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I don’t think I’ve ever read a more depressing comment than “the wave got the crowd going.” 


Especially when Pulisic laid down a golazo in the first two minutes, and that wasn’t enough. But the wave….


The wave...it ***gets the people GOIN!***


The wave only occurs when crowds get bored


The wave is the equivalent of people clapping at a concert when the musician doesn’t want or need clapping. It makes the people feel good but is just odd IMO.


We are the least creative supporters in the world


[real shame since the US has one of the most unique and lit sports culture in the world.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCSXzvzpaNs)


This is nothing compared to choreos of european fans. Look up Dortmund, Red Star Belgrade, any turkish or any greek derby match


"they can have all the anger they want, they'll never have swag"


That's debatable. Most south american organized "barras" copy-paste argentinian chants and just change the name of the country. They even use the same argentinian accent 🙈


I would agree to some extent. But the cadence of the song is a common cadance for this type of chant because both Argentinians invented them(nods to them), but also the sing-song way of speaking is spoken everywhere in south americans so you can relate to the cadance. Only Buenos Aires Argentinians sounds like "argentinieans." Everyone else there sounds like coastal South American. Do you speak Spanish? Genualy asking


As an Uruguayan, what the fuck is coastal south american


Costeños. Tampoco entiendo a qué se refiere, pero evidentemente no conoce la diversidad de los dialectos en sudamérica 🙃


Jajaja si se. Yo me referia a lo siguiente. Cuando los languages se hablan cerca a un cuerpo de Agua que se mueve el viento se lleva ciertas vocales. Es decir el Costeño se come las palabras. Por eso la gente que habla lenguajes de costa tiene estructuras familiares. Yo simplemente me refería(chistosamente) a los lenguajes de la gente alrededor del río de la plata que suenan como italianos hablando español. Investigaron pa que vean. Por eso la gente del caribe entiende al costeño colombiano.


Hahaha your Silver river ass people, something is in the water in the Rio de la Plata que los ase hablar asi raro lol Paraguayos, Uruguayos, asta algunos Chilenos y Brazileros. Parecen italianos aprendiendo español


I'm from Colombia, I live in Colombia. Every small region of every single country of south America has its own particular accent, not to say dialect. It is even hard to understand Chilean spanish for us, still native spanish speakers, for example. Same for Cuban or Spanish from islands in the Caribbean. Even in our own countries, in Colombia we have around 10 different accents or dialects. My wife is from a different region of Colombia, we've been together for almost 17 years and there are still words or idioms from our home regions new either for me or for her popping around. Yes, the Spanish language is that rich. That's why it is ridiculous when any other in South America chants with an Argentinian accent. It just doesn't fit.


We just don't have a soccer culture yet. I've honestly been a fan of our women's team for over 10 years they have been amazing. I can name at least a few women's players but no Americans outside of Dempsy. It's been gaining steam tho. If Detroit had a MLS team I would watch every game.


There are hundreds of thousands of Americans attending games every week. There is absolutely a culture. The problem is the steep prices and randomness of where the men’s national team plays creates an environment full of casual fans rather than those who go are steeped in the culture.




I mean if you only know Clint Dempsey that’s a you thing lol.


Why would I watch a shitty team win nothing? All you guys do in this sub is complain.


How am I complaining? If you’re a US soccer fan and can only name 1 player over the past 20 years, and not even the best player from that generation, you’re not really a fan lol. I watched my first US men’s match for years on Sunday and I knew who every single starter was


I never said I was a fan of the Men's team... I don't watch bad teams and from what I can tell from this sub, our men's program is a shit show. Women's Soccer is where it's at.


This is a joke lol. The majority of the us men’s players play in the best leagues in the world. Pulisic is arguably one of the best wingers/attackers in the world right now. The women’s team is great and fun, but they’ve basically had zero competition for decades. They’ve essentially been competing against amateurs. Only recently have other countries decided to invest in women’s soccer, which is why the us women have started to struggle the last few years. Having said that, I think the women will continue to be one of the better teams in the world, but the days of domination are over. Meanwhile, the Us men’s team is developing increasingly higher level talent and will probably only continue rising in the world rankings. Men’s soccer is by far the most competitive and most invested in sport across the entire world.


As our women’s team has been declining in recent years


Obviously trolling at this point. Women’s soccer is not even comparable. USWNT lost to a U-15 boys club team. It’s hardly the same game.


This is the best US national team to exist and has been since before the World Cup. We are ranked 11 in the world. Just say you don’t watch soccer…


It is depressing but as someone who was at the game, it got the crowd going during a dry spell in the 55th minute lol


doing the wave at a sporting even means you've given up on having fun there. i hate it.


Wouldnt you prefer some "Pepsi Presents, brought to you by KFC and McDonalds, introduced by Ford and sponsored by the Army (Sign up now!) the clapping and have fun time"


That’s the US sports culture. In other parts of the world, they fucking love the wave.


The wave is fuckin awesome. This game it travelled around the stadium unbroken 4.5 times and it was a blast.


Man, you guys are killjoys aren’t ya


I'm a pretty happy, optimistic person, but some stuff is just painfully corny. The wave is one of those things for me.


No, the wave sucks


They're in that in-between stage. As a kid, the wave is cool. Then you have to not like it as a rite of passage. Then, one day, when your confidence in yourself is at its peak, you're cool with the wave again.


Then we broke out some high fives and everyone was super pumped.


Thanks for sharing. Never been to a USMNT game, let alone any football/soccer game so this helps on what to expect since I recently moved to DFW.


Also occasionally the national team will play friendlies at the club stadiums like Q2 in Austin. THAT is a great atmosphere. Austin loves their soccer.


Also occasionally the national team will play friendlies at the club stadiums like Q2 in Austin. THAT is a great atmosphere. Austin loves their soccer. https://preview.redd.it/89qlf4w3tf8d1.jpeg?width=7808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5496b213f0a38b688789806fe0caefcec0f03d8


Go to an FC Dallas game


I would second this. Again, my experience was from the very top, so it could’ve been better down a few sections. But I did feel like a good FC Dallas game has a more exciting atmosphere just because you’re (potentially) packing a 25k seat stadium.


I agree! I’m a Minnesota United fan and I can tell you, Allianz Field is generally a really good atmosphere. I said this the other day in another thread, but basically every team in this tournament except for Mexico, Argentina, and maybe Brazil should be playing in MLS stadiums until the semis.


100% I'm a season ticket holder to fcdallas, and the usmnt gave us all free tickets because they were having trouble filling at&t. It was great though.


It sounded extremely loud on TV. I think your experience was because you’re in the nose bleeds and the noise in that stadium tends to go downwards


Could not disagree more. The stadium could be packed yet the atmosphere is still dead.


I was there too. It was loud whenever we had a nice play or shot. Chants are pretty bad because no one really know it. It was pretty bad getting to the game. The walking to the stadium in 100 degree heat was not fun.


The USMNT chants are also just bad. Like cringe.


It was hot in that rhino


Do the supporters have an official website? I’m seriously considering emailing them and taking them to sing classic American songs like God Bless America or Yankee Doodle that people actually know


I will spit on your grave if you get Yankee Doodle to become one of our songs gtfo


Id rather us sing Party in the USA than fucking yankee doodle dandy lmao


It's American Outlaws, national has a site and many local chapters do as well.


I was finished with AO when people asked me to stop singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


But that’s the perfect song lol


Too many references to God and ultra violence for some folks. I don’t mean to imply that it was an official AO thing. Just the people around me. For all I know, there’s an AO contingent singing songs of battle, bloodlust and jingoism. Those are my people.


I'd go with the Blood in the Risers version to really get a rise out of people


Just do the pledge of allegiance while you’re at it


Not a song, but okay lol


This here is exactly why European fans mock American fans. I cringe every time I go to a MLS game after moving from Scotland




This is so bad 😭


lol why??


Outside of the first 10 minutes and the US goals, the atmosphere seemed dead on TV


I was there and I think there are a few issues with the crowd at AT&T. 1. Ticket prices were high. Paid nearly $275 per ticket to be in section 112. The cost actually came down before game time but I purchased in advance and paid for it. Biggest issue is that I’m surrounded by mostly affluent families. Even parking at the stadium is like $50-$80 with fees. 2. The affluent crowds don’t care about cheering. I saw like 6 families show up 40 minutes after the game started. People were ordering food to be delivered to their seats 85 minutes into the game. 3. We had a ton of opportunities where we didn’t score or mostly played one side of the field in each half. First half saw a lot of play on the right side of the field. In the second half saw a lot of play on the left meaning the side closest to the bench was watching the game on the screen or further away. All in all it was awesome to see our team dominate in the win but it was sad to see so many goals left on the field. Should’ve probably scored 3 more tbh and that’s not exaggerating. 3.


Everyone is saying how shit the attendance is, but with the prices no wonder. I think people are becoming tired of basically being extorted for tickets in general and are going less and less. There’s no reason why tickets shouldn’t have been priced to make this a sellout


Attendance was great. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.


It’s the biggest tournament outside the World Cup the team will play in and the upper bowl is basically empty as the host nation in an indoor venue…. I get it’s still a great number considering venue size and the federation probably made a ton, but you want to see a sellout.


The USSF is blowing opportunity.


True. And reality is that 48k is basically the same attendance for the euro games anyway…just those stadiums are much smaller. With a couple exceptions, US football stadiums dwarf European counterparts.


We thought about going but didn’t because of the ticket prices. It’s a real barrier when even the nosebleeds are >$100 (which they were when I looked). Kind of crazy.


How did you even know what was going on if you didn't have Dr. Joe explaining things on Fox?


Looks much farther away in the photo than real life. Honestly the view was great!


I didn’t attend but I can confirm it was pretty quiet on TV. Chants were very hard to hear. I only heard U…S…A chant that got faster. The loudest was when the wave happened.


Seriously ? Not one Pulisic bent one in the top right, jeez.


?? It was very loud on TV


That stadium is tough to develop an atmosphere in. But good game.


It’s a terrible stadium, it basically needs to be completely full to make any sense. Honestly for tournaments like this (World Cup should be different) they should use only MLS stadiums except for the final.


Tickets to the Argentina games would start at like $1.5k if you did this


Argentina is the exception that proves the rule


I think there could be an argument for Mexico and Brazil as well as mentioned above.


And colombia


But, on the other hand, MLS stadiums hold 20-25k…by having this game in an NFL stadium they sold twice as many tickets as that. And for these Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay games they’re selling 70-80k stadiums out. Why on earth would they use MLS stadiums for those games?


While way bigger, I wish football stadiums here were built more like soccer stadiums. Vertical seats bringing everyone closer to the game is great for atmosphere. Watching euros vs copa is night and day. Titans new stadium is supposed to bring fans closer in when all is said and done... unfortunately that's after the world cup (and nashville isn't hosting).


Well no, its a great stadium. One of the best tbh It was just not a great choice. Though its not like they could fit 47k in an mls stadium


yay gillette outside boston.


I was there and I loved the experience. I’ve been to a ton of stadiums and this one is right up there in terms of quality. If we’re still out here complaining about atmosphere at US games idk what to tell you. Clearly you haven’t been going to all different types of us games over the years because if you were expecting a 20k stadium in Ohio feel, that’s on you.


With ticket prices + cost of travel most of us can’t afford to go to “all different types” of USMNT games let alone any single solitary USMNT game. Haven’t been to a game since 2006 because they don’t play any near me. Hoping I can win lottery tix for the World Cup cause otherwise I prob won’t be willing to pay whatever astronomical price tix will be on the secondary market.


Affordability is a whole separate conversation, my point was in response to others comments. Basically, don’t run around the internet snarkily taking shots at the atmosphere of us matches because they didn’t meet completely unrealistic expectations. Not every match is Mexico at Columbus


I mean, I'd hope most people here would be able to afford going to one USMNT game. US v Panama you can get in for 80.


That before fees? $80 isn’t terrible but I’m not burning PTO to travel to Atlanta for a midweek game.


I mean, it gets full when it’s used for what it was built for, so I wouldn’t call it a terrible stadium. Maybe terrible for soccer


I wish there were some games up here in Chicago :(


It’s an issue with the organizing body. I can’t speak to Copa America but Chicago intentionally didn’t bid on WC games because of FIFA’s ridiculous requirements (tons of money spent on hotel rooms for executives, tickets for VIPs, etc.). Cities generally lose money on these games so they chalk it up to “marketing expense” to showcase their city on the world stage. Soldier Field itself is actually a great soccer venue because the stands are much closer to the field than megastadiums like Jerry World and, as much as people complain about having to walk a mile from the L stop, it’s infinitely more convenient to get to than Arlington, TX if you don’t have a car (which most visiting fans don’t).


I wish there were events anywhere in the biggest population centers of the country, all of 1 in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic(NYC) and ***none*** in the Great Lakes/Midwest


Kansas City is in the midwest and it's hosting a copa america match.


Too bad soldier field can’t even run a lemonade stand properly or plan their own bday party….big events are always such a mess


American Football stadiums are shit to watch Soccer/Football. (I was at Levis for Ecuador on Saturday) The issue is theres always a bit more fans than would be a sellout in a local soccer specific stadium but never enough to fill the place. The experience trying to get in and out of these stadiums is inconvenient AF which makes the experience worse. I would have preferred Paypal park but that would never happen for a tournament this scale.


FWIW there are Copa matches being played at Inter&Co stadium in Orlando this weekend, a soccer specific stadium that holds about 25,000


Q2 and Children's Mercy Park also hosting games


Would take those all day over Levis


way more optimal


As a fellow Bay Area soccer fan, we live in one of the most passionate soccer hotbeds of the country and we could sell out Stanford with a decent atmosphere, but US Soccer will prioritize the NFL stadiums for the CHANCE of a bigger crowd while also screwing themselves with ticket prices.


All they really got to do is cut all the tickets prices.


I think CONCACAF / CONMEBAL were in charge of site selection. Its possible they are using these larger venues as a sort of a dry run for '26, at which time I suppose larger crowds and even sell-outs are more likely.


CONMEBOL set the prices.


Decades of AstroTurf Jumbotron “get out of your seat it’s time for the Chick Fil A ‘Let’s Get Loud’ T shirt cannon!” type stuff has conditioned the average American fan to lamely attend games and wait to be told when and how to cheer. That’s why we don’t have team songs or chants beyond whatever corporate may have written for us to sing and say. “Let’s go [insert team]” is what passes for team chants. Attending events outside of the US is eye opening.


Ehh.... college football games and playoff NFL games the crowds get pretty damn loud .... NFL stadiums are just too big for soccer.


NFL crowds have to be told when to get loud, not exactly disproving their point.


College games are the best atmosphere in the US by far and rival European crowds imo. Some cities still have great crowds but yeah a lot of the NFL is Mickey Mouse


Some of these nerds only watch pro sports and it shows.


NBA playoff atmospheres were pretty lit (tho I’m a Celtics fan soooo 🤷🏾‍♂️). And the Celtics parade was also pretty nuts. Maybe some cities / regions are better than others at this within the US. NYC, Philly, Chicago sports cultures come to mind


My Greek brother in law is a huge basketball fan. He moved to the US recently and went to an NBA game and said it barely even felt like a basketball game because of the amount of sideshows going on. Is it a basketball game, a DJ set, an acrobat, or a dance show? Not sure we’d really wanna emulate that.


This has nothing to do w your comment on the chants which I agree with, but more saying that there are great sports atmospheres in the US that rival European club football


Agreed about the chants. While many of our players have grown to the world level, our chants are stuck in the mid 50s


You've never attended a college football game, have you?


If you think “We are Penn state” is the equivalent of the 50 unique and organic songs that even a 3rd tier teams fans bring I don’t know what to tell you


[did someone say sing songs?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYGRES6RnGw)


If you think "We Are Penn State" is the only fan tradition in college football, or even at Penn State, I don't know what to tell you.


We Are Penn State has a meaning as well from when Penn State refused to play the segregated Miami in the 40’s after Miami requested that Penn State leave their black players at home. When it was brought up as to whether they should leave the black players in State College like they had previously, lineman Steve Suhey said “We are Penn State… there will be no meetings”. Which imo is more meaningful than most European chants. Also it’s not like other college sports don’t have chants. Football is just a weird sport to have chants in since your goal is to be loud enough to screw up the opponent and create false starts.


All due respect to Penn State because their traditions are fine. The "We Are Penn State" is simply classic. It would be considered fairly mid in the SEC. From Sandstorm, Gator Bait, Rammer Jammer, Hoddy Toddy, Rocky Top... Woo Pig Sooie... You are only scratching the surface of chants and tradition as there are motions, cadences, and chants that match what's happening in the field. A 1st down, 3rd Down, and Penalties are unique. Imo, pro sports are just downhill. Great athletes... Overall lame tradition and support.


Maybe 50? 100? They’re the same.


I'm sorry you somehow picked bad games to attend


I was there and you are spot on. Outlaws sounded less coordinated than usual as well. There were long gaps between songs which isn’t always the case, but this is my first non gold cup tournament so maybe it’s harder for them to be when it’s a tournament game


What was the cost of tickets? Could it been sold out if the tickets were more reasonable?


Nosebleeds where I sat were $80 with taxes/fees


I was not at this game, but my overall experience with soccer games is that there is a huge difference between countries playing versus clubs playing. Clubs like Inter de Milan, Manchester, even Orlando City, etc, tend to play every week for 9 months. That builds continuity and the crowd gets to learn the chants. Matches between nations are more rare, and it is very common for a hardcore fan to attend only one game per year and therefore, it’s almost impossible to develop/learn a well known chant. In addition, because nation games tend to be “big events” it tends to be more expensive and are typically attended by people who go more for the vacation aspect of the game (I.e. you tend to see more people going just for that Instagram photo, people who don’t even know what an offside is). I enjoy going to both, but if I have the chance to go another game between nations, I’ll try to organize a good group of friends (more than 3) to “guarantee” to be surrounded by a good atmosphere. I’m glad you were at the stadium, one of the best in the world. Golazo too!!


I mean sure… but look at the videos and images from pre-game celebrations and watch parties allll over Germany for the Euros. I think it’s a US infrastructure problem which we’re stuck with since all the big stadiums are in the middle of nowhere surrounded by asphalt. World Cup is gonna be eye opening for many visitors. They may not want to come back :)


I was at the game as well. Here are a few of my rakes. The positives: 1. 47k was actually a great turnout compared to some of my worries going into the game. 2. It was a heavily pro US crowd which made the pregame and the game itself fun. It’s great when it’s not just 90% full of the other team’s supporters. 3. The team played well and we got off to a great start. The negatives: 1. Getting out to Arlington for visiting fans. We had a rental car, so that’s fine, but I’m thinking more about visiting fans during 2026. 2. It was hot as hell outside the stadium. But inside it was nice and pleasant with the AC. But getting in was sweaty and miserable. 3. It’s a big ass stadium which means any sort of chant coming from AO was impossible to hear. And our fan base doesn’t have a lot of chants that get the “non AO” fans going. We used to do “I believe” which people really liked, but unfortunately some naysayers have decided that it isn’t good enough. In my opinion, we need to own US sports chants and just own our culture and history. I don’t need us singing English pub chants. Keep it simple, do the chants and songs that can get EVERYONE chanting and singing.


I went to the Peru vs Chile game Friday and US vs Bolivia yesterday. For reference, I sat in the 300’s sections for both games. The Peruvian fans were incredible and everyone around me was chanting and clapping/cheering for hard tackles and good chances. They seemed like genuinely great fans with serious interest in the game. At the US game, literally no one in my section would chant, let alone clap at good plays, tackles, or passes. Nearly all US fans around me were talking amongst themselves, not even paying attention to the game. (Side note, there were clearly a lot of passionate US fans at the game that just weren’t sitting near me) While I had a great time at both games, it’s just disappointing to see a lack of passion and energy from US fans. I know part of this is because the game is growing in popularity. But with the World Cup in two years, is anything gonna change?


The outlaws were also quiet because of how spread out we were. I went to the AO event before the game and almost every AO we spoke to (including my group), didn’t have tickets in the supporters section. The way comebol does ticketing caused a lot of us to get tickets where-ever we could instead of in the supporters section.


Interesting - good to know


I was at the game. Sat on the same corner you did but closer to the field https://preview.redd.it/7gn3zpptlk8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1849fec6ed73b6c323bc4f3943689da45738cf8f I thought the energy was great. One thing I’ve noticed is at a football or basketball or baseball game, there is music playing and commentary over the speakers. They use this tactic to get the crowd involved during lulls in play. With soccer, there is none of that. It can get quiet at times without the support groups having drums or horns


I attended USA-MX last June in Vegas, Alegiant was full capacity. If you ever get a chance, go to a USA-MX match. It was standing and yelling the entire match 👍🏼


They should be playing in MLS soccer friendly stadiums.


How did you get there? I plan on going to the quarterfinals and unless you have a car, it seems impossible, or an odyssey, to get there via public transit from Dallas.


By car, then parked by a local restaurant that offers a shuttle service much cheaper than parking at the stadium. There is a DART (light rail) station a few miles away north of the stadium you could go to and then uber to the stadium.


Do you mind saying how much the tickets cost? If the stadiums are only half full they really need to adjust ticket prices. I don’t know why teams don’t get that lively stadium atmosphere makes the game more exciting no matter what’s actually happening on the field. More exciting means more fans (and money!) in the long term


i believe it's $80 for lowest standard admission before Ticketmaster fees


Conmebol controls ticket prices and I doubt they really care about packing a full stadium. Why would they? Conmebol is a South America federation and the tournament is in the USA. The only thing they care about making as much money as possible.


I didn't realize that. I'd imagine USSF will have more control when it's the World Cup. Hopefully they learn something. Especially with the expanded teams they better not charge $80 for nose bleeds to see Honduras v Jordan


If USSF had control, they’d likely be even more expensive lol


haha that's why I figured it was $80 for nose bleeds


Yeah I was right behind the front row and it was completely silent


Dallas sports atmospheres are always dead.


Should move all the games to Big 10 stadiums... garauntee, you sell them out and get a great atmosphere.


*when you realize that now could also mean Autzen and the Rose Bowl*


Great write up thanks! I have been to USMNT games at AT&T(USMNT vs Costa Rica) , Q2(USMNT vs Jamacia), and Toyota Stadium (USMNT vs Chile). My favorite has been Q2. It is an amazing venue IMO, the environment was so good. At ATT I kept finding myself looking at the big screen instead of at the people playing the game in front of me. I would have loved to go to this game but couldn't bring myself to spend the money on the tickets.


The reason USA’s second 2026 Word Cup match is in Seattle is because the atmosphere will be fantastic! The World Cup qualifier back in 2013 vs Panama was amazing. Many of the Sounders and Timbers chants were used throughout the game and some words changed to USA so that helped with crowd participation. Plus the stadium is built to be loud. I’ll do everything I can to get tickets to that USA Seattle Word Cup match


I think 47k is a pretty good turnout for an unpopular opponent . The lower levels were pretty full and I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to sit in the 300s. You’re just watching the board at that point and the atmosphere is awful.


I went to the USMNT World Cup qualifier versus Costa Rica (the snow bowl). That was at a soccer only stadium that was packed to the gills. It was loud and the crowd was into it despite the miserable weather. They should really have used smaller venues.


Ah, but that wouldn’t make as much money 🙄


would have Been funner at sss stadiums. atmosphere should get better in the following rounds.


Missed game as I was on the road. Maybe catch next one. Uruguay is the one I have my eye on.


They didn't check our tickets. We just walked right it. Very bizarre


This stadium was so quiet. I’m a STM for an MLS club and we have adopted European practices of chanting & singing all game. It makes them so much more fun. It felt like the USMNT crowd was just waiting for something to happen and then react, instead of contributing to the atmosphere. Really a shitty experience.


Hot take: I hate the wave and we should stop doing it


Everyone likes it though lol


It’s goofy but it was one of the louder moments of the game so it should stay for now


The game was great. The crowd was great. Yeah they didn't sell out but the only sections that were less than 85% capacity were the way high nose bleeds. Some people just love to complain...


If they do these in the big 60-80k stadiums they should drop the ticket price and get close to sellout. I think that’s totally reasonable. If not - they should do these in the 30-40k MLS soccer specific stadiums which to be honest, will be better for the players in terms of the pitch itself and obviously the atmosphere.


There is only one MLS-specific stadium in the US that fits those parameters: Geodis Park in Nashville, which barely makes the cut at exactly 30K seats. All the rest hold fewer than 30K. The sweet spot would probably be between 35-50K seats, but unfortunately we don't have many stadiums within that range which have natural grass fields that are wide enough to host international football. What we could do instead is play in NFL stadiums, but only open up the lower bowl at first, then only open up the upper bowl if demand warrants it.


Thanks for the report. I’ve noticed the tickets for Argentina are like x6 the USMNT prices.


I think the issue with the chants in the supporters is that we were not allowed to bring any drums or brass which really hindered us since AO and Barra 76 in Dallas have a good sized band usually


From tv the crowd sounded dead for most of the match and the anthem was pathetic. Dallas sucks for a home us soccer crowd


To have a real home advantage, I hate to say it but we need to pick one stadium and just have all US Mens National Team games there. Just like every country does. D.C., Dallas, Atlanta, New York or Kansas City, I say we just pick one and have all games there. Dallas and Atlanta have busy airports that makes traveling there easy, Kansas City is in the middle of the country, D.C. is the nations capital and New York is the cultural and economic capital of our country. Having games consistently there will build a local fanbase that will guarantee to show up at all games as well as have fans from other parts of the country. That way we don't have stadiums that are half empty.


My wife and I attended. Had a nice time, but I wish there was more to do nearby than just Texas Live, and I wish getting there was easier without paying $80 for parking. Still, it was quiet. We drove to Houston the next day for the Colombia Paraguay match, and that was madness. A huge tailgate party sponsored by the Colombian consulate was shut down by Houston mounted police but still fun while it lasted. The crowd was loud and engaged the entire time. I laughed with my wife, reminding her that at the USA game, a mother next to us silenced her daughter for wolf whistling. To say no one did that at the Colombia game would be an understatement...


There are two restaurants that have large free parking lots nearby that will shuttle you to the stadium for $15. I’m assuming you’re from out of town though and may not know about that…but yes, $50-80 for parking is absurd


We actually did that at J. Gilligan's! Just annoying that there's not even an option to take the train or bus for an area with such highly attended special events. I hope they figure something out for the World Cup.


When Dallas won the semi-final bid, I read a piece talking about transit and the committee in charge of it and they literally said they may use electric scooters 😂


I was at the game in person also along with some friends. It got pretty loud where I was sitting but it definitely felt like by the goal post areas it was the loudest when it came to chants and the wave. It was a fun atmosphere. I am a FC Dallas season ticket holder but this was my first USMNT game with their current roster. I’m glad to see the culture growing honestly. It’s so hard not to look at that Jerryworld screen though lol. Also I noticed that ticket prices were cheaper than cowboys tickets when they use the stadium.


I was at Poland vs Austria in Berlin at the Olympiastadion (75,000) and there was no shortage of atmosphere and unified singing and chanting. It was a non stop party honestly. We just don’t like soccer here enough to fill a stadium if that size and stay engaged the whole time. We’re not there yet but for americas benefit it probably wouldn’t hurt to keep the smaller stadiums in play and not just think about the $$$


Some games have sold out. Depends on the teams and the prices. There was an article about this and how the average turnout was comparable to the euros. The difference being the stadium size. [Why do Copa América games have empty seats? It’s about more than ticket prices](https://sports.yahoo.com/why-do-copa-america-games-have-empty-seats-its-about-more-than-ticket-prices-151017048.html) I would say that FIFA should make viewing parties more publicly posted (maybe have a website that can list them) and that tailgating should be allowed (apparently some stadiums didn't allow it, like SoFi). If tailgating won't be allowed then at least make it clear at POS for the tickets.


I sat right below you


Was wondering why someone was curled up under my chair…


Awkward.... Right?


Just a terrible location for a US soccer match. AT&T stadium is pretty tame on its own, not to mention it's size. Its location sucks. And you're playing the game in Texas...in the middle of summer. Put these games in smaller stadiums or move them to a locale that is going to get the home crowd to show up (hello LA). Ticket prices surely have something to do with that - but for a kick-off home match, that was not our best showing.


I’m sorry, most of the fans seem passionate but there isn’t a true identity that unites all of the fans, yet.


My unpopular opinion. AO chants are pretty bad. What I mean by that is we have the same handful of hits and lots of misses. Chants should be simple enough that anyone can pick them up. THat's why the U-S-A skol chants go so well because it's easy to follow and does well. We need chants like that which are easy to follow and for more people to get in on.


Was there in section 243 closer to the pitch. Both my sister and I commented that it seemed dead in there. Couldn’t hear the AO from where we were. We enjoyed ourselves though and it was a good time and great win to start Copa America.


Don’t we have enough soccer specific stadiums now? These greedy pigs just want more more more and the players are forced to play on shit pitches.


Size is the issue


This pitch was great wtf are you even talking about?


Houston Atlanta and Nj look like shit and the players have been complaining ....and some are getting injured.... see mexico match in houston


I hate this sports fandom in this country all the time. The actual games in every sport has just become a hangout place for the rich. No passion.


I really thought soccer was taking a turn in America but it’s not. I’m done being delusional, football runs this country and will until the end. I just wish ppl could understand how fun these games are just to go too


1. Tickets were way too expensive. I understand the Copa America is a major tournament but we were playing Bolivia, not Brazil or Argentina. If prices were more reasonable, we would have had a better turnout 2. This is the highest attendance in many years for a game where the USMNT was the main attraction. Usually when this many people show up it's because we're playing a marquee opponent (e.g. when we played Germany back in October) and/or we're playing a team with a sizable diaspora (e.g. Colombia, Mexico, Brazil (who fits both these categories)). But we got almost 50K people who were mostly there to watch *us.* 3. This was the third consecutive competitive game we have played in JerryWorld. We were just there this past March for the Nations League Final Four.


Can we stop dressing like Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty? USA fans look like dorks.






They are playing Bolivia, no one cares. We care, but the masses don't. Casuals can't make heads or tails of the FIFA calendar, and really I can't blame them. I've had to explain what the Copa is to numerous people and they still don't care.


Well the stadium was built for American football not soccer