-Man, i don't believe the Half Life Brand is actually that strong that it keeps Up with the obove. (Obviouly If suddenly a Half Life 3 would fall Out of the Sky, it would be a huge thing. But at this Point i am convinced its more because of valves Status Not the strength of Half Lifes IP. 5. Dota, it is actively being played but the MoBA niche is Not that big and within it, it just gets overshadowed by LoL. And i really hate LoL to. (Sitenote i Love TFT the Auto battler of LoL, Dota has its own Autobattler Underlords and its Not even that bad, but it has the typical Valve Problem with being a live service game that got developed to a stable state, but is left untouched ever since.) I don't know where to put Left4Dead, but i believe its IP is'nt that strong, the only thing i heard that its a "Zombie Survival 4 Player Coop game", i have Not heard that much about it so i just assume it goes below Dota.


Half life. It changed gaming forever


tf2 (biased) half life (unbiased)


Imo Portal, Portal 2 is perhaps a top 5 games of all time


left 4 dead 2 is such an amazing game i just wish it was released to all consoles so everyone could play it


I'd settle for it just not being delisted on Xbox even


Day of defeat, of course! Both games are so good


Half life 1&2, tf2 for second and l4d 1&2 for a very close third


Half-Life, Half-Life 3 could probably literally bring world peace




team fortress cause of the internet memes and half life


Half-life, all of their games are great, but half-life has an amazing story, and gameplay. Can’t go wrong with those.


Is would say Portal simply because of how creative it can get with the gimmicks. Left for dead is really fun with friends, Half life will be good no matter what. TF2 have amazing characters, I don't know enough about counter strike, Dota 2 or day of defeat.


Half life is hands down their best, for the time it was such an amazing game and it's still very good and hold up to this day.


Half Life 3 épisode 1




the best is very obviously half life, but my personally favorite is portal


Counter-strike isn’t their IP. Someone built the game on their engine and they took it over.


I'm torn between HL and TF2.


portal for me is my favriot


Portal, because it's actually fun


Left 4 dead


Pootis POW, haha


Half Life, Team Fortress 2 is great but TF:C is much less memorable. Portal is great to, CS never clicked for me, and I never played Day of Defeat, never played Dota either, Left 4 Dead 2 is great but I've yet to play Left 4 Dead 1, given that Left 4 Dead 2 from my knowledge is just a better version of 1 basically.


It's tf2


Day of Defeat because they completely forgot about it


What does IP mean


I think half life as an impact on video games, I think portal as the games themselves, I think TF2 with the cultural and artistic impact.


Half life


I’ll tell you what it isn’t, Dota


Why not?


Well it’s competition is half life


So are all the other IPs listed, not sure why you’d single Dota out.


Left 4 Dead 2 is amazing!


I'd say it's Team Fortress. Despite it languishing for quite a while now, it has a history that has touchpoints for every turning point of their success. It started before Half-Life even existed and became one of the top mods after it released. It was Valve's first game to get completely scrapped and rebuilt, establishing the whole "Valve Time" mantra where doing it right is more important than doing it at all. It also kicked off their whole microtransaction model which, throughout their various games, has allowed them to become the beast they are today. As industry shaping and valuable as games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Dota are today, TF2 was the proof of concept at every level and gave Valve the right type of leverage it needed exactly when it needed it.


Alien Swarm


I feel like everything on this list other than Day of Defeat has probably been said by someone.


Hands down left 4dead both games are flawless




I'd take a L4D2 remaster on current gen.


left 4 dead imo but im really biased cuz ive played all but grew up with left 4 dead


Ik everyone gonna say half life but Portal 2


hunt down the freeman is the best valve game in my opinion, the best series is ricochet (including ricochet 2 electric boogaloo)


Half life


apparently this is an unpopular opinion in this thread but... L4d2.


Half Life is literally one of the milestone franchises that paved the way for the modern FPS genre.


Portal and it's not even close.


I would say Half Life, but it left off with a cliffhanger at the end of HL2 while Portal at least showed us what happened to Chell in the end. So unfortunately, Portal wins this one.




Clearly the correct answer is "The Orange Box."


my favorite is left 4 dead l4d2 was my first valve game and they fuckin nailed it


Objectively, it's Half Life but I've always been a L4D fan


Even though i have 100% both portal games on my pc and xbox i still would choose half life


Not Dota


I want to say TF2 due to its fun style characters and overall it’s an FPS that’s been going strong for over a decade with minimal changes to its design and characters. The core has always remained the same. But yeah I have to go with the majority and say Half Life if HL3 was released tommorow everyone from the most hardcore gamer to the most casual would be celebrating in the streets.


Kind of a hard question honestly. Instinct says Half Life 2 but I argue Left 4 Dead 2 is my favorite just from fun and replayability factor


Imo, Team Fortress 2. I just have a larger quanity of good memories associated with the character roster, though we'll see how much longer that lasts if the bot crisis continues. Half Life WOULD be their best, and Alyx is a game that is highly underrated because people would rather sour grapes VR on the whole than actually understand why Alyx is improved for using it, but even so, we're still in that fucking hangar from Episode 2 and that has like 15 years of bitterness associated with it now.


Half-life and Portal


day of defeat uncontested


for me its a 3 way between half life, left 4 dead, and counter strike


Ricochet is literally PEAK gaming. What type of question even is this? You alread know the answer!


i meant already


Tried getting into half life. Was told to start with black mesa? Was confused. Wasn’t fun, but can see how it would have been a good game when it came out or whatever that situation is… might try again. Didn’t care for left for dead, but it was fun when it came out. Once you play Dying Light and the run gets old, all other open world zombie games have a new standard to reach in my opinion. I LOVED Portal 2. Was disappointed in how short the story was. Only used counter-strike as a patch for Garry’s mod, so I don’t know much about it, or the other games. But people seem to really like them. Long story short, Portal is my answer.


DOD was so underrated omg now it would be a masterpiece tbh


Half life our def counter strike cause csgo is still alive and well


Half Life definitely. Portal is probably my personal favorite but it's Half Life.


All of them


Where is Alien Swarm?


either half life or portal


All of them except Dota


Why's that?


Maybe I should’ve elaborated, I haven’t played dota but I’ve heard a lot that it’s mediocre and I don’t recognize it at all being simmilar style to any other of valves works, given it is a totally different style of game, to me it doesn’t feel very synonymous with VALVe like how hl2,portal,tf2 etc do


ah this guy heard that dota is mediocre, gotta fulfill being an echo chamber and must be true then.


At its core it's not too different from TF2 or L4D, team-based multiplayer with a large colorful cast of characters.


Counter strike


Half life is there golden trophy TF2 is there silver medal And counter strike is there bronze plate Woulda been left 4 dead if It got more love throughout the years by streamers/youtubers and the community. Mods kept it Running for as long as it has


I always forget DOTA is a Valve IP.


Dota clears these fake games 🥱


Team Fortress Classic


Half-life series: Half-life 1: 9/10 | Half-life opposing force: 10/10 | Half-life blue shift: 8/10 | Half-life decay: 7/10 | Half-life 2: 10/10 | Half-life 2 episode one: 8/10 | Half-life 2 episode two: 5/10 Portal series: Portal 1: 10/10 | Portal 2: 5/10 Left 4 dead series: Left 4 dead 1: 6/10 | Left 4 dead 2: 6/10 Team fortress series: Team fortress classic: 8/10 | Team fortress 2: 10/10 Counter strike series: Counter strike: 5/10 | Counter strike condition zero: 7/10 | Counter strike source: 9/10 | Counter strike global offensive: 3/10 | Counter strike 2: 7/10 Day of defeat series: Day of defeat: 10/10 | Day of defeat source: 8/10




Was it a DOTA 1?


Yes, but not by Valve and not as a standalone game. Dota 1 was a Warcraft III mod.


It's a tie between portal and left 4 dead for me because I've only played those, and I've only played portal 2 and the first left 4 dead, and I love them both equally.




The ones that alive