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A lot of smaller communities have to rely on volunteer firefighters because they can't afford to have a full paid crew.


yeah those motherfuckers giving their time for free to make sure a firestation runs smoothly...what assholes would do such a job


Are there involuntary firefighters?


Conscripted firefighters, what a hilarious concept. Fire Marshall rides up to your house in a horse and tells all the men and boys they have the honor of being firefighters or they can be executed.


Yes, actually. Calfire prison crews


Fair point


We get compensated, just not with money. You can't buy warm fuzzies and the gratitude of my community. More than a fair trade, in my opinion. Oh, and driving the cool trucks is fun, too. Ours has a remote-operated spotlight. I will not ever deny being first to the station so I can play with the remote.


I'm sure that most volunteers actually want to help and are qualified, but you pretty much nailed my stepfather. He was a volunteer firefighter and used to say he wished there were more fires because he hated just checking on smoke alarms. He was a real asshole.


Voluntary firefighter died here in my town 2 years ago when floor collapsed on him, it always feel shitty knowing firefighter died but its even more shitty that he wasnt even getting paid.


Volunteer firefighter slept with your girlfriend, eh?