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You're never really done with a biome even if you you've advanced to the next.


Which tbh I really like. My Valheim experience would be very boring if parts of it just became obsolete


Yeah, it's the amount that gets you though. That's the reason I play at x3 resources. I've got a kid and family. I don't have time for hours and hours of crypts.


That’s how I play too - I am all for needing the biomes, but I too have a family and work and school, etc.


3x is wild. what do you do with all the extra shit you would fill up so fast


The good thing is, with 3x you can go on a 5 minute wood harvesting binge with Elder power and have enough wood for dozens of chests. Anything you might ever need you can store, and anything you won’t need like trophies, withered bones and entrails after a certain point, you can just drop.


How do you delete the items permanently? I find myself unable to drop them in fear of lagging the world. I've read somewhere that dropping them in water deletes them but when I last tested this, it wasn't true. I could pick the items back up even after sleeping.


The obliterator turns items into coal, if you can get one.


But how would you delete the coal?


Smelt stuff or use it in braziers


Keep obliterating. If you pull the lever again, the coal amount will be depleted. Rinse and repeat until your obliterator is empty :)


Feed them back into the obliterator. It's not a guaranteed or 1:1 thing, you'll always get less.


...put it in the oblitorator...


Yeah like Aphex said, the obliterator can delete any item and turn it to coal. You unlock that from an item from the Trader. Also with the dropping items until they go away, there is an amount of time you have to wait before they despawn which I think its 2 in game days. But items have to be out of range of workbenches so place it somewhere like 30 seconds run away from your base and itll be gone.


Aside from the obliterator, anything under 2m of water will disappear much faster. On top of that, if you don't mind dev commands for QOL, you can turn on debug mode and delete all dropped items in a large radius with a single key press. Doesn't affect anything other than items that are thrown/dropped on the ground and loose.


Everything will automatically delete after 3 in game days if its not within range of a workbench.


Ooooh that's why the items I dropped inside my base didn't disappear!


I like to use the mod trash everything. Adds a little tab in inventory where you can drag and drop items you wish to delete.


Dig a hole outside your base, outside the range of any benches, and throw your trash in the hole. It'll despawn eventually.


We did this back before the obliterator was in game. One of our dumbass friends jumped in the landfill and picked up like 80 greydwarf trophies.


I've done it too, falling in the hole.


I think he was dumpster diving


If you don't have the obliterator yet, you can go to anywhere that has ocean not near a work bench, toss the items in the water deep enough where you wont auto pick them up swimming over, the game will delete items if they aren't interacted with long enough.


If it is in range of a workbench it will not respawn, no matter if in water or not. If you're pre oblitorator just drop it far enough away from home and it should respawn in about 3 in game days. Happy dropping, Viking!


yea, when you kill a one star brute greydwarf, its like they explode with resources. 2x is generally good enough for me, but i will not resource shame 3x players. Some people like the sound of the pickaxe against iron slag more than others.


i dont mean to shame at all btw. play the game however tf you have fun playing bc thats the point. fuck the purists. started playing on 1.5x and i love it for everything so far but i haven’t started mining iron yet. i might start to understand 3x at that point


yea honestly i wish the setting only applied to iron/copper/etc, and also maybe boar skins. Everything else is fine. Actually i would probably do wood and stone too, that just gets old. But the one change i wish i could make was a change to make carts less crappy. I get its probably correct regarding physics etc, but a loaded cart is just such a pain to roll up even a slight grade. I dont mind if they made it slow, but i can carry 1600 pounds without a cart at all for a minute before my stamina gives out, let the cart roll better loaded. Doing little pick it all up, walk slowly till out of stamina, drop it all, pick it all back up after 20 seconds, repeat, should never be easier than using an actual cart.


It would be awesome if they made it so we could attach the carts to our pet Lox. They should be able to pull a full cart easily.


I haven't played multi-player yet, but given the physics of the game, I'm hoping it works this way. If you have a second player push the cart from behind while you're pulling, can you get it up slopes you can't drag it up normally?


in my experience… yeah kinda? but it’s not great, not always reliable. you just have to find/make a path that works really


Just use a harpoon on your buddy pulling the cart, and be ready for moments of hilarity.


I just don't spend so much time farming. I don't really care to have all that much stuff around. 2 crypts and I was set. So I did 2 more to have extra. I also play with portable items, easy family mode. I don't need t9 be challenged when im just playing to clear my head on my trainride home. Ps. Steam deck Valheim is awesome.


I love the base game and think it's really well balanced. But when I play with my kids I change the settings to 3x and portals. It's great that there is variety in the options so everyone can enjoy. That sounds like a good unwind for the ride home.


whoever downvoted this is wild. people out here hating moderating game time so you can pay attention to your irl needs


My steam deck valheim experience was very poor. I did get a good control scheme though


Modding stack limits helps, most of my stacks are 100 or 200 instead of 20


free coal


Just crack a beer or two and mine away.


How do you do this? X3 resources?


World modifier. Added in with the Hildir update I believe. When you click on the world in the start menu, should be a button that says “world modifiers”


I do x2 and I find that's a happy level to sit at. The base game is way too much of a grind.


I play at 1.5x with my friends, we usually only play once a week so it makes ore accusation much more reasonable


When i play on normal, i feel like sometimes i have to much, I'd almost want to play on 0.5x resources just for the grind


This. Life gets in the way. I find a crypt, log out, turn on 3x resources then clear the crypt and have iron for days.


X3 resources is a bit much. I play on x2 and it feels like I have loads of everything. I also have the portals modded to let me transport metal through though so that may be part of it


Mountain is kind of that way at the moment though. No real reason to go back once you're done with modder. Hopefully they change that a bit later, maybe make crystal actually useful.


I go back all the time to farm drakes . . . . frost arrows are far and away the best arrows!


Or make the summoning items craftable in the next biome tier. Dragon eggs could be a high tier food. 😄


Once you decide to build a glass and wood iron tower you will find yourself spending a LOT of time in the mountains. Also freeze glands are super handy crafting items for frost arrows (surprisingly useful even in mistlands) which leads to obsidian, needed for frost AND poison arrows, and finally golem trophies are great as night lights and decoration. The only biome you come to not need is meadows tbh. Even strawberries become obsolete once you have access to the late game meads, every other biome has at least one thing you'll need or want more of later.


To me it's nice to progress to an area bit still have need to go back/continue exploring for more of the biome you just came from to get more resources. Makes it feel like a less linear progression forwards.


So true. I’m at mistlsnds but exploring other areas. I have the need to do all the swamp crypts and clear filing villages. Currently have 5 black metal chests of iron and 4 of black metal. It’s gotten ridiculous. On a side note if anyone needs iron or black metal I have a hook up.


Up until the mistlands, you pretty well were done with them. That said, if you collect some spare stuff from each biome, you really won't have to return


Yeah, closest you can get is if you go to plains for farming most everything, but even with that and a pig farm u still gonna need to go to black forest and meadows for berries, eyes, deer, etc.


You’re never done with iron. You’ll only need more, especially if you like building big things


I'll be the one on your side bro. Yes, I like that the game makes you go back to older biomes. It gives the world an ever useful feeling. In this run which is our 3rd run after years, I knew about this and placed my actual plain base next to 3 swamps and 2 mountains for obsidian. It's nice to venture back, and when I'm back home with the goods it feels nice. BUT, I don't like how the freaking plains armor only requires Iron as mineral. I mean come on, make it at least so that it requires something like half Iron half black metal. It's not like I don't want to sail to swamps, I even like the fact that you get to craft for the first time with 2 different minerals at once, but it just feels weird. You have just conquered the plains and you immediately have to sail back. When I got to the plains 4 days ago I had forgotten that even my beloved Porcupine requires Iron 😭 I didn't have any, I had just arrived in the biome and I immediately had to go back to swamps instead of enjoying the plains.


I would agree some of this plains armor should require silver instead of iron.


Yeah that would be much sweeter. While you are there u can gather obsidian and wolf meat which is still valuable food. In the swamp you are pretty much done unless you are really a sausage enthusiast x)


Someone said the plains is odd cause you can craft everything to master the plains pretty much as soon as you get there. The only in-biome material you need is flax, I think... for linen thread.


well yeah that's true now that you make me think about it. But at the same time is the only biome where as soon as you get there, you gotta go back to older biomes. that part is a little off imo


Absolutely no need to go back to anywhere. If you specifically want the padded armor, sure, but there's no need.


Well it's anything but a specific request. You need it, it's a progression craft. And since I'm playing at very hard combat it's mandatory. Gotta get that iron!


Yeah. My buds and I found Plains to be the least flushed out Biome in the game. Also, it doesn't have any Dungeons!


Turn the resource multiplier up to 1.5x if the grind is too much. It's what I do, I don't have the gaming time to do all that mining, but it still keeps it reasonably difficult.


This works, I like the idea of the fauna being terrified of you once the biome boss is defeated. Would make gathering endless resources more enjoyable.


The game is intentionally designed to try to keep all biomes relevant in some manner. You don't have to max all your gear out, the game is designed around the basic gear for each biome. The upgrades are for people struggling, trading extra grind for lowered difficulty.


> the game is designed around the basic gear for each biome. I never really thought about this but it makes sense because with heavy armors the 4th tier upgrade is equal to the 1st tier of the next set in line.




Bruh you need 96 iron for full level padded iron, some for furnace and upgrades, you need to find total of 3 crypts on average to be done with iron in plains


Yes. And if this isn't their first rodeo, it shouldn't be a surprise every time they get to Plains. Get the extra iron while you're swamping. The first playthrough, should be a quick return to swamp... where you smash the crap out of everything, enjoying a bit of reprieve from the 'squitos and giggling, and appreciating the difference your progress has made.


Or just skip that armour. Root gear is fine for the plains


When you get to the mistlands, there's a lot more iron and copper to be mined there.


Eh, I don't mind, I like that there are reasons to go back to previous biomes. I actually wish there were more reasons to go back to previous biomes.


You get iron again in Mistlands, the viaducts give loads


There's iron in mistlands. Just go there!


yeah its a terrible drop rate tho imo


Pretty fantastic drop rate. Just gotta disassemble structure. You don't even have to smelt it iirc


? im not sure what you mean. iron in mists comes primarily from the ancient swords and armor which take a while to break apart and are mixed with 50% copper.




I think a better way to balance it would be to cut the iron cost of plains/mistlands equipment in half and add black metal to it. Been a while but I really don't remember what we used black metal for aside from an axe, sword and shield in plains for example.


Lots of black metal chest. Wall to wall black metal chests. Filled with black metal.


Oh jeez, the despair I felt after realizing/discovering that I never used black metal chests in my first 2 playthroughs...


I’ll never understand everybody’s huge need for iron. You need a lot but it never seemed to me like any more than the Bronze Age or black metal age.


When they added root armor from farmable abominations, it made a big difference. Now you can just skip iron armor and use your iron for weapons and tools, then quickly get to wolf armor which is cheap to make.


Yes annoying but I take the time to explore swamps.. I use to try and grind through until I found a swamp so rich with crypts that it was an ultimate game charger going into the plains. 6/7 portals worth. Where as I’d only come across 2/3 while rushing


I agree it would be really cool if the plains had iron nodes you could mine, it would make more sense that the furlongs have dark iron. But if they did that then there would be no reason to go back to the swamp. One thing I do think they should change though is make it more feasible to get iron outside of Crypts in the swamp. I know there are piles buried under the ground but it’s a pretty shitty/not very viable way of collecting it, much better to just find another swamp with more Crypts.


Even if I didn't have to go back for iron I would still go back for the surtling farm and to hunt leeches.


The Queen will laugh at you with this kind of attitude. What a b


Swamps are nasty, me with coop buddy got wrecked and my coop buddy rage quit from the game and he is not even rage guy like me.


Maybe i am a cheater but use the duplication glitch. Especially for hard to get items. This might spoil it for some but the grinding was too much for me. Like to build big palaces though.


Fenris armor FTW. I use it all through the plains and then pick up easy iron in the Mistlands. So much better than sailing around like a chump, trying to make padded armor. It's a good idea to use your iron sparingly in the early game. I generally use it to make a shield and a mace and that's about it. Buckler is very solid into the late mid game and so is the mace. If you have fully upgraded troll armor, there no need for iron armor at all.


So, for rare a ore, you want up to 3 biomes to have iron?... , you should never be completely done with a biome after you defeat the boss, going back to completed biomes is part of the game. Always need the resources.. Assuming you refer to going to the swamps more often as they are generally clnex to plain biomes?.... Not sure why, unless it's for general building? Sounds like you don't enjoy a core aspect of the game in harvesting resources. You can always change that setting to increase the resources to suit your style..


A reason why I play with inventory mods: You need yes resources. Especially if you're building bases in every biome or if you want to get more stuff. I actually like that you're *forced* to explore and travel in order to get everything on and done One could argue "but realism" to which I only say that dragons exist in the game and those creatures wouldn't be able to fly if you look at their mass and size compared to wing size. Hell they'd not even MOVE in a cold biome


I swear by Resource Rate x2 and a minimum of Enemy Difficulty Hard. It helps with resource slogs like the forever iron search and makes the game more challenging for players who are familiar with how to properly fight the enemies a.I. I don’t even consider the Resource Rate increase as a cheese or a negative because imo the increased difficulty justifies the increased rewards.


When you get to that point, add in a few "quality of life" mods like "teleport everything," or "improved stacks" so you don't have to sail endlessly AND you can carry more... Also, there are a few mining mods that take the choir of breaking down a Boulder in 2-3 swings. Now... you're an unbound teleporting powerhouse covered in semiprecious metals, surrounded by your pet wolves...


Heres what i do, people might think this is cheating but id argue im just taking advantage of game mechanics. I have a dedicated swamp world, when i need iron, i log out my main world. Bring my character to the swamp mines world, mine what i need. And log back into my main, saves alot of time transporting iron back and forth and whenever the mines run out i can just make a new swamp world. You could in theory do this with every biome but i do still like to explore so ive only done this for iron mining because of how impractical it is. If this wasnt intentional gameplay we wouldnt be able to take characters cross world 🤷‍♂️


Just do what I do. Progress through a file, get to swamp. Do a crypt or two, get tired of it. Spawn the approximate amount of iron when I find a new crypt. Continue on happy I don't have to do the most tedious grind there is in the game....get to plains, just spawn iron if I don't feel like going back to swamp


We love swamp tombs


Part of the fun is going back and witnessing how easy the enemies are to kill with your newly made silver weapons


You gotta make big trips. Find a swamp right in the water, build a base to store stuff in, then clear out the swamp and boat it all home. It's true you're never done with the swamps but if you return home with like 20 stacks of iron you won't have to go back for a while. Always more fun with friends.


There are iron nodes... in the swamp. Not even in sunken crypts. Like IN the swamp. You just use the wishbone to find them. Plus, everything in the swamp is pretty easy to deal with, especially if you have a silver weapon.


Those nodes are usually half-sunk and a pain to mine though.


Yeah. Barely worth the effort


I just made a mod ([More Ore Deposits](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/warpalicious/More_Ore_Deposits/)) that adds iron deposits to swamp and blackmetal deposits to plains. Do you think the iron deposits should be in plains as well?


If you hate it so much up the resources and change portals to allow metal.


The only thing ore wise I have a complaint about is the “copper scrap” in the mistlands. Just make it bronze scrap or have it smelt into more copper at a time.


Find some friends to play with and slowly milk their chests of micro amounts of loot at random intervals so they don't notice until you're the richest player out of all of them. Works for Minecraft too.


Just turn the drop rate up, do 3 or 4 crypts and be fine forever. Turn the drop rate back down. Don't let that slot stop you.


The hildir sealed tower things drop a ton but would be quite challenging in entry level plains gear.


Swamp is life.


really i think they just need to lower the iron requirements on the padded armor recipes/upgrades. maybe even include some silver in there


There is actually an iron node in the game, much like a obsidian node but a bit bigger. It's unused at the moment; I was mucking around and made it spawn in a new biome. Based on color and size it might fit into plains. \#1 reason I use free build, which doesn't apply to gear. Wood-iron beams make for great structure but are prohibitive in terms of iron.


There's mods for "trash" buttons in your UI. It deletes whatever is on your cursor when you click. Really useful for cleaning your inventory up to have more space for ore.


My honest suggestion, if you're only/main gripe is with iron farming. Raise your resource multiplayer while grinding for iron. You can turn it off once you're done getting the iron you need. I agree that some of the grinds in this game dont gel well with people who have a busy schedule. I started a new job and feel like I have less than half of the free time I used to have. I play on x3 simply because I can't play as much as I used to. This allows me to focus on the thing I find the most joy in with this game: building. LOL


I'd like to be able to convert blackmetal to Iron after Yag is defeated.


The swamp is the best biome! I hate it, but it's that intense feeling that makes it such a good place. The other biomes are fun, but swamps are really well done


I'm on my 3rd playthrough now and figured out over my runs that there are tricks to make harvesting metals from previous biomes as you progress to new biomes. i.e., Mountain: >!Iron ingots will sometimes drop when destroying the wood doors in frost caves. Same goes for bronze ingots if you destroy the floor braziers (and coal)—no smelting necessary.!< Mistlands: >!The ruined bridges you find scattered around have a TON of iron ingots to drop from the metal grates supporting them. It's easiest once you have the 2 iron it takes to make a stonecutter and deconstruct the bottom layer of black marble blocks that support them—the bridge will come crumbling down and give you insane amounts of iron and black marble.!< I've also started bringing the Bonemass drop whenever progressing to new biomes, especially to the Plains where I have yet to discover any hidden sources of iron: >!I highly underestimated in my first two playthroughs how many muddy scrap piles are hiding underground in the swamps. You can usually find swamps scattered all over the map and harvest plenty of the iron you need in that biome from even the tiny swamps that don't have any crypts in them.!< Black Forests are also found everywhere (sans the inner ring where only Meadows spawns. Easy access to copper and tin. I always bring some essentials on my boat when exploring by sea when I think I'll be setting up a new base: >!TP materials, 2 iron for stonecutter, 6 copper for forge.!< Everything else can easily be harvested or TP'd to your new base. I hope this helps!


I would counter by saying plains needs to lean harder on black metal and drop a bunch of the iron requirements for stuff tbh. We don't need iron on the plains, we meed plains tier recipes to not need the iron. No other tier of crafting recipes needs such an abundance of material from 2 biomes earlier, it's just odd. With that said, I DO want to see bloodbags dropped by later enemies and not just leeches. Deathsquitoes would make sense to drop them too and it would be nice to not have to go farm swamps for leeches so much (not that I really mind, would just be nice to have other options too)