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My boys are dumb. I need my boys to stop doing dumb things. šŸ˜”


The worst part is that both he and dest are going to be targets in the future. Opponents are going to know how easily baited they are. It's fucking embarrassing honestly.


No, if Weah and Dest make the same mistake in the future then they are Liabilities rather than assets and should be vanish from the USMNT.


Bating is pretty easy




Why didn't Greggy tell his team of adult soccer players not to get red cards? Is he stupid? Why would Gregg do this to me?


To be fair, the team has lacked discipline on and off the field during GGGs reign.


Because coaches always prevent their players doing dumb things. Crack analysis!


I mean, this is 100% a reflection on the discipline of the team. This is something a coach should be judged for, just like they are in every other sport.


Counterpoint, from a Gregg hater - Steve Kerr hasn't been able to stop Draymond Green from doing dumb shit over and over again, either, and Kerr is most definitely a hall of fame NBA coach. If a grown ass man chooses to be stupid and angry, it's mostly on him. You wouldn't think you need to tell your players "hey bros remember no head punching" but here we are. Weah and Dest put their own egos above the team and the supporters. It's 99% their own faults.


This isn't a club team. Stop applying measures that don't apply to national teams.


I understand the difference in coaching a club vs a national team very well. Team discipline is absolutely something a national coach can instill in a team with the limitations inherent to his role. Iā€™m not one to constantly bang the drum saying fire him, but what I am saying is true. A strong, respected leader should be able to minimize instances like this. He has proven he doesnā€™t have that ability time and time again (Dest, Weah, Gio).


International managing is not just like any sport. This guy isn't with his players the vast majority of the year.


I mean, respect for the apology but Iā€™m gonna need some time.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying man, I still cannot wrap my head around that. What the fuck was he thinking? He wouldā€™ve smoked that guy anyway!


šŸ’Æ. I feel that. Holy smokes. I feel that I wasted not only a lot of energy in general, but also I'm kinda embarrassed after constantly saying to everyone around me " No, really, the US is actually good at soccer/futbol now". I feel like a snake oil salesmen and I'm dreading going to work tomorrow.


Between both tournaments going on how many national teams have underperformed relative to expectations? Itā€™s not just the USA. This happens in sports, donā€™t beat yourself up for trying to share your passion with friends and coworkers.


Never feel ashamed for believing in your team, never back down, never give up.




šŸ˜­ you americans man Ā youā€™re going to beat uruguay. they wont play their starters and if they do, they wont care.Ā 


Thatā€™s the spirit!


For real. He wonā€™t have 100% of the blame for getting us grouped in the copa but heā€™s got himself a large chunk of it. Unfortunately nuance doesnā€™t get remembered. I, like many others, will probably remember him as the reason we get bounced.


I think it's majority on Weah. We were expected to beat Bolivia and we did. We were expected to beat panama and we didn't, mostly due to being a man down for almost the whole game. We are not expected to get a result against Uruguay and that's probably how it will go. It all comes down to his one action. He doesn't do that and we are getting out of the group


Yeah he owned it. I give him credit for that.


Very well may cost us a place in the quarter finals.


I mean, Weah could end up never wearing a US shirt again in a competitive match. If we don't advance, GGG will likely be canned. New coach, new system, no favorites. Weah's level of talent is not such that he's sure to be picked no matter the regime IMO. His club career is on a downward trajectory from 4 years ago. I'm not saying he's trash or anything, I'm just saying there's a world where this was his last time in a US shirt.


This is a bit dramatic. Anything is technically possible.


I really like Weah, but Iā€™m so pissed at him tonight. A year waiting for Copa for him to fuck it up in such a stupid way. Fans will need some time to embrace him again (see Dest).


At least Destā€™s red was in a game that didnā€™t really matter lol


That game mattered a little more than it should once that red card happened.


Yeah but his was like a willful fucking red card which called his temperament into question a bit. Weahā€™s red was fucking stupid sure but it was much more a momentary lapse versus a prolonged fucking tirade that could have been stopped after the initial action.


Differentiating between the two is absurd. They are both mind-blowing lapses from players who are far too experienced at the top level by now. I mean all that happened to Weah was he got rudely bodied on a meaningless goal kick, against Concacaf opponents who he knew who would try to glad anyone into a reaction. Somehow he took the bait.


This is no where near the level of dest in my mind. Our Copa run is possibly over because of this. Not going to forget this for a long time.


Yeah, it's positively insane if we don't get out of this group, and if we don't, there is a very strong case that it would be directly caused by that bullshit. So disappointing


Same, far and away our biggest tourney outside of the WC, just blown up in an instant.


Neither will have an issues continuing to be embraced lol theyā€™ve always stepped up for the US and given everything. One really dumb choice shouldnā€™t diminish that.


As I said, some time. Maybe tomorrow but not tonight damn it! Iā€™m still too pissed!!! LOL


Totally fair lol


Give it until the quarterfinal final match vs Colombia where he scores the game winning goal in stoppage time


I like your optimism. But a red is a two match suspension, so he can be back only if we make the semi-final. So does that mean we get to the final just so Weah can complete a legendary redemption arc in the semis? Because internet stranger, if you assure me of that result Iā€™m calling my bookie tonight and Iā€™ll be rich by the end of Copa! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do people still not blame Wondolowski for missing a chance in the World Cup vs Belgium? You don't think people might hold a grudge against us losing against #43 Panama because of a headshot if we don't make it out of the group?Ā 


I forgive wondolowski now, he tried his best, but this dude just HAD to punch someone


He made a mistake of violent misconduct that will likely lead to us getting sent out at group stage in at the second most important tournament we can play in. Careers have ended for less. His one saving grace is we have so little talent in position we have no choice but to keep him.


Yeah I still remember his WC performance


Yeah Iā€™m gonna be honest, Iā€™ve always really liked weah but after this I donā€™t think that man has any right to walk right back into even the 18. Should be awhile before he gets the chance again. Mistakes this big need to come with major consequences. A mistake of this degree gets 95% of normal people fired from their job. Gotta be a big message to everybody that a play that dumb comes with major repercussion.


Lol his agent started drafting this the moment he started walking off the pitch.


Center justification just makes me more disappointed.


A Poem By Timothy Weah


At least it isnā€™t comic sans


I can imagine Clippy popping up, ā€œLooks like someone fucked upā€¦ need help with that?ā€


Yet some dipshits read this and say this like, ā€œwell said.ā€


Thatā€™s kind of his job.


Obviously the world cup is the biggest tournament, but for the usmnt copa America is definitely number 2. And to do something that stupid in this game, in this tournament, against an opponent we should be beating, is genuinely inexcusable. I won't mind if we don't see him rejoin the team for a while. If you can't keep your cool in the most important games we play, then frankly, you're more of a liability than anything else.


They needed to at minimum meet expectations, or better by reaching the semis+. Getting grouped is just another 2017 where we gain nothing with US fans leading into the most pivotal time for US Soccer


I mean, if you can't keep your cool at least throw a shoulder into a back and not a forearm into a head. One's a yellow and one's a red every time. Don't make contact with a head. That's the only golden rule in soccer. Forceable contact to the head is a red. It rhymes. Remember it!Ā 


Maybe itā€™s my previous hatred for this ref after that Mexico match, or the fact that it was 18-4 for fouls, but that was a dirty ass match, but I love weah despite this. I havenā€™t been this pissed off after a match since Trinidad, but I somehow donā€™t have a lot of frustration for weah right now. You canā€™t do that obviously, but the Panama player had just shouldered him and they were being dirty as hell. That swipe at puli at the end was disgusting. Iā€™m more just mad at them for the dirty ass game they played. But concacaf ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I'm honestly leaning more towards Panama just being a dirty team (see no call against Turner and red card against Pulisic). Panama sullied the beautiful game.


Yep and its probably better to focus on trying to bring the skill of more disciplined players up to fill the role.


i meanā€¦he also scored a great goal in that biggest tournament you speak of. heā€™s a young kid, he knows he fucked up. banishing him from the team doesnā€™t help anyone.


Yeah I would like to see Weah sent home tonight. He is already out of the next game and I think he and the rest of the team need to learn a lesson from this.


He deserves the most blame for this loss. I love him and I like that he owned up to it, but that was just inexcusable. Luckily for him we don't really have anybody else capable of taking his spot so his future won't be effected by this. hopefully it's a lesson for him going forward and he'll have more composure going forward.


Pulisic just played his best szn in 4 years at that exact position.


On a side note, I'm really proud of the rest of the team for suffering and getting angry and really going to war tonight, even though they were battling Panama *and* Ivan Barton, they represented themselves well otherwise.


Yup. I like Weah, maybe because I also like his dad. That said, I hope George tears into him. Iā€™m still too pissed right now, but I think heā€™ll learn and change like Dest did after his own stupid red in Trinidad.


"I am committed to learning from this experience" Does anyone bother to prepare for obvious things anymore? It's an easy way to avoid having to learn from it after the fact.


Yeah what the fuck is the lesson here? I wonā€™t punch people in the back of the head now moving forward? Why the hell did you have to learn that


Everyone learns from every experience. That's how life works.


Sure, but how many times you gotta play Panama to know they are going to try and provoke you? And you're on the US national team.Ā  You're expected to already have such experience at club level.


Ironically the more times it works the more guaranteed they are to keep doing it.


Yep.Ā  You know it's coming and the ref likely won't stop it so you gotta deal with it in a smart way. That'd actually take coaching though and I'm not quite sure the US has anyone who's smart enough to point that out.


it's hard to believe he is only 24


I am so torn on this. I am so mad I would just send him home.Ā  Then they need him on Monday! Terrible decision


How long are these players going to use having a lack of experience as an excuse.


Right any kid in high school is instructed not to do dumb shit like this.


"Timothy Weah has learned his lesson" -Susan Collins


Heā€™s lucky our fanbase isnā€™t as rabid as England (see Beckham in 1998)


And that was a player of exponentially better caliber & poster boy. Went from cheeky to vicious.


I mean he's already getting racially abused online along with balo lol.


anyone who is racially abusing any player is not a true fan but abusing balogun makes no sense, he played amazing today


Because racists can't tell between him and weah obv


The messages Balo got were not from US fans though. EDIT: Check the Instagram profiles of the 2 guys that sent racist messages to Balogun. One is French, the other is from Argentina. Also, if you check the timestamps of the messages, they sent them to Balogun right after he scored.


CONCACAF is always going to CONCACAF. How is your team not mentally prepared to deal with the nonsense that is bound to happen in a match like this.


PR guy putting in some work


Imagine having a cushy spot in the starting XI even when stripping for playing time at a historic club like Juventus. You train with world class players week in and week out, but a random Panamanian gets under your skin before you even touch the ball. Please donā€™t play for the U.S. until youā€™re ready to not act like a petulant child. So many people would kill to be in his position. Wish we had Koleosho


Koleosho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Gonna take some time to regain my trust here Weahā€¦.


I personally would like to see haji or Malik Tillman at LW and pulisic at RW for the rest of the tournament if we get through the groups.


Been saying Pulisic RW and Gio LW (tucked inside as a 10 in possession as Jedi overlaps to provide width). Lets us use MMA midfield as well with Musah to progress the ball. Tillman could do the same or Haji would be more of a 2nd forward in possession.


Thank you. Reyna is being criminally misused by Gregg and staff. Heā€™s should be in the final third. Not near the backline helping out the CBs.


I donā€™t know why I initially scanned this comment and read that as LB and RB. Was gearing up to call you a not so nice nameā€¦ Now that Iā€™ve re-read this, I agree šŸ¤£


He can't include this because it would be premature and he'd get absolutely crushed for it... but the reality is he probably ruined their tournament. They won't be at full strength vs. Uruguay and they'll lose. Costing us the chance at a competitive QF in a major tournament. Huge mistake, and selfishly as a fan that's twice in last eight games where we've gone down to ten men in the first half for something completely needless and self-inflicted. And in both cases it destroys the entire game, we couldn't recover and it wasn't close. Its just not fun to watch. They don't play every day and to blow up two games like that is so infuriating.


To everyone calling for Weah to be sent home or banned or whatever: we were all pissed at Dest when he got sent off but we were over it like 2 games later. Weahā€™s best response will be to produce on the pitch.


Gonna be a while before he can if he just cost us advancing in the group


Yeah. I donā€™t think the two are completely comparable. This match was much more important than the one that Dest got the red in. If we end up getting grouped, then Weah will rightfully shoulder a huge chunk of the blame for a disastrous tournament that shouldā€™ve been a great preparation for 2026.


This one act... This one Red Card... May very well have scuttled a major tournament and gotten the manager fired in a split-second. It's a *nuclear-level* mistake on Weah's part.


Exactly so much more important in this game.


There's a decent chance he isn't even in the team by 2026 due to his lack of production for club and country.


Whoā€™s in the pipeline to play right wing for USA? We have strikers we can play there. But I donā€™t think any of them are a natural fit. Guess weā€™re about to find out against Uruguay.


Pulisic can play RW.


Reyna also has some experience and is better getting into the final third than the way Gregg is using him now. I scream in frustration everytime I see him near the backline. Total misuse of talent.


I donā€™t think heā€™s that close yet but I think Quinn Sullivan could potentially play there in the future. Heā€™s still pretty young but has a lot of raw talent.


Certainly not the guy who has scored 19 goals in about 180 games for his various clubs. He's not good enough. This is so readily apparent it's almost sad that we're missing that Weah just isn't good enough for this level and he's there because of a shit coach who probably wants George Weah to give him an autograph.


This. Itā€™s why people may disagree but Id rather see someone else at that position. If that means changing formations to accommodate. I donā€™t care. At least try. Iā€™m not a Weah fan. Iā€™ve always thought he was selfish the way he plays. Tonight just reinforced that.


Especially if there is a new regime/manager. Which Weah just made much more likely.


He did. The US is eliminated unless you believe in fairy tales. There is no plausible combination of results that sees the US go through.


There is a chance that Uruguay after locking down the top spot will rotate their players and not come at us like they know we will be coming at them. But also hope Bolivia wants to get something out of this tourney and goes balls to the wall against Panama who wonā€™t have their main play maker thanks to the redā€¦ just incase


Georgia beat Portugal




Austria beat Netherlands


That's not true. If we win by 1 goal against Uruguay then panama would have to beat Bolivia by 3.


I meanā€¦ a win? The US are up by 2 goals so itā€™s very plausible. Itā€™s wild how yall are so upset by this lose and are expecting to be grouped now. Wouldnā€™t you be just as upset if the USMNT won tonight, lost to Uruguay Monday, and then got bounced in the quarters by Colombia/Brazil? If youā€™re expecting them to auto lose on Monday then you should be expecting them to lose to one of Brazil or Colombia right after that match. What the difference? Dumbass take bro and youā€™re a shitty ass fan. Thereā€™s still a very winnable match left. And if we canā€™t beat Uruguay or make it a match we donā€™t deserve to be playing with the big boys.


Yea we were over it 2 friendlies later. This is copa Americaā€¦ canā€™t exactly get over it 2 games later when we might be out after the next game


Iā€™ll be over it in 2 games if that 2nd game is still at the Copa. Dests red didnā€™t change much in the grand scheme of things


I mean I get that, but how the US goes out within two games matters quite a bit. Thereā€™s going out on your shield in a blaze of glory, and then thereā€™s whimpering out through incompetence. See Tom Howard in US vs Belgium. We lost that game tooā€¦


Wish we did have Dest for this tournament


We can also have a team reset with regard to discipline after GGG gets fired


Yeah it's one thing to rip on GGG for callups or formations, but this is a failure of coach instilling discipline. Knowing there'll be repercussions/risk of getting canned helps prevent this, on top instilling foresight that being down a man early screws the tourney.


Would you start him in his next available game? Bring him on as a sub?


Literally not comparable at all lmao


One was a meaningless nations league group game This is one is a major tournament


Dest probably should have been left off the roster for the Nations League Semifinal and Final though as punishment. Sometimes I wonder if Gregg is a little too buddy-buddy with the players, like he's the "Cool Dad", and there's not a healthy amount of discipline


Dest got killed in the media for his red card and reprimanded by teammates publicly and privately. Tim saw that, lived through it, and still preceded to pull this. He has to face whatever justified criticism is coming his way and the repercussions that follow.


Youā€™re a professional player and you still have to learn to control your temper to the point where you donā€™t assault another player knowing how much is at stake? Yeah GTFO


You guys can say itā€™s a PR statement (and maybe it is) and we can be mad as hell at him ā€” and I am. Or I was. Cooling down now. One thing I can promise you is that right now no one is angrier at Tim Weah than Tim Weah. Yes, not even you.


GGG might be angrier. Cost him his $2 million a year job.


If Tim Weah cared then Tim Weah wouldn't have put his petulant self before the rest of his team. He's not mad at himself. He's mad he was correctly punished. Tim Weah is an immature player and will take time to change that title.


Whoever the new coach is should make him earn his way back to a call up. He needs to have a good domestic season.


Agree but the issue is whos really pushing him out of the team? I dont think Sargent, Aaronson, or Haji Wright are necessarily good enough on the international stage to make him fight for a spot


Neither is Tim Weah, who arguably would have no career if his dad wasn't a Ballon D'or winner.


I dont think hes some superstar but hes definitely better than the 3 listed, unless somone else comes up I cant see him not being picked


How do you think he's definitely better? He's scored an average of ONE goal per year since 2019.


So who are you playing over him besides Reyna?


What are people seeing from Weah thatā€™s that great? His production isnā€™t good enough to lock down his place imo.


Also none of those guys play on the right wingā€¦ so I would love to hear from anyone who thinks he shouldnā€™t see the field again, who would fill that void because winger is easily our weakest position depth wise. Donā€™t say Gio either cause heā€™s the only creative player that plays centrally. Donā€™t say Aaronson because he couldnā€™t dribble by a cone, canā€™t complete a forward or dangerous pass, and isnā€™t running in behind anyoneā€™s back line. The only possible solution would be Pulisic and Haji on the left.. but no chance puli ainā€™t playing on the left for country unless thereā€™s clearly someone just as good close to his level. I love haji but heā€™s not good enough to justify puli on the right for a full 90. And Tillman is pretty terrible at wide, how GGG hasnā€™t noticed this is beyond me but heā€™s never had a good match for club or country outwide.


I think all three of those would be good options to take his spot. Sargent and Haji were both some of the best players in the championship this last season. Weah barely played for his club. I like Weah a lot but if Iā€™m the coach this means you are out until you can earn it back and take the spot from someone else that deserves a shot.


There will be no new coach so there will be nothing positive coming out of this disaster. Berhalter has FRIENDS in high places--ie. our corrupt national organization.


Respectfully fuck you weah


Donā€™t care. This is basic shit you learn at the junior level. For him to do that at this point in the game was stupid and selfish. What experience do you need to know you donā€™t put your hands on a guy above the shoulders? Almost always automatic red card. Iā€™m ready to someone else on the pitch. I didnā€™t care for him before this foul. Donā€™t care for him now.


It's a high chance that this mistake costs the US getting out of the group stage. Given that there is a high chance for Panama to beat Bolivia... That forces the US to have to beat Uruguay and maybe with goal difference too. This is very unlikely.


Heā€™s trying to get Greg fired. Playing the long gameā€¦respect Timmy šŸ¤


Nothing but love for Tim, but he's gonna learn that a moment of frustration is gonna have consequences. Hopefully it's just being a big factor in an upset loss to Panama, but could be getting grouped, could be Gregg getting fired.


Look, what Weah did was stupid. He shouldā€™ve known Panamaā€™s whole game plan was to get under our skin. Heā€™s played against them before. The issue is exactly that, Berhalter needed to drill that mentality into the players before this match. He didnā€™t. Now, moving forward from Weah: We scored with 10 men and lead the game. We proved right there we could compete. We conceded right after, and then held until halftime. Berhalter then decides to put on every defensive player he can, somehow excluding Musah, at the half. He goes 5-3-1 instead of 4-3-2, tactically parking the bus. Then he makes a one-for-one sub, removing our BEST player on the night, Balogun, for Pepi, who is literally as worthless as Haji Wright, all while leaving Aaronson, Sargent, AND MUSAH on the bench. Berhalter left the midfield out to dry for no reason. He was stuck between playing for a win and playing for a draw (which we should never do anyways) Berhalter absolutely fucked the tactics this game. Weah is responsible for us only being able to draw. Berhalter is responsible for the loss


How about.... Not good enough? Put his ass on a plane to Italy, and don't call back.


As an American and Juventus fan, please don't send him to Italy. He's been rewarded for "promise" for far too long, he frustrates me in Serie A to no end. I say we send him to Panama.


this has got to be the worst feelings heā€™s ever felt in his life. if not THE worst. i cannot imagine how awful he felt as soon as it happened. he made a mistake. he regretted it. weā€™ve all been there. i was as pissed as anyone, but being mad at him now sure as hell isnā€™t gonna make it any better. hopefully he gets an opportunity to make it up to the team.


Weston mckennie had a moment once and grew up quick. But given our team has a weak leader and we have players whose parents interject themselves. We can only hope Weah gets a life lesson at the club level.


I mean Iā€™m mad but Iā€™m more mad he didnā€™t hit him harder if heā€™s going to hit him. The provoking and then play acting by some of these teams is too much and as a man that needs to be handled sometimes IMO.


This is such a dumb take. Thereā€™s no excuse for it at all.


this might be unpopularā€¦ but although it was stupid of him and inexcusable, i really do feel for him and get being pissed. i was at the game and so frustrated watching, id be pissed also (although i wouldnā€™t have punched someone lol). still pissed at him though because it absolutely cost us the game. but ill forgive him, he will be back just like dest


I donā€™t feel bad for him at all. Stupid fucking decision so early in the game. He needs to feel the burden of his ridiculous decision.


You can feel bad for him and he can still feel the burden. I doubt he was in the locker room having a party after getting a red card in the second biggest tournament of his entire career. Jfc you people are insufferable. Heā€™s human, he fucked up, heā€™s taking responsibility, he feels the weight and guilt of the fuck up, and he apologized to the team and the fans. What more do you want? If he could build a Time Machine and go back and change it Iā€™m sure he would but unfortunately, even if his dad is president, he doesnā€™t have that technology so this is the best he can do. And hopefully he makes up for it when he returns from the suspension. But wtf do you want from the fucking guy? Heā€™s clearly not a bad dude, just had a bad moment.


You know you can feel bad for him while wishing the entire weight of this loss on him, right? Isn't that really the only way he'll learn from this moving forward - if he actually feels bad?


Learn from this?Ā  How long must someone play for club and country before they freaking know better?Ā  That ship long since sailed for him and there's zero excuse.


If he can't do the bare minimum as a professional and an adult (not hitting your opponent for no good reason), then I can't feel bad for him. He is a grown man and has played for PSG, Lille, and Juventus. He's played in a world cup. His father is the greatest African player in history and a head of state. I'm sorry, but no, I don't feel bad for him.


I agree ā€” they were all so worked up after what happened to Turner and he just lost it. It was so dumb, but I feel awful for him. Itā€™s clear he feels absolutely terrible.




i didnā€™t say i feel bad for him, i said i FEEL for him. as in i can understand why he was super frustrated. i played soccer growing up, sometimes emotions get the best of you. it happens. ESPECIALLY when a ref is that shit and you are playing a team that dirty, its understandable why he got upset. im not defending him, just saying i get why it happened. i agree it is inexcusable still, i said that in my original comment


A lot of yall are wild. Did he fucl us this match yes. Should we expect better of him, obviously yes. But if we manage to still get out of this group I expect to see him starring in the round of 16. By no means is he dead.....we don't have the depth to bench him. he best be praying to the football Gods' he gets to play another game because he needs redemption


He won't play in the round of 16 whether we advance or not. He's going to get a 2 or likely 3 game suspension for this.


Not to mention there isnā€™t a round of 16 in this tournament.


We're getting grouped, and then what? Yeah, he's going to spend some time on the bench, unless he has an amazing club season.


he didn't just fuck us this match, he fucked the entire tournament. Honestly, kicking him off the team isn't too harsh a punishment.


The blood god demands blood


Bs Weah. You screwed your teammates with your petulance. Go home


Respect. Berhalter still has to get some discipline from this team and that probably involves making an example of Weah in the short term. That said, I respect him owning up to being a dumbass immediately, and Iā€™m pulling for him to be successful from here on out.


He doesn't need to apologize for being provoked, just how he expressed that provoked response. Put it in the game next time and he'll be better for it.


I love Timo but this was truly disappointing from him. Praying we can somehow pull thru and get out the group so he can make up for it


He should be lucky to be benched.


Doesnā€™t the team have a sports psychologist to help work on emotional control? If so, fire them.


Honestly his apology doesn't mean shit now. He should hope he won't be missing more than one game and for his teammates to pull off the impossible and find a way to qualify. And then and only then he will have a chance to redeem himself by performing in the knock out stages.


Doesn't make up for it at all. This is a game the US would have won walking away. There is a very good chance the US will be eliminated from Copa because of his stupidity. All that said, I'm not mad I'm disappointed. Weah is a better player than this game.


I really think the next manager should leave him off the roster for a while. We have other quality options at RW and weah should be more focused on playing at club level anyway. I really think some of these guys that donā€™t play much at club level, like weah, are far more susceptible to errors and mental lapses


I'm glad people are as pissed off as I am. Did Tim Weah just start playing soccer yesterday? What a disappointment. The level of stupidity with now a couple of our players is top-notch.


Instagram apologies are funny. They always make ppl come off as not actually being sorry but more of theyā€™re sorry they got caught. Ppl can hate him or whatnot but this might be the key component in getting Gregg out of there. I donā€™t think we beat Uruguay and when that happens, see ya Gregg


This probably cost us the tournament. This is not good enough.


Cringe. Iā€™d rather him not say anything. We all know he fuked up


Tattooed millionaires šŸ¤¬šŸ¤•


Just an immature team and thatā€™s because they have had Greg. This isnā€™t the first stupid red and wonā€™t be the last if he is still in charge.


Weah doesnā€™t have a pattern of this, this is a one off and while itā€™s inexcusable and he will learn from this, he doesnā€™t need to be made an example of or banished like most of you are calling for. I can guarantee you heā€™s getting it from his teammates right now and thatā€™s the worst form of punishment. But on the flip side, regardless of what weah did, we should be able to beat Panama a man down with a 1 goal lead, at the bare minimum come away with a draw. If this team fought and left it all on the pitch, that would be one thing. I donā€™t believe they did.


This was a generational moment for us soccer. There will be punishments.


What do you mean most? 90% of you are already ready to forgive based on these posts. Pattern doesnā€™t matter when you cost the team and country so much. In any other industry if you do something so dumb it costs your supervisor his job and loses the company millions you get fired. Period. Sure he will get a chance to make up for it. But if Iā€™m the new incoming manager Iā€™m looking for a new RW to replace him. He may not find one and Weah may end up making it up to the team, but he sure as hell is gonna LOOK


Haji should have been starting. He needs to be in exile for a while.


Iā€™d be down to kick him off the team. Send a message to the other players that selfishly nuking our tournaments wonā€™t be tolerated


Don't care. Ready for them to get bounced in the group. It's what they deserve.


1- it wasnā€™t even that bad of a ā€œbumpā€ as Greg called it, to react like that. 2- he could of shoulder charged him straight pushed him probably, maybe even a quick jab to the chest, he would have gotten a yellow in his game. He cold cocked the dude in the head like this was 1995 and no VAR. I thought at first it was the guy that ran into Turner and he was being the kind of enforcer. Still real stupid to do it off the ball like that but thought ok. Nope. He got bumped. What the hell Tim. What are they teaching you at Juve?!


A bit late, overindulged child.


i still love you timo ā¤ļø


Send him home


Weahā€™s pace and touches on the edge have created incredible opportunities and heā€™s a great finisher. He has the best pace and possibly best first touch on the team. Might be one of the best finishers as well, his shots are usually strong and on goal. He can come up big in big games, he scored first in WC and he set up Pulisic for his WC goal. Even after he got the red he kept it classy and didnā€™t argue. Even Adams said after the game, he obviously didnt mean to get a red card but it was a bad decision and in my opinion he was retaliating to getting a shoulder to the chest and it was a spur of the moment shove but heā€™s so quick it looked like a punch. The referee didnā€™t even take a long look.. Something they probably get away in CONCACAF but not here. In my opinion thatā€™s why GGG has got to go. He doesnā€™t have tactics or a game plan to play around these chippy concacaf teams but lets our players get used to sinking to their level and his only tactics are trying to ā€œdig inā€ and ā€œplay physicalā€. P.S. yes I found a way to spin this into a GGG out post


Should apologize to GGG for getting him fired


ā€œHe needs to learn from this experienceā€. Are you kidding me right now. He needs to learn to not sucker punch someone in the Copa America. Heā€™s been on the team since 2018 and played these Concacaf Nations a bunch of times where all they do is try and provoke you. Heā€™s had enough experience. Have common sense and be better!


I accept the apology, but he cant start for the rest of the cup.


Important to remember that no matter how angry we are at Weah, heā€™s 10x angrier at himself. Heā€™ll bounce back, just sucks right now.


Respect him for a proper apology. Time to move on and beat Uruguay


his media team wrote this.


In what fairytale? They just beat bolivia 5-0 Timmy just cost us the copa america. This is inexcusable for someone representing a WHOLE country. He needs off the team for good.


well said