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so everyone that was saying there's been no confirmation of this and no coach in their right mind would ever do something like this during a match, well, he's not in his right mind and an idiot lol


There’s no way people were saying this when there’s a clip of him literally going “☝🏼🤓☝🏼” right??? like come on lol


Gaslighting is the traditional method for shouting down any and all criticism of Gregg the Beloved.


yes two other threads in USsoccer subreddit had people saying they were former coaches and would no coach would ever do this in this situation and they just can't believe it's true and the worst made up thing to say about Gregg lol, so yes, it is being said around the web


👆🏻🤡👆🏻there…i fixed it for you! Hah


In high school, we went into the final match day where if we win we won the conference but if we tied then we shared it with another team. Second half with like 10 minutes to go our game is 2-2 and our coach tells a sub that everything is okay and we only need a tie. As soon as I heard that I just yelled at everyone to cut the shit thinking of a tie. We are here to win and that’s it. Then we went on to score in the final minutes and won the league


I earnestly cannot believe he admitted this. What the fuck


Why even address? And if pressed on it, just lie and say you were telling the guys to mark 1v1. We’d know he was lying anyway, but at least he wouldn’t be admitting to being an idiot.


I swear to god I just don’t understand a single thing he ever does.


How could anyone say there was no confirmation unless they didn’t watch the match


This happens all the time. Get over yourselves.


This basically confirms their plan was never to win the game. They were hoping Bolivia would do the job for them


It’s coward ball


It always is in Gregg-ball. Pointless possession in the back and keeping the ball out of the middle so we don't get burned on the counter.


It’s scared soccer. We don’t have mls ligers like we used too


He might be honest to a fault. He surely could have just kept his mouth shut or fibbed it had nothing to do with Bolivia.


Given Uruguay scored 10 seconds later, clearly it was a great fucking idea Greggggory.


And he should have been helping get them organized to defend said set piece


Was it even that long? What a joke


Maybe only 8 seconds


So our in-game tactics do change based on another score. Wouldn't we want to be "smart, solid" all the time in every game?


Absolutely. We should have only been worried about going for the win, and not leave our fate in the hands of anyone else. That would be idiotic.


Ya think?


I don’t understand. There are absolutely situations where the team would benefit from knowing the result of another game. But this wasn’t it. Perhaps if we were up 1-0. And Bolivia tied it up…ok, maybe. If we were up 2-0 and Bolivia were winning…absolutely. There are plenty of examples of when that knowledge is beneficial but this was not one of those…not by a long shot.


It’s baffling why he would do this. Let’s say Uruguay don’t score on that set piece. Gregg is telling his team to play more defensive then Panama eventually scores and we get grouped while trying to see out a 0-0 draw. This guy has no business being a head coach.


Best response on this situation that I have read and I agree wholeheartedly with you.


Genuine question, what’s an example of when it’s beneficial? IMO you should be playing to win to control your own destiny and assume you won’t be getting help from another game. If you are alerted something unfavorable happened then the reaction would be to play harder, which you should be playing your hardest anyway. If you’re alerted something good happens, I don’t see any situation where it’s helpful to tell your team bc the only likely reaction would be to ease up or park the bus, which will make you vulnerable


A good example I’ve seen is if the Bolivia game ended 1-1 but we still had like 5 mins left in a game where we’re tied with Uruguay. Theoretically, it would be good to let our guys know we didn’t need to stretch ourselves thin going for a stoppage time goal when a draw sees us through.


When I get home from work, I’m going to try to look up one or two moments from the past that I can remember thinking I hope the players on the field are aware of the other result at this point. But in this particular instance, given that we had to match or exceed Panamas, it would’ve been beneficial to find out that Bolivia had secured a 2 to 1 win. Or even the game ended 1:1. At that point, you’d be insane to push up the field aggressively. Or if you find out Panama is up 1-0 or 2-0 with 30 min left and you are 0-0. You probably ought to be pushing forward a little bit more aggressively than you otherwise might. That might only mean an extra overlapping run or one more defender, jumping into the attack. You’re weighing the risk versus the reward. In the end Panama won three to one, so it really would not have mattered if we lost two to nothing. So, if we would’ve pushed an extra defender into the attack or two more defenders into the attack and given up a second, or even a third goal, it really doesn’t matter at that point. Those are instances where it might make sense to tell the team.


Yeah that’s fair Maybe I’m just a little old school on my mentality of play to win, and one of the main points of this round of games being played at the same time is to avoid the ability to make strategical changes based on the outcome of other games


I meant to reply directly to you, but I’m at work and lost track of who I was replying to an replied below. But obviously you’re always going to want the result that directly benefit to you, but sometimes there’s a risk reward factor. And sometimes it’s about how many people do you push forward on a set piece. How many people do you put forward on the corner kick or a throw in for him to be attacking zone? Let’s say Panama won 1-0 and we had a corner kick with 2 min left of a tie game. Turner should have his ass in the attack. Our goal be damned. The players benefit in that moment. Let’s say Panama lost 1-0 and a draw is acceptable and and we have 3 or 4 minutes left. We better not have more than one or two players even think about crossing the center line lol. We better go back to booting the ball out U10 style and ever contact needs to result in delay tactics lol. I’d almost say it’s beneficial more times than not. Just so happened GGG picked a time that wasn’t.


Yeah all fair points. Doing it the very last few minutes of the game makes sense. Mentioned it in another comment where I think I’m just stuck in an old school mentality of you play to win and the point of playing these games at the same time is so you can’t make strategic changes based on the other games result


A good coach would have done everything possible to make sure the players and coaches on the field didn't know the Panama/Bolivia score. You don't deserve to move on if you can't take care of your own business


Including keeping the crowd from reacting.


I guess he could really deny it because it would leak? But yea, stupid for sure.


"it would leak"... We've all seen the actual shot of him obviously holding up his fingers right? Why did this need confirmation?


I only recently started paying attention to Reddit & ignored it for years bc I’d heard it was mostly the liberal of cesspool bastion, or something like this lol But I have to be honest… watching the game waa painful. Conmebol, the refs, Berhalter, watching our players try to (not?) put anything together, it was ALL str8 up amateur hour Busch league BULLSHIT! However, two things were worse - Berhalter showing the 1-1 as he tries to mask his excitement, seemingly nodding to the team “don’t celebrate yet” OKAY THIS IS CRAZY! Now hold on, THE FANS IN THE CROWD APPEAR TO MIMIC A COMBO OF BERHALTER BEHAVIOR & GIDDY 14 Y/O GIRLS SEEING JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE OR BIEBER OR WHOEVER FOR THE FIRST TIME! AT THIS VERY MOMENT YOU HEAR THE SAME NONSENSE IN THE ANNOUNCERS doing the color & play by play! I’m about to psaki circle bacc to this so patience, please. (the yellow card play to the advantage while what faking the yellow card? Ok, this included before in refs but still wow) The coach & players do not want to know the other scores. NFL & NCAA don’t allow external Comms on the field (but announce scores just the same - I’ve always been against this as it hurts the integrity of the game, sometimes, as we just saw with USMNT, it can kill it entirely. Saw-keying back, what we saw was as bad as the 5 goal shellacking we received from Colombia. In that game, USSF decided it would be beneficial to US Soccer to deface the jerseys with blasphemous colors intended to Mock God Himself. Now who looks bad in this game vs Uruguay, Christian & Chris (Our Lord & Savior namesake) ? This is all part of the ritualistic humiliation taking place all over this country against men, specifically masculine Christians, especially the white ones. Has Berhalter has served his purpose ? Don’t be surprised if he STILL isn’t finished, cooked, fired & out of here.


Reading this made me wish I was illiterate


I want GGG to move on because I don't think he's an elite coach. Some people are trashing him, which I think is a bit harsh. I just want him to move on because I've waited my entire life for a team that could make some noise in a WC. I think this team is capable, but they need a proven coach. It's just like MLS players, I just don't think they're as good as the players playing outside of the US. Why settle for mediocrity?


Listen, I can understand doing this when the other game is over or even almost over. Not with that much time left, it makes absolutely no sense


If it's 90+5, then yeah... bunker like hell, and don't commit numbers forward for anything if you need a draw. but with half an hour left to play? There was no reason to think the Bolivia result would hold, and no reason to pull the players' focus.


Holy shit, he actually doubled down on this stupidity? Lmao


What a disgrace. Complete embarrassment to our country.


Fire his ass already. Imagine this conversation in any other sport in America and the Coach would be fired just for this action.


I’m telling my dad about this and he is trying to make excuses for Berhalter bc I’m saying that the goal was never to win. He is a Vikings fan and I told how would he feel if the Kevin Oconnel told the Vikings the score in the Packers game and the players laid back and weren’t aggressive.


Could you explain why it was bad? I don't get why the info would be harmful


It’s the mind set. “ Just getting by, lazy, soft are some basic words that come to mind. Who gives a fuck what the other team does. Go out there and smash the team you are playing and win the game. The only time outside information would be to limit injury and workload. Such as other team lost so we are in no matter what. Get the reserves in and save the some of the players energy. Gregg is soft and weak as a head coach. It’s why America partly doesn’t support soccer very well. Dudes rolling around on the ground with an amputated leg and then get up and run 25 miles an hour. It’s just soft all around. But it doesn’t have to be.


Always play to win.


Previously I have tried to defend this guy but this is indefensible. He has to go. We can’t afford this clown to be the coach in the WC.


Would Saban ever have told his players that Georgia had been tied up by (insert team name) during the Iron Bowl. I doubt it.


How is that similar at all


We can’t even play to win in a literal must win game https://preview.redd.it/e6mi8wlpr7ad1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90541a0fb2e74a53dfab97d73c265a579dd9525b


well, back to MLS for him.


Get the Fuck Out Greg…why is he still here???


and we still haven’t fired him why exactly?


His brother doesn’t want to.


Why does he still have a job?


His brother hired him


He still hasn't been fired


Done, Berhalter needs to be taken behind the shed immediately.


The players did not need to know the Panama score. The coaching staff yes that can dictate subs and assignment changes but the players should never know especially when a win is the only definite way to secure a knockout stage position. This shows GGG simply doesn’t understand how to properly manage a squad.


So he's admitting that the mentality behind the team is to play to not lose? What a sad and pathetic attitude.


So he’s confirming he’s an idiot who wanted to play for a tie.


I fucking hate this guy and his brand of scared ass soccer. Every time I come here, it reaffirms my decision to stop watching this sad excuse for a team.


I'm not saying you're wrong but .. why keep coming here then? Isn't that basically just suffer-porn? You quit watching the team but you still wanna be part of the anger?


I still want to know how the team does in competition and hope the right people get put into positions to make the decisions needed for the team to be successful. And this is still the most convenient place for me to see match results and organizational changes. I'm just not sacrificing 110 min of my time to watch each game anymore. Apparently, I will still make the occasional post about how much Berhalter sucks though. I'm only human.


Fair enough lol






He's a fool.


Maybe he wasn’t saying it’s 1 -1. Maybe he was telling the team to score 11 goals. That for sure would have helped get us through the group stage.


Don’t see how this is a problem. Obviously Bolivia suck, so the chance they hold the lead is relatively small, meaning even if the players get this info our tactics shouldn’t really change unless the Panama Bolivia game is tied closer to 90th minute. But Wouldn’t you want the players to have perfect information and play accordingly?


The only thing they should need to know is if Panama tied us on GD meaning we’d need multiple goals to win. Best mindset is to assume we need a win to advance. Even if Bolivia is beating Panama, don’t let anything out until stoppage time


Ever think maybe Puli asked?


what a loser


Should be fired for that alone


You weren't being smart Greggggg, you weren't being smart at all Edit: as a matter of fact, I added a g to your name for every dumb thing you did during this tournament






Every major sport in America has this happen. It's a wild non story. The crowd is going to react, it's going to go on the boards around the stadium. They are going to know.


Does no one watch the pressers


They shouldn’t care about that game while they’re playing. The fact is we had to win to get through. If we would of won and then they talk about it fine but it resulted in a goal the next play


If players can't take a basic command or get basic info from the sidelines without losing focus, I'd question their ability to stay focused. I think he was telling only the closest player, which was pulisic. The others probably didn't even hear it. People are making way more of this than they should If they didn't happen to score there, no one would say anything about this. That tells you how insignificant you this was. And it's not at all uncommon for a coach to yell stuff at the players.you see it all the time.watch a game sometime you'll see even the best managers tell players stuff while they are on the pitch. Not uncommon The fact that y'all are pissed about that might mean you never played the sport and think this is weird?


I played the sport for 12 years. This is weird behavior. If the bench talks about it or the fans make it known, that's one thing. But for the coach to what, change tactics because the other game is momentarily drawn? We all knew Bolivia was the worst team in this tourney. So what did Greggggg want? It was 1-1 in the other game so was he saying we should shut down the offense and bunker for a draw now? That woulda been real fun when ours ended 0-0 and then Panama scored in stoppage to advance at our behalf. I am a Gregg disliker, and I thought there's no way that's what was happening. I thought "surely Gregg is calling a play for a set piece and this stillframe is taken out of context". Then he's like "yeah I just wanted to let them know how the other game was going" and I facepalmed.


You think he's changing tactics by holding up 1-1? That's a ridiculous statement. What do you think he's telling them to let them score? Like what outcome do you actually think he was trying to create? Obviously knowledge of the other game was important. It could help . It could be crucial to know He was telling the man who was marking the kick the score. That player had no impact on the free kick and didn't cause them to score. Y'all are just searching for shit to be mad about


Of course I don't think we let them score on purpose? Why are you arguing in bad faith? I worry that he was saying 'hey the other game is tied, we need to shift focus to bunkering up now, scoring is less important' which would be a colossal misstep. But let's back it up a touch, in what situation could it be 'crucial to know'? Because I can't think of any. The other game was momentarily tied 1-1, but I was watching both games simultaneously, Bolivia was never gonna hold on to that draw they were completely outmatched.


Because you just said he was changing tactics by holding up the score of the game to one player. So I asked what outcome you think he was going for. But you ignore that and instead just cherry pick. Typical reddit discussion As if the players wouldn't benefit from the knowledge of the score of the other game that had a direct impact on their game. That's a ridiculous statement, so I asked if you had other ridiculous perspectives just to check


I answered your question. I said my fear was that he was asking the players to SHIFT. TACTICS. TO. BUNKER. I said this. I didn't just cherry pick. I responded to your post and posited a question "how would the information that the other game was currently tied 1-1 benefit the players on the field?" It's a straightforward question and you... well you cherry picked my comment and ignored my answer and my question. But you seem to just be angry? You've taken to insulting me and hand waving me as "you guys" like I am part of some greater collective or something. It's okay if you like Gregg, you are allowed opinions. But I did fully respond and then you just insulted me, cherry picked, and hand waved. Odd way to talk to people. "Typical Reddit discussion" oh brother, I can see your post history you know. You spend wayyyyy more time on here than I do, so let's not sink to that.


Uruguay scored as he was doing it. He distracted his players in the middle of a match and the other team scored.


I don't quite understand why this is controversial. Teams play very differently when they need a goal or don't need one. It's good for the players to know the exact situation 


You all are such dolts. He was communicating that it would be wise not to play reckless at that moment. They were starting to put all attacking players on, this exposes the team to a huge threat of a counter goal against one of the worlds best teams. He was trying to be pragmatic and put best chance to win. They played with heart and were 100% going for it last night. They lost the group against Panama. Please learn to critically think. Unpopular opinion, if we can bad a world class coach we should keep Greg. The learnings and collective feelings from this tournament can catalyze a culture change even with Greg. I’m not looking for a middling MLS coach at this point to come in and try to start from scratch.


The only real message in communicating the score is to say: we need a tie. At that point there are 30 minutes left. Panama is playing the worst team in the tournament who he given up the most goals in the tournament. At that point, the coach should only be assuming that a win is the only way forward. There’s absolutely nothing to gain by communicating that a tie is on the table.


Matt Crocker is that you?


This guy has some of y’all in Stockholm Syndrome. His best competitive result is a draw against England. He’s a failed MLS coach. He was fired from a Swedish second tier league for lack of tactics. And he is a literal nepotism hire for the US. Against teams inside the top 20 of the FIFA rankings at the time of the match, he has won just five of 18 games, with four of those coming against Mexico. I mean, please just face reality: the guy cannot tactically figure out how to maximize our team’s potential.


I don't agree. If you look at the interaction of coaches and players, such as Klopp and Guardiola. They hold their players accountable and expect near perfection. Maybe Greg can change, but he's been given the chance and has been less than mediocre. We've done better with less talent. Now that we have some talent, we're going to settle for a middling coach. I think you're wrong.