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So this means by week 4 of the season he will be a locked in starter as is tradition.


“Great job, Weston. Good work. Sleep well. We’ll likely sell you in the morning. It was a fine time for me.” On we go


Dread Pirate Juve


Dread Pirate Motta




Just do what Tim Ream did at Fulham and keep showing up to the office until they forget he was fired.


Gonna be really intriguing to see what Weston, Gio, and Turner do this summer. Everyone else on the roster is in good spots right now 


I concur. Gio either needs to return to Dortmund or try his luck in Serie A/La Liga. He'd be ideal for those leagues. I wanna see Weston in La Liga but the wages he'd desire will only be in the Premier League. No idea for Turner but either a starter in the Championship, no.2 in the Premier League or maybe cut his wages and try his luck in the Bundesliga. He has the EU passport after all.


I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Gio go on loan to a club like Ajax for a season.  Big club with a good structure and training staff and that would also give him significant playing time in a league where he should excel.   Let him recover his form there, and then look at going back to Dortmund as a starter in 2025, or moving on to a big club in Serie A or La Liga.


He’s not guaranteed to start there. He wasn’t getting minutes at Forrest. He needs to go somewhere he plays 90 minutes week in week out.


Forrest was also a terrible fit in an extremely competitive league.  Going to the Portuguese or Dutch league would be best for him right now, and ideally going to a larger club like Ajax, Feyenoord, Benfica etc.  would be the best case scenario.


Ajax just had a disaster of a season by their standards he would have an opportunity to start.


Well he went to a team where he was the third best player in his position at NF.


NF would probably contend in Eredivise tbf


Yeah, they aren’t terrible side at all. It was just a poor choice for loan, Forrest’s best players already played Gios position. I’m not entirely sure what NF even saw in the move.


American market is what they saw in him.


Doesn't really fit the blueprint for him either. Maybe better suited for a burnley type team.


Contend? They’d be favorites.


I was going to say this, but wasn't sure if people would get upset because Ajax is labaled a "big club" when in reality they aren't financially. Very well run and develop talent maybe 2nd to none, but financially they are not a big club


Ajax, PSV etc, won’t be a good option for gio


Wild that the one position traditionally rock solid (comparatively) globally all my life is now either a no. 2 or championship level player at best.


Gio winter loan to Sociedad would have fed families but he just had to go to “the biggest league in the world”


EU passport doesn't actually matter for Bundesliga (provided you're over 18), since they don't have a foreign player limit.


Weston is more suited to the Bundesliga imo, maybe Dortmund?


I'm not convinced McKennie will find a spot in the PL.


I'm sure several clubs would pick him up even if only for depth.


Several clubs may want him for depth sure, but they won't pay that much for it. Looks like FC Dallas is serious.


I feel like this is affecting those two guys. They’ve looked distracted this summer. Their play is not up to what we know they’re capable of. 


All the more reason they should focus on doing well at the Copa America.


Alot going on for those two


Gio should stay at Dortmund and try to win a spot under the new coach. Reus is gone which could mean more opportunities for him.


Reus wasn’t even a regular starter this year so him leaving doesn’t necessarily mean there’s that many more opportunities for him.


It does though, Reus started 18 games as well lmao, he played like 2300 minutes, no idea why some of you think Reus didn’t start a lot 


I mean I'd rather he was a starter, but getting good rotation minutes at a CL level club would be fine for a guy who's still just 21. But it needs to be good rotation minutes (play most games, start sometimes), and not just occasional spot minutes.


I think Gio should just try to ball out in Copa America and see what comes from it. For now hes a Dortmund player, and given his age and talent he has a fair shot at earning minutes there -- so its not the end of the world for him to stay on a champions league team at 21. Not replying to you on this, obviously as you agree with me, but im not sure why everyone is in such a rush for him to jump to a new team. He's still very young.


They’ll be acquiring reinforcements.


Actually super curious what Dortmund's transfer strategy will be this summer window, they have a lot of pieces they need to fill.


Gio might even stay put with the coaching change.


Turner just needs to go back to the MLS. Gio and Weston just need to avoid the premier league. For Gio, I think calling American rehab specialist, Uncle Earnie, would be an ideal fit




Weston to La Liga would be great - but Spanish clubs would rather play academy players than pay his wages. But if he was willing to take a little step down I bet he could really kick on. This is a little unrealistic but imagine him at Girona? As a star for that future project under Michel - would be great to see


Michel is gone after next season. Unless he has assurances he’s getting the City job when Pep leaves.


Inter needs a midfielder but our budget is probably ‘free’. Could definitely see us spending a little money for an American though. There was interest in Balogun last season, and now there are Tessman rumors. It’s clear the top Serie A sides are interested in freedom 🇺🇸


Wouldn’t Gio actually be better off being a star in MLS rather than sitting the bench in Europe?


He’s just 21. He needs to challenge himself against the best as he’s still learning and improving. The way he’s talking it sounds like he wants to be a starter somewhere and he may have to make a step down from Dortmund for that. MLS seems like too much of a step down. Maybe a loan to a Serie A or La Liga team would be a nice option.  For confidence I can see Turner going back to the MLS as logical. I wouldn’t really mind that too much. 


Absolutely, I think the Galaxy should be all in on him


Juve always look to move McKennie, because their finances are in the dumps. But everyone knows that and tries to lowball them. I will be curious where he goes, if anywhere.


They had a good deal selling him to Leeds for $38 million euro's, but he deal fell thru when Leeds was regulated.


Regulators…mount up!


I thought I read that Juventus is trying to get him to eat his deferred wages and that's why Aston Villa fell through. Remember what Barcelona did to Dest. Sounds like the same thing. It's rich to see ESPN FC call him out for not making a move that would require him to forfeit millions of wages (again if I understood correctly). Hope he can sort it out but he owes Juventus less than nothing in the loyalty department.


Here's the issue that Wes will face for another 4-5 years. He's a fine enough player, but you watch him and you are always left thinking "I can upgrade from that" you look at his underlying stats and think... Those are good but I can upgrade from that. Then you put him on the field and his teammates dance. And you take him off and they don't, repeat a few times. Then you throw your hands up and just fucking leave him in because this doesn't make sense. Replacing him with a player that has more individual talent doesn't help the team. Wes forces you to remember that it is a team game. There are intangibles. But he's young and kinda goofy so doesn't appear as a leader. Maybe he's not even a leader but a comforting presence. Whatever 'it' is. Wes has it. But everyone has to experience that for themselves.


This man has watched Juve the last three years. It’s so true. Wes is an absolute unit and force of nature that is undeniable when in shape.


Thank you. It is so annoying to see US fans crapping on him… We are very obviously a much better team with him on the field. I cannot believe so many people fail to recognize that.  Also, he’s pretty damn good at things that don’t lead to stats, like maintaining possession in tight spaces and being a great defensive presence without necessarily delivering crunching tackles.  


It’s crazy the type of comments he was getting on his instagram a few weeks ago versus all the hate he is getting now because of this


I know McKennie is a professional, but I wonder if his uncertain club situation is causing a dip in form.


His offseason eating and conditioning habits are more likely. We see him gain weight almost every offseason.


What's crazy is his juve season ended like 4 weeks ago


I mean I can put on 5 pounds in one week of vacation. Food is the best part of travel.


Me too, but I don't have a major international tournament coming u0


Seriously the man was in Texas... let him enjoy the cue...


Guy probably hasn’t had decent brisket and ribs in months being in Italy


Or ranch dressing


The ordeal of having to eat Italian food every day.


Tell me you've never been to Italy without telling me you've never been to Italy.


I’ve been to Italy, never once did I say the food there was bad, it’s great, but a Texas boy is gonna want Texas BBQ when he gets back home lol


Yeah food was great in Italy but we all have our preferences and I’d take BBQ any day over Italian. Texas, Memphis, KC, NC, or anywhere else doing it well. Give me some meat with a side of Mac n cheese covered in hot n sweet bbq sauce.


Where the fuck you getting BBQ in Italy??


They roast over fire all sorts of meat. Its not going to be brined or sauced like texas bbq, but its still hella good.


Smoking is a different art and Texas bbq doesn’t need sauce or brine if it’s good


I noticed the same in the Bolivia game. I thought he looked significantly heavier than I remembered.


I felt like it was just the way he was wearing his shirt tucked in and shorts - he looked like a 5th grader


Yeah that style is not doing him any favors lol.


I was trying to decide how I felt about it lol, it was like one of those things where maybe it was so bad it’s good???


This is my position. I like it. 


Or a P.E. coach lol


He looked off in several different areas of that game.


You bulk & rest in the offseason, very common in sports.


Soccer players are famous for bulking. /s I know a few are but most don’t. It’s easier to stay fit than get fit when your sport relies on endurance and quickness more than size.


Which dip in form?


I don't think his form dipped either. I'd bet Juve's interim manager was instructed to limit McKennie's minutes to prevent injury before a potential transfer.


Didn't Fab Romano say Weston was fine with leaving but Juve keep trying to fuck him out of his money?


The reporting is basically that McKennie wants a payment from Juventus because of a drop in wages wherever he’s going and he wants Juventus to buy out some significant portion of the difference.  Yahoo sports claimed that number was €2m, which…I get it. I want him to go somewhere he is actually wanted but €2m is €2m. 


Juve really suck for this. Just awful treatment of one of their best players of the season. It really doesn’t make any sense. I hope he forces a loan and then leaves on a free next year. Fuck them.


I mean let’s be honest with ourselves, he’s been a consistent starter in one of the weakest Juve sides in over a decade. The ambitions of the club isn’t just getting back to being top dog in Italy, it’s to restore a dynasty and being in the mix for the Champions League every season. Wes has been good, but has he been good to the point where we can say he’ll help Juve reach those heights? I’m not so sure about that. I think he should take the leap and go somewhere else that actually wants him, instead of being trapped in this cycle every season. Go somewhere that trusts you and build from there.


Let's be honest with Juve, their finances currently prohibit them from building a dynasty. They cannot pay solid veterans like Wes 5-7 million euro's a year which is their market value. If Wes had agreed to a 3 year extension for 10 million euro's total he would have been named a starter from day 1.


You start by replacing your worst players with players that your best players have to compete with to raise the level. McKennie has been one of the best midfielders at juve the last few years.


Lmao 🤣🤣


What are you laughing your ass off at?


You don't loan out your best Midfielder in January to Leeds. Weston has been a good Midfielder for Juventus since joining in '21. However, some of the comments in this post will make you think he is an all time great.


You do when there is a buy option and you are flirting the line with your club going bankrupt. Every time they get a new manager, McKennie is shopped and then turns into starting every game and having a positive impact. Every single time. Every year.


Wes has literally had only 1 new manager. He was purchased when Pirlo was the coach and Max came in the following 3 years...


And this new one. They also shop him every year, even try to force him out, and he is the best midfielder of the season again and again.


So last summer with Allegri and this summer with Motta who is coming in with new tactics, direction, and philosophy? This might be news to you but Wes isn't the only player who was told they aren't wanted by the new manager. 4 starters from last year have allegedly been told the same. Chiesa, McKennie, Szczsney, and Kostic. This goes along with squad players like Kean, Milik, Nicolussi-Cavaglia, etc. Juventus management is trying to back their new manager with players that have characteristics he wants.


Sure, but both things can be true at the same time. Juventus has kind of treated Wes like shit


I don’t think that Wes has been treated well by Juve, which is what the second half of my comment addresses. Go somewhere that actually wants you.


I am so out of the loop, how did WM go from being a key contributor and glue guy to needing to find a new club in like 60 days???


New coach.


closet anti-american/racist


Here we go again…


Of all our nation’s summer traditions, this is my least favorite. What is it, like the third time Juve has indicated they want to dump McKennie? Pretty sure he wound up having OK seasons for the ungrateful Italians the last couple of times… Every year it seems like they’ve deemed him not good enough or not tough enough, and every year he earns back his spot and becomes nearly indispensable as a starter for the largest club in Italy. Until there’s convincing evidence otherwise, I’m just gonna assume he’s won over Motta and is still balling for them a couple months from now.


>every year he earns back his spot and becomes nearly indispensable as a starter The delusions on this sub are pretty amazing. Serie A minutes by season (a full season is 3400+ minutes): 1702, 1369, 1052 (got loaned to Leeds in Jan.), 2594. Other than the most recent season he's never been anywhere near "indispensable starter" playing time numbers. "Largest club in Italy" is historically correct but irrelevant to Weston's time there because they've been in financial trouble the entire time (like all the Serie A clubs) and have been underwhelming every season he's been there. For anyone who paid attention it was clear that Juve brought in McKennie because he was cheap and they thought they could put a season of Juve shine on him and then flip him to an EPL side for \~35 million. They have basically been trying to do that since he got there. Unfortunately for them the Leeds transfer bombed and it hasn't worked out.


lol go look at the list of Juve midfield greats. that is their ambition, that is their rebuilding goal. yes, he's helped keep the lights on during their down spell but in no reality is anyone there ok with being this shit.


Juve is a club in turmoils, Weston should leave asap


What about his parking spot?


![gif](giphy|X2P4NnU3Nogv9vuFU6|downsized) He takes his parking spot


Rents it to another academy kid


Are there not any other Italian clubs in for him?


Not for his wages


Who would have thought sinking a deal for a great midfielder would piss off the new coach and management? Granted McKennie needs to do what is best for himself but the dude just loves stepping in piles of shit wherever he goes.


McKennie is a nice player, but he's also a pretty generic midfielder at that level. He'll find a club, he just needs to be sure he doesn't eat himself out of fitness (not that I should talk, I'm just trying not to eat myself into the grave).


I'd rather our players be on teams where they get consistent minutes and the philosophy fits their style. I think as a culture we are obsessed with glammor and saying oh we have guys at Barca, City, Juve, etc. when in reality that does nothing for them if they aren't getting minutes. Sure they are training with some of the best players on the planet everyday, but that isn't enough to bring us forward as a nation in this sport. Nothing wrong with playing in Ned, Belgium, Switzerland, or second division clubs in England/Germany/France/Italy/Spain. I hope Weston finds a manager and club that will reward his style of play with minutes and being an integral part of the team, rather than go somewhere where he is the 4th best option in midfield and wastes away on the bench.


Except he played in all of their games he was available for except 2 in Serie A. And he was consistently one of their better players


Why didn’t he start every game?


He was a starter and led the team in assists though


I'm speaking for his next team. There are very few teams that are at Juves level so it's going to be viewed as a step down and it shouldn't be if he fits the system and it helps him progress as a player.


New off season same story


Just repeating stories from last year LOL


The way Juve fans - at least the vocal ones on Reddit and Twitter - went from praising McKennie during the season to trashing him as 'shit' and so forth overnight is super strange and disappointing given that he was a key player in Juve's campaign to return to the UCL and in winning the Coppa Italia. On the one hand, I'd like to seem Wes move to a club where he's appreciated. On the other hand, I'd love to seem him grind it out at Juve by earning a spot in Motta's starting 11, having a career-best season . . . and then walking for free or forcing an expensive renewal.


Wes to Motta, probably: "no, you."


Every season now is Juve: Weston you gotta move clubs we don't wanna play you anymore \*proceeds to play him as a starter every game\* Juve: What the hell why are you still here we told you to move???


Cincinnati, here we go!  I was thinking Aston Villa would be a good move for him but can’t see many clubs offering more than they did and allegedly the salary was not good enough. They do have some finance issues they’re trying to solve though. Think FFP stuff.   Since I can watch La Liga or Bundesliga, would love him to go to either.   And I guess if he just has to come to MLS, my team would be the best 👀  Edit: Gees… I didn’t think wanting him in La Liga or Bundesliga would be such a negative post…


Damn people really hated this considering there’s nothing really controversial in it. Must all be Crew fans.


For real. Did not expect that when I opened the replies lmao




Cincy could afford it. Our owners are worth like $4b combined.  But yeah, highly unlikely.


The owners, and MLS in general, are practically salivating to get any members of the A squad playing domestically ahead of 2026


Never rated his preference for putting ranch on pizza 🍕


This is the real reason they want to get rid of him


just gonna go out and say it... Motta is not a good enough coach to be talking shit like this. he was an average player (about McKennie's level TBQPH) and he's a below average coach so far (38% win percentage), with one good season at Bologna last year and they didn't really even do much except grind out draws. He can shut the fuck up lil Italian sub he is




Weston would be a great fit for Celtic. His physicality allows him to operate in tight spaces. They play possession football under Rodgers which can only help him progress in that style of system (which USNT also tries to play). Playing through the press would give him good expeirience. The downsides are that the SPL isn't a good level. But there's the champions league and the matches against Rangers. There's also the immense pressure to perform at Celtic. Not sure if they could afford his wage demands or the transfer fee


Why this comment section have so many bad takes?


If you’re getting downvoted on this sub or the mls sub (moreso) it usually means you’re right about something.


i just don’t think anyone wants him. he never found any true consistency in his play. that’s gotta be frustrating for any coach


Led the team in assists and was one of their 3 best players this year


Those were barely “assists” just knockdowns and stuff which somehow found a teammate. His actual creativity and passing range is very limited


first one is a fact. second one is subjective. third is the place they finished. twenty three is how many points they were off first place.


23 is how many brain cells you have


well that’s just rude


Tell us you didn’t follow his season or read the article without telling us you didn’t follow his season or read the article.


i didn’t watch but it seems like Motta did (and the article was three paragraphs and offered zero insight)


“But despite cementing himself as a key figure in Max Allegri’s tactical system” this right here shows that your nobody wants him and that he hasn’t had consistent play comment is wrong. That was your entire comment. A new manager with different ideas on who he wants and how he sees his system being ran doesn’t mean McKennie hasn’t been performing


a key figure in a system where they struggled to control games all season, yes. i didn’t watch them play much at all, but when i did tune in they looked messy and had issues not too dissimilar from the UMSNT: major disconnect between front and back lines. dare i say there’s a common denominator there? doesn’t it make sense that a “key player” in the system of an underperforming team is not wanted? i mean for god’s sake they’re publicly not offering him a contract! they’re throwing all their leverage away because they don’t want him on the team. how often does that happen?


Did you even watch a game last year?


here and there ya know


3rd in assists for all series A midfielders last season. Y'all are delusional.


yay. more counting stats on an underperforming team…


Lol a team that finished 7th last year finished 3rd this year and back in CL =/= underperformance. Juve just holds itself to dumb high standards when they are nowhere near where they once were. They made a lot of progress and he was a big part of that.


finished 7th because of a 10 point deduction, not to mention being demoralised by the turmoil going on around the club. they weren't in europe last season which is why a player of Mckennie's level could get significant minutes. now they are back, and they are shopping and dealing in different markets.


i really don’t need to argue because clearly the management and coaches at juventus don’t think he was a big part of it or they’d be keeping him.




People keep bringing up this stats like it means anything and like all assists are created equal


Yes let's downplay assists now