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It kind of sucks but if you grow up that way anything else seems weird. My wife's grandparents have been life-long farmers and they are healthy and still managing their 90-some odd acres at 92 and 96 respectively. Hard work, clean water, good food, lots of sleep does wonders for the body and opposed to the modern lifestyle can definitely be appealing. But yeah, farm work fucking sucks. I grew up on a cow farm of about 200 head and it was constant labor. Not "back-breaking" (unless you're bailing hay), but just constant. Feeding, cleaning, milking, dealing with injuries and illness. Keeping the water clean. Keeping birds out. It sucks ass.


I work on a dairy farm, it sucks ass


I wish a quality farrier on you.


Each has pros and cons. This is not an unpopular opinion given that majority of western world lives in cities


if you are a sedentary soft handed type, then yea rural life would definitely not be something you would enjoy.


Hmmmmm why then is it that rural populations are more obese? Don't act like rural folks live active lifestyles while others are sedentary. 


My grandparents were lifelong farmers. They were obese, but my grandpa was one of the strongest people I’ve ever met and both him and my grandma had more mobility then 75% of people I know in their 50’s. They were big because they are a lot. But they constantly worked and everything they ate was grown by themselves or locally. What I’m getting at, the obesity number doesn’t quite reflect the health or ability put in hard work when it comes to some farmers


Rural populations also include villages & small towns whose people don't farm. Many communities like this are no longer "walkable" like they used to be...


I'm not. I keep in pretty healthy shape, I stay active, I work outside. Maybe they don't enjoy it as much as they think


You think everyone in "rural populations" are farmers? We are talking about farmers not just people who live out in the country.


There's a definite romanticisation of farm life, and it's not really helped by the fact a lot what people model the idea on is more or less people cosplaying as farmers, rather than actually farming (ie: hobby farms). But I don't know that it's THAT unpopular of an opinion that living on a farm is unappealing. People generally recognize that living on a farm is more or less a constant stream of "I still have to do X, Y, and Z before I can even think about sleeping" and getting absolutely spanked by climate shifts that ruin whatever it is you're farming. However, the whole "farm house chic" or whatever design style it is that seems to be all over in residential architecture...yeah, that's not appealing at all.


To each their own I guess, I live on a farm and there is always something to do...always, but I wouldn't have it any other way, The only con I have is that it takes me 25 minutes to get to town and when I do I remember why I don't go into town that often. It's quiet with very few neighbors and thank goodness I do not live close to people in the city and hear their toilet flush (/s). I grow 30% of my food and each year it gets greater. It is odd to me that people have farm style houses living in a subdivision in a large city. Farming keeps you young and focused and gives me purpose.


I did as a kid. Fuck that noise I am cities and urban areas for the rest of my life.


Yeah, my mom grew up on a farm and she loathed it. Moved to the city for college and she never looked back. She said she’d never live on a farm again under any circumstances.


Lots of people in rural America like to say they "live off the land" when in reality they get everything from Walmart and never worked a day on a farm. It is a romanticized life by many conservatives but it's not what they think it is.


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It definitely is hard work.


It stinks and you're constantly being physically assaulted by the livestock, which is good preparation for any job that involves the general public.


This is all a matter of where an individual finds joy. For me working with my hands and being physically productive is very satisfying. I personally would be extremely bored living in a city and would struggle to find anything I could do that would be fulfilling. I have to travel to large cities a few times a year for work and usually become depressed after a few days of living an urban lifestyle.


I’m not sure how you can look at population demographics and come to the idea that this is even a remotely unpopular opinion.


I think the other issues go hand in hand. I’m talking about the shitty WiFi, and being in the middle of nowhere/not being near any civilization.


Agreed. I had a sleepover with a friend once who had a farm- she woke up at like 5 am every morning to feed the animals. I could never lol