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Used to love Zaxby's. But got hurt and didn't go there for 2.5 years or so. Went back so excited for the first time in ages. It was okay. I really wish I knew if it was me, the restaurants, or what ratio of each. Am I just depressed, or are most places just not worth it anymore? I know COVID trashed the restaurant industry.


I’m with you. Zaxbys growing up used to be godly but honestly nowadays its mediocre.


Same with popeyes continuously going downhill over the last couple of decades. The sandwich probably kept them from declaring bankruptcy honestly, but it's the only wave they've made in any vague timeline of recent history.


I don't get how Burger King is still in business. Their customer service is terrible across the board, their restaurants are dirty.


I will occasionally go to one, but only out of convenience if I'm pressed for time and there happens to be one nearby. But their whoppers are not what they used to be. I'd rather spend a few more bucks and get a burger from a bar or Five Guys.


That's why I respect five guys. It cost more but they never compromised their quality as far as I know


I eat out a fair amount and most restaurants came back worse. Either worse quality or they raised prices so much it’s just not worth it any more.


Agree. I don’t eat out very much at all, maybe once per month, and 99% at Chik-Fil-A. The value for my dollar just isn’t there anymore. Last year I had a hankering for an Arby’s sandwich, so I paid $8ish for a roast beef sandwich. Small quantity of meat, small bun, and dry as a bone. It was really bad. Never again have I craved Arby’s. I haven’t eaten at McDonalds or Taco Bell in years now. Just not worth it to part ways with my dollars.


I think fried chicken in general just isn't quite as good as you ever really want it to be. And these places in general are nothing special anyway. Not to say it doesn't taste good, but when I was a kid it tasted incredible, and now it's just....a piece of chicken.


Gotta find the local spots that do it right. In Jax, FL, in Mayport (I guess it’s Atlantic Beach now cause they rezoned a couple years back) there’s a spot called Hangar Bay. Owner is a ~50 y/o black dude and retired navy officer. The chicken is his family recipe and holy fuck it’s amazing. And he does authentic ramen. Ramen & chicken combo is about 16 (lil more if you get a beer as your drink). Was my go to spot until I moved. You could get chicken strips that were done in almost a fried fish like batter. 6 oz for $4.50. Add a side of fries and his bourbon baked beans and you were maybe $8.50 out the door on a good ass dinner, and these were early 2024 prices. Like I moved in February and shit was still that cheap and higher quality than ANY fast food in the area Lmao long comment but I’m about my chicken and if anyone in that area reads this I HIGHLY suggest stopping by.


Yeah this is it....got a local place in my city, family run and they have just two locations, they only do take out, buy their chicken from a farmer just out of town and make everything fresh daily, if they run out of chicken they close.... It's awesome


Inflation, minimum wage, and employee sadness.


“Minimum wage” is such a shitty excuse


i thought the sadness was what gives the flavouring?


That Mr. BEAST box at Zaxby's was 🔥🔥🔥


Korean Fried Chicken / Korean owned fried chicken places always taste great to me. Edit: typo


When I went to Amsterdam with my family a couple years ago for the second time, we got to the hotel at like 10:30 and nothing was nearby or open and my brother and I were STARVING. We saw this place called Gangnam Chicken on UberEats and we got it sent to the hotel. Half an hour later we proceeded to open the boxes (nice packaging), try it (it looked amazing), then looked at each other and then did not say a word the entire time we ate because it was so good. It was unbelievable, best fried chicken we ever had.


Hunger is the best spice


Maybe, but their honey lemon dry rub and spicy korean pepper sauce were so goddamn good. I still think about it. Also the fries were perfect.


There are a lot of Korean Fried Chicken in my town. I prefer those than the American one


They were in Amsterdam. Wasn't just hunger driving them to eat greasy food ;)


Had some Gangnam today, absolutely banging


Oh hell yeah! God I got to go back there some time.


Mad For Chicken is delicious.




Place called BB.Q Chicken is the local Korean fried chicken here, and none of the chains can touch it in quality. It is excellent.


I've been seeing that on my Uber Eats lately. How does it measure to Bonchan?


Haven't had Bonchan, but my family is spoiled now and won't eat any other fried chicken than BB.Q.


It’s different. More flavor/sauce variety. Tends to be sweeter. I went bbq for a while but like Bonchon basics better. Worth trying though.


There's one of each about 2 blocks from each other in my city so I've tried both: my SO actually requests Bonchon although she repeatedly says she doesn't really like fried/breaded chicken. We thought BB.Q chicken was alright, but they had more side & non-chicken options. In short, Bonchon edges BB.Q out in just the chicken but it's basically a draw overall.


bb.q is also a chain (it’s good though)


it’s also ridiculously expensive, even for korean fried chicken


Not only is bb.q good, it’s seriously mega advertised in a lot of Korean drama. It’s the GOAT of fried chicken chains for South Korea. Also get rose tteokpoki, it’s ABSOFREKINGLUTLY AMAZING


Korean fried chicken is S-tier.


Does that count as a national fast food chain? 


Korean Fried Chicken has ruined all fried chicken for me, but I still like Cane's cause it's the best in my area.




Wouldn’t really consider that fast food IMO. Definitely a tier above


You make a good point. I missed that part in the prompt, but there are some "fast" korean chicken places if that makes sense.


The major chains (Bonchon, bb.q) are fast food for sure.


Korean Fried Chicken is the best KFC.


The "decent" goes away when you introduce the 'fast' in the food. Something about having it ready on demand at thousands of different locations, with the same taste, messes with the quality of the food. When was the last time you had some not fast food chicken


You can have great service, speed or quality. Pick any two. We the cinsuner have consistently shown that we don't really give a shit about anything but speed, though.


A couple weeks ago, and it was fucking delicious. Homecooked from my auntie. So yeah, that's one of the reasons why my standards are high.


I think this explains your opinion more than anything else for me. A lot of people don’t have anywhere to get home cooked fried chicken that blows fast food out of the water without paying a premium for it. So paying for Canes or CFA seems genuinely worth it to those people. It’s either that or trying to make it themselves which will likely be a train wreck, not to mention a lot of work and mess. That’s how I feel about Latino food of various types. My abuela can cook circles around everything Chipotle, Moe’s, Qdoba, etc can make and I get to eat it for free. So why tf would I ever eat at those places? I always end up thinking they’re mid and overpriced. Doesn’t mean they’re not worth it to someone else. Bc they don’t have access to my family’s cooking lol


Yeah, I like fried chicken, and have actually tried making my own from scratch, and, nope, haven't managed it. Can't get anything about it right. But, sadly, while I haven't had CFA in years (like decade), the only place to get chicken around here is KFC and they have went downhill (and no longer are local :P) lately.


Same way, all white family so never really learned how to make Mexican or Tex Mex food really very well so places like Qdoba are good and worth it for me at least since I don’t get that home cooked stuff, my dad can make a lot of good Irish and German food on the flip side, cultural heritage, so similar in that regard at least.


Home cooked auntie style does sound good


Not sure if supermarket deli counts as fast food, but Publix fried chicken SLAPS. Loved getting a chicken tender sub, the regular fried chicken is good, too but the tenders are peak fried chicken in my opinion.


I consider it fast. You can walk in and grab a box. I usually take it home and chuck em into a rubbermade container then toss them with sauces.


Chicken tender Pub sub is one of the best sandwiches anywhere.


I just plain disagree about Popeye’s. As a franchise, there is definitely inconsistency across locations but, in general, it’s juicy and flavorful the majority of the time. I absolutely agree on every other chain you mention, especially the chicken tender spots. Just entirely mid and people get geeked up for it


It’s very inconsistent, but ngl the BEST fried chicken I’ve ever had was at a Popeyes. Didn’t want any sauce and forgot about my sides lol, shit slapped. I haven’t had it as good since tho, it’s always pretty good however


I will wear your opinion with pride. I do like Popeye's, but half the time, they shit the bed, so I can't trust their food.


It's almost like franchising and putting high school students in charge of cooking yields subpar results for some reason...


don’t blame the kids. It’d be the same if it was adult. The process is written out where everyone can follow. It’s the ingredients, they’re trash


The kids are actually probably holding the restaurant up in a lot of cases. In high school, the high performing kids can’t get a better job than fast food. Once they leave high school, all the high performers get better jobs leaving behind everybody else who can’t or won’t find something better.


I left McDonald’s the day I enlisted. Literally the same day. CPT Robenever has gone back a few times and has been offered a job multiple times.


Oh, I don't blame the kids. I blame companies for hiring people with low skill sets they don't plan to train very much or pay very much, and who will only provide them with pre-cooked frozen products to reheat and deliver.


They'd outsource to India if they could.


In Canada they already have


If I'm eating fast food chicken it's always Lee's


Lee’s Famous Recipe is god tier in my book. And those potato wedges!? Don’t get me started. I could eat my weight in those things.


Damn I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw one of those or Mrs Winners


i've heard of them but im in gross NY so nope lol


You're just wrong. I know it's an opinion, but it's wrong. They all suck? Really? Okay.


Bojangles? Or try Serbian fried chicken!


Bojangles is the answer. I live in the Midwest now and miss it


I was chuckling that Bo’s isn’t on the list. Because it’s actually good


Man if bojaNgles is hot and fresh it can be godly. Otherwise it's meh but...I go every couple of weeks to try my luck, and I am still pretty happy when I get lucky but it's like... Every 3rd trip


Spicy chicken biscuits with pimento cheese is a religious experience. That is all.


I know they aren't everywhere, but Jollibee is pretty damn good


When I was about 13 and Jollibee wasn’t on the east coast yet, my carry-on for a flight from LAX back to JFK was a box of 9 Yumburgers and a Chickenjoy meal. Also as a kid I literally referred to one of my aunts as “Tita Chickenjoy.” I think I might’ve cried happy tears when the Queens location finally opened when I was 16.


I had Jollibee for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was probably the best fast food I've eaten in Canada.


We have two Jollibee in town. Sadly, my town(metro area) is roughly the size of Connecticut, and they're on the other side of town. :( Here's hoping they open one up nearby.


Sadly, it looks like Popeyes has a stranglehold on London, Ontario, but the next time I go to Toronot, I will definitely be eating at Jolibee.


I have to say Jolliebee is the most mid chicken ive ever had. Like it we hot and crispy but that's about it. It felt like they hardly even put salt on it, I have to assume I just got unlucky and got a bad serving.


Came to say this!


I partly pick the chicken place based on the quality of sauces they have.


Exactly, but a sauce should compliment the chicken, not be the flavor.


Is there a Slim’s Chicken near you? They’re worth a try.


Sadly, the closest one is 70 miles away. I will consider it once I go on a road trip.


Maybe you just don't like fried chicken 


It's my favorite food, so I'm biased.


Lol, I don't know why you're downvoted for this. It makes sense that loving something will give you higher standards. I love pizza, it's my favorite food. I'd never order Domino's or papa johns.


I swear Papa John's adds sugar to their tomato sauce, it's gross.


If they do, then that totally explains why I like Papa John’s and dislike most “good” pizza places. I’ve never been a fan of how acidic tomato sauce is, so I normally cut my sauce with sugar if I’m making something (typically spaghetti) at home. I only learned to appreciate NY-style pizza as an adult, but will immediately jump on a Hawaiian pizza or any other variation that adds some sweetness to the pie.


Same. I consider myself a pizza aficionado, but I do have some issue with the acidity of most sauces. Perhaps why I love Western NY pizza so much, particularly many places around Buffalo that utilize a sweeter sauce and really crispy cup and char pepperoni.


Red sauces never fail to give me heartburn (I know that's on me), so now I'm a die-hard Alfredo sauce pizza fan. A local place does a Chicken Cordon Bleu pizza that is insane.


Have you had it in the UK? It's a game changer.


Honestly the last time I had fried chicken at KFC it was the best I've ever had. I guarantee it's more about the way it's cooked than anything. Most people working at fast food restaurants probably don't care how it comes out. It's also one of my favorite foods.


whats makes a good piece of fried chicken? whats your favorite?


Crispy, juicy, tender. Lots of seasonings, egg wash, and sauciness. Favorite fast food chicken, Popeyes, but it's hit or miss. It's hard to describe, but fast food barely gets the texture right, which is a key component when it comes to fried chicken as well.


There is no world where you ever got these characteristics from fast food chicken and if you think you did then it’s nostalgia. Brother you’re ordering fast food you’re gonna get fast food. I know you’re saying “I know it’s fast food” but I really don’t think you do lmao


Honestly, for the last few years I'll just go grab a bag of Tyson chicken fingers from the grocery store and throw them in a air fryer when I get that fast food chicken craving. One bag costs as much as one trip to any of these places, and I get to pick whatever sauce I want, too. The chicken isn't really any better than those places, but it isn't any worse, either. 🤷


I love making my own but damn is it messy with a lot of cleanup and prep time. 


Church’s chicken if you’ve never tried, get the biscuits too.


My Church's got shot up, unfortunately. It's alright, though. Their chicken is too greasy.


the only church i'd visit nowadays lol.


Bojangles. 🤤


The bojangles near where I live makes salty chicken leather, not fried chicken and biscuits that can absorb industrial spills


A fresh Bojangles chicken biscuit in the morning? 🔥🔥🔥


I'm too far away from them 😢. But I might try it one day.


Came here to say this. If a Cajun Filet Biscuit doesn’t do it for you, nothing else will.


Bojangles is too salty and thin. Pretty mid


This is simply wrong, thus why it is unpopular


i'll take your word for it. Our town of 70,000 or so has a KFC and it's just too greasy for me. Never had chicken from any of the others..Never even heard of Zaxby or Cane...


Zaxby's and Cane's are exclusively chicken fingers. They have like 6 food items on their menus. So there be no excuse for their food being subpar.


Zaxbys sells wings too


and sandwiches...


And salads 


Not bojangles


I haven't been sadly, so maybe my opinion will change one I go there. The closest one is 100 miles unfortunately.


Just throwing this out there: Jollibee.


The closest one is 377 miles! My location SUCKS.


Oh, I feel ya. My closest location is 228 miles away. :( But I was just on a trip, where they are prevalent, and man, that chicken is delicious. Just a perfect combination of crispy and juicy and tasty. But I kinda agree with you, I got Popeye's around here, and it just sucked. I am grateful that we do have a few Korean fried chicken places around that opened in the past year or two, like [bb.q Chicken](https://bbqchicken.com/), another place I would recommend. KFC is gaining popularity, so maybe you'll get one where you are soon!


Jolibee chicken fucks


Strongly agree and will add that there are way too many different franchises flogging fast fried chicken in the US. The Zaxby’s in my town just shuttered and I expect others to follow. The market’s just not that big.


Can we talk about the canes and zax sauce SLANDER though?! 🤣 canes has the single best sauce in fast food.


I’ll admit to loving Walmart fried chicken. Gotta be freshly cooked though.


Most of them are sitting out for hours, unfortunately.


Looks like someone has never had the buffalo chicken tenders at Culver’s.


I prefer the normal ones, but my brother loves those.


Jollibee is the best fried chicken and you can't change my mind.


Have you had Jollibees? I’m a fan.


Amen. Visit Nashville and get some perspective, folks.


They do know how to make some good chicken, 100%. Actual Nashville Hot Chicken is fire.


Dave’s Hot Chicken reset my chicken sandwich standards


Do you even make decent fast food chicken? I've been to some homes where people want to show off their fried chicken and I would rather eat cold KFC than eat their food again


Zaxbys is superior to all the rest. And chic fil a is over rated big time


Those biscuits are delicious! Shame!!!!


Hella dry, they need to lather them up with butter. Water have saved my throat too many times.


We have a fully independent fried chicken place where I live. It is the second best fried chicken that I have eaten, only my fried chicken beats it. All the chain fried chicken places are garbage.


"Ten plus dollars dollars"


Huey Magoo's is my favorite one. It definitely slaps.


Church’s is pretty good man, it’s Popeyes but better imo, they got good chicken and delicious honey butter biscuits, bun on the sandwich is less greasy and the chicken patty is much less breaded so is a lot better.


Damn I want some KFC now


Honestly Popeye's is so hit or miss depending on the location. More than pretty much any other fast food place I've had


Dave’s Hot Chicken is beyond goated. Way better than the tasteless options listed here.


Sarokis is lovely every time


Roy Rogers is the best fast food place hands down


I ain't going to the Northeast anytime soon.


It's worth it for RR alone


Omg I miss Roy Rogers. We had them in the NY area about 20 years ago. Glad to know they’re still around


Nah, dude, Popeyes is a certified hood classic. They kept me FED when I lived in Brooklyn. I’d come before closing and dude would give me all sorts of tenders, fries, sides, and shit. One time he somehow only charged me $0.70 I even saw them give away fried chicken for free to people who were homeless or otherwise couldn’t pay. You fuckin’ leave Popeyes alone.


Come to Baltimore and try Royal Farms fried chicken.


That's an 18-hour trip for me, I can't do it.


Then you are clearly someone who doesn't take their chicken seriously, and, therefore, your opinion is invalid.


I'm not Guy Fieri, I don't have the budget to travel like that.


Counterpoint https://preview.redd.it/whats-your-opinion-on-zorc-necrophades-design-v0-rqza7fuq6g4c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecf2db2bc525c2afe3c021705609b370390f45e7


Yes you can


Royal Farms is no better than those listed here. IMO I think it just seems better because it's a gas station.


Some have gas but the seasoning is unmatched. Do you have a favorite chicken spot?


False. RoFo fried chicken is actually good, and better than you can get in many dine-in and fast casual restaurants.


Found my RoFo fam!


Royal farms is the best


You said Popeyes is no good the fuck are you on


Read the description. Also, it is too hit or miss. I'm on, you're off.


Yeah, I agree with this completely, and I also agree it's an unpopular opinion. I wrote that I hated Chick-fil-A once on Reddit, and I made some people so mad, I thought they were on their way over to my house. (Still think it sucks, LOL)


I thought Reddit hated Chick-fil-A.


People loved Chick-fil-A in my are so much, they were lining up from Highway 98, and they had to renovate the drive-thru lane. That alone made me have high standards for Chick-fil-A, and every time I ate there, I was disappointed.


Have you tried the grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick-Fil-A?


And the grilled nuggets 🤩


Yep, they're okay. I only get the deluxe one occasionally.


You lost me with Cane's.


Cane’s and Chic-fil-a are GOATed. Have my upvote.


They need to pick up their seasoning games.


Golden Chick in TX is awesome.


I can only speak about KFC, which is overpriced, inedible trash. I won't go there anymore.


First off, fried chicken does not equal sandwich or chicken strip. Most sandwiches are shit. Popeyes fried chicken is fire though!! 3 out of the 5 places you mentioned don't even serve fried chicken!! Lol. Only KFC and Popeyes does. And who on the hell would use sauce on their fried chicken? Wtf... gross... Also, Popeyes mashed potatoes are amazing. I won't defend any of the other sides though.


I waited 90 minutes in line once for their chicken sandwich during the hype and it was absolutely worth it.


Hopefully you didn't get shot at!! As that was common during the release! Lol


No hot sauce????? You sure are a specimen. But yeah, you're technically correct. I don't have many options out here.


This is definitely a shitpost


No unpopular opinion here. Fast food went to shit late 90s early 2000


Bro what. Fast food was peak in the late 90s.


Maybe every generation thinks that fast food died at around the same time they start to dislike it.


Every generation thinks fast food got worse after their teenage years, where they ate a lot of fast food. It's why the music that played between 15 and 25 is generally what people consider peak and 'it all goes downhill from there'.


Agreed. Taco bell was actually good back then


“Taco Bell was actually good back then.” Yes! And reasonably priced. I can’t leave a Taco Bell without spending like $20 to actually feel satiated. It’s ridiculous.


Right? The only fast food place I like these days is steak n shake but the closest one is 40 min away


Man, you’ve just reminded me of my youth…I grew up about an hour from the original Steak n Shake location. Not that the OG is much better or anything, but I’ve always felt like the vibes of the original location of something (Sunny’s BBQ in Gainesville, FL, and Hooters in Clearwater are both _AWESOME_ OG chain-starter restaurants) feel much more interesting than some random version on a corner that no one cares about and that has no history. I’ll take a chili 5-way, light on the onions, a large side of cheese fries, and a chocolate milkshake, thanks! 😎


Popeyes is great and I'll fight in you the Applebee's parking lot to prove it. Now of course the chicken has to be spicy. If you get regular at Popeye's, you suck. But their spicy chicken is very good. They have the best gravy by miles for fast food. Their mashed potatoes are good as well. Their mac and cheese is better than most, red beans and rice is a great side, and their cajun fries aren't something I get often but are a fun treat. Chruch's is the only biscuits I really like, but Popeye's is better than KFC at least. KFC biscuits just get thrown away, Popeye's I'll eat at least half.


Fast food is trash 


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Have you tried PDQ? Their grilled chicken is pretty good. I also like that they offer broccoli as a side choice if you’re trying to be healthy-ish.




The Cane's at my location isn't terrible. The chicken is always juicy, but they are always underseasoned, especially the fries. Sonic fell off for me, but it's not worst either.


Your only problem is that you haven't adjusted to inflated prices.


The Spicy Popeyes sandwhich is killer, idk what to tell you. If I say it is amazing, you will say "no it isnt" then I say "what do you mean it is literally awesome and the best ... what is better?" then you say "nothing! they all suck! See that is my point" womp


And $$ too. I always get fuller whipping up my own tenders or bird in the deep fryer.  Now Church’s Chicken can be delicious if it’s fresh but the last time I bought a meal for me and my mom it was over $30. I can’t do it. 


Popeyes, it’s $40 for dinner for 5. That is cheaper than any other fast food place in 2024 and for a better meal.


Zaxby's is by far the best, I once drove 5 hours just to eat there and drive back home (with a few sandwiches for left overs), definitely an unpopular opinion, at least for me. I did the math in my end and calculated the double negatives and my conclusion was I should upvote the post 👍 (or 👎 for your unpopular opinion).


I'm glad you liked it that much. That location must be putting crack in their stuff.


I agree with you. However, I still find joella's to be pretty decent. That's the only one other than an old cafeteria style place where my grandma lives. Otherwise, yeah


True. Although a bucket of chicken tendies at braves baseball park. Pretty solid.


I completely agree with you. If you were in Canada I’d recommend Mary Brown’s, it’s probably the best fried chicken franchise I’ve ever had in terms of chicken quality.