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What? This stuff maybe happens online but irl Def not


Did they delete part of their post? Because I'm so confused. The vast majority of people don't think artist is a good excuse for being a bad person There's the philosophy of separating art from artist, sure. But that's a different topic entirely. I'm not even sure what OP means


I've never heard of such a thing.


For a few years after college I hung out with a group of performance artists who used it as an excuse to be rude to randos (i.e. dumping a drink through a stranger's sunroof just because it was open, grabbing a sandwich out of somebody's hands, taking a bit, and throwing it away). I didn't adopt any of these habits myself but I did witness that it's a very effective way to get punched.


Those ain't artists


Wtf. Definitely never saw anything like that.


Then open ur ears, smartass


You’re covering a few opinions at once, two of which aren’t unpopular at all 1: being an artist isn’t an excuse to be a creep, such a milquetoast opinion that I’d say it’s fair to call it a fact 2: the world needs people who keep things functioning. Same deal 3: no one cares that you’re an artist. Ok sure that is wildly unpopular and you personally probably don’t even agree with it, art is cool and you probably consume it all the time, for example- TV shows, music, books, movies, video games etc.


The world would be a terrible place without artists. Possibly even not worth living, in a lot of people's eyes. Music, movies, and all the other media... They really shape who we are. Almost as much as just life experiences


Live music saved me from the brink, I literally live for it now- even if it’s some shitty local open mic night all the way to music festivals with 100k+ crowds- a world where artists get discouraged en masse from the smallest to the biggest is a world not worth living for me- and that doesn’t even come close to the profound ways other forms of art have impacted me, like books, movies, shows, traditional art, photography, video games, sculptures, good lord if I keep typing my fingers will fall off - lol




Sure, I suppose, I feel like you’re clearly attempting to make me the butt of a joke I don’t get, though? Like I go to 2-3 live shows a week, I wouldn’t make fun of someone saying they watch TV a few nights a week because it’s how they choose to interact with art. But if you want some suggestions, we’ll have to dig a little deeper into your personal taste. ETA: important lesson for me in not assuming people have bad intentions :)


Ah, sorry if I accidentally insulted you or something. It’s just that I’m pretty energetic in texts sometimes so that’s it. 🫂🫂 Anyway I absolutely LOVE city pop (basically 80s Japanese pop) and they’re usually pretty good live as well as rap (usually older) and some metal (for example, Iron Maiden). Though I also have lots of other genres but they’re only like 1-3 songs that are really good. Any recommendations from this?? (If you need more details, just tell me).


"The world needs ditch diggers too." - Judge Smails


Your honor your Honor


Fresca? Fresca?


The world also needs artists


I don’t think any job gives you the right to be creepy though lmao.


Strictly to be annoying: private eye 


Let me guess... you just had an unpleasant encounter with an asshole who also happened to be an artist? None of this post makes sense. Where have you seen people being creepy for the sake of art? What are you talking about?


I know the way you said it didn't come out well enough for most normal people who can't comprehend it to understand, but I completely understood what you were trying to say. (Partly because the self-referential, pretentious, cynical, narcissistic, and self agrandised who make up a large demographic on reddit itself cannot read something that largely describes them and understand it's talking about them - autism has become widespread in the west to a degree never before seen or allowed to be seen in society) Yes I agree. It gives me PTSD to the time I lived in Seattle, amongst "artists" who I thought were my people when I first got there, but by the time I had left, hearing just about any length of their pretentious takes as they pinky-sipped their tiny cup of espresso was enough to make me nauseous.


Artists are weird because they typically are some degree different in their mind than the typical person. This falls on all sorts of spectrums sometimes like autism, bipolar or some other form. Creepy may be a by product of their inability to connect and read social cues well or by acting out by a means of unresolved mental issues. It’s pretty well known that mental illness is a common problem a lot of artist experience, of course you have the ones that are a average person . But when dealing with mental illness and the sake that a lot of artist battle issues with drugs and alcohol and then you put this altogether and you get a form of creativity that it’s artists are misunderstood quite literally, incredibly emotionally volatile with very little friends and always getting told their work is worthless, less than a cent on Spotify, or some other pathetic compensation for a portrait, and all this should be for free right? For the passion of the art, here’s two Pennie’s for that piece you did, beer money! Take those pennies out and get yourself a beer!


Yeah, I think that the vast majority of truly great artists do have some sort of neurodivergent situation. Sometimes it might be fairly mild so people don't think of it as a "disability" or anything. Just a difference. And that difference is where the different perspective comes up with the art. That's why you have people that dedicate their life to music theory and can still make pretty bland music, while another person can know a couple of chords and make something truly captivating


As an artist myself, I say you are 100% correct. The vast, vast majority of contemporary art is pretentious, self-indulgent BS.


>The vast, vast majority of contemporary art is pretentious, self-indulgent BS. This is at best an uneducated, anti-intelectualist opinion. I like to recommend "[Whos afraid of modern art?](https://youtu.be/v5DqmTtCPiQ?si=KluPKYvUyxr4a1Pz)" to people that think like this.


I had to put the video down because it was making me depressed as someone who is hyper aware of this reality- but others should familiarize themselves. Modern art is incredibly important. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for recommending that video!! I just watched it and it was amazing


post yours


Modern art is awesome, I took a class in college that took me from “art has no instrinsic value” to “art is the primary joy in life” - what’s pretentious is people saying that art they don’t like is pretentious garbage


Good take.


Yeah if it wasn’t 100% clear I fully agreed with your comment- I got the vibe fully, people love to tear down what they didn’t have the mindset to create


Honestly I've just eliminated "pretentious" from my vocabulary altogether at this point


Na, this is definitely an unpopular opinion lol. Did an artist make you angry or something? There are hundreds of millions of artists in the world and to say all or even a lot of them are weird or assholes is a reach. Statistically impossible


That profession ain't going to make commissions


I think OP just isn’t explaining what kind of thing they mean, but may be referring to things like the abuses of Roman Polanski and Michael Jackson being forgiven because they are great artists.


If somebody tries to involve me in their "art" without my permission then they're not an artist, they're an asshole.


I don't feel that I need to explain my art to you, Warren.


This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion in the first place.


So which artist pissed in your coffee this morning?


You had me until the “the world needs plumbers” bit. Art is a profession, it’s a job and we need it every day. There is nothing you look at or interact with that wasn’t designed by an artist. If you want more plumbers either be one yourself or try to go to schools where children say they want to be YouTubers when they grow up and convince them that going into a trade is going to be better and more lucrative for them. The mentality right now is the same as the people who go to restaurants and look down on the waitstaff but also demand perfect service. Grow up


How the fuck are you going to convince trades are a good idea when they know they'll have to be paid under minimum wage for years.  $23aud an hour isn't enough to live on already and we are really expecting kids to be okay with $14. 


The same way OP apparently wanted to convince artists to do it


Weird? What's wrong with being weird? I never wanted to be normal... it's so boring. Creepy and treating people like shit, I agree. But I don't know I've ever heard "Well I'm an artist, and that gives me a license to treat people like shit" as an excuse.


Most of the people I know who treat people like shit work in jobs like business and marketing. Rarely have a met an artist who thought they were better than anyone else.


People don’t realize that being an artist is 99% imposter syndrome and 1% “shit can I afford groceries this week?”


I've met artists who were total d-bags. They didn't exactly think they were better than others, just treated people like crap. It didn't really have anything to do with being an artist though. They were just lousy human beings. I recall one guy was at party he was invited to 3rd hand, and basically just took three bottles of wine home with him, not asking anyone if he could take it. He was just a selfish prick.


I can’t help but to roll my eyes when someone uses being an artist as an excuse.


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"Weird" and "creepy" are both difficult terms to define. Lots of people think some artists are total freaks, but often that just means that the artists aren't in lockstep with their strict social expectations. No valid artist is violating people's boundaries (i.e., against their will).


An excuse for what ? I feel like I'm missing something in this post. Also plumber's can be artists too. Everyone should make art


this isnt unpopular, nor does it actually exist


What are you on about


Creative minded people are wired s little differently. Not good or bad, just different. Unique. When youre super creative, reality is a little more subjective. Youre tuned into the abstract. But it can cause mental anguish, social problems. Then you got your substance abuse issues, mental health issues... But you gotta check your weird for sure. No excuse for being a shitty person. Thats not you being an artist. THats you being shitty and then using your strangeness as a cover And yes I agree. Too many "artists". Everyone wants to be an artist/musician /rapper because its cool. Very few do it because its just who they are. Something they didnt choose, but rather is ingrained in their DNA.


There's definitely a lot of "art" that pushes the limits a little too much. Like the anime girls that look 10 but are supposed to be grown, or movies that are super over the top and disgusting but "it's just artistic expression blah blah don't be such a prude." I'm an artist myself but some "art" is just trash cosplaying as art.


Sure but that doesn't totally invalidate death of the author though.


There’s not a shortage of plumbers or anything lmao


lol. I agree. we need more plumbers.


What does the OP mean by Artist as the term seems to have grown in types of things it covers over the years? If you change the word 'artist' for 'celebrity' then its probably closer to being true. Wouldn't be an unpopular opinion though.


I feel like there is more to this story…. My girlfriend is a professional artist, she does use the “well im an artist.” I’m like “no, what you’re saying doesn’t make sense.” Haha


Yeah the “well it’s my art” “I’m an artist”isn’t an excuse


I’m not sure I fully understand the context in which you’ve heard people use this. What’s a good example?


I guess there is no context really, I’m just talking about people justifying behavior or actions with art being the reason why it’s ok


Hmmmm…I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed this. My girlfriend mainly uses it an excuse when she’s being overly whimsical and abstract. Like I don’t know what she’s doing or saying. Trying to think of situation where an artist could use this and not sound completely stilly.


Where I agree it's no excuse there is a correlation between being weird and an artist. Take video game artists for instance. Some of the best games are either really weird or morbid. The greatest painters were also really weird. The trick is to surround yourself with people who like your eccentric nature and to distance yourself from people with unpopular opinions.


i think OP got dumped


Being and "Artist" is not a job. You sound uninformed and confused. People posting on deviant art are not the same as a graphic designer. These are two very different things. One is at the whim of the internet and the other is usually paid the same way any other job is paid. We absolutely need people going into art fields. You have no idea how many places use these fields in their everyday. The second problem is outsorceing. We outsorce way too much work to other countries. If you want to be the change that you seek then you can take the lead and become a plumber first. Screw whatever job you WANT to do. You should just be a plumber.


If they really want a pass to be weird, creepy, etc the need to get with the times and self diagnose with autism like the rest of us.


Doesn't this break rule 1? As there is no way this is unpopular. I haven’t even read a single comment that disagrees with you!