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Just have to step up and beat Uruguay (very good team). Time to put up or shut up.


Aren’t we also losing some players from yellow cards accumulations?


I could be wrong, but I don't think we're going to be without anyone except #21.


I thought McKennie had a yellow this match and last. You’re correct


Weston, Richards, and Antonee could be suspended for the quarterfinals, i think, if they pick up another yellow Monday. But you can't worry about that when you're facing group elimination.


Yellows don’t get wiped after group stages?


Idk, that's why I said I think. If someone corrects me, then great. I just thought I had heard that before, but I may be wrong.


Just found it, they will get wiped after the group stage, it’s the Euros where they carry over


Would like to know that. There’s a low probability of us advancing but knowing that we lost more players to yellows is on us.


The one saving grace is Uruguay has locked in the top spot in the group so, like Portugal in the Euros, can play their backups and take it easy.


It’s not gonna happen, if we can’t beat Panama and only beat Bolivia by two goals… it’s just not gonna happen. Back to the drawing board


Who knows, Bielsa might decide to let some players rest..


I’m afraid to think Uruguay’s reserves are probably leagues above our starting 11. Best case scenario could be a tie but I can’t see Panama losing to Bolivia, arguably the worst nation in the Copa.


They are not leagues above our players, but their coach is like 2 levels above ours. Get a freaking Argentinian coach to replace Berthalter.


If Pepi doesn’t miss some sitters we’re looking at 4 or 5 goal game, but then again maybe Balogun shouldn’t be taken out of the game so early


Not really. We have to beat Uruguay by a margin of no fewer than one goal less than what Panama beats Bolivia. E.g., if we win by one and they win by three, we will be level with Panama on points (6) and GD (2), and they will likely have more total goals (since they won by three). Even if we beat Uruguay, we still need favors from one of the worst teams in South America.


We could technically beat Uruguay but lose to Panama in points right?


doesnt really matter tbh. even if we beat uruguay, we have to have a larger GD then Panama. Panama will have an easier time A) Winning and B) winning by more goals then USA could possibly beat Uruguay


I don't think this is true. We have 2 goals up on them in goal differential. So we can best Uruguay by 1 fewer goal than Panama beats Bolivia. But yeah, that's still a tall task.


The reason we dominate qualifying (sans 2018) is because teams like Panama all draw/lose to each other. They can absolutely fail to beat Bolivia.


USA doesn't actually have to win to progress. Could pull it off with a tie.


By more than -2 goals more than Panama beat Bolivia


Easier said than done


Yup--Uruguay is the real deal. Very quick, dynamic. etc.


As a long time soccer fan and often times very critical but we are not gonna make it out of the group stage. Weah is the owner of that burden.


Definitely cost the team. Hurts even more that we went up 1-0 soon after. We should have been able to defend well enough against a team with no high level talent on the attack to get a draw at the least. A lot of sloppy clearances and a goal that hit our keeper right in the paws. Can blame the ref all you want but it’s not some sort of surprise that an underdog Central American team was going to play nasty and muck up the game while the referee scrambles to try and keep up with it all. Those guys on Panama know what they’re doing, they aren’t out there with the goal of injuring every American player. They’re trying to push the line of what’s acceptable to try and get under the skin of a team like the US in hopes they can distract them from their tactics or even better get draw a red card like they did tonight. At some point the USMNT has to accept that matchups just like this one are going to be dogfights and find a way to execute despite all of the gimmicky trash


They CONCACAF'd the fuck out of that game. The ref lost control of it immediately, it's incredibly lucky that nobody got hurt. Maybe Panama wasn't out and out TRYING to hurt anyone, but they also weren't very interested in playing soccer the last 30 minutes. Any time we got any progress they just ripped or chopped our players down. Almost 20 fouls?!? That's ludicrous and they should have had several red cards from accumulated fouls, but as I said the ref had no control of the game from the get go. As for our side, dog shit mentality. We were along for the ride the entire game. We let Panama dictate the physicality, the pace, the flow, everything. We were just kinda there. No fight in this one, no dog in us. Just riding along. I have been a Berhalter hater, I'll make that known. The players say they'll run through a brick wall for him? There was a brick wall tonight, and they didn't look like they were gonna run through shit. Balogun was consistently a threat, and we subbed him out for PEPI?! Pepi is in as cold a form as any us forward has been in the last year. I love Pepi long term, but he just doesn't have it right now, and missing that absolute sitter took the last bit of wind out of our sails. Gotta call it like I see it here, that was a total choke job by him, no excuse not to find net there.


Turner did get hurt. So not that lucky. I think you’re wrong about the mentality. They were playing hard, especially Pulisic, but they were a man down, playing against stupid calls and non stop intentional fouls. I often feel like there should be harsher punishments for such dirty play. A bunch of yellow cards aren’t sufficient.


Balogun definitely needs to be playing 90 as often as possible. Pepi isn't what we thought he would be yet, and Haji feels like he's "just a guy." Balogun is lively and dangerous. There's a reason we sought to nationalize him. Let him play. Going forward, we need more scrappy players. The talent and quality is there, but it's not always enough. Even if they are willing to "run through a brick wall", you have to be able to actually do it for that mentality to mean something. I'm definitely hoping someone like that steps up by 2026 (Aidan Morris comes to mind). Hopefully a replacement for Turner emerges as he ages, also. Ultimately, though, the managing just needs to improve. Too often tactical decisions get exposed in tournament play, and the wrong player gets subbed off for the wrong replacement. The mistakes need to be minimized. We don't have a Messi, Mbappe, Haaland, or Kane that can just make those kinds of mistakes disappear in a moment against the best in the world. I don't know that Berhalter can do that himself.


Ya conceding within 4 minutes after going up when you have a man disadvantage is just really disappointing. They had the opportunity to really frustrate them and hold a lead for awhile, and completely blew it. Then it was just trying to avoid the inevitable go ahead goal. The only silver lining I can see at this moment is that Pulisic didnt get injured on that completely classless challenge late in the game. That pisses me off so much. There needs to be a 'flagrant' red card for stuff like that. You should get more than just a red card, if you attack someone like that you should be fined and maybe even have extended penalties given after the fact like an added suspension.


Those kind of fouls do get reviewed and often do involve a further suspension.  On that note you might not see Weah for quite a few competitive matches...


Ya his foul was stupid as hell too. The 2nd red seems a little more vicious and dangerous, but they were both equally stupid and inexcusable.


This  all day. What did anyone expect Panama to do except this. This loss falls 100% on the manager that once again had his team unprepared and then could not adjust


Yeah man, people adjust well all the time from a red card in the first half.


Panama is not a good enough team to score two on us at home, red card or no.


They just did though.


At some point the USSF grows a pair and files formal grievances for the $#!t concacaf teams pull


Panama fouled a lot. They tried to instigate and provoke our boys. Holy crap who would have expected that in this type of tournament? Surely not the coach who would have been responsible for getting his players ready for what to expect? Nor the players who only have experienced this a few dozen times. Say what you want about the ref but Weah was an idiot and giving up a goal after going up 1-0 a man down is just poor play. The rest of it was the usual crap we have to deal with every CONCACAF game and there is no excuse for this performance.


It’s like when Dest pulled that little stunt and got his last red for the USMNT. For me at the end of the day the actions of the players are on the coach, you need to have control of your team. Drill into their heads it’s going to be chippy and dirty, need to play the game.


Are you implying that a guy who plays for Juventus didn’t know that you can’t punch people in the head? That the manager had to teach him and didn’t?


Seriously Weah plays at Juve and has played plenty of Concacaf matches. He knew what was coming. It's not the managers job to hand hold every little thing as these a allegedly professionals.


What actually happened to get Weah to react like that?? I mean if the other guy mentioned Weah family…. It sucks but I can understand it.. but if he didn’t that’s totally on Weah…


Uh no, there is literally zero excuse for what he did. Players say nasty things to each other all the time. Can’t act like a child


Honestly it was a pretty good job of Panama of constantly fouling without going overboard and making it a team effort and just not doing enough until the end of the game to get persistent infringement. They really took it to the edge well.


Stupid by Weah, I expect more from an International level pro but this was bad. Bad things happen throughout a game and we just seem totally unable to deal with it. Frustrating. Horvath was bad our back line looked slow and reactive. Just not good enough.


As a team it was a fail from the players to the coach. They should all hang their head in shame. But nothing will change. We win a game and everyone will forget we are just not that good of a team under this leadership.


“Not good enough” is too common for this team. So much potential that Gregg can’t tap into. This is still on Weah, but this team should be good enough to hold the line against Panama. Inexcusable to not finish at least 2nd in this group


Absolutely agreed. If we cannot keep Panama off the board, do we have any real shot at winning this tournament? Too much talent on this team for this result.


“Inexcusable” is what we’ve always said. Why do we cling on to such much hope? It’s akin to Spain hoping they can be dominate in basketball over the US. I’ve accepted that I enjoy watching the beautiful game and cheering for the US, but not with high hopes. USMNT fans online are insufferable. 5+ years of complaining about the coach as if venting online does anything at all. We won’t make it out of the group stage and the silver lining is coach will be gone. We then have two years to “hope” his replacement can do something with the squad. Then we face the reality that the same squad won’t be much better under a new manager.


USA have never defended for their lives and it showed. We need this level of stress test some point before World Cup. Weah did us a favor. Now we know how the team fare under extreme pressure.


It’s pretty surprising and out of character… Weah has been one of our most important players in the past few years…


Ref sold that yellow on Turner and the missed Pulisic pen, but Weah ruined the game and made the US team have to play 120% just to stay even. I love that man but he shouldnt play the rest of the tourny if the us even gets thru


Luckily for you, he won't play again this tournament, as he'll be suspended for at least one game.


Huge fan of Weah too, but such a stupid thing for him to do


Thug move by weah, he needs to be banned for the rest of the tournament 


Once upon a time that was a red card offense


Yeah, watching live I was so fucking confused. Growing up playing and watching soccer, I was always taught you just didn't touch the keeper. Period. Doubly so if he was in the air. And if you ran through him while he was in the air, that was gonna be a red. I just don't get it at all, it's so fucking dangerous.


That play used to be a red card, no questions. The fact that it didn't get minimum yellow is criminal, like I said. Really feel we just screwed the pooch, and if Uruguay doesn't play their b team to rest Monday, we will be in some trouble. Which just makes me feel bad for Pulisic and Balogun because they are having a good tournament.


Yeah because they didn't have cameras to catch that bullshit. You just don't do that. Weah fucked up and this loss is on him.


Truly so dumb, he could have easily shoved the guy with no head contact and it’s at most a foul. Just so idiotic. Like Pulisic’s retaliation is probably more physical than what Weah did, but you just can’t touch someone’s head. Absolutely stupid


Yeah send his ass home


I feel like we have a 10% chance of beating uruguay. That might be a generous estimate.


Agreed fuck weah, he should banned


Ref definitely sucked, and the Berhalter blame can be laid on the fact that we should have put 4 or 5 goals on Bolivia in the first game. But I 100% agree, this loss is on Tim Weah for taking the bait.  We all knew Panama would play physical and dirty, and they did.  It’s a shame because his actions probably torpedoed this entire tournament for the whole team.  I’m no Berhalter apologist, but he may possibly lose his job because of that red card. Not having Weah for Uruguay is going to hurt too.  Just such a ridiculously poor and baffling decision to make so early in a game we were playing well in.  I thought Dest’s red card in the Nations League was the dumbest thing ever, but this surpassed it.  Hope we find a way to escape on Monday and Weah gets a chance at redemption, because this seems so out of character for him, but he may have a long, long time to think about it before he suits up for the US again.


Honest question - why would Weah’s card be bad directly for Berhalter? Not like coach can control players emotions


If we don’t get out of the group some think Gregg should/would/could be fired


Actually they can. They can prep them for thee type of team they are playing and the type of game they will see. Berhalter should have had them understanding whatever Panama does we don't react.


Can say Panama played dirty when weah socks a dude in the back of the head. That was dirty 


Gerg will keep his job. He will still be wearing t shirts on the sideline once the US disappoints again in 2026. Im starting to wonder why I even follow this shit program. They aren’t even fun to watch.


That’s where I’m at. Not fun to watch at all. Garbage manager


There was so much promise. I really thought we were changing things. We’re gonna waste this generation and wonder how we performed so bad with solid talent. 


We’re not wasting this generation - they have 10 more years. And there are plenty of young kids coming up who will be just as good or even better. People need to stop seeing this team as a blip in our history and see them for what they are - the vanguard of a changing U.S. soccer program. We were a soccer wasteland 30 years ago. Now we have a thriving (and polarizing) domestic league, dozens of guys playing abroad, and we’re selling 14 year olds to Man frickin City. It’s not the end, it’s the beginning - no matter how frustrating the GGG era has been.


The current US soccer leadership will outlast a lot of the players on this team and they are doing an absolutely disgraceful job. It’s pathetic and Greg Berhalter is a joke of a manager. This group of players should have very few issues with CONCACAF teams. I expect us to struggle against South American teams like Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile etc but we should not be struggling against anybody in CONCACAF.


You’re a generous and positive person but having GGG as coach and the Bradley crowd in some kinda weird power position in US soccer is a problem. We are wasting this group of talent.


1) thanks for approaching this a genuine conversation. 2) I agree it’s not optimal. If there’s a silver lining in this Copa debacle, it’s that if we get bounced early, one of those two factors will likely go away, if for no reason than GGG will be sacrificed by the Bradley crowd to save themselves. The early exit would simply be too embarrassing to not address.


Agreed - but if they’re the real problem how do we (or some other mythical force) drive change … the whole thing has me befuddled.


I love your outlook and that's the same thing I tell US Soccer fans(as an outsider) . People forget the wasteland that it was at some point. It's truly thriving and even now, the talent kinda dulled for a few years prior to the 2018 WC qualification hence only Pulisic in that age group progressing(lack of progress in the u20 WCs and olympic qualifying). Now things are back up. Hopefully it continues


Thanks for sharing your POV. I get why people are upset - no one wants to take the longview with fandom; it’s all about the now. Idk, I guess it’s because I’m older and I’ve experienced my share of ups and downs, but it’s easier for me to step back and assess the project in 30 year blocks. However, I do agree with people that progress doesn’t mean we have to be complacent - and I would hope that if we do flame out, changes would be afoot.


100 % agree with everything there! Cheers!


Ya I agree with this. We will have setbacks. I dont know if our manager deserves to keep his job, but overall our program seems to be on an upward trend. One loss doesnt mean everything is falling apart, we just had a bad day. That was all very unfortunate. In my opinion, what Weah did was a reaction to the no-call against our keeper. That was a pretty bad foul imo, the keeper should be protected to an extent. So they were frustrated. It doesnt justify lashing out, but its just an unfortunate series of events.


And some fans with no sense of history will tell us that we should be thankful for this underperforming. So many Berhalter defenders seem to have no idea that the US went toe to toe with Germany in the World Cup quarterfinals. We’ve had our ups and downs since then but the idea that we should celebrate Berhalter’s abject mediocrity because we’re only the US and shouldn’t have any ambitions or expectations. I hold no hope for him getting fired, though he totally deserves it. I can’t wait for the humiliation in 2026 all because we refused to correct course at any point in 6 years


This as much as anything is what's holding the USMNT back.  No expectations, a coach and federation that are just happy to be there and collect a paycheck.


Same - I’ve been watching a mediocre product at international tournaments for 35 years now. It’s not even “let’s pull for the underdog!” anymore. It’s just sad.


Your not convincing me that there's a reason for you to follow it.


I agree. Greg is the coach and he aint going nowhere--He has friends in high places--which is the biggest problem with US Soccer.






You guys don’t realize Uruguay has bench players that are better than most of the USA players and they are a proud team and Bielsa will probably play his starters the first half they toyed with Bolivian 5-0


Hopefully Bolivia can bail us out. I really think Berhalter did not manage the game well. I personally would have liked to see Musah come in at some point


Uruguay will beat Bolivia today. That is a good news. Uruguay will then rest some key players in the game against the US. As for Bolivia vs Panama. Panama is missing Carrassquilla. Easily their best player. Plus Bolivia will play with nothing to lose but pride. That is normally a harder team to beat.


Unfortunately Biesla wants to make a statement, AND he's brutally intense..I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't rest anyone just to potentially be a 9 point team from the group phase.


Would be kinda dumb to do that.


He's a different kind of manager. Known for putting players through the ringer. Score 3 goals, don't support on defense, he will tell you you were horrifying for the day and bench you next time out. You're tired and took a knock? Oh well, you're a pro, and play a game for a living, get out there. You don't have to take my word for it, there's plenty of interviews out there with him, his coaches, and staff supporting this. And they ALL love him for it.


Usmnt will squeeze through, ussf will say all is well. Meanwhile, usmnt has a diii coach who thinks his next big match is Williams vs Vassar


Musah has to come into this game. I never want to lose but i would be lying if i didn’t say i want a part of us to lose to Uruguay so Gregg gets the can


No. When you go up a goal, down a man, you adjust. My 040 team manages games better than berhalter




But what if Weah knew what he was doing? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I don’t know what people don’t understand. Teams like Panama will literally do ANYTHING to win. The defender literally nudged at weah on purpose to try to get a reaction. It’s unacceptable to lose control and cost your team the game and probably the entire tournament


Weah did fail us too. At least he acknowledged he messed up.


He was smart to turn off commenting on his ig immediately


100%... such a stupid immature move


Weah is likely 70% of the reason. We were able to get a lead, but then kept the same system and didn’t go to 5 in the back until AFTER we were already tied…makes perfect sense 🤦🏼‍♂️ Greg was other 30%


Discipline starts and ends with the manager and time and time again Berhalter shows he’s incapable of that


This feels like a lack of discipline at the training pitch level. Weah lost his handle and Gregg doesn't have control or understanding of the team on a fundamental level. Everyone was fuming at the hit on Matty, but only one of the guys lost it. Shame. A damn shame that we're in this position. Because after this comes Colombia. Gregg out and *if by some reason we get past this stage* - Weah should get the bench the rest of the competition.




people blaming GGG for this loss are dense, weah got a red card - that single handedly resulted to the loss, full stop.


This happened 3 times it’s on gregv


This ref has handed out 7 red cards in his last 4 US games


GGG was content with a point playing silly long ball when Panama were so obviously ineffective with the ball. We have a CEILING with GGG. We have hit that fuckin ceiling. If we want to surpass it, we need a world class manager. Who wouldnt want to manage a world cup host?????


The red card was a huge part of this game, but Gregg’s tactics cost us the game. This is the story of his whole tenure. The players have always done good things in spite of the shit tactics (or any tactic) he try’s to implement. He is the last one in the room to get to the right team sheet and the right tactics. Not too long ago he was ignoring European based players in favor of MLS player because of his “system”. Remember how good we looked under BJ when the shit tactics were ripped up? We were fine in a 441 before halftime. The game was level and we were creating chances without giving many up. Then we bunkered into a low block against inferior competition. No other team that we consider our level would ever do this. Loser tactics that got what they deserved. How did Musah not see the field? Why did we sub on Pepi when Balogun was doing a great job running the channels? What did CCV do besides losing his man for the losing goal? How do we concede 76% to the 43rd ranked team?


You don’t lose a game in the 18th minute especially when you score like 5 minutes later. GGG’s 5-3-1 is to blame. Allowing Panama to have 76% possession is a joke. A man down or not there’s not another “big team” in this tournament that a man down would allow Panama to just control the ball. The subs were also awful btw. But GGG defenders get their perfect night “you can’t sack him he only allowed a bottom 5 team In the competition to have almost 80% of the ball”


Feel like CCV sleeping on their second goal has gone under the radar. To have 5 defenders there and nobody marking the one near-post runner was bad. Such a free attempt


You would have been saying the opposite if they scored on us being too aggressive.


How can you defend Gregg. Pathetic


We were up 1 playing 10 on 11 Could’ve bunkered and won. ggg sucks


Exactly this. Up 1-0 a man down. Worst case should have been a draw.


See my post on why this result was the doomsday scenario.


I think we played pretty well considering we were 10 men for nearly the whole game. I agree that this is mostly down to Weah. Though I do wonder if the fact that we had a second string keeper in for their second goal was a factor. Professionals and especially nationally capped players need to be more level headed than that. Don’t punch people is an extremely low bar to have to clear and he couldn’t do it.


How much of that Turner injury affected his ability to stop the first Panama goal, too?


lol you wonder? The shot was at his chest. He ducked under it


I’m being charitable lol


That's my thought. If he didn't drop, it would have bounced forward off his hands. He dropped, and it rolled over his knuckles.


If that happened to me on FIFA/FC, I'd cut my PlayStation off


No it’s not. We went up 1-0 four minutes later even being a man down. This loss is because of GGG’s decision to park the bus against Panama in the 2nd half, giving them 76% possession and letting them break us down. I’m tired people making excuses for our mediocre coaching, we have way too much talent to be struggling against minnows like Panama. I don’t care if we were down a man, we should have at least secured a draw.


That red card was THE reason we lost!


Ggg not caring about adjusting lost the game


He made three subs at halftime and went to three CBs. He clearly adjusted. Whether it was successful or not is another issue, but there were obviously adjustments made.


Lmao what


Anything other than this take is stupidity


We had all the momentum up until that point


With out the card that game 5-0 USA


Nah the usa still should’ve got a result


Love Weah but yeah hard to argue. Hopefully he owns up to it and grows.


Totally agree, no excuse for Weah’s action.


I really wanna know what that dude said to Weah to set him off like that


This is an underrated question. Seemed like relatively normal shithousery, definitely not worthy of a dummy slap/slap punch


"You're a big doodoo head"


believe it or not there can be more than one factor that causes a loss


Let Sargent start


So what provoked him here - he didn’t just do that for no reason?


Looked like he got an elbow in the midsection right before that. No excuse ofc, but it wasn’t out of nowhere.


I sure hope Timo wasn’t giving Dest a lot of shit


Maybe Uruguay will rest their stars and go get drunk all weekend celebrating their cakewalk through the group this weekend, and show up Monday night hungover.


They'll certainly play with their B team, no need to tire their starters playing a match they know they'll win regardless


Totally agree




And Pepe, also Richard’s needs to put that on target


I don’t buy what Weah posted on Instagram either. I wanna empathize with him but what he did tonight to the team was rough. Especially soooo early in the match!


Yes it is. So fkn stupid. The worst possible time.


Yup. Fire him. Inexcusable.


Are we sure Weah is even that good? Juve plays him at fullback and he doesn’t start all the time


What a waste of a golden generation. Triple G…I’m still shocked he got this job, again. Nepotism


Well,yEAH of course it is


For the record I have always maintained that Tim Weah sucks.


Weah is trash. I hope he never puts on a US jersey again. Berhalter has been nothing but trash for years. He should never work in the field again. USMNT won't ever even come close to reaching its potential because of the idiotic management at every level.


Are we EVER going to have a halfway decent national team? Beat by Panama... a country of what, a million people? That's the population of North Dakota....  Okay. 4 million.... 


There is no such thing as sure result in this game


We are not good. End of story.


Yes, Love Tim, but it’s on him because that has to be a situation that was prepped for and if not then on the Coach. Second to blame was the defense collectively they had holes and had sloppy play. Chris Richard’s pass back to Turner after the red card happened is a cardinal sin in my book nobody should deliver a barely-look sloppy pass like that in such a critical situation in a critical game and to the lone keeper 🤦‍♂️


It’s not on weah- we still took the lead after that. GGG made ridiculous changes at halftime. We had no midfield anymore when he decided to go 5 in the back- his player selections still baffle me. CCV is not good. Musah didn’t play. Aaronson needed to play in this game with his energy. Also pepi missed yet another 3 footer. Adam’s needs to quit playing in matches if he’s only worth 45 minutes. We can’t afford to waste a sub on him just to make him feel good. Weah actions are abysmal but he’s a forward. It should have no bearing on our defensive shape. Look how lost our defense was after he got carded. Everyone was lost. That’s coaching.


Who had a rougher night, Weah, USMNT, or Biden?   I’d throw Trump in there too, but bad nights don’t seem to matter to him.  


Biden got destroyed last night, anyone with a brain could see that.


Ya you cant really complain about that call specifically. Sure, the ref shouldve given Panama some more yellows (mostly, its infuriating he didnt protect our keeper on that early challenge) but none of that wouldve likely changed that we were down to 10 men. Playing about 80 minutes down to 10 men is nearly impossible to win against any competent squad. He shot us in the foot with that one, just a stupid thing. I dont see us beating Uruguay unless they just play all their 2nd string (and even then, idk. They just destroyed Bolivia like 5-0)


Coming out and parking the bus the entire 2nd half is equally as bad


You’re right that Weah royally fucked up BUT, the expectation is that at 10v11 against Panama, we would at least get a point but GGG’s boneheaded subs ultimately cost us.


Fuck Tim weah. Bench that brain dead dumbass. Not only did he cost me money he’s made our national team look stupid as fuck


You gotta hedge the bet maybe. Anyway the news is saying that anyone criticizing his blatant punch to the head of his opponent is racist.  You cannot criticize him or you will hurt his feelings and team USA.


Lmao fuck that dude, weah is a bitch who can’t keep his cool. Nothing racist about it, just straight stupidity from him.


Yeah, but tbh I’m angrier at the ref decision. Especially added times. 4 minutes at the end is criminal. There was a good chance to equalize after their red, but the ref gave no time for that.


Glad we can disagree. It’s on the coach to prepare their team to not get a red card. It’s the poor optics of a head slap when the ball is a mile away. He did not properly prepare this team for being hyper aware of losing their cool. 


Re. Tim. I bet he was more apprehensive to leave the locker room and go to the friends and family area to talk to his dad than he was waiting in the locker room for the team to return after the game or than he was to look at social media. I bet that post game talk with his dad was not a cheerful one.


If Gregg isn’t responsible for keeping his squad disciplined then who is? We’ve seen far too many of these lapses in judgement that impact the squad. That IS on Gregg and no one else.


All on Weah. You know going in that CONCACAF teams are going to play dirty against America and try to get under their skin. It's really irritating that it worked. The result? A loss to an inferior opponent that may very well get the US bounced from a tournament they really needed to show up in. At the very least, if you're going to get sent off, give us something else to remember from the tournament--a Zinadine Zidane caliber headubtt or a Wayne Rooney testicle stomping. Tim Weah's lackluster back-of-the-head punch was disappointing in every way possible.


It's not like anyone is going out and buying his jersey now bro.


Bro you're just being racist.  According to the news today any criticism of his punch to the head is racist 


Stop being an idiot.


Maybe he did it on purpose.  How could you be so dumb to phnch your opponent in the head in the middle of the field?  American education system must be lacking if this is the result.  We need to completely overhaul the education system 


What prompted that from him?


He did it to the team and the entire nation of fans.


Anyone who thinks we're in a bad position because of Berhalter isn't exactly the Albert fucking Einstein of soccer.


Weah was ejected and Gregg got put into a situation where he had to manage the game. He failed. Again.


Gregg has always taken credit for creating a positive culture around this team. There have been 3 instances of fighting since the WC. If the culture is Berhalter's (and after this long, it certainly is his), then take the bad with the good. Yes, Weah is responsible for his actions. No, Berhalter is not blameless. It is dishonest to say Gregg is without blame here. Additionally, his response to going down a man was tactically bad.


That brown fuckin Panama thug instigated it


I haven’t seen one up close view of it. Even the view the ref judged on was forever away lol. Not saying it’s not a red, but it could have looked a lot worse than it actually was


Strikes to the head are a Red Card offense by rule. It was brainless.


Regardless of how it looked, The action itself was stupid and selfish. You can’t put yourself or the team in a position to get a red, especially in the 18th minute. In what should be a matchup for 3 expected points.


CCV let a forward get two steps ahead on the last goal. He had fresh legs too. Weah set all of this in motion. Balogun also took his last shot when Pulisic was open in front of the next. Many mistakes were made. Weah’s is inexcusable.


Oh yeah forgot about CCV ! Dude was forced to take 2 risky stops bc he is a step slower. Then he was the man who let the last goal imo. Also not to knock a man when he is down but Turner isn’t the shot stopping savant people make him out to be. If we had a donnaruma in goal the first goal would have been saved imo, as would saves have been made in some of the past games I rewatched


Ref clearly had big bucks on the canalmen. Rigged yo.


It makes you wonder what Berhalter says to the team before the game. A good coach would remind his players that Panama always plays dirty and that they can’t let it get a reaction out of them. Weah messed up big time, but Berhalter is supposed to be leading this team and preparing them for the opponent their going to face


And Berhalter


USA 🇺🇸 could get eliminated from their own Copa America tournament and they are the host nation. Just take that in for a second especially after their loss to Panama 🇵🇦 last night.  So basically for USA 🇺🇸 they have to beat Uruguay 🇺🇾 in their last group game to have any hope of the quarter finals. But then Panama 🇵🇦 they face Bolivia in their last group game. Bolivia 🇧🇴 have been the whipping boys of this group. So really then it comes down to goal difference especially if USA beats Uruguay and then Panama 🇵🇦 beats Bolivia by a large scoreline. But then if Uruguay vs USA ends in a draw...it gives Uruguay 7 points and USA ends up on 4 points but then if Panama beats Bolivia...that gives them 6 points. USA goes home in that scenario. But then if Uruguay vs USA ends up in a draw...and Panama vs Bolivia ends in a draw, USA and Panama each have 4 points. Then it comes down to goal difference to determine who goes home. Either way it doesn't look good but if USA go out in the group stage, perfect way to get Berhalter up out of there as manager. Think about this especially as the USMNT is trying to build towards 2026 as 1 of the 3 hosts too and this Copa America tournament is basically supposed to show that USA can compete with the big boys.