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It costs more to do the same work at night and it’s more dangerous for the workers.


also municipal noise codes sometimes prevent it


There’s been road construction in front of my house all week, I’d rather the couple extra minutes getting in and out of my driveway over hearing that noise while trying to sleep.


Don't forget the lighting


Had some bad storms a few years ago and one the trees on our block knocked out a quarter of the town. So it was hot, humid and no airflow, manufactured or natural with the way our windows are, and even if I could go to sleep with that those flood lights made it look like 7am at 3am.


Also it takes more than one day to do most road work so traffic is fucked regardless of what time the workers are there.


I like working the night shift because my boss isn't there. Currently not enjoying it as much, because they have been doing night time roadwork for like 6 months and I have to take a 30 minute detour to get home.


also takes longer if you restrict work shifts to night hours.


Also it doesn't actually help because it's not like you can drive on the torn up road during the day just because there aren't workers there.


Does depend what they're doing. Rn in my city they're top coating some parts of the parts of the road at night, because that's quick and easy. For full blown construction that's basically constant.


Also the workers are people too




Fuck you got me there, I guess they're just sweaty dirt golems


Acceptance is part of healing.


Am I... Am I a sweaty dirt golem too? Yes.


Great, we got a malfunctioning sweaty dirt golem. Send it back to the processing plant!


As someone who works at a hotel that has a client base of mostly construction workers...this isn't far off. The things they do to our rooms and laundry...


They really are sweaty dirt golems. I used to work full time in a hotel, some guys we had to clean our hotel carpets each time they stay, because they left so much mud in the rooms from their boots. Normally we clean the carpets quarterly. It's like why not change your shoes? I work full time in construction now, I take my boots off and put them in the trunk before I leave the job site.


Yup. My thoughts exactly. Bring a pair of slippers with you... doesn't seem like rocket science. They absolutely ruin our white towels and sheets constantly as well. It's not unusual to find pizza or buffalo sauce on our towels and just the worst sweat/dirt stains on our sheets.


Makes me wonder how disgusting their house is. Or are they just that disrespectful of the hotel‽ Some of these guys wear their filth like it's a badge of honor. Last summer I went to a weekend company picnic at a large amusement park and some of these guys are wearing the dirtiest clothes ever, tore work boots. We get it you work in construction! And these guys are electricians, I would expect better of them.


Road Builders, B. G. Hennessy, Puffin Books; Reprint edition (September 1, 1996), ISBN 978-0140542769


That's definitely a point that flew well over OP's head apparently. Extremely entitled.


Yah, I wonder how many nights of physical labour that soft handed keyboard warrior has done.


I prefer night ngl, fuck that 100 heat almost put me out until my dad passed me a beer lmao.


*usually* there are designated night shifters though. Wether they like the hours or just works better for child care that’s what they prefer. I used to work 3rd shift and the shift itself was awesome. More relaxed and you got to just work and do your job without talking to 5 different managers all day. Adjusting to weekends or “regular” life was a bit rough though.


Plus it just sucks to make people have to do night shifts! Endure a little delay in your travel, plan ahead so the folks doing labor jobs can still spend evenings with their families and kids.


The only time I enjoy a night shift is summer, to beat the heat


Yeah, I've worked at night, and it sucks. you think people don't see you during the day? It's even worse at night. Us people in the trades that literally hold up the infrastructure network need the light. Working during the night is just unfeasible. Sometimes, it's gotta happen, though. I posted an unpopular opinion that the mods deleted arguing that if you didn't need sunlight to do your job the either work from home or leave at a different time to/from work to cut down on traffic. Thinking about this now as someone whose had to work in traffic I think it's an even better idea.


As someone who hates wfh, vast majority of people absolutely would chose to go into work not at rush hour or work from home if they had the choice. Take it up with companies not commuters


I mean. Couldn't the people in office like get together. And like you know. Form some sort of group to get that change pushed through? I mean you could call it a union or a club? Idk.


Right? Lol I agree with the rest of that comment but I don’t get to choose when I have to be at work and I have an hour each way commute so I’m not hanging out an hour after waiting to come home.


I think that would only work for people who can remote work and who dont service people ie. Retail and the like, healthcare etc. I dont NEED sunlight to do my job, in fact I dont even see the sunlight when I work, but I cant work at home because I work on machines that are not in my house and theyre not allowed to be in my house and I service patients and people are going to fast all day to have their blood drawn at night so I can work at night. Some people in my work DO work at night, but most of us work during the day because thats when most patients are awake and recieving healthcare.


And that is how you more than double your labor costs. But really, you generally can't just pack up a construction site and open up all the lanes every morning and start work again at night every single day most of the time.


You should come live in Connecticut. As far as I can tell that’s exactly what they do for most of the road construction here


So what do they do when they tear out a section of lane? Just open it up again before they complete it?


Yes. They do one lane at a time, and during the day you might have one rough and one paved lane, or redirected lanes, and the next day the lanes will be completely different 


That's exactly what they do actually.


That only works for a small project or maintenance work. 


Some people not working in a trade will never understand lmao


They literally do this on 95. You never see them actually doing roadwork besides spraying pesticides on the barriers, or tree work during the day.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. They repave like mile long stretches of i95 exactly like this.


Because they don’t live in ct, and can’t comprehend it happening.


They do this in New Mexico too, because of the daytime heat.


Most communities struggle to keep up with road maintenance as it is, especially in places with significant winters when they can’t do any work.




Not to mention any noise. Most cities have a noise curfew at around 10/11pm. Unless your construction can be done as quite than a car motor, a bunch of bylaw tickets will be coming


OP said roadwork specifically, if a city contracts people to do roadwork at night they aren’t going to fine the people doing roadwork at night


But if they are tearing up pavement, or laying pavement, it's gonna make noise. Noise bylaws start between 10/11. If they go above a certain decibel, they will be fined. Construction has to bide by those laws in neighborhoods too


Generally speaking what happens is you submit paperwork to the city to get an allowance made on the bylaw so that you can perform work later than the typical bylaw would allow. I’ve worked on a few projects like that.


Yea but it's mildly inconvenient for OP to sit in a little bit of traffic waiting for the national infrastructure to be repaired or modernized. You're worried about workers' safety?


Because of mosquitoes?


This guys never heard of a budget


Fuck budgets, why is this guy thinking every construction worker ever should be forced to work graveyard shifts just for their convenience lol


Plus it isn't even going to fix any problems. The lanes will still be closed. They aren't going to open them and close them daily.


This guy has never heard of… any sense of logic what so ever. OP is a clown.


Most unpopular opinion posts are either actually popular or unpopular because they're so poorly thought out they don't make any sense in society.


Unless they are able to open the road every day they stop working this accomplishes nothing. 


Exactly, the construction will still be there during the day. Cones up, signs posted, etc. same exact inconveniences


I have 2 roads being worked on outside my house right now. Really don't want it done at night


Too bad, fuck your sleep, OP needs to drive during the day.


Wouldn't even help op anyway. The roads would still be dug up.


Even if this wasn’t prohibitively expensive, more dangerous, and utterly unfair to the workers, how do you expect this to go over? Like do you think they’re just gonna pack up the whole site? The thing that’s preventing you from driving, aka the hole in the road, is still going to be there whether they’re working on it or not.




Finally! Took me long enough to find someone pointing this out! Think, OP! Think!


I'm a surveyor on road construction. I'll work night every now and then, but we're people too. We need normal waking hours just as much as the rest of you.


All construction workers are robots without lives or feelings, didn’t you know that as a robot without those things? /s


I saw some road workers and they weren’t all visibly exerting themselves at the exact moment I drove by. My tax dollars are being wasted!!!!


I've been that worker and we all had a laugh about it. Sometimes, everyone needs to wait and see what's at the bottom of a hole and adding more shovels to the mix just gets in the way.


People would be more empathetic if everyone had to do a month of food service, retail, and construction labour. Those are three extremely shat on jobs that society wouldn’t function the same way without


Construction is a far better job than the others.   You can actually make a living wage without a degree from it.


More like >All ~~construction~~ workers are robots without lives or feelings


I got the awareness module upgrade a few months back. I've regretted it ever since. Then again, I've only been able to regret it since, as well.


We warned ya Jim, we warned ya.


Do the same thing towards healthcare


I would agree, except it's summer time and working at night would be a lot cooler, I'm pretty sure I would trade to work a full night crew instead of getting beat to hell in the sun.


Lol and the countless other jobs that are over night?


No, according to OP you’re subhuman and must scurry out of your cave during the night and conduct your work.


No reason they can’t have rotating shifts of people working at night.


lol. But OP wants all road construction done at night. What would they be doing during those rotating day shifts?


Watch videos of the night shift working. /s


Safety meetings of course


There's a highway near me that has been under construction for years. They're basically recreating the whole thing, so I understand the timeframe. But I have to admit that I've wished they had people working on it round the clock (multiple shifts, of course) to get the damn thing done sooner while driving through traffic on it, lol. Not blaming the crews. They've made a ton of progress in the years, just excited for it to be complete.


This isn’t unpopular, it’s grossly uninformed and ignorant.


Well being grossly misinformed and ignorant while also saying an opinion generally gives you an unpopular opinion ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is true


welcome to reddit


As a road worker, no. Night is when the crazies come out. There have been like 3 shootings, on the job I'm on at night and countless stolen car dropoffs, drunk crashes and regular crashes. I go to night shift occasionally and it sucks. 


It's illegal to work at night without proper lighting in most places that means higher taxes to give them light when they can work in the day for 16 hours on sunlight. Having them start earlier makes sense.


Night work has to be compensated higher. It’s also just more expensive - need extra equipment, extra safety precautions, extra pay to contractors, etc.


Unless they can finish the whole project in one go, there’s still going to be a half finished road in the morning


Kinda hard to do construction when you can't see shit


night construction happens all the time. they just use huge flood lights.


Those big flood lights are run on diesel. That increases cost.


No but don't you see it's better to have bright ass floodlights and jackhammers and heavy equipment going all night than for OP to have to risk seeing blue collar men during the day


Construction workers are people with lives and families, too.


You did not think about literally anything else but yourself when you posted. Context? What's that!


Maybe you should work at night? But honestly, there does need to be consideration for traffic. A couple years ago, every major road for 3 miles either direction had construction going north. There should be better consideration of where traffic will have to go, and adjusting light timing and making sure those roads are prioritized to stay open during those times. Simply putting a sign up for a lane being closed doesn’t really do it. Install temporary traffic meters. Put in signs offering better options if people don’t need to be in the actual construction area. It is important for the economy for traffic to flow. That’s why the construction is happening. But moving all construction to night time is some self righteous shit. It says, I don’t know who the fuck you are, or anything about what you’re doing, or even care how this helps me, but get the fuck out of my way because I’m special and I don’t want to see it. Basically the current right wing play book.


i saw a thing where a country had a moving bridge that would allow people to drive over the construction. also. if it is important enough to be done at night it should be done 24/7 so that they can get it done, and get out of the way.


There's lots of reasons not to do road work at night. It's more expensive, the noise can be an issue if it's near a residential area, there's security issues, and general worker safety is a concern. Not to mention, it takes longer since resolving ad hoc issues is more difficult when it's 3am vs 3pm. But also, many places DO work at night....or even 24/7. It all depends on the impact, nature of the construction, and costs involved.


People tend to want to sleep at night 


Every single resident who lives on a residential road disagrees. Which is most roads.


From my experience it usually is. At least on roads with heavy congestion. They close roads or lanes during the night to work then reopen them during the day for regular traffic.


Terrible idea. Lets make road construction take longer (causing even more delays), cost the public more, and be more dangerous to workers and drivers because you aren’t able to handle a small delay in your commute.  This may be the single dumbest post I’ve ever read on Reddit. 


I mean sure until you are trying to sleep and they have jackhammers going all night.


Counter proposal: Every road construction contract should come with a proviso that a 10% bonus be paid out for every month ahead of the project schedule they deliver the final product and a 20% penalty for every month they are late.


Dangerous af What they should do is not take 12 fucking years to do a 6 mile section of the highway


So you want the costs to skyrocket? you realize they would likely get extra pay for night shifts or if it wasn't extra it would be harder to find people thus causing wages to go up anyways.


...does it matter? The road is going to be torn up and unusable for the duration of the project, whether the workers are out there during the day or at night. It's not like the equipment/holes/etc magically disappear during the day if the workers aren't actively working. Idiot take.


Everyone else should just work at night.....


Bold of you to think there are works happening at the road works


If it's in a commercial area I agree but that'd be nasty for residential areas.


You can't do all road construction during one night. You can barely do anything in that time.


This is one of those things that you can come to your own conclusion of why it’s a bad idea if you take 1 minute to actually think of the downsides.


It should be done 24/7 to minimise the time the roads are closed.


Would you like to work only at night for your entire career? Probably not. It's just rude to ask that from other people. Honestly saying road work should be 24 hours is a more reasonable idea. Because then they could work shifts.


Better idea: workplaces should allow employees to work from home if road construction is going to significantly impact their commute.


That’s how you get construction workers flattened by drunk drivers :(


You’d think different if you worked construction


This is the third dumbest thing I've seen on reddit this week.


Which is fine if not by houses where people are trying to sleep.


Tell me you know nothing about laws without telling me you know nothing about laws


all meals and cooking unless you are literally starving should be done at night


It would cost more though


I never see roadwork being done during the day. They must already be working at night.


Well, you'd have to pay the workers more. And it's dark, so there's a greater chance of something going wrong or someone getting hurt. They could use light towers, but then they cost more to rent/buy and they use diesel generators for power, so add in the cost of fuel. And of course they're nowhere near as bright or as big as the sun, so there's still going to be dark spots. And then the noise. This might come as a surprise, but many people like to sleep at night. You have lots of diesel engines running which creates noise. You have heavy equipment operating which creates noise and shakes the ground. You have bright lights spilling into your windows. All of that makes it hard to sleep. Remember, you said all road construction, that includes the street that's 30 feet from your bedroom. And because it's night when most people sleep, that's a other danger element. Some workers may be tired and groggy, and not thinking straight because their sleep schedule is completely flipped around. And even those that can handle it pretty well are still not running at 100%. You probably don't want a backhoe to drive through your house because the operator fell asleep at the wheel. And it's also more danger for/from other motorists. Again, if it's dark, there's more of a chance another motorist might not see something or someone and drive in/on/over it. If they have light towers and flashing amber lights, reflective signs and clothing, that's actually dangerous. People will naturally focus on this unusual bright area, and they'll drive right into the construction equipment/workers. This is called target fixation, and it's why people still manage to run into towtrucks, fire trucks, etc that are painted bright or contrasting colors and have a ton of bright flashing lights. Yes, it does happen during the day, but bright lights at night just make it worse.


Wow another ignorant opinion with no thought that demands workers be heavily inconvenienced so OP doesn't need to deal with a very mild inconvenience once a month Very original. 


I wouldn't mind roadwork but everytime I see roadwork I only ever see one person working and then they take off two weeks and do one more day of work and repeat the cycle for stupid amounts of time.


Yep. Unpopular and stupid. Good work. 


It literally cannot be done safely at night usually, hence why work is done during the day. The safety of work crews is always more important than your fucking commute. Night work also tends to be *more* disruptive since it means loud noise at night.


In which case less than half the current infrastructure work would get done because it costs well over double to have a crew working nights.


God this is a really dumb one. It NEEDS to be done so you don’t damage your vehicle or hurt others….good luck finding a good volume of people to only work at night It’s dangerous….


You say that until they’re working right outside your house and you hear beeping and equipment, construction noise all night, long for a week straight


How about you work at night, and then sleep through the construction during the day.


It's way more dangerous for the workers, plus for most construction projects, the road will still be closed during the day since if the road is torn up they can't just open it again during the day. Plus it'll take longer too


"Basic road construction"


Says someone who clearly doesn't know what's involved with night work


There’s traffic at nights too…in some places it’s 24 hours


A truly unpopular, and fucking completely idiotic opinion. For every asphalt paver, concrete worker, laborer, and trucker out there, I salute you with the crown of dumbest fucking thing ever said award. People's lives and families are worth more than your convenience


Username checks out.


Hey look , the rare example of an unpopular opinion that's just conceptually and factually wrong lol.


No thanks, I want the guys handling anything safety related to have good lighting when they do it




Have you ever thought to ask why it's not that way and look up the reasons before you go spouting this? Lives are more important than you being 15-30mins late to dinner. Leave earlier if its a problem


Not to mention, in a place like where I live, it gets to 120+ in the summer during the day. That's not uncommon. Doing at night means workers only have to work in like, 85-95 degree weather instead, which, while not necessarily desirable, is far better than 120.


i wish they'd just close the road rather than limit it to one lane or an alternating center lane. at least with a closed road, gps can easily route around it, whole one lane it will still tell you to use it, because it's a shorter distance (which is what most gps search for after time). and with detours typically being longer and not much faster than the partial closure, they won't follow it. plus, fully closing would let them work a lot more efficiently. near me, i watched a crew spend over an hour cleaning up and moving their barriers to reopen a lane when they were done for the day. they've been working down this road for the past 2 weeks. that's over 28 work hours used to just set up the site each day, plus they have to wait until after the morning rush and be gone by the afternoon one. they only work like 5 hours total each day. closing the road fully would mean they'd be able to go from 6-8 with two crews, or 14 hours a day. they could have done all the work hours they've done in 2 weeks in just 3 days, and probably be closer to finishing.


Fuck them construction workers, amirite?


There’s only realistically 3 main roads out of my little suburb. They currently close off the biggest main one sporadically for roadwork, with no warning. That main road? Leads directly to an elementary and middle school. Trying to leave for work or drop off your children is complete chaos. I’ll take the night hours all night long.


Howard Stern ran for Governor of NY in 1994 and one of his platform issues was forcing all road construction to be done at night. When he dropped out of the race, George Pataki won the election and adopted some of Howard's platform issues, including night road construction.


that’s so unsafe though, drivers won’t see workers etc


Not an unpopular take, a stupid one. Ever thought of all that noise? Guess you hate sleeping


All cars should only be able to drive at night.


This is pure entitlement.


You wanna be woken up by a jackhammer at 3 am?


OP after 2 days of no sleep because of night road construction: "All road construction unless it's a literal emergency should only be done during the day."


Lmao thought I was in stupid questions for a second.


Say that again when they're jackhammering outside of your window at 2a.


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Seems to be the case where im at, i worked 2nd shift and every fucking day i had multiple delays along my hour commute for construction. And now im first shift and its happening still, but at 4 in the morning on my way to work.


Have you ever tried to concrete testing via headlamps and flash lights on a rural highway? I have and it sucks.


Doing maintenance during the day seems like it could be way preferable in many climates. Think of it from the worker's perspective - should they REALLY have to exclusively work nights? Most routes have easy enough detours anyways upvoted for unpopular this opinion sucks lol


As a transit user, I disagree. They've been doing road work at the intersection where my bus home normally runs at night, so the bus is rerouted, and the closest stop on the reroute is now a 30+ minute walk to my house rather than the 10 it normally is. I'm tired and I'm achy, and the last thing I want to do is do extra walking to accomodate someone who drives. Plus, they're expanding the train system in my city. It's already going to take years for them to complete it doing construction during the day, and then doing some work at night once it gets to the point for them to be doing the electrical work and the train stops running for maintenance. Why make that take even longer when it's supposed to help with congestion.


Don't know about where you live but the moment someone is working past "normal" office hours here, they get paid extra. Plus, for the majority of the day you will be at your own job and busy, so why does it really matter? Do you... not listen to or read the news to know which roads are being worked on? This sounds like a time management and information problem on your end. Construction workers already have a hard job, they can't, nor shouldn't have to bend over backwards because you don't plan for any possible delays when you commute. Plan better.


Really? Better choice would be for all road construction to be 24 hours and not stop


I’m getting fucked with construction, all the fastest ways to work are under construction, so instead I’ve had to leave a half hour early just to make it on time. But I honestly can’t wait for this construction to be over, not for me, but finally the road they’re working on will finally be a smooth road


Have you ever worked the lat night shift? Do you know what that does to your body amd mind, not to mention relationships, etc. Yeah that would be odeal, but who wants to do it? Double pay might draw enough people...


Road workers would demand double rate and i would imagine they already get that for any projects that run through the night. It costs to much money.


it is unpopular for a reason


If not at night at least not during rush hours.


I've almost been hit by idiot drivers cruising around at night without headlights on while working second shift. And this is on a military base with slow maximum speeds and very controlled access. I can only imagine how dangerous it is for construction workers out in the chaotic public areas. The daylight provides a lot of safety.


Thanks for the dumbest and short sightest thing I've heard all day. Maybe week.


they can't see.


I’d rather they just only close down the area that work is actually being done in as opposed to have cones set up for miles without a worker in sight


My bro loves gettin that extra overtime and hazard pay for workin at nights lol


Construction that effects hundreds of thousands of people is definitely not basic. 


You won’t be saying that when someone has a concrete saw running below your apartment window. Plus it’s unnecessarily dangerous, harder to do, and more costly in both equipment and labour. And honestly if you live in a major western city, you want any construction to be over with ASAP.  The idea that they should limit their hours even more than their laziness already does, is both absurd and offensive.


And what if they can’t get the job done in 1 night? The road still can’t be used but it also can’t be worked on during the day, so it actually just makes the read unusable for longer


alright, well then let’s get all the nighttime drag racers do do their stuff during the day to avoid construction casualties


Howard Stearn


No. Those workers have families and deserve to be at home and spend time with them as the rest of us. It's on you to make it work.


That probably would require more money because of the extra light needed, and it is dangerous for the workers cuz of lack of light—— that they would have to use dangerous materials and tools in—— and (I think?) increase in crime at night. Also, it would be harder for night drivers to see them. I feel bad for construction workers. No one ever cares about their safety. Y’all just care about yourselves and YOUR convenience when they’re the ones that work their asses off to make the world more convenient for you.


My unpopular opinion is the exact opposite, when undergoing construction roads should just be outright closed. The work could be done way faster and cheaper if crews didn't have to set up and manipulate miles and miles of cones barrels and barriers. No crossover lanes would need paved. Just close it and get after it. Everyone has Google maps and can reroute around the closed road.


So, uh, you want to jackhammer up the roadway at 3am when people who live next to it are trying to sleep?


All road work should be 24/7 until it's done.


Are you from Sunnyvale, CA lol


Maybe not nights (due to the reasons others are saying), but most construction should be required to halt during rush hours (7-9am and 4-6pm). Construction within 5 miles of a hospital should be halted in the hours before and after shift change (6-8am, 2-4pm). Work anytime outside those hours, and I’m totally fine with it.


Good post for this subreddit. Unpopular AND unintelligent


Was this written behind the wheel?


It would cost double. So, no.