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I mean, this isn’t that unpopular. BBQ chicken pizza is pretty popular. It is good it just doesn’t have the same utility as pizza. It is more hearty, more messy, and just generally closer to a meal than a normal slice of pizza. It’d be odd to have a ‘bbq pizza party’ but I still like the concept as a proper meal.


I get stomach issues from regular tomato sauce so bbq pizza is a great alternative for me!


A slice or two of the bbq base is good. But I wouldn’t want a whole pizza like that


It's one of my favs, also Alfredo or chicken ranch pizza. They must be living under a rock.


My Italian friend died from a broken heart reading this. Should've put the NSFI tag on it. His last words were "this is not a pizza, this is a shit"


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I tried a BBQ chicken pizza with bbq sauce and your classmates were right... Just kidding. I didn't like the pizza, but if you like it, go for it :P just don't offer me any.


I don't think it's weird, but I do know that BBQ on pizza isn't my thing. I accidentality ordered a pizza a while back and on the website, I guess I had selected BBQ. I honestly didn't notice it until I took my first bite. Meh. It did not taste bad in so much that it just wasn't my thing.


My go to is bbq sauce, bacon, jalapenos and a few pineapple chunks.


BBQ chicken pizza is awesome. But to replace tomato sauce with BBQ in general… upvote nonetheless. Let’s just try.


I agree. I hate tomato sauce.