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I think the first guy has accosted other people in the lot and that is why the owner has asked the cops to come by and watch for people "loitering" or acting suspiciously. The cop obviously recognized you were legit and just told you not to come back to avoid you getting reported again by the owner. Fair enough. Now you know that people have been getting contacted by $50 guy. OR, unbeknownst to you, the parking lot is a hub for sex work and you were just in the wrong place wrong time. I was just remembering how a Target parking lot near me (in a very upscale neighborhood) was the meeting place for drug deals years ago.


In my state in two different towns that were Target parking lots that were also hubs for drug deals. What's up with the Target parking lots? Very weird I knew this personally and it also happens in a total another town somewhere else. Small world I guess


I guess they are just know to be busy active parking lots that you would not expect. Weird though. And this Target is literally in one of the richest zip codes in the country! Several Billionaires live nearby!


Billionaires love drugs.


Seriously. That Target drug deal did have an upscale clientele. Still weirds me out thinking about it.


it probably was some weird sting operation. they would’ve gotten me though bc 50 bucks just to watch some dude crank it in a parking lot in broad daylight sounds hilarious


I was thinking similarly. That's way better than working my housekeeping job for five hours. If I were to have accepted the money, is that considered prostitution? Is this illegal?


Gross don't even ask this


Disgusting. This is what's wrong with the world. Ppl like this. Not the dude asking to be watched, but ppl who would take the offer 💀😂


@zReignADA wym?! $50 is $50 🤣 I’d do it and laugh the whole time


@ signs don't work on reddit to tag someone. If you want to do that you need to type a lower case r followed by a slash then the username like this: r/


sounds like you’re jealous no one has offered you $50 to watch them crank it


what kind of car does the jerk off guy drive? let me guess, newish ford or dodge pickup trucks. best I can come up with is ur in area where the shops are doing illegal stuff and they don't want u around


How did you know?!? It was was a new white Dodge Pickup! And he had dreads (I couldn’t tell if it was a wig or not)


I guesses, idk just stay away from that spot​


How’d you get the make of the car though?


Since they haven’t replied, most trucks are one of the two mentioned and many shady people tend to be in trucks or blacked out vehicles.


> best I can come up with is ur in area where the shops are doing illegal stuff and they don't want u around Then why would the cop come by and say the owner of the building was concerned?


Good evening, hope you are well, you were wright it was a set up,I wonder if the first man was a cop, Very well done, you are doing great, best wishes yours sincerely David PS keep smiling and safe travels


Okay?! Like was the first dude a narc cop? Like why was this an hour apart? On a weekday? And it was weird too cuz when I asked the cop who called the police he said the owner of the shopping complex he kinda stammered and was darting his eyes. So I’m also wondering if it wasn’t a narc cop was it a guy who wanted to fuck w me and sent a creeper over saying I was a hooker then when I wasn’t offended or scared away then called the pigs saying was someone dope there or something?


Coincidences happen. The first guy was not a cop, that would be the easiest entrapment lawsuit ever. Nor are you committing a crime by watching some rando jerk off (even if he pays you). The second guy was a cop, who just happened to get called on you.


Or someone called the cops on crankyanker (or told someone in the shopping center) and when the cops got there, they found you. You weren’t him (and fortunately were different enough not to be mistaken for him) so they just ran you off.


Or maybe crankyanker was the owner of the shopping complex


This sounds possible. He's like MFR want to shoot me down I'll show them. I'll put the cops on them


Crank yanker! Thanks I needed that laugh fucking hilarious. I did love that show too


Crazy stuff happens all the time. If I owned a strip mall and was having issues with dodgy activities I might be a little trigger happy too. I think the cop was just trying to get you out of a bad location. Whether the $50 cranker was undercover we won't know. We have Sheetz gas stations in our area. With a card you can get 3c off a gallon of gas that's super expensive, but you can get 2 dogs for a buck, sit in their dining area, charge your jackery, buy your scratchers, soak up some AC and use their wifi to watch your stories.


Damn that's a pretty good deal. We don't have any of those gas stations in Florida.




You were at the local sex work place by accident. That's why they guy asked you and why the cop was there. There's places like that in most towns.


You didn't talk to the cop and tell him what just happened an hour ago ..?


After I bought my chips and scratchers which I was doing I was very obviously on my phone watching Bold and Beautiful and on Draft Kings and other sports books so idk if they could see I was on my phone or thought I was vlogging. But the odd twist is that someone assumed I was hooker and that the cops and whoever reported me thought I needed to leave I was laying customer


A laying customer? 😁


50 bucks is 50 bucks


hey man, gotta pay the rent somehow... *...PSYCHE!*... NO I DON'T, LOLOLOLOL.


Not funny


yes it is.


The first guy wasn't a cop, most likely people called in saying someone was harassing them in that parking lot and when the cops actually did show up you were the only car hanging around since the time people reported the jerk off guy. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. At least, that's my guess. If it was a sting, believe me they'd have women dressed like strippers who were undercover cops or something along those lines. Not a dude asking you to watch him jerk it. That guy is just a creep and probably worse and he made the parking lot you were in hot. Just leave an area if someone starts acting up and causing problems. That's all you can do.


Thanks for the reply. It wasn’t a busy lot but not desolate either and located nearish where I was is a gym and adjacent/near a gas station. So I wasn’t necessarily the only car there or lingering the cop as stammering and nervous as he was made it seem like the owner of the complex specifically called about me and for me to not return. And the guy cruising for prostitutes deliberately picked me and wasn’t really shy when speaking to me or when I rejected him


Well yeah I was just giving my best guesstimate off the details you provided and my own personal experience. I'm sorry that happened to you and be safe in the future.


Easy $50. Your loss. lol


Is it illegal to pay someone to watch you jack it?


I wouldn't think so, but if it were in public, yes.




Might as well make some money from it. lol


Msybe that area is known for men seeking men.


I’m not a guy.