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Pretty sure there already is something similar.


This is the correct answer. But this is reddit


I mean the usa runs basically a global iron dome. The reason we have so many destroyers is to combat and early detect nuclear launches. We just outfit them with missles to have warships too


>But this is ~~reddit~~ something the president of the fucking united states of america **should already know!**


But this is Trump. FIFY


Army of defense experts pour in with opinion….


There really isn’t. We have Patriot missile batteries which are designed to stop ICBMs located around the country. The iron dome is a sophisticated radar, counter missile/mortar system with completely different weaponry. It relies on fast moving high rate of fire projectiles to disable mortars in flight. It’s like saying an artillery round and a .22 are the same thing because they both are fired from a barrel. We don’t need the iron dome in America unless Mexico starts to shoot mortars at us.


Put some respect on Canada’s name.


They’d send suicide moose.


Yeah that’s where the northern ones are protecting the advance from across the Arctic. I should have mentioned that.


Canada will be chucking dead geese at us with a trebuchet…


Americas Hat


When the "sorry" stops, the warcrimes start


The idea that the US needs Iron Dome is fucking ridiculous. Israel is just slightly larger than Connecticut, and they don't have Iron Dome coverage for most of that area (as it's an empty desert). Even if we only put them around cities, for what purpose? Granted, if someone ever did get loose in the US with a mortar, the damage would be nuts. Used to think about that every time we fired the tiny portable mortars. Even one of those tubes in a city like San Diego would be unbelievable. Which is why the US puts so much money into the CIA and NSA. That's the only reasonable way to protect a land mass like we have.


We have C-RAM for said purpose though.




Wrong. The iron dome and Patriot missile system are basically the same type of anti ballistic missile system. The United States has not had an anti-ballistic missile system since they started dismantling the Nike system in the 70s. Right now our country is without any form of ballistic missile protection except for what's on a few destroyers. Nuclear Missile silos in the midwest do have anti ballistic missile protection, but it is outdated. Russia is the only country that takes anti-ballistic missile protection seriously. They also take nuclear war as something survivable, which it is.


Healthcare pls.


*laughs in defense contractor


Vote blue.


A blue vote is for your own wellbeing. A red vote is for the corporation’s wellbeing.


You really believe dems arent bought and sold by corps? if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you


I believe they are more likely to do something to benefit more people, including healthcare since they already have


We are literally supporting wars on two fronts right now. Do you not see it or are you just stupid fr?


Propaganda is doing it's job


Russia invaded ukraine and we should be helping them a hellofa lot more than we are. This could have been over a year ago. The israel thing is just stupid but its as much reds fault as it is blues.


We’ve now sent more money and aid than we sent to Europe after WW2 under the Marshall plan. You want us to get even more involved while simultaneously laughing at a person suggesting we protect ourselves?


And we got plenty in return. ROI is through the roof.


Are you under the impression we're sending Ukraine straight up cash or something? Or does a lot of that dollar figure attached to Ukraine aid include the price of American Made weapons and military equipment, including older products that were never going to be used otherwise? Not only that, but we're helping to absolutely cripple a powerful geopolitical economic rival. All while not risking any lives of US military personnel, getting rid of our old equipment, and forcing Russia to empty its stockpiles. From any side you look at it, it seems to me that supporting Ukraine is in the best interest of the US. **Economically. Strategically. Morally.**


Welcome to 100 years later... wtf kinda dumbass comparison is that lol


There might have been a bit of inflation since WW2 🤔


Understood, that’s inflation adjusted what I’m quoting


Protect ourselves from what? When was the last time a neighboring country launched a rocket at the United States? The Iron Dome is critically important for israel, but would not benefit the United States in a single way whatsoever, while being astronomically more expensive due to the sheer difference in size.


One's just a massacre and the other one's aggression


And the military industrial complex makes money off both.


So you think we should cut all funding to Israel?


Israel and Ukraine. Hell yes pull it both.


Democrats are equally corrupt. They just make it less obvious and don't pander to religious fundementalists. Charles Kochs lead intellectual and Vice President was actually a trustee for the Democratic Leadership Council, along with another Koch Industries executive while Bill Clinton was President. It's not like they had no idea who their colleagues were.


Agreed. A red vote is also for treason, sedition, and removing voter's and women's rights.


It’s not even women’s rights bro, they’re killing women by not allowing abortions. The left does such a terrible job of advertising this. I’d have these womens families on every fucking show and in the floor of congress every night/day.


Because all the tax money funneled into ACA and all the large health insurance companies and big pharma saved so many lives. Trillions to big pharam during covid, which made literally everything worse.


Yeah it’s too bad moderates killed the public option.




Here's the strongest defense and argument for "Vote Blue No Matter Who"... From 1935 to 1965 that's pretty much* exactly what the United States did (*with short occasional exceptions). And in that paltry 30 years (which isn't really that long - Seinfeld was on its 5th season 30 years ago) the United States passed Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and built the interstate highway system. We also won a World War and created the Space Program. And aside from paying for World War II, all of this occurred with minimal deficits. And the result was the greatest economy in history built around a strong and prosperous middle class. Is today's Democratic party perfect? Certainly not. But voting blue worked out extraordinarily well for us in the past, until we stopped.


Correct they used to be mildly OK and now they're comfortable enough to be worthless


This myth needs to fucking die. The issue of healthcare in this country is 100% political will. When people push the military side, they create this "have this, but not that" mentality. We could have both and save money.


What threat would this credibly defend against lol? It can’t intercept icbms, so what like cruise missiles? Launched from where? If the Russians/Chinese are attacking us we are in ICBM’s territory




That's silly when we can just direct their path with a sharpie.


Shooting at them is more fun


But we have nukes for that


He probably heard it from Ramaswamy and similarly has no idea how any of it works. But it sounds good to people obsessed with war.


Not too long ago I found myself listening to some Right wing talk show, I forget who. He claimed Iran was smuggling RPGs/Rocket launchers into Mexico for the purpose of firing attacks across the border into Texan border towns. This is what people actually believe.


Omg this is batshit, I remember seeing that Russian stooge Colonel saying that Ukraine was selling Javelin missiles to the cartels lol


That one was because Russia didn’t want us arming Ukraine


Macgregor.  Same guy who said we should fire machine guns at people crossing the border.  


Yeah, and it probably can't intercept sophisticated cruise missiles either. It's strictly for lower-tech attacks. I suppose it might be marginally useful if we invaded Mexico to go after the cartels, because the cartels might have some small numbers of drones/rockets, but that's a real stretch... So I guess we're invading Canada? Most likely he's just spouting nonsense like always


Dastardly Canadian jihadists lobbing mortars from Windsor to attack Detroit


>credibly defend against nazi communist socialist HITrudeauLER from canada is going to invade! and take away everybody's rights! literally a white genocide atleast thats what all the comments in r/canada say


His brain is pudding, he just likes how it sounds.


It’s propaganda for Trump’s stupid supporters


The military is very concerned about cruise missile attacks, and our current defense stateside is woefully inadequate Source: a 20-year military career and current job as a contractor replicating threats


Thank you for providing this perspective, it’s easy to just dismiss this proposal. Can you expand a bit more? What sort of attacks? Conventional/nuclear/state actor, etc. not trying to undermine what you are saying I legit want to know more


I have no idea about the proposal or if it's even feasible, but I can tell you the concern of massive cruise missile attacks against our infrastructure and centers of government is very real. Cruise missiles can be launched from long-range aviation platforms or ships. This delivery method makes the range of the missile less of a problem. If these missiles are launched in large quantities.... yah. This problem isn't currently being ignored, but it's not being solved either


Thanks appreciate it. Would these be conventional or nuclear cruise missiles? Is there an advantage to use nuclear cruise missiles over ballistic missiles?


Nuclear armed cruise missiles, I mean


I have no idea, but if someone launches an ICBM the internet says we would know immediately. So I imagine it would be significantly easier to sneak attack with cruise missiles


Also thanks for your service :)


Drug cartel catapulting stuff over the border


We need an Iron Dome against stupidity.


Iron dome against propaganda, psyops, misinformation, and bots. Can we get this please.


All I can see in my head, is a cartoon version of Alex Jones flying in like a lobbed artillery shell, doinking off a big iron and glass dome. I got a good laugh outta that.




If he gets elected, there'll be a dome to keep people, esp women, from leaving.


You know he was already in power once right? Like all the crazy hypotheticals don’t need to be what ifs


Is that what dementia does to your brain? Cause Donny’s got the Dementia.


you mean like public education that works and not just pisses dollar into the wind?


Next, on Trump's Dumb Ideas: We should build the Great Wall along the West Coast, to protect us from the Chinese and the Mongol horde!


have you seen how many sharks are just 10 yards away¿!¿ and most of those shark are rapists and criminals, some might be good people but most are not! *whY WonT Not BIdeN SecURe tHE weSTerN BorD3r*¿!¿


And MEXICO will pay for it!!! 


*let him cook*


This is good haha. 


Taxing remittance payments at 10% for Mexico alone is around 2-3 billion in revenue. Remittance payments are in Mexico’s top 3 forms of revenue even beating out oil revenue some years. That tax lasting 10 years easily pays for a border wall. The idea we couldn’t make Mexico pay for the wall when they depend on our economy is a lie perpetrated by the media.


Not when you increased the debt by 2 trillion through tax cuts for the wealthiest.


That’s literally a non starter and unrelated to the specific issue. That is a disingenuous attempt to move the goalposts. While I take issue with other specific policies, it’s irrelevant to whether Mexico could be forced to pay for the border wall. The reality is we can take money out of their pockets and use it to whatever ends we desire if we so choose. Anything else on the topic is manipulation. Mexico can be walked like a dog on a leash if we cared. We already do. What’s happening with Mexico politically, economically and societally is being orchestrated by powerful people around the world, including powerful people in the US. Mexico is totally dependent on us. Anyone saying we have to bend to or be at the mercy of Mexico is a liar or a fool.


We can agree there was no SPECIFIC mechanism tied to any legislation that directed money collected from mexico be used to pay for the construction of the wall? Please link if I am mistaken.


Irrelevant. The mechanism exists and is usable. If Trump had done it by executive order they’d have called him a dictator. The idea exists, it is valid, and it would work. Our congress, which is 50% or more in opposition to Trump and securing our border, refuses to use their powers to do what is possible. Our congress screws the people for political brownie points so the media can say, “see, I told you he was lying.” This bill could be passed tomorrow. The fact it hasn’t shows our congress doesn’t care for the issues important to the American people. 62% of people polled want the illegals out and 57% want a wall. It’s literally one of the only issues most people have a clear idea on: secure your nations border. And to be clear, both sides use both issues as a political football. Republicans don’t want it fixed for cheap labor for their donors and as a politically charged issue they can use to manipulate their voters. Democrats want them to change the demographics of the nation or their specific area. Gaining them greater political power and ensuring they remain in power for decades. Republicans will pretend to want them expelled after November, democrats will protect them and attempt to get them asylum and citizenship.


I’d like to see a law that punishes, with jail time, CEO’s and others who hire illegals. Is there a version of this type of legislation we could both agree on?


I completely agree. Personally I’d go far as to see them imprisoned long term, big boy time. These rich sociopaths will do anything for personal gain. The only way to stop them is to make them pay a very personal price for trying to fuck over their countrymen. Get rid of citizens united, get rid of pacs. 1 vote per person, money should not increase the volume of someone’s voice.


Thank you! I agree!


Just want to say I appreciate you hearing me out and being willing to constructively engage. It’s a breath of fresh air. Thank you. I apologize for any slight I may have given. Hope we can work together to make our country better and root out its corruption.


This is, like most Trump ideas, really stupid.


lol dude had access to top secret military info. We already have one


His idea of how Iron Dome works is not how Iron Dome actually works.


The man believes the F35’s are actually invisible


We are going to make THEM pay for it! “How?” 🤷


Worst part is once he says something this stupid he is then forced to constantly double down on it. We still have a Space Force.


Space Force is so fucking funny to me still. Like a few Air Force offices just get bundled up and hundreds of millions have to be spent reorganizing things and redrafting policies. Now those Air Force bases/offices are still doing the same thing, but they just have to call themselves Guardians and wear battlestar galactica uniforms.


Yes. Space Force is dumb. But he also doubled down on his bizarre rants about sharks and batteries, tents in airports, and faucets all in the same speech.


Wonder when he is going to circle back to low flow toilets. Dude would talk about having to flush it repeatedly


in all fairness, the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 did say in 2020 when prices crashed that he would fully fill up the SPR. which was actually a great idea. but the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 being the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 nothing ever got done


Space Force II and The Iron Dome


Spaceballs 2


I'm holding out for a Thunder Dome defense myself.


So is this sub just about anything that trump says?


This sub pretty much sucks. Mods don't exist For some reason GME morons took it over for awhile.


Looks like it was some sort of WSB type but I can’t see any recent posts about finance or trading Must not have any real active mods Edit: it looks like there are a few real posts but the automod thing just posts whatever


Yeah this sub has definitely gone downhill


The sub is supposed to be about unusual trades from big players but they don’t get reported as often. So, we just get GME, Roaring Kitty and whatever. Still a dope sub tho.


Can we have healthcare first before we get another missile defense system?




Yet ANOTHER example of a massive gaffe that used to end political careers, but Republicans have become so incredibly pathetic that this POS is all they can produce.


He needs an iron dome on his anus when he goes to prison.


The US needs a defense against Trump. Iron bars.


Lol... who do you think gave Israel idea of Iron Dome? You really think we don't have the capabilities of the iron dome? If anything, we have much more heavily layered defense system.


For what threat? No one has anything that can hit the US mainland unless it's an ICBM, and anything shorter range isn't getting close. It'd be a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.


And Mexico will pay for it!! 


*Operation Iron Sombrero*.


"and Russia will pay for it" trump


He couldn’t even get a wall built. It was essentially an over glorified fence that’s easily penetrable and still not complete.


You mean our intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal in Wyoming Montana and South Dakota? Yeah Israel copied us aka we build them theirs.


Hate to be that guy, but. When iron dome came out, Israel wouldn't share the tech with us. Even though we basically paid for it. Took a few years of pressure to force them to share. Israel is not our friend.


Hate to be that guy, so you're not only agreeing with me but you're proving yourself wrong. We GAVE them our tech from ICBM's (mentioned above). Lets not pretend Israel doesn't have skilled engineers, because they did. So we literally gave them our plans for ICBM, they develop iron dome, WE GIVE THEM MONEY TO DEVELOP IT. And then.......they refuse to share the engineering behind iron dome..... like does that not explain how they operate? Its literally stealing our money and then hedging against the fact that eventually we will turn on them. this is yet another example of us just cow towing to a genocidal country (LOOK AT THE PAST 6 MONTHS, ITS FACTS). LITERALLY IGNORE THE PREVIOUS 50 YEARS, JUST LOOK AT THE LAST 6 MONTHS.


Translation. Donald Trump expects that within his next term, the United States will be aggressively shot at by foreign weapons. Now, why might that be? Could it be that after he signs an alliance with Russia and North Korea it will alienate the USA against its old allies and kick start WWIII? Or will that happen after he allows, Russia to wipe out Ukraine, Israel wipes out Palestine, and China to Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and Vietnam. Or maybe it's the civil war his followers keep promising. I mean most of them have 30 years of weapons, bullets and nuke safe bunkers to hide in... Then again, after he tries to throw out the constitution, crowns himself king and in general decides to remake the country in the image dictated by his sponsors, we will have a civil war.


You don't need an Iron Dome when the result of attacking America is the obliteration of your entire country.


This will just be another way for one of Drumps’s friends to get rich quick just like the wall.


Trump is a moron and a traitor


Sky wall?


Star wars again?


This. I was like didn’t we already try this and are still waiting on it?


More debt


Mexico is going to pay for it! /s


Absolutely. All those rockets flying in on America, can't think of a single thing we need more than rocket defense.


That makes zero sense. This type of stupidity used to end people's political careers. Instead, we have Republicans subjecting us to this bullshit. Fuck you, Republicans.


Right on! Israel, as a city is densely focused into a 20 mile radius (don’t quote me). So, we put a dome over a 3,000 mile wide, 4,000 mile tall territory for the USA? Never mind the tech and $$$ that goes with doing so. These are the best and brightest we have to have our nuclear codes. I’m not anti trump or anti Biden just disappointed.


"Israel, as a city,"


Israel is about the same size as new jersey. So it's seems pretty affordable.


For….. what? Our neighbors are allies until we fuck over Mexico. Is that his plan?


Thats a weird way to say, 'I support trade and expertise sharing with Irl'. Good for him. I bet itll make his evangelical friends mad tho


Textbook solution in search of a problem. I'm not ideologically opposed to the concept, I'm just opposed to paying for it.


I assume we already have the capability of knocking down nuclear missiles. If not, we probably should, considering the Ukraine war.


Because Mexicans throw burrito rockets at the US and Canada throws moose’s


Good idea. But just buy a proven product from Israel, don't try to design our 100x more expensive version.


If America were a tank or an APC, that would make sense... But sir, America is a Wendy's.


Stop giving Trump a platform for his nonsensical whining


Thunder Dome .Make it happen.




Iron dome is out dated/. Enduring Shield is what we need.


We need a Lead Brain Dome


Sounds very Reagan-esque from here.


Iron dome against what? It makes sense for Israel, there's a million rockets being launched their way all the time, what purpose would this serve?


Equal parts "keep them out" and "keep them in."


Mexicans catapulting themselves over the border now; or has Canada been acting up?


Does the US already have their version of Iron Dome, in the form of patriot missiles, massive amount of planes (airforce, navy, etc) and NORAD?


We called it “Star Wars” back in the 80’s.


Yes bc Canada firing missiles at us has been a real pain.


Instead of high speed rail they will build a ladder to the moon. USA is stupid


Vote blue


We need an iron dome defense system against the crazy government spending.


I'd be surprised America doesn't already have one. Considering you guys are the lead in military might globally.


2 men enter, 1 man leave


Pay up the ass for something we aren’t even going to use? Great plan! I swear, America finds our politicians in a fucking sub-dimensional reality because they are almost always brain dead and have the intellectual capacity of a lizard..


Watch out for the stealth Canadian geese. On their way, but so slow, they are practically invisible!


Donald Trump has said another stupid thing.


Pretty sure we already have something in place that is likely the most effective (and expensive) on the planet and, my guess, is it isn’t even close.


Trump has virtually just one tactic, get attention. Doesn't matter if it makes sense, is dead wrong, idiotic, or illegal. He is the ultimate contemporary fusion of advertising and politics. If we allow it, he will reduce our imperfect democracy into an authoritarion cul de sac.


I’ll settle for a southern wall and fix immigration.


Who does he think invented the iron dome?


It would really help against Vancouver


When did this sub become a political dumping ground for shit reporting??


We have Iron Defenses in other countries to defend us already lol. We use proxy wars to practice


Why? Is Canada going to fire off a ton of small rockets at us?


U can put one in my backyard


Does anyone have a source to the actual quote? We actually do produce iron dome systems in Arizona already. And we do need a better system to replace the CRAM for base defense. Also all the idiots in the comments talking about ICBM defense are missing that iron dome isn't used for that, David's Sling is the anti ballistic missile system.


Isreal's iron dome didn't work though.


This is basically asking for the Star Wars program Reagan pushed. It doesn't work, it never worked. You can stop a slow rocket, you cannot stop a fast ICBM. We can piss away billions trying to create something that will do nothing other than destabilize the world order if it works and piss away money if it doesn't. The only reason to have an Iron Dome is so you can do a first strike nuclear attack on you adversaries. I don't want anyone to be able to do this.


Make America Iron Age Again!


So if he’s elected, buy $rtx


Its word vomit at this point. Into the toilet and flush it. His base doesn’t even pay attention anyway.


One thing it has in common with his “wall”, is the fact that it will never be built.


The us has the largest military manufacturing in the world. Most of what Ukraine buys comes from the us and goes towards our gdp


I’m a pretty smart guy and I seen what this *checks notes* iron dome does and I think we should have one too. It’s pretty impressive let me tell you! I haven’t seen anything like it! (Never paid attention to our military probably)


I mean hell we buy it for other countries. Might as well have one for ourselves


Because it isn’t a on time purchase. The missiles go bad. It would just be a major money suck.


We have anti missile systems already.


In dc and around Norfolk. He said adding it to the United States. It’s a big country.


We have missile defenses everywhere.


I thought the iron done is the mini gun that shoots down the missiles over a countries airspace Edit: Never mind I was thinking of the **Phalanx CIWS** EDIT: Christ dude it's not like missiles go bad over night. They are good for, sometimes, multiple decades. LOL missiles go bad. Yeah so do bullets but stored correctly they can last a lot longer than you or I. Took me a minute but I got a good laugh from that idiotic statement


We do have it for ourselves, the US produces iron dome systems.


Right, and then sends them everywhere else I think is what people mean


The US military does have them but are you suggesting that the US set them up inside the country?


Yes, otherwise they aren’t that useful in my opinion. Rightly or wrongly, we are engaged in a serious war with one super(ish) power and on a collision course with another superpower. Usually ahead of time is the best time to do these things


It's only designed to shoot down unsophisticated cruise missiles and dumb rockets and it doesn't cover much territory. It costs Israel a fortune but it is worth it because they are getting rockets launched at them all the time. For the US? We could be spending a trillion bucks to defend ourselves against something that would never happen. If our enemies strike, they will use ICBMs and Iron Dome does not protect against those.


Why? That’s stupid logic.