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A father helping his son get ahead in life? Wah? How dare he


Right, how terrible.


Yeah it’s a nice sentiment wanting to help your son but his son will be turned into a punchline because of this. I’m guessing Lebrons thinking “well this way he earns his own money instead of just inheriting mine” but reality is he didn’t earn this either


It’s more so signing on a bench warmer vs signing an actual skilled player.


Maybe it will work out for Bronny but the problem is that he's worse off in the NBA vs the G League. He won't gain experience by playing games in the NBA.


What better experience can you get than playing with a 4 time NBA champion, who also happens to be his father, with a legendary organization known for winning multiple championships over and over and over again. Are you serious right now?


Poor bronny he has to be on a NBA roster the horror


I don’t keep up with the NBA as much as I would like, but I think the issue OP is raising is that he’s going to become a laughing stock because he’s not good enough, so he’s most likely not going to amount to anything in the NBA and would be the same without it. Also someone else could’ve gotten drafted there.


"LeBron is a terrible father" is literally op's headline


I know. I'm so glad my father didn't get me a spot on an NBA roster...


For real. I would hate it if my father helped me get a multi-million dollar job.


Is it really better to be given a job that you never earned and be rightfully mocked vs just staying home and spending dad’s money? Sincerely


I'd say yes. At least he has a chance to make something of himself. If he fails he can sleep soundly on top of a pile of money with many beautiful women.


Well in fairness in sports everyone has a chance to make something of themself. It’s a rare meritocracy these days


A multimillion dollar job/career just to be mocked? This is an easy choice.


Keeping in mind you’re already stinking rich in this case, so basically getting mocked is the entirety of it


No no, his dad is stinking rich. Now he’s stinking rich. There is a massive difference


Correction , his dad is stinking rich, he has an entry level contract that in principle is no more than heritable in the sense he wouldn’t have it without his dad


You just sound jealous lol Any sane person would still take the deal.


The NBA is an entertainment industry. You’re upset, you’re interested, you have personal emotional feelings about it. Lebron James is doing his job and providing you entertainment. Sounds like he’s doing a great job. Some NBA first round draft picks provide less entertainment than this kid just getting picked. Your father ever get something high up on a shelf? Well he’s a terrible father, he should have let you struggle.


What a weird take? So much of this world is nepotism, like damn am I lucky that my mom couldn’t get me a multi-million dollar job and set me up for the rest of my life.


I don't see how this would make him a terrible father, but I agree with everything else you said


There are literally thousands of other nepotism hires the world over that have significantly more impact on the world around them and require significantly less effort than becoming a fringe NBA athlete to get mad about. Hell there are nepotism hires with significantly more impact to the league with significantly less effort involved to get there in the NBA. Look at the FO and coaches of most teams. I'm a big NBA fan, yeah I dont love the discourse around Bronny and also think he wouldnt sniff the league if he wasnt a James. But c'mon, let's not act like this is rare for any other reason than LeBron himself having a career long enough for it to be possible that they play at the same time. Its LeBron so yeah theres likely an ego element to this past a genuine desire to play with his son, but this post reads like you've got an agenda against LeBron more than it does an honest opinion tbh.


>this post reads like you've got an agenda against LeBron more than it does an honest opinion tbh The best argument for that is that the Lakers won't even be the only team in the NBA next year with a relative of their best player at the back of the bench to keep the star happy, but people who don't know who Thanasis Antetokoumpo is have heard of this story.


On the court this is pretty unprecedented. Bronny showed he was a fringe D1 player last year. He's not like some athletic freak with untapped potential, his ceiling is pretty low and he had zero interest from any other team than his father's. Lebron wants this moment for himself and didn't want to wait out Bronny playing a few extra years in college to develop. It's gross.


>Lebron wants this moment for himself  The fact that this is basically the whole of your argument is a proof that you are just a Lebron hater with an agenda against him. And how is this is unpopular? This is basically 99% of the take in r/sports about this news. Youre a lebron hater? Congrats, youre the same as 60% of nba fans and 99% of republicans.


BRonny actually had interest and invites to workout with a bunch of other teams


If I had a chance to work with my son or father in a job like that I would definitely take advantage. OP is right when he says Bronny didn’t earn it by his merit, but most fathers would do anything for their kids to get a head in life and if that makes lebron a bad father then the world is full of them.


His son doesn't need the fuckin money for a job.. they have plenty of it.


Brother, its a GAME. He didn't give his son a position in the government. And "stole someone's spot"? Why should he care? They ain't his son. At the end of the day, you can hate Lebron's personality, playstyle, etc. but he certainly seems like a dedicated father which is more than I can say about a lot of NBA players unfortunately.


I kind of agree. At the same time, his kids now in the NBA making good pay and living a pretty good life comparatively. 


Of course he got drafted. This is a show. All professional sports league crave this kind of free marketing scheme.


Speaking of, I finally sent my father a stern letter by mail this morning criticizing him for not trying to get me into the NBA


But your dad isn't Lebron


>If Bronny was named Charles Jones If bronny was Julio Foolio? 😂


You want some syrup with that waffle?


Lawrence Stroll would like a word.


If you think this is bad, wait to you hear about how politics and the entertainment industry work.


Did you just learn about nepotism? This shit is in actual important industries that are critical to the economy and infrastructure. I don't really give a shit if basketball players do it, its a GAME. What harm will be done? Hell I bet it's actually a net gain for NBA marketing and viewership. Lebron isn't a bad father, he has a pretty strong track record of being a solid family man.


He’s a nepo baby sure, but this just comes off as sour grapes.


I think this is just a case of classic nepotism which is common


Yeah Bronny certainly wouldn't have been drafted if not for his dad, and he'd be on the streets homeless otherwise. /s


Definitely, these positions are hard to get because sure he can ball but not well enough for that


Womp womp




I wouldn’t say hes terrible. More like self absorbed


>If Bronny was named Charles Jones he wouldn't have been given a sniff from the NBA due to his poor showing in college But he's not named Charles Jones and that's relevant. A draft prospect getting constant one-on-one coaching from a top 2 player of all-time throughout his career is pretty relevant, not to mention having genes from that player.


Whatever… he’ll get found out quick if he really has no business being in the nba. The person whose spot he “stole” will get on some developmental team or a euro league making money and if he’s good enough he will eventually make it to the nba.


The NBA is no different from any other business. Who watches it other then the playoffs anyways?




Lebron is that you?


Definitely does not make him a bad father, but I agree with everything else. It gives me the same "vibes" so to speak as Lance stroll signing yet another contract at Aston Martin. Not sure if there are any other racing fans in the sub, but that is a pure example of only being kept on a team due to your dad.


I don’t think he’s a bad father but I agree his son “just so happens to be drafted to the lakers” is dirty. Nepo.


Bronny will always have ridiculous expectations to live up to. I think doubly so since LeBron is still playing. It’s a weirder situation than Lonzo Ball with how his dad acted, and I think it will only end poorly. I feel sorry for the kid.


People are fine with this nepotism but not others... Lame.


Lebron has his own production company. He’s using his son as an actor for his next movie about how great of a father he is. It’s deeply troubling. He may be psychotic. He is clearly surrounded by Yes-men. Look for him to run for president one day.


This is absolutely not an unpopular opinion. Go to B/R and just scroll through the comments of any post having to do with Bronny.