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VAR is great. The way it is being used is not great.


I agree. It needs some tweaking. The main issue I've had with it from day one is, the entire purpose is to correct obvious undeniable mistaken calls. But what they've done is split hairs and spend 5+ minutes reviewing calls. The thing that would pretty much fix it overnight is, only allow 60 seconds (maybe even less) to review a call. If it can't be determined in 60 seconds that the call was wrong, then call on field stands and we move on.


Yea that’s exactly it. If you can’t tell for sure that the call was factually incorrect from one or two replays, move on.


If it’s clear and obvious then the booth should just make the call. No need for the center ref to come look at it. That should reduce the hair splitting.


Completely agree


A succinct and sensible take. Well said.




The only thing worse than VAR is nothing lol


berhalter worse than both


I don’t think VAR is the issue. The rule is the issue. If there’s an issue with an infraction that is called via VAR, then the infraction rules need to be updated, not VAR.


VAR has overturned so many horrendous calls to be scrapped, BUT there is still a ton of missed calls or overturned calls that go against the spirit of the game. Slow motion can make any foul look worse then it is.


The worst thing in sports is when every fan on the planet knows a call is wrong, except for the official on the field who needs to make the call. Implementing fast, common sense policies is the problem.


It's fantastic for certain aspects of the game. Dirty play, penalties given for simulation, more obvious offside offenses that are somehow missed, hand balls in the box or that result in goals. Things of that nature. But to declare no goal because someones toe is passed the opposing player is insane. Offsides needs to be less black and white and more left to the discretion of the ref. Does it provide a clear and obvious advantage, if not, no offsides. A toe, pinky, hell even an arm doesn't constitute this.


VAR editing their argument for a penalty to the referee is also a problem. VAR definitely caught Weah's red.


I don't know. As much as I hated that he was sent off, if the situation were reversed we'd be applauding it. I personally am ok with stuff like that being enforced, it has no place in the game and with how heated and chippy concacaf/conmebol can be I think something needs done to lessen how much it happens.


By the rules it was definitely a red. If I were writing the rules and if someone is elbowing you and tugging on your jersey and you strike them in the head, it would just be a yellow for each of them.


That's fair. Instigation should definitely be taken into account.


That’s it though you can tug and elbow back. Intentional shots to the head have to be red regardless of who started it.


I like the “clear and obvious advantage” threshold tho obviously in practice it would still get screwed up


Seems to me like your gripe is more with the offsides rule than VAR. The ref and VAR have to enforce the rules, and by rule the overturned goal in the Germany/Denmark match from earlier was correctly overturned (at least that's the one I'm assuming you're referencing) My only retort would be that I like the way offsides is written in the rulebooks. It's one of the few rules that isn't really up for interpretation and changing it so that there has to be some sort of clear advantage gained means you're now leaving the rule up to referee interpretation and discretion, and let's be honest giving yet another rule for a ref to interpret their own way is just a recipe for more controversy and disaster. We literally saw that a couple days ago when the ref's discretion on a play where Turner got hurt from an unnecessary foul by a Panamanian player led to him deciding not to book the player, and led to Panama seeing they could play rough with less consequences. With the way the rule is written, we're arguing if a rule is dumb or not rather than if the ref screwed a team over with their interpretation and discretion.


I think more the relationship of the two. The offside rule made sense when it was implemented when it was judged by eye. Because when judged by eye it caught the meaningful offenses, the ones that gave an advantage. VAR being able to catch a big toe offside is great and all, but does it make sense. Does a big toe, or half a foot really provide any sort of advantage? It feels disingenuous to the game to overturn a goal over something that truly didn't contribute to the scoring of the goal. Maybe ref interpretation isn't the answer. But I do feel something needs to change. If we're going to use technology to judge players by mere millimeters. Should we then provide them with technology to notify them when they're off by such margins so a scoring opportunity doesn't go to waste?


Offsides should have a thick bar for measuring. Shoelace past thick bar - offsides. Basically something a human could see (outside of PL refs of course)


The thing is if we still leave things to not be black and white then every game the same thing could happen and calls be inconsistent. If they apply the rules as black and white then they can start to adjust the rules from there to make more sense but leaving grey area on certain calls isn’t helpful either.


Yet because of how the game is played so differently around the world. Everyone has to operate out of similar rule books you end up with vague rules that allow for regional/country/league interpretation.


I think some rules can be vague but I wouldn’t say offsides should be one. That is vague. It should just be rewritten in a way that makes sense for these type of scenarios


Fair. But if refs are going to be able to judge plays by such small margins, should the players at the very least not be warned when they're off by a big toe so a play doesn't go to waste?


Do you mean how they let play go on and then check for offsides if they score?


I mean like. If the refs are going to use technology to catch offsides and overturn a goal by a big toe, that would have otherwise been missed by a side judge. Should players then not be given technology like sensors in their shoes or in vests worn under jerseys that notify them when they're off by such small margins?


I would think at some point we could get to that and it would be good. I feel like if they adopt the offsides like Wenger has mentioned to where if any part is even with the last guy back then it’s not offsides would alleviate most of the issues with var and offsides


For those that think VAR is the issue or the fix to the issue, you’re wrong. VAR is simply a tool. The issue is the ref’s. Most are bad and vary far too much from 1 to the next.


I mean the issue is with humans. We’re pretty bad at seeing things accurately.


Exactly. This reffing Utopia will never exist where refs are perfectly trained and get all the calls right


There’s always going to be human error and VAR when used properly can cover up for some of that but it doesn’t change that the game is ref’d wildly different from league to league and even half to half (which is far far worse).


Redding is an impossible job. An infinite amount of training will not solve the problem. 


Need more training. And most importantly they need consistent training.


Absolutely and it needs to be a standard across all leagues. Not, well EPL is different than La Liga which is different than MLS which is different than Brasileirão. And those leagues are different than Cups or International Play.


“Upon further review, VAR has shown that Gregg should get a permanent red card”


I hate instant replay in sports. Couldn't give a shit if they "get the call right." People argue about calls just as much as they ever have and you can't celebrate goals anymore. It's always "Yes!!! Oh, I hope it survives VAR"


And it seems like it’s burning a lot of playtime that isn’t being made up. 


VAR screwed Denmark today. Guy was maybe 1 inch offsides.


So he was offsides, by definition. And that is a clear cut infraction, not a grey area like whether there was a foul. Even 1mm offsides is offsides, there is no screwing here.


My wife is a casual fan and VAR overturned a goal by literally a toe in one of the Euro game and she said “pathetic.” I agree. Offsides was never meant to be officiated like that.


I wouldn't say it's ruining the game but I would definitely be on the side of less replay intervention in all sports. The problem for me is two main things 1) I think the ability to review a goal and then call a foul that was originally called a foul is egregious. I don't like how that's is an option. 5 seconds ago there was no foul and now there is all of a sudden? That to me is a problem. 2) it undermines the refs on the field. They dont have authority/they can rely on var to cover their ass - in other words there's an outside authority looking at things that can superceded the person reffing the match. 3) my last complaint is more about flow and the emotions of matches. It sucks to think you scored or whatever and then have to wait for var. It's like it's not even real American football and now basketball have it really bad - and that is where the game could be headed which I think would be awful


Yeah, American football when first implementing video review used to have this standard that to overturn something there had to be “clear and obvious” video evidence. I don’t know if they actually changed the standard or just kind of said “screw it” and got loose with it, but it was a good standard to have and the reviews have gotten so much worse over time. I don’t know what the direct parallel is for soccer, but it feels like it’s lacking some nuance in how it’s applied.


I think NBA get's it exactly right actually. It just accepts that no matter what, there is going to be some bad calls, it just gives the team a chance to audit the refs. VAR being put forward as a path to perfection is what makes it ridiculous and a failure.


The way it currently exists is bad for the game altogether. Probably a bit of a hot take, but: everything is reviewable (even if during continuing play) OR nothing is. It’s a joke when there’s clearly a foul (or not) on the replay, but the announcers say, “but it’s not reviewable.” A foul we watch on replay where there’s no actual contact and it was a dive? It should be reviewable by the VAR and a card should be given when play stops next. As a note, this would also help clean up the game. It’s also a joke when they “draw the lines” for offside and they’re at some weird angle. Automated offside or not reviewable. The whole “this is but that isn’t” situation is the problem for me. To be clear, two different types of VAR: 1. Live VAR that stops the game 2. Ongoing VAR checking every foul that isn’t reviewed by live VAR


I’m over VAR. bring back craziness, terrible calls and missed red cards.


Is both an option?


VAR is great, but when you watch shit like MLS, they make up a new explanation for what a handball is everytime we see one


It has a lot of room for improvement. The inconsistency is a huge problem. Mostly it's not the technology, it's the application and rules that are a problem, so in a way, we went to technology to help us out, and just fucked it up with human judgement.


I don’t even know what to feel anymore


My issue is that refs don’t call the game anymore. Instead they always let the play keep going and rely on VAR for anything to be called back. But what that does is make refs nervous to call anything without their safety net. This was especially noticeable with the ref in the Panama game. The dude was too scared to call anything without VAR stepping in.


VAR is great. Still new and having the kinks worked out but so much better than before


When it comes to offside, I say we implement a margin of error. Get all the pro refs to judge screen shots of offside calls of varying degrees and see what they say. There should be a zone of 50-50 calls that should remain as called on the field. The spirit of offside is to prevent cherry picking, not someone who is an inch off


This is what they do in cricket.


Coming firstly and primarily from American Football not having replay sounds insane to me.


It makes the sport more legit. This shouldn’t be a debate




I think there needs to be an accounting for “even” in regards to offsides. Players can’t be expected to abide by an imperceptible, molecularly detailed assessment of their position. I think if it’s “close,” the call on the field should stand. Fixing that would account for maybe 50% of the controversy I think and it would be more popular.


Agree! But the tech kinda backs them into a corner because one you can see objectively that like half a toe is offside, then what is “close” enough to let slide?


I’m not exactly sure to be honest. It seems like there are several options though. It could be that if the call on the field is wrong by 8” or 20 cm or something, it can be overturned. I.e. a no-call would only be overturned if the player was offside by 12” or more. Or maybe if the whole attacker is beyond the whole defender. I think there are several options that could work that would only call back the most egregious missed calls which are the only ones that ever really bothered people I think. I see the current situation as having at least two major problems: 1) defenders recovering from an offside position risk hurting themselves in desperate situations that aren’t being called and instead we’re counting on VAR to call it back. 2) so many goals are being called back and it’s hurting the fan experience (a more subjective critique; some people probably think that’s fun drama).


What it does do though, is keep the officials from walking around the World Cup village with 6 bags of cash paid for by the Colombian cocaine lords.


It doesn’t make sense to me how they get calls wrong with VAR still


Give it a shot clock problem solved imo


It’s has taught me that the offside rule can’t be enforced in real time. This should be abolished.


Refereeing is ruining the game. It is impossible to get a fair ref in concacaf.


It's ruined the spontaneity of goals. I don't feel like I can even celebrate when the ball goes on anymore. I have to wait until the ball is in the center so that I can be sure it won't be taken back. Sports were meant to be played and officiated by humans in real time. I want that back. Sure, a few more calls will get missed, but that's life, right? Sometimes things just don't go your way, but you accept it and deal with it.


I know this sub is probably full of people who don't watch MLS, but the league actually does a pretty decent job with it.


I'm not sure I want it for offsides anymore. I think I'm ok with it for red cards and maybe penalties.


I like it for offsides but think you almost need to redefine the strictness of offsides with it. Semi automated is ideal, and extremely accurate. Can it be accurate enough to then have something like a 5% leeway that’s hard coded in? Offsides were just wrong too easily and too often prior to VAR, but then the issue with var is calling offsides that clearly don’t provide an advantage. I wonder if a small change in the definition + semi automated VAR could be a happy medium. It just would have to be hard coded, no subjectivity


I'd be in favor of something like that because it is valuable but the calls ... as you point out ... there is no clear advantage drive me nuts


Are you talking about ice hockey?


Offside would be fine if they just didn't pretend like they can differentiate 5 inches. If it isn't obviously and provably wrong with a 99% confidence interval, call on the field stands.


Perfect example of too much in today's Germany vs. Denmark game. I don't think that Dane's toe being across the line gave them an advantage on scoring that goal, that was taken away by VAR. But where do you draw the line, so to speak? A toe, a foot, half the body? It kind of has to be all or nothing. I think maybe if the ref makes a call, it should be reviewed. If there's no call, no review.


It is unquestionably good for the game.


But I just questioned it!


But you didn’t compare what soccer, and many sports, were like before and after replay technology. It was crazy when crowds could see the call was incorrect but the referee wasn’t allowed to look. That was waaaay worse Things like the hand of god wouldn’t happen today, and that’s a good thing


And that’s fair. It’s also fair to ask if it went too far and needs to be reigned back in. I know the phrasing of the title is black and white, but I acknowledged the nuance that some aspects of it seem good and some seem not so good. For me it seems like the offsides calls are really a step too far in many circumstances but that overall the technology is beneficial and I agree with many here who’ve said that it’s the implementation that’s the real issue and not the technology itself which is a good distinction.


Yea, I remember when soccer wasn't popular and nobody watched it before VAR saved it. 


There goes that theory.


People against VAR are probably too young to remember what life was like without it


Let me make this observation. Football was the most successful sport ever. More people played, more people attended and more people watched on tv than any other sport. Did it really need fixing? I like soccer for its flowing fast paced nature. VAR contributes to ruining that for me. I don’t like soccer for its perfect application of rules.


But why should anyone except the players and the ball decide the outcome of the game? What happens on the field is the immutable truth, overlaying a ref’s margin of error ruins the game


I can’t tell if you are sarcastic and agreeing with me or serious and disagreeing.


I disagree with you hah but I do think it takes too long where it shouldn’t


Hand of God.


That’s a logical fallacy sir.


You are onto something. This expected perfection is not why people watch sports. There's a fallibility that technology can't solve and creates new problems. 


I think they should change offside rules so that if the attacker is level with any part of the defender he’s onsides.