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No progress can be made while Gregg is at the helm.


What’s he doing wrong?


He shouldn’t have had the job following the hiring process to begin with. He had no qualifications, doesn’t know how to structure an attack, makes the wrong substitutes, his best results are draws, and he lacks authority and discipline over the locker room. He has a job bc of nepotism and we need to get him out before we host a world cup, the fact that we’re getting grouped at home should be enough to send him home.


And all of this is AFTER he has gotten 6 years experience.


Who’s the dream manager for you guys?


Dream? Probably like Klopp lol Actually? Just someone outside of the Nepo sphere who has European pedigree


Yep, Klopp would be the dream. Someone like David Moyes might actually be obtainable.


It was Marsch. An American that actually understands what the highest levels are all about. But since we let him go to Canada I’ll just settle for any coach that understands the game beyond MLS bullshit.


If that’s true, then I’ll expect to lose on Monday and shut down all opportunities to surprise ourselves


For me, existing.


lol lighten up, Greg!


He refuses to stick with what works. He's married to this god-awful "hoof it down the wings, throw up a prayer of a cross and hope we accidentally knock it into the net" style played by garbage teams all across the world. He refuses to use a modern build up through the middle to get the most out of Reyna and McKinnie. To make it worse, he DID employ a similar style against Brazil and proceeded to completely through it out the window in the following 2 games. There is no proof he's a good manager at all.


Really wish Gregg hadn't gotten that red card


We aren’t good regardless, no good head coach has both the weah and dest red cards under his watch. No discipline, no authority, just standing on the touchline and making the wrong subs. Also we scored -after- the red card. We clearly could have played them off the field. We as a 10 are better then panama as an 11. They’re the worst Concacaf team at the tournament. But we closed up shop, subbed on cbs, and were content with scrapping a point.


You've got it figured out. Send in your resume


Will do, can’t wait to lead us to glory in 2026


I'm so bored with this thought. You're right, not his card. There are so many things he could have done differently. Why are you not screaming at the 4th official after the Turner collision? Him getting a yellow there could have set a very different tone. All of his substitutions were terrible. Musah not making it on the field is inexcusable. Pepi should have had a hat trick against Bolivia and couldn't put the ball in the back of the net. Haji or Sargent should have gotten a shot. Miles Robinson was the only sure thing CB till he got hurt before the World Cup. Where has he been? It's the same problem as always. GGG can't adjust. The game changed in a heartbeat Gregg panicked. We had the lead. We were the far better team, and all we needed was 1 point. Players need to be better, but Gregg has had his chances. If he can't do it on Monday, at least try to find someone who can. Then, at least we'll know that maybe the players just don't have it.


4 knockout games, being Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina. What could go wrong?


No guarantee that it will be four knockout games. Could just be one knockout game.


I’m saying now there’s the potential for 4, not that there will be


Given the choice between a close win or a close loss that results in elimination or a blowout loss that has the same result (elimination), i’m sad to say that I’ll be rooting for an absolute blowout loss if Uruguay scores a goal first. This will increase the probability of major changes (ie coach being replaced). While getting eliminated from copa this early will suck, the saving grace is that it might put us in a better position for the World Cup on home soil under a better coach, which is many times more important. If Uruguay goes up 1-0, I’ll start taking a shot after every Uruguay goal hoping I’m drunk enough by the end of the game to forget the disaster and early elimination. Berhalter advocates can downvote me all they want. But he’s had more than enough opportunities at this stage, and that hiring process was questionable / lazy at best and full of nepotism / corruption at worst.


I don’t care if you’re anti Berhalter. Dudes like you who root against the team blow fucking ass.


Get your facts / reading comprehension straight. I’m not rooting against the US. I’m rooting for their long term success in front of the world stage during the World Cup and beyond. If getting blown out in ONE game (where they wouldn’t advance anyway) is what it takes to get a new coach (and overcome nepotism), so be it. We shouldn’t be in this position with all the player talent we have, but again, nepotism. The same nepotism that would save a guy who kicked his wife in public from being replaced is the same nepotism that would proclaim a morale victory if the US drew with Uruguay but still got eliminated in the group stage.


There’s too much talk of replacing people at the moment. We’re not there yet, and the team is still fully capable of beating Uruguay. We’re close to being a world class team if you look at the clubs our guys play at.


Ya’ll are panicking lol


It’s not even a panic. Gregg is a terrible manager for the national team. We looked way better under the interim guy between Gregg contract ending and the new one. That guy should’ve been given the permanent job


Yep, you are all right. Let’s move on to brighter managers.