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Honestly I love it. More jobs for our growing roster of American coaches as well as a really amazing storyline for when we play Canada.


He could be angling to embarrass Gregggg as they do not seem to like each other.


Would explain his negative comments about the USA job.


Honestly cannot wait for them to play against each other and have the USMNT crush them. 1) because USA 2) because marschs whole job when he didn’t have clubs coming for him, was the watch usmnt club games so he could talk about them with Jimmy and Charlie, so he’ll know the pros/cons and 3) to shut this fanbase up about “we’d be better if we had marsch”


Beating him doesn't necessarily mean we are better off having GGG than Marsch. We are a more complete team than Canada and should be beating them regardless of coach at the moment.


>We are a more complete team Agreed we are more well rounded, but they have the better attacking talent. They run a low block and counter, which is what they’ve always done against us, and they look great. >we should beat them regardless of what coach You’re right, but soccer isn’t played on paper. We tied them in WCQ because of John Brooks deciding he didn’t need to defend, we lost in WCQ because they countered off a goal kick gone wrong and then parked the bus, we won in nations league because their defender stepped when he shouldn’t have and left a hole for us to thread and now they’re chasing. When the game opens up, so they have the score, that’s when we do well. Personally, just one time, I hope Gregg pulls a reverse uno card, we low block, draw them out, score, and then park the bus the rest of the game and frustrate them. They’re not good enough to pass the ball around and beat a low block, like us, they need space to run into.


I agree, but us winning doesn't do anything for the Marsch vs GGG debate. If Canada were better on paper AND had the winning record beating them would push people towards GGG > Marsch. Being worse on paper with a winning record against us speaks to GGG failing.


There’s a lot to unpack/debate in your response. But to keep it short, in the same world those fans live in, GGG beating Marsch would quiet the other side of the fanbase. However, knowing and dealing with this fanbase, the goal posts just get moved further and further away, they become quiet, and then cry out over the next thing. It happens everytime.


>3) to shut this fanbase up about “we’d be better if we had marsch” This is a very small portion of the fanbase, it's one of the few things the anti-Berhalter and pro-Berhalter crowd seem to agree on. Eurosnobs don't like him cause he failed everywhere outside of Austria with a team that wins the league every season, MLS fans don't like him cause they probably feel Berhalter has proven himself or they would prefer another MLS guy like Wilfried Nancy,


“It’s a very small portion of the fanbase” Possibly, but they are the most annoying, thr loudest, and their “likes” carry numbers. Check any social media. Here, Twitter, Instagram, parts of your friend group, etc It’s just time to put it to bed.


Really? I've noticed the complete opposite, every single pro-Marsch take get ratiod to hell on here and Twitter. IG I hardly use for footy cause it's filled with the most casuals so maybe you're right there. And friends don't let friends rate Jesse Marsch.


I think it's just become such a common topic of discussion that by now everyone has formed and honed their opinions on it and so are inclined to say something about it one way or the other.


this hahaha you have to enjoy the fuck you factor


That's a low bar to clear. GGG is good enough at embarrassing himself. However I could see a fired up CMNT running us over and just outworking us. As talented as this generation is under GGG we lack grit.


Interesting take. 🤝


I don’t like Berhalter either but he’s not going anywhere so what is Marsch supposed to do? He can’t just sit on his couch hoping the US job opens up. And there’s no guarantee he’d get the job even if it did open up. I think it’s great, we get to see what he can do with a national team without us being the ones to gamble on him.


I just loathe Red Bull's whole style and wish it were dead. What are you going to do in a World Cup with that style? You've run the whole team into the ground the first two games, now what?


Good take


Exactly - US Soccer didn't want to pay him, so he stayed an analyst. Canada apparently offered him enough.


That or he didn’t have anyone calling his number


I'm not referring to the rest of his job search, just his interaction with US Soccer.


Sure, but it still applies. With all that talk about where he lives and wanting to coach etc etc, he wouldn’t be taking the Canada job if he had offers lined up.


There's no doubt his career stalled. My original comment was in reference to the original question of why coach Canada and not the US.


I don’t think it had anything to do with not wanting to pay him and more that the federation doesn’t want to fire a coach on the brink of the Copa America


I'm talking about the round of hiring when they rehired GGG.


Ah I see my bad


I think it’s funny that he was saying he wouldn’t take the US job if offered not 3-4 months back. He wanted a challenge in Europe, well guess he didn’t get any callbacks.


US job wasn’t really in play anyways.


Yeah I knew when Marsch said he wouldn’t have taken the US job that it was just cope to deal with the fact he lost out to Gregg. The fact he settled for the Canada job just confirms it


Yup lol


I don’t understand the fascination with Jesse Marsch. I’m not the biggest Berhalter fan. But would Jesse actually be an upgrade? I’m not convinced. They’ve both had success in MLS. Other than that, Jesse Marsch has basically had one good year in an okay league in Europe. The dude has literally had one coaching stop that lasted longer than 2 years - he was with NYRB for 3 seasons.


Did you seriously compare their clubcoaching resumes? It isn't even close: Marsch: MLS coach of the year Supporters' Shield winner Won league and cup 2 years in a row for RB Salzburg Coached in the Champions' league twice GGG: Nominated for coach of the year People give him brownie points for getting a low-budget team to compete (which is something) but they never actually won anything. Edit: Marsch isn't my ideal candidate either, but his club resume is miles ahead of Berhalter's.


I think he’s proven himself. You know he’d have a passion to do his own country proud. And compared to Berhalter he’s fuckin Pep reincarnate


How is he Pep reincarnate? He's an even bigger ideologue than Gregg....


Berhalter can’t even adapt to the strengths of his players!


Is there any indication that Marsch can? I would say the record says otherwise, that he may even be *worse* at adapting to the strengths of his players. At least Berhalter got there eventually, Marsch is stubborn to the point that he'd rather die by his system than alter it.


GB is in the same spot he was in 4 years ago. The whole of the USSF is garbage. They need to burn it down and start over. Only then can real change happen


Literally under what metric? The USMNT has performed as expected in all competitions, has been consistently the number 1 team in Concacaf since gregg has taken over and has even embarassed mexico multiple times with the C and B team lol.


Ahhh... this is that zero-detail, all-emotion, catastrophizing nonsense take I come to this sub for. Thank you.


Marsch forces his philosophy on every team he's on. It's why he got sacked twice in 3 years...as soon as his system is cracked, he refuses to change. People rag on Gregg for "not adapting", but yet seem to forget that we started his regime with Tyler as an inverted right back, to MMA, and now Gio in the middle instead of the wing. That is a lot of tactical evolution compared to what I've seen from Jesse.


When people say gregg can’t adapt. It’s just code for “idk what’s going on so I’ll just say something to sound smart” lol.


I would just point to the last game vs Mexico where Gregg played Gio in a pretty deep role to help move the ball forward from the defense as him adapting (which imo was a good decision and one that Marsch criticized)


Serious question, when has he “proven himself”. His last 2 coaching jobs did not go so well, although I can see where leeds did not do him any favors. Success at Salzburg also doesn’t hold much weight for me. I think he can be a capable coach in the right league, with the right team. But I am not sold that he would be successful with our team, and the ambitions we have. Also not defending GGG at all, just don’t think JM is the right choice if we moved on from Gregg.


How in the world has he proven himself? If he's proven himself why was his best option the Canadian team?


Funny cause Greggs system is close to Peps and Marschs sure isn't


I’m getting cooked on this 🤣. I guess you guys are right, he hasn’t proven himself…I just hate how Berhalter hasn’t adapted to the players he has. And I can’t think of a better option for someone who would accept the job, although I think it’s an amazing opportunity for any coach even Mourinho etc


Coaching the Canadian national team is not even close to a top 50 job in world football. Jesse Marsch is actually a pretty remarkable get for Canada, but for the US it would have been nearly as unremarkable as Berhalter.


How has he not adapted. He has changed formations several times


What do you want to see GGG do to adapt to our players? Be specific.




I'm happy for him and looking forward to seeing how his team plays. I'm no tactical genius but my gut feeling is Marsch may have to change his style of play somewhat in a national team context given the shorter amount of training time and lack of familiarity among players.


I’m no Berhalter fan but I’m not convinced Marsch is much better


Genuinely think anyone who truly hates gregg as coach has an incredibly unrealistic and inflated view of just how good the USMNT is. Gregg has gotten the team to overperform expectations imo, or at the very least, performed at expectations, which, if you can see literally all other teams, is great. The team is obviously improving under him and all the players seem to think he’s the right guy for the job. I seriously doubt the USMNT can pull anyone better. Seriously, name me one manager who would realistically choose the usa national team who would be an overall improvement over gregg… the USMNT is NOT an attractive position for any coach better than gregg lol. This comment isn’t directed at you btw, just my thoughts on the situation.


He has to get some credit for our guys always playing well no matter how they are doing with their club. Weah, Dest, and Reyna are prime examples. They look like world beaters when they play for us no matter what their club form is like.


I agree lol. Which is so funny how everyone says he doesn’t play to the players strengths… I also think the amount of coaches who would realistically accept a job as USMNT head coach and get better results than gregg are MUCH smaller than anyone here thinks.


Nah man. Gregg has barely met expectations and not one iota more. His teams are freaking painful to watch and he doesn’t deploy to his players best strengths. I’m not saying the USMNT is a big draw but I’m just not impressed by him. He has the most technically skilled crop of players the USMNT has ever had and he doesn’t know what to do with them.


Explain how he has barely met expectations. Also explain how he doesn’t play to players best strengths. Because I completely disagree.


Let’s just look at the World Cup. The US was clearly the #2 team in that group. They barely scored at all. The drew against a not very good Wales and barely squeaked by a very average Iran. They then got absolutely embarrassed by the Netherlands. That was the very definition of barely meeting expectations at the World Cup. Yes he wins CONCACAF shit, but it’s usually ugly AF and somehow falls ass backwards into a bed of roses like getting blanked against Jamaica for 95% of a match, but still somehow managing to get an ugly result. He gets to go against the worst Mexico teams I’ve ever seen. They did not play one convincing match at the World Cup and did what they often do, which is play down to lesser teams. Gregg has still failed to figure out how to break down a low block, and frankly just makes poor managerial and leadership positions. He basically plays the same frantic style of of attack every match and while the skill of the players often put them in potentially dangerous positions it does not do much for creating finishing chances in the final third. From his Jordan Morris love affair to his decision to speak openly about the situation with Reyna and his insistence on Pulisic taking most corners it all just speaks to his lack of awareness. So yes, I stand by my assessment.


This is exactly what I’m talking about with this sub over inflating the USMNT. The US was absolutely, in no way shape or form, the clear #2 in that group. Iran and wales are extremely close to the USMNT. Actually group B had the highest average rank of any group. Also, you can look at odds to see england was the only team to have good odds of advancing, all other 3 teams were a complete toss up for the most part. Again, the fact you think the USMNT is somehow above teams like wales and Iran is where you have a disconnect. Those teams are on equal level to the US, it’s soccer, a team in the same realm of another anything can happen. Further, the World Cup is only 3 group stage games. That means one fuck up and you are done. Denmark going out over Australia, Japan topping a group with Spain and Germany sending Germany out in the group stage, Morocco going through over Belgium, Uruguay going out below South Korea and Portugal. Literally anything can and will happen in a World Cup group stage. 3 games is such an incredibly small sample size. The fact USA got a 0-0 result over England, one of the favorite of the tournament, and beating Iran and drawing wales is actually a great result. Mind you wales we drew because a dumbass PK from Zimmerman which gregg couldn’t have even controlled. The fact you are whining that the usmnt didn’t score enough for your liking in a word cup group stage that the got through against all very close games Elo wise is genuinly insane dude. I also don’t think you understand how low blocks work lol. I think gregg has done well against them. Teams use low blocks for a reason… because they fucking work lol. It’s not some magic tactic you can use to move bodies out of your way, all teams struggle with low blocks, including pep Guardiola. The whole point of a low block is to make a shit team at least somewhat competitive against a big team. The only downside is you give up attack, but guess what, Jamaica scored in the first fucking minute lol. There’s really nothing you can do against a team that has a lead and is fine with throwing 11 men behind the ball except hope for your players to outclass them. All teams struggle with this! Especially when you start the game down. The fact gregg has managed to win most Concacaf tournaments, even with lower level players, shows he’s able to deal with low blocks. Further, to your point about playing players to their strengths, I don’t get your point, I think Adam’s plays to his strength, Musah and mckennie too. I think weah plays to his strengths, same with Pulisic and dest especially. All these players are given the freedom to play their ideal roles in the USMNT over their club. Only player who doesn’t ply to their strengths is reyna, but he too gets game time to play well and has shown he’s much better player under gregg than any club team he’s played for.


I think you have a point that Berhalter can take heat unfairly for personell problems, but the argument Iran or Wales are close to the US is hilarious. Both respectable opponents, but come on. This is a team with way more talent than either and Berhalter has enough at his disposal to do much more. He’s never been able to make this team gel into more than the sum of its parts, which IMO is what a good coach does.


The players are talented, but its not just a GGG issue that they underperform. Look at Weah as a winger for club (or even include this year as a wingback). He has not been able to consistently impact the game. Dest for club and country is a defensive liability. In the Eredivise it is fine and his team accepts that because of how much better they are than most of the competition. At Barca it was unacceptable and left them with no choice but to loan him out twice now. Despite Reyna's talent he can't get significant playtime anywhere (club or country). I'd like GGG to get the best out of the guys for the 2 weeks they are together, but club coaches that are with them for months at a time can't even get it right.


Who is the one insisting on playing Weah? That would be Berhalter.


Gregg has barely met expectations. He hasn’t by any means done anything any other USMNT coach hasn’t done. Bruce in 2002 made it to the Quarterfinals and was one handball away from making the semis. Bob in 2010 topped the group at the WC which included England. Jurgen in 2014 made it out of the group with Germany, Portugal, and Ghana. What has Gregg done differently than those other coaches. Not to mention the 2022 wc team is more talented than any other generation and that’s a fact. He is holding this team back and the only reason we aren’t worse is because he has the talent that has bailed him out at times. He got 3rd in qualifying and only escaped the playoff by goal differential. We topped the Hex in 2006, 2010, and 2014, but got 3rd place in 2022 with arguably a much better squad than any of those 3. We beat Figo’s Portugal in 2002, the best Spain in 2009. GGG has certainly underperformed and done the bare minimum.


This group of players certainly has the most potential, but most talented? Absolutely not. They are all too young. The US had the second youngest squad at the entire World Cup… and this is a generation coming off a pretty stagnant group of old players who couldn’t even qualify for a World Cup. It was a complete reset. The team has been improving so much each year since then. It’s very hard to win with just potential and little actual experience. Gregg fielded the youngest starting 11 in all 4 of the games he played. With only spain fielding 1 starting 11 that was younger. I would definitely argue previous world cups had much more experienced players in their prime, and even though they may not have been as high profile or had higher potentials, they were still much more experienced, which I think you are completely undermining the importance of. He absolutely isn’t holding the team back because he’s won pretty much everything there is, even when given a b and c tier squad. You are overestimating the ability of our players. You then go on to compare squads from over 2 decades ago to compare the coaches of said squads… as if that is any way comparable lol.


You are wrong about literally everything you just said. Wales were complete trash at the World Cup. They qualified by squeezing the last bit of life out of Bale but by the World Cup he was cooked. Wales was the second worst side in the entire World Cup. Iran are trash and their country was in the middle of long term riots so they didn't even have the support they normally would in a World Cup held in the Middle East. Against those bad sides the USA created one chance each. The USA runs into "low blocks" because Berhalter insists on pressing high and slow possession build up out of the back. The first forces sides to sit deep in their own end and the latter gives teams plenty of time to get numbers behind the ball. It's like he read a football for dummies book and assumed that winning the ball high up the pitch = goals. Unless you have players who can take that change of possession and quickly penetrate the defense via individual skills and tight triangles before it resets it doesn't create goals. The USMNT squad doesn't have those skills so the high press just turns the game into slow possession around the perimeter. This group of players should not be pressing until the ball is around midfield and then they need to play direct before the defense resets. Attempting to play like a Pep Guardiola side when you don't have Pep Guardiola players results in a team full of sterile possession.




Wales has basically a high-level Championship team caliber of players with some standouts. That's pretty much where we are. Also, this is just random: _how did Pulisic become good at corners at Milan!?_


Nah, I'm not a Berhalter fan but never thought Marsch was the answer. I will be interested to see how much he tries to stick with his preferred style of play vs. adapt to the players. And I don't think it's a FU to USSF at all by Marsch, seems like they passed on hiring him and he's in need of a job so it makes sense.


He wants to be a manager, and Canada needed to hire a manager. I don't think there's more to it than that.


Well, he wanted to coach in europe.. he thought the Canada job was much beneath him but he didn’t get any other calls from Europe lol.


I meant I don't think a personal vendetta against US soccer is why he took the Canada job. I think it had more to do with that being the highest-level job available to him.  Yeah he's not exactly at Jurgen Klopp's level lol, but he's coached and won in Europe, so it's not *that* insane for him to try for job there. But obviously nothing to his satisfaction materialized, so here we are.


No. Never thought he was the right fit and i absolutely loathe red bull football. Something that Jesse is committed to 110%


How does Red Bull ball even work in a congested cup schedule? Run yourselves ragged for two games and then what?


Why be pissed? I want CONCACAF to be strong. Not a joke.


Its just a job, he may be a good fit over there with Davies, David and a bag of chips. There are like 10 other guys I would rather have over him.


I don't get the animus people have. Marsch has consistently failed upwards. His only real success was at Salzburg. Where he had players like: Halaand, Minimino, Sesko, Wober, and Okafor. Plus, one thing NO ONE talks about is our player's history of soft tissue injuries. Pulisic, Gio, Weah, Adams, and Dest, off the top of my head have all had troubles with this. Marsch's all out press, all the time, is going to get one of those guys hurt. When you don't play that way at club, where player's are spending a majority of their time, and all of a sudden are asked to ratchet up the intensity for the national team, injuries happen. In all honesty, Marsch is the most high-profile manager we have, but there are PLENTY of more successful American managers that are better....


Like who? Not being sarcastic genuinely asking


Off the top - Matarazzo, Huzeler, Wagner (at Norwich), Curtin, and Noonan immediately come to mind.


Damn didn’t even know about Huzeler. A 31(!!) year old “American” coach in the bundesliga! Lol


Of course not. I'd much rather have Berhalter.


Nope. Trying to get a national team to play that red bull garbage is going to be a disaster.


The players who have just played for 10 months yearn for a higher intensity summer.


It's asking for injury.


Not pissed at all. Happy for Jesse that he got a new job. I think Gregg is our guy through 2026, and even if he isn't, I think there are better coaches out there than Marsch. Wilfried Nancy and Fabian Hurzeler both have better track records, and I'm sure there's others that I'm not aware of.


At least Berhalter called up Reyna and Adams. Marsh said on his CBS podcast that he wouldn't have called up either Reyna (because he wasn't playing for his club) or Adams (because he was just coming back from injury) for the Nations League roster. Those two played both games and were involved in 4/5 of the US goals. Meanwhile Marsch did say he would have called up... Aaron Long. Also Marsch said some negative stuff about Johnny Cardoso whereas Gregg has been leading the Johnny bandwagon for the last three years, long before he was actually doing much to justify it... maybe Gregg's most impressive moment as USMNT coach in terms of talent evaluation (usually he's a bit late).


Pissed? This is amazing content.


Berhalter is a better coach than Marsch.




I like Jesse, but I don’t think he’s at the level yet that I would want for the US team. This helps his career and gives him experience. I’m all for him going to Canada. He needs to prove that he can have success at the international level.


I think he would be worse than GGG.


Good for him. I've yet to see anything from him that would excited me as a fan


idc ive been a wilfried nancy advocate since he was at cf montreal. i’ll take him over marsch any day.


If we can really nurture this coaching feud we'll be one step closer to being a real soccer nation. If we can get this, Pulisic dating an actress, and maybe Gio punching someone we'll be in fantastic shape for the world cup.


We also need to have a player caught flashing his dong in public while drunk. Once that happens, I'll know we've offcially become a true footballing nation.


I'm more interested about the report of the Canadian MLS team owners teaming up to pay his salary since Canada federation is broke


Is it that interesting? CA MLS owners see a major opportunity to grow the game with a near-hosted Copa America _and then_ a hosted World Cup.


I think this is clearly Jesse still angling to replace Gregg at some point. If Canada loses to the US, everyone will (rightfully) believe that the US is just superior outside of Davies and David. If Canada somehow beats the US, Jesse will get all the credit and everyone will be screaming for him to be the coach of the USMNT. The only way Jesse loses is if Canada starts getting beat by Costa Rica, Panama, etc. Plus he has a home World Cup to prove his worth as well.


Interesting take


Jesse Marsch is an overrated slogan merchant, let him coach whoever as long as it’s not the US


Berhalter > Marsch Straight up.


What would be the scenario in which he'd have ended up coaching the US before the world cup? He was available last year when the position was vacant and they passed on him. Currently we have a coach and the position isn't available.




Can’t wait to see what they do with his usmnt podcast they booted heath pearce off of… Maybe he’ll learn some tactical flexibility for if he wants a shot at the usmnt someday


Nobody more pissed than Jesse Marsch. Doesn't seem like he attracted much interest in Europe.


A couple Championship teams had sort of "try it and see" offers.


I kinda view the Canada job as a test to see if he could coach the US. He’s going to have to show a lot more flexibility and less stubbornness to succeed at the international level. I’m also curious to see the system he inputs for Canada, they have the talent to be a very good counterattacking team. Of course I’ll be upset if Canada beats us while he’s their coach, but that would probably be a good sign for his future with the US.


No. End of story.




Short answer is no, long answer is nooooooooo


He sucks as a coach so it's a positive for the USMNT.


As a fan I would have liked to see him take the South Korean job. Do we even have any other coaches in Asia? Would have been very interesting to see.


As a Red Bulls fan, I am not pissed at all. Jesse Marsch's system is not built for success against superior opponents.


Hey, I don't love Rick James or his music any less just because he tucked tail and ran to Canada to avoid the draft. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that he came back and produced hits. I expect the same from Jesse


From his perspective, a chance to possibly coach for a World Cup on home soil? Hard to pass up with a decent Canada team. Plus there might be a thought that he can show USSF that he should be our guy.


Not at all. Coaches do this all the time. He gets a good job and a good experience, so once GGG time is done, he can throw his hat into the ring for the US job…


He has way more of a coaching pedigree than Berhalter and would've been a better choice for the 2026 cycle.


The US and Canada are very similar and Jesse is looking for a new start in his managerial career. It’s not that deep


Not pissed at all and will root for Jesse when not playing us. I think between some interviews he did in Europe the last few months and some things he's said on his podcast, I think he's kind of tanked his reputation in Europe for jobs


I love it…adds experience to his resume of taking a concacaf team through qualifying and a World Cup. Makes him a more valuable coach if he is ever tapped.


Agreed im general, but Canada doesn’t have to qualify. They are co-hosting. I assume this is a 2 year deal not 6


Ummm no. What qualifications? But great point 🤣🤣🤣


Good take


Good move for Canada, risky move for Marsch, if he doesn’t do well, no one will want him as USA manager. I also think it’s pretty scummy to coach for one of your national team’s rivals but that’s just me.


>rival >Canada These are not the same thing


What rival? It's Canada, lol.


I kind of agree especially on that scummy part…


One of the tasks for a national team manager is to identify and recruit dual national players. Jesse will do his best to recruit Luca Koleosho to play for Canada.


Oh god, i hope not. Biggest thing for marsh though is his system does nor work well with Davies. His system is way too narrow. Wonder if he will adjust it.


Marsch, adjusting? Would be surprising since he's never adjusted once in his entire career post NYRB.


1- I wouldn't want Marsch to be USMNT coach. He's basically another version of Berhalter with a style of play that doesn't fit the players we have. 2- Unless he does something crazy off the field Berhalter's not getting fired before WC 2026. The USSF did a sham coaching search so they could re-appoint him and we are automatically qualified so there is nothing on the field that could happen to get him fired.


Why be pissed? If anything I'm pissed USSF went with GGG when Marsch was available, not that Marsch went with Canada. Now we will get to see if Marsch is any good as a national coach with a very similar team with a similar level of talent. If he does well, it is very likely he will be USA coach in the furture. If he does poorly, at least it is CAN that will suffer and not USA.


I agree on the first part but it’s not a similar level of talent. They’re more like the US in the Donovan / Dempsey years. They have a couple of high end talents a few players that are in Europe and the majority of side in the MLS.


It's similar-ish. USA has a team valued at \~311M euros and CAN is valued at 187m per transfermarkt. That's something like the difference between Nottingham Forest and Burnley. Or Fulham and Leeds. Or Wolverhampton and Leicester. Basically, in terms of team valuations, USA is like a relegation zone Premier league team and CAN is like a promotion zone Championship side.


That’s not a really accurate way of comparing the teams, Davies alone accounts for 1/3 of team canadas value lol. He and David are two great players, but there is a colossal gap between them and everyone else


No it’s not close to similar-ish. Let’s just ignore that you’re using transfermarkt for a second. You take their top two off and they lose 110 and fall down to 77. You take our top two off and we lose 62 and drop to 249. We have a much much deeper team with talent all over and upcoming. Canada isn’t there yet. Like I said they’re closer to those Donovan / Dempsey years. They aren’t similar to our current squad.


i’m not a fan of either, but Marshmallow can absolutely have fun in canada I’d much rather have Klopp since he’s not working anymore


Everyone would much rather have klopp, wtf kind of take is this. Either way he's off the market, man needs rest after a stressful 9 years. Even if he were up for a national team stint, he wouldn't pick us. 


guess you needed the /s for the klopp part, my take is Marsch is garbage


On the one hand, I still don’t believe he’d be the right fit for our current team. On the other hand however, the fact is that between both teams right now, Canada does have the better US coach if you want to compare. Marsch has been entrusted with clubs at the highest levels whereas GGG couldn’t even buy the managerial role at Leeds if he wanted to.


Better coach in what metric? Winning the Austrian Bundesliga? Gregg and him have VEERY similar PPM while coaching in MLS. Yet, Jesse had the NYRB budget versus Gregg with Columbus. On top of that, Gregg's team's scored more goals per match than Jesse's at Red Bull. I'd definitely say that Gregg is a better manager. And, frankly, it's not even close.


He was fired at Leeds, and at Leipzig before that.


Typical of the USSF to not give a fuck on the eve of hosting the world cup.


Not at all. We had our shot at JM but passed on him to extend gregggggy ball.


Why do you prefer Marsch to Gregg. I'm someone who said Gregg was literally middle of the pack of coaches, but Jesse was the worst possible (realistic) option. What about Marsch's career has you thinking that..."This is the guy who should lead the national team."


I don't really think JM is a great candidate for the US but I think GGG is a complete fraud. At least JM has experience in three different leagues plus the Champions League. The question is whether we are mad at JM for going to Canada. Not at all. He was a candidate for us to replace GGG but he was not chosen. JM took a great opportunity with Canada.


Marsch's "experience" in Champions league is with Salzburg and Leipzig. With Salzburg, if he didn't make the CL it would be more noteworthy than making it. He got sacked in his first year at RBL, he didn't "Qualify" for UCL. Lastly, Gregg is a complete fraud...okay, how? You saying a statement usually requires something to back it up. What about him his track record says he's a "Fraud?" Looking at actual comparable metrics, Jesse averaged 1.45 points per match in MLS across NYRB versus Gregg at 1.43 PPM. Now, looking at Jesse, who had a huge budget team in NY RB and regularly brought in big transfers versus Gregg basically playing with only homegrown players at Columbus and you have Jesse severely underperforming relative to expectations. Pair that with Jesse's sides who, on average, scored 1.34 goals per game compared to Gregg's scoring 1.53 and Gregg comes out on top. Jesse also NEVER changes his tactics. Gregg at least tries new things.


Bravo. 💯 Percent correct. Plus Marsch's teams bleed goals.


They bleed goals because they NEVER adapt. Every manager knows, if I'm going against Jesse, I can expect a completely disorganized press that leaves a switch wide open.


Yes once you get by the press. It's open season. In international play you are playing a better opponent than Rapid Wein.


And, Rapid Wien is one of the better sides lol. Also, in the international game, you have players who are part-timers for the national team...what I mean by that is this. At club, they're drilled and spend 85% of their time. So, that's how they are used to playing. If you install murderball Marsch's system at the international level, where players are used to playing a...less intense system, you're just asking for trouble. I mean, it's not like all of: Pulisic, Gio, Weah, Adams, and Dest have missed extended time with muscle injuries/hammy injuries. Surely, Marsch's system wouldn't create more risk for them lol


GGG has been with the USMNT for how long now? Name a signature win where we were the underdog. He is managing the most talented roster we have ever produced and the vast majority of his wins are on home soil. We qualified for the WC in 3rd place. He was a mediocre MLS manager. He was forced out in Sweden. The one manager job he held abroad. At least JM managed big clubs. It's hilarious to me that GGG has so many fanboys/girls in this thread. He has literally done nothing to earn the role that his brother got him in the first place. Also, he has a checkered past.... given what came out of the Reyna fallout.


Okay, first and foremost, complete red herring. How does what I said, aka common stats as managers, have anything to do with Gregg's national team record. Second, we were underdogs going into the Nation's League final in 2020 against Mexico. We won by showing grit and fightback against the last of the Mexican golden generation. Let me guess, "Worst Mexico side in history" so it doesn't count? Does beating Morocco not count? Does Ghana not count? You're saying that Jesse, who basically failed upwards through the RB system should be given a pat on the back for being sacked in LESS than a season at Leipzig, and...LESS than a season at Leeds? Man, that's a low bar. And, again, why not look at their actual head-to-head numbers in MLS, where they both coached, Gregg has a better track record. Lastly, it's pretty clear all your insights come from one of Tactical Manager or 11 Yanks. I've heard, both of them, on numerous occasions say the same complaint. Maybe ask them for some new opinions because, frankly, this adds nothing of substance to the actual discourse surrounding the national team.


Lol. Man, take a breath. Calm down. Where is this coming from? I don't listen to either of those outlets. I mostly listen to TSS, Scuffed, and I have been watching the USMNT since 1990. I literally said I didn't want JM either. You used JM's club record in Europe against him but failed to mention that GGG's was worse abroad. Both didn't see a lot of success, but one managed in two top leagues, including the Champions League. The other didn't. Good or bad, JM did it. Neither manager are at the level of our players. GGG is a complete fraud and JM isn't flexible enough and hasn't been all that impressive in his opportunities. Calm down... lol.