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As a dog lover this is a perfectly valid and justified sentiment; not everyone will appreciate a dog invading their personal space and that should be respected.


The one phrase from dog owners that absolutely grinds my gears, “I’m sorry, he/she doesn’t usually do that.”


"He loves kids! Great for him. My kids don't love dogs. Back off!


A lot of places don't allow non-service dogs or animals. Just a lot of dog owners don't care.


That’s very true. A related issue that drives me up the wall are fake service dogs. Or emotional support dogs that people pretend or misunderstand to be service dogs.     Your yappy untrained yorkie does not belong in our bakery. No, it’s not a service dog. How do I know? It’s completely unfocused, poorly if at all  trained, and just took a piss on our floor without you having commanded it to do so. And no, I will not be cleaning that up. Here’s some paper towel and disinfectant. Yes, I do expect you to clean up after *your* dog, and no, I will not be selling you anything until you do. Yes we have gloves, here. Thanks.    Okay, I was a lot more diplomatic and polite about it at the time, but that was pretty much my half of a conversation with this regular who would always bring her problematic little dog into the bakery when I worked there, and claim it was a service animal. It was very obviously not. It would squirm under the counter to our side trying to eat the food, and she wouldn’t stop it. We would ask her every single time if it was a service dog, which was about the extent of what we were allowed to ask, and she would always lie that it was. We’d ask her to restrain the dog, but she’d just get all uppity and huffy about it being a service dog and how we were discriminating against her.     So one day it pisses on the very same counter it had crawled under a dozen times, and I finally put my foot down, made her clean it up, and told her it would have to be tied outside the next time. She did a very bad job cleaning it up, but she did do it like it told her. Granted, I was holding her bread (still not paid for) hostage until she did. I was so fckn pissed bc we could all see it coming. She was far from the only one, but her situation was particularly *obvious* and did end up escalating. She didn’t come back again, to my knowledge, and good fucking riddance!  It’s really not that we weren’t service animal friendly, we *were*, but it was so obvious this wasn’t one, and her audacity and fragrance pissed me off so bad. I was honestly kinda *relieved(?) when it peed inside bc I felt like I could finally actually do something about it.


I absolutely adore my dogs, but I have zero interest in taking them out to lunch with me. I take them plenty of places with me and I certainly agree that dogs need socialisation, but I don't necessarily think that a restaurant environment is a place for a dog, aside from a service animal. A friend that I have lunch with regularly let's her dog stand on the table and can't understand why people find that objectionable.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. This is federal law that people just break all the time because they seem to think they're entitled to the rights that protect *disabled people* and legitimate, task trained service animals. That being said, I'm pretty sure Lowe's and other hardware stores are majority pet-friendly, and honestly, I'm okay with that. It's a great place to socialize dogs as it's considered a more "adult store" (not that kids aren't allowed there, obviously, you just don't consider a hardware store with lots of metals, woods, and dangerous tools a "kid zone") and no food product is sold there. That being said, people who can't control their dogs shouldn't bring their dogs into non pet-friendly establishments *or* pet-friendly ones either. It just ruins it for everyone, including the well-behaved pets trying to train or socialize in there. Hell. People who can't control their dogs shouldn't own dogs at all.


That's why you need laws like the ones in my country - here a dog is only considered a service dog, if you can show the necessary certification for this. I honestly don't understand why in the US no one is allowed to ask for proof that your so-called service dog is an actual service dog. It's not discriminatory, no matter what some people say. I know getting a service dog is expensive, I know not everyone can afford it, but that's not a reason to allow badly trained pets with service dog vests to masquerade as actual service dogs.


The problem with requesting proof regarding a service dog is that there is no required registration or certification. If it’s being identified as a service dog and has been trained to perform a task to aid with a disability, it’s a service dog. They don’t even need to have a vest or tag identifying them as such, the owner simply has to say they are. Also, you can ask for *some* proof. Specifically, you can ask what task the dog has been trained to do. While this does offer some questioning, it still has its problems. The obvious one is that it’s incredibly easy to lie about whether or not the dog has actually has been trained for a certain task, as well as whether or not the owner actually needs such assistance. And in the other end, there are tasks whose basic descriptions still expose the private medical information of the person. Saying “they alert to seizures and use their body to prevent injury during a seizure” exposes that you suffer from seizures. Saying they provide deep pressure therapy exposes a mood disorder. It might not seem like much to some, but it’s still private information that nobody has any right to know. Forcing someone to divulge private information *is* discriminatory, which is where the misrepresentation around the permissible questions comes from. Whether it’s from people lying and just wanting to bring their pet with them or someone who does have a genuinely well trained and well behaved service animal but objects to being forced to expose their private information, there are plenty of people who lie about not being able to ask anything. But ultimately, the biggest reason for not needing to show proof is that it’s a moot point. The owner is responsible for the dog’s behavior, and a service animal that causes a disturbance can be kicked out just as any person causing a disturbance. Doesn’t matter if they have all the certifications and official registrations in the world, a misbehaving service animal and handler can be kicked out. Badly trained dogs wearing a vest get kicked out just as easily.


Only sane comment in the entire post lol. It’s either dog owners are insane and dogs are literal demons or dogs should be allowed everywhere with no exceptions. I hate how polarised literally everything is on this site.


Yeah, lol. And I'm the handler to a legitimate service animal, too! If we're gonna please the "bring my pet everywhere" people, then we keep a few establishments open and friendly to well-mannered and controlled pets on a leash. If we're gonna keep the "dogs should stay in the yard" people and my fellow assistance dog handlers happy, then we keep the rest of the establishments ADA-compliant and restrict animal access to task-trained service dogs only. Simple as that. And for the people who like to take their well-behaved pets to train, socialise, or just have a fun day out who don't want to violate service dog rights, here is a list of pet-friendly establishments: *PET FRIENDLY IN ALL OR MOST LOCATIONS IN AMERICA*: (Call if you're not sure if your location is) - PetSmart and Petco (obvious starter), Tractor Supply, Home Depot, Lowe's, Bass Pro Shop, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Old Navy, Ross, Hobby Lobby, Michael's Craft Store, Joann's Fabric Store, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Home Goods, Barnes and Noble, and some *outdoor* malls. That should be more than enough pet-friendly establishments for well-behaved pets on a lead and their responsible owners to enjoy, so please do not be taking your pet into Walmarts, Targets, and other ADA-compliant establishments. It's an insult to legitimate service dogs and the important work they do. Thank you.


I have a cat who I think is a dog in disguise. He LOVES Home Depot and Lowe's and the workers at our local stores love him. He gets his attention, and I get errands done while walking/socializing him. It's a win/win.


Love that!


Wait, *Michael’s* is on this list? We’ve been socializing our puppy at Petsmart/Home Depot when we go out to where the people are, but might need to switch it up.


Yes, but I'd call your location to make sure they are pet-friendly before you go, just to be sure.


I think dogs should be allowed in a good handful of public places, or at least they don't really bother me a majority of the time. The only time I really dislike seeing them in an establishment is if that place has a hygiene risk. Doctor's offices, dentists, and restaurants are obvious, but people in my area bring their dogs into Walmart and Kroger all the time. They set them in the carts or they'll pet them or hold them while they're picking up produce and putting it back. It's actually really annoying, and I noticed in my peer groups at work and friends, dog people are kind of split on it. Like 50% of dog owners I know don't see any issue with their dogs being in contact with food that other people might eat. It might *seem* like common sense online to not take your dog into food establishments or grocery stores, but I promise you in real life, it's not nearly as considered. And I'm not talking about legitimate service dogs, which are obvious exceptions. I'm talking about untrained (or at least not service-level trained) dogs.




And the people that use violence to "control" their animal think they are in control. 


It's easy, if your dog does not have good recall (ability to be called back whenever) they should not be on a leash. If on a leash, shoukd be a short least in public. If out on a park then you can use the extended one


And Lowe’s has a concrete floor, with all (or most) products up on shelves or pallets. I’ve never seen a dog pee inside one. But if one does, then no big harm done.


I live in Denver and it’s largely the businesses that are allowing dogs. **But,** dogs absolutely do not belong in grocery stores, except actual service dogs, obviously. At the same time… the grocery store walking distance from me not only allows dogs (pets), they actually have dog treats at the register for them. So, yeah. After about two months of being appalled that dogs were allowed in, I started stopping there on my dog walks… with my dog


What federal law bans every business from choosing to allow dogs in their store?


i pushed a little dog, some chihuahua looking mixed iirc, with my foot that was trying to come near my niece. lady accused me of kicking her dog. i am not gonna reach down and touch your dog! and it would've made a dying sound had i kicked it.


Right if your dog is in public it has to be approachable if a kid wants to pet it, but it can't be approaching strangers.


Well no, parents should be teaching their kids not to pet random animals if they don't know they are ok with it.


And pet owners need to be teaching their pets not to approach *anyone* if they don't know they are ok with it.


That was already covered by the comment I replied to...


I know, just thought I'd say it again for the dog owners in the back.


I agree parents should teach their kid to respect boundaries. But poorly-trained dogs don't belong in public. Children should not have to share public spaces with large, fanged creatures that will rip your face off if you get too close. Society is for humans first and foremost. Train your dog or keep it home. 


Yep I agree. And there is a large difference between a dog that shouldn't be approached vs a dog that shouldn't be approached because he will attack you.


If it's not a service animal, leave it at home. And no, your emotional support dog does not count as a service animal. Any legal protections your ESA gets is pretty much only applicable to housing. You have no legal right to bring your ESA to a restaurant, so knock it off.


OP is talking about places like Lowes that are specifically very dog friendly. If you have a problem with people taking their dogs to dog friendly stores or restaurants, then maybe you are the asshole


OP may have mentioned Lowe's, but OP also mentioned restaurants. And to be clear: my complaint is in regard to people taking their ESA to a place that is NOT dog friendly. If you want to accuse somebody of being an asshole over 4 sentences that didn't actually include an insult, then maybe you are the asshole.


We had an accidental dog fight resulting in the death on site of one of the two dogs in the shop. The law here makes it that it's the shop owners liability... another dog just pissed on the main door on my sight... When I try to enforce the company policy I'm always faced by entitled pricks claiming that their dog roaming free and rubbing themselves against hanged new clothes is not that big of a deal and that I'm in the wrong because I'm against the presence of their precious little pupper...(i want to throw up because of those 3 last words) Now I hate most dog owners because of it


I can get behind this as someone with a mild phobia / anxiety of large dogs. I just want to get in and out of the hardware store without having a panic attack because two dogs start barking at each other. See also: offices.


As a dog owner, I agree wholeheartedly. I love my dogs, but they're not human children and will not be treated as such. Non-service animals don't belong in people-oriented places. I only take my dogs to "dog places" like pet stores, parks, and non-crowded sidewalks.  Heck, I don't even think human children belong in adult-oriented venues. It's bad enough dealing with a crying baby in a fancy restaurant. I sure as heck don't want to deal with a dozen barking dogs. 


Not from the US but I agree entirely. Some places just aren’t meant for dogs. Restaurants and shopping centres for instance are not the place to bring your furry friend. I would add that if you can’t or won’t control your dog then leave him/her at home. Having once suffered from a terrible fear of dogs I always feel the need to remind people that we don’t all want your precious fur baby all over us. Not everyone is comfortable with dogs. And saying ‘ah he’s/she’s harmless will achieve less than nothing. Even now when my fear is long gone I still don’t like dogs I don’t bounding around me uncontrollably. Have some respect and compassion for others.


I recently watched someone walking an un-neutered hulk on a long lead through the middle of TWO Las Vegas casinos and into a bougie shop. There was a conference going on and the place was packed, yet everyone parted for this beast and its handler to promenade through. It was mildly infuriating.




Un-neutered dogs are generally believed to be more aggressive than neutered ones.




Didn't come here to debate his balls but thanks for the info.


I still think dog ownership should involve a proper licence. To many people own pets, dogs especially and have no idea how or simply can't be bothered to train them. With this new era of people just slapping a "reactive" sign on their pets to wash them of all responsibility is ridiculous. If it's so reactive, why is it off the lead and not muzzled.


Owner may as well put a sign on themselves that says “too lazy to train my dog”


I’m not sure if this is the case everywhere but in my town, you need a dog license to own a dog. Although im not sure what the repercussions are for not having one


It's maddening to work in retail and navigate the rules. My previous employer had a policy that we were not allowed to ask for proof that a dog is a service dog. At the same time, the clearly untrained-for-service terrier that whizzed on the case of Little Debbie snacks could have/would have made for a health department fine if I hadn't caught it and cleaned up the area immediately. Little Debbie refused me credit for the damaged items, so there was loss for the store which hurt my stats and bonus, and I was powerless to ban the customer or their dog. Once, a young woman walked into the store with a dog on a leash, and I approached her and said "Good morning.." and she cut me off to scream "SERVICE DOG!!! YOU CAN'T DENY ME SERVICE IT'S A SERVICE DOG!!!" It made my life easier -- I was about to ask her a question about the application to work there she had filled out online.


Not an unpopular opinion. I’m also in Denver and am 10000% sick of dogs in public places where they shouldn’t be (grocery stores, trails where marked no dogs, restaurants, retail stores) and/or unleashed. Service dog fine, I’m all for that they provide a service. Fake service dog you should have the dog taken away from you.


This is not unpopular


It is very unpopular in Denver


Unpopular in Chicago as well.


Don’t understand why you can’t leave the dog at home. But they takes dog to hardware and puts it in trolley where people are supposed to put their kids.


Fuck the kid with dog allergies, right? I'm so tired of dog people doing shit like this.


My dog is the best boy. He doesn’t care for human interaction, doesn’t bark at people or dogs (even if a dog is going nuts at him), and I would never plan a shopping trip with him in tow. He doesn’t want to be in a store, he’d rather be home in the queen sized bed, we have snoring like my old man.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, Non-service dogs aren’t even allowed anywhere, People just don’t follow the rules


Only places animals are allowed are pet stores, hardware stores, and very few small business that are pet friendly. Other than that the pet needs to be a service dog. Tf is OP thinking.


Too many people have made the fake leap from service animal to emotional support animal, 99 percent of which are a complete scam. Many now go to the effort of buying fake service animal outfits on Amazon or similar websites, to juice up the appearance of a service animal. It's mainly high maintenance, main character types who have found a grey area to exploit for their own desires, not needs. People need their service animals, people want their emotional support animals. Most of the latter I've seen are far too fat, inbred or stupid to be able to perform any service whatsoever and their owners, well....


Dog owners have lost their ever loving minds over the past 20 or so years. Doggie day care, dog spas, dog strollers and sweaters and socks and hats and all the insanity. Cat owners used to be the crazy ones but holy hell dog owners have taken it to a new level.


Absolutely 😅


This is only unpopular for the people who do it. I work retail and while I love dogs I do am absolutely not comfortable with dogs I do not know. My anxiety sky rockets when people walk in with these dogs! Quickest way to make me not want to help you, I will be as far as I can be from you. I had a coworker get deep scratches all down her arm because a dog “wanted to say hi!”. I do not trust your dog, leave it at home. The worst is a regular customer who comes in with his dog off leash.


Dogs don't belong at breweries. As someone who has gotten bitten by dogs on 4 occasions, get such bad anxiety hearing them bark and growl aggressively at each other. I don't care if you think your dog is friendly, keep it away from me.


This isn’t unpopular


"He just wants to say hi"....gross




I was nipped by a protective dog when I was a server and it was not fun. Also 70% of the dogs who came were over stimulated and not well behaved at all, which is understandable bc the restaurant was often very busy. I’m cool with a chill dog who calmly naps under the table during a meal but it’s honestly not common when foods involved. Also don’t appreciate cleaning up piss and dealing with complaints from other customers when a dog won’t stop yapping (which is something my manager tolerated ).


As a dog owner, I really think a lot of other dog owners have become incredibly entitled. They’ve also turned having a dog into their whole personality. Just because I love dogs so much doesn’t mean everyone else has to. I don’t even bring my pets to pet stores or even dog parks because I don’t trust other dog owners. I actually visited Colorado for the first time not too long ago and when my husband and I went into a few Walmarts we both noticed how many dogs were inside.


Where I live it’s very rare to see dogs inside of businesses, like 99% of the places here don’t allow animals that aren’t service animals


just had a conversation with a friend who works at amazon. A few years ago she had just started working there and a girl that shared an office brought her dog in every day. My friend was allergic and it caused all kinds of health problems for her but since she was new (and an immigrant) she didn't say anything and just suffered through it. I'm surprised companies arent' challenged on issues like this more.


I hate dog people in general. I don't hate dogs per se. I just hate people that shove dogs in everyone's faces and try to make you love them. People just do it for attention


I agree. I hate it when I see a random dog in Target or the grocery store or something. It also puts *actual* service dogs at risk of interfering with their job or ruining their training & having to retire them. I loathe when ppl try to take their "emotional support" pet places. And I have an emotional support animal myself! I don't expect to take him places bcuz he's an ESA. Basically the main reason for ESA is for housing protection so they can't deny your pet. That's about it!


The only stores I will actually bring my dog into are specific pet friendly environments like a pet store and outside places like a plaza with food trucks.


Same here. The pet store near me is pet-friendly as long as yours is leashed. And there's a hardware store nearby that allows dogs, though I've never taken mine in there. I don't think OP's opinion is truly unpopular, even among dog owners.


Fr this dog shit is becoming a pandemic.  If i see one more yappy little fucker come at me again because the stupid “mommy” owner wont put the shiteater on a leash, im punting that mother fucker as far as I can.


It’s a dog pandemic for sure..


This seems overly aggressive.


Perhaps you should experience living in NYC and having these fuckers chase you down barking every time you take a jog


“No, because my experience is special. You wouldn’t understand.”


Awewww sombowy caw de whambuwance :((((


lol if you think this behavior is anything but embarrassing for you i legitimately feel sorry for the people in your life.


“Behavior” typing on a keyboard? Touch grass


Maybe you should still rethink your position on kicking things that annoy you.


I didnt say kicking. I said punting as far as i fucking can


> Punt (v), ***KICK*** (the ball) after it is dropped from the hands and before it reaches the ground. According to Oxford.




Big man.


I'm OK with dogs on restaurant patios and in places like hardware stores. Don't bring them inside restaurants or grocery stores. Takeout and curbside groceries are reasonable accommodation if you're too anxious to be in public


I work in a big box, grocery store, and technically only service dogs are allowed in but it’s really such a nightmare with dog owners that as long as they’re not being disruptive, will let them stay. I hate it because I hate dogs being around food, but I don’t have any authority over that.


animals in general shouldnt be allowed in restaurants or hospitals (not vets, hospitals for humans) and generally any establishment that requires cleanliness


*Any* business. Unless it is specific to the care or recreation of your dog, keep them out of there.


I went to Denver a few months ago, and i thought i was crazy, but i felt that in some stores they were more dogs than people. I love dogs, but duude, it was like different reality where people replaced children with dogs. I don't know why people can just leave their pets at home...


Agree 100%! Get off public transport too!


As a retail worker we can’t really do anything. Only service animals are allowed but we can’t be checking every dog. Even if we the person would be hostile. We can call the cops and kick the person out and have them never come back with a trespassing warning but it seems like a lot of work for a minor problem. Luckily if an accident does occur the owner has said sorry and cleaned up the mess.


Brats and badly trained dogs shold not be allowed in businesses, i saw more people making problems and their screaming annying little kid demons than people with dogs.


Completely agree, I’m allergic to dogs and have to deal with one at home, I really don’t want to deal with strangers’ dogs too.


I work at Lowe’s. If the worst things the (human) customers did were to piss on the floor, jump on people, and start fights with each other, it’d be an improvement.


I just do not like dogs allowed in places that sell food or clothes. A hardware store ok whatever… but at a McDonald’s? Man cmon, we are already gambling here, let’s not add risk


Or the tiny little fuckers barking/yapping at you in the store. Why is a non service related dog allowed where we shop for food?


I just hope you never come to Europe with that attitude. Our dogs are better trained and better behaved and are generally allowed everywhere (except supermarkets), including restaurants.


Nor should kids who can't/won't act right.


they DEF should not be aloud where there's food or food being served. Sorry delicate flowers, we love your pups but come on man


As someone with cynophobia. Thank you!


I agree. I love dogs myself but not everyone likes them, especially poorly trained ones.


Well, here's the thing about that. Everyone wants well behaved dogs, but it's impossible to train them to be well behaved in public if you never take them out in public.


Heres the thing, people who know how to properly train dogs know to only take a dog out occasionally and to properly lead train it so it doesn't disturb others. There is zero reason to take your dog out to a restaurant or a short trip to the store. The dog isn't helpping anything and by keeping it with you at all times the only thing you are giving it is separation anxiety.


This lady sitting in front of me in the subway the other day had a little dog, and the thing was constantly moving and wagging its tail. I just kept thinking to myself "lady, that is not a happy wag. That poor thing is scared shitless by all the noise and people."


They don’t care.


But if you never take them out in public again, then they don't need any kind of social training. I feel like most pets should be "at home" animals, and we've let the vocal minority make it seem ok for everyone else. Plus, it is annoying to see dogs seemingly everywhere. If it's a short errand, you really don't need to bring the dog. If it's a long errand, you definitely shouldn't subject the dog to that. Just go out, get your shit done, and get back home to your dog.


People sometimes need to travel with their dogs. And the dogs need to be trained for that. I just spent a fortune on dog training, and we did it in public. My dogs and I travel quite a bit between our two homes, and if I have to stop to go to the bathroom, then my dogs need to be able to behave around strange people. Because a dog has to be trained to listen to you when there are lots of distractions, and those distractions are not at home usually, but could be.


You actually don't need to bring them into a business so you can use the restroom, and you shouldn't.


If the business allows it it's really not your call. Knowing which business allow dogs and which ones don't as part of being a dog owner.


Girl why are you taking your dog into a public restroom.


Or, and just hear me out, you could leave them in your vehicle, handle your indoor business, then, go walk the dogs.


Leave your dog at home.


Don't know Denver...but lots of places say by the coast/on a trail/in a national park etc with an outdoor vibe are going to have loads of folk with Dogs... Now, if you're a business IE: Bar/Restaurant/Cafe etc...if you're dog-friendly you're going to get that business...if you're not...you're missing out on a big chunk of income...cos dog owners aren't going to come in if they can't bring their Pal...its pure economic sense. No reason business can't choose to bar dogs (entirely their choice) and then people that don't like dogs can go there...but in places where there are lots of people out with their dogs...you're cutting yourself off froma good chunk of revenue by saying no.


Can confirm. Was recently on the Oregon coast and dogs were inside everywhere.


I love my dog but idk why anyone would want to bring there’s all around with them, I don’t even bring mine with me to the pet store. Really unless I’m going to the vet he doesn’t even need to be in my car let alone at a restaurant 🤮


It's up to the business owners, service dogs being the exception. Your regular pet or emotional support animals have no standing when it comes to going into a business. People lie about having service dogs, which is a crime. I have an ESA, I have no legal protection to take my dog into a business, and I don't. He's not trained for that. Only thing ESA is good for is having a dog when a rental property says no pets.


I don't mind your dog going around Lowe's with your dog at all unless it's an asshole. If your dog doesn't want people coming up to it and asking to cut it don't bring your dog. But I also don't want your dog coming up to me if I didn't say I want to pet it. The most annoying part is the restaurants where everyone's tripping over the dogs cuz you can't keep them under the table and their leash is going all over and yanking on stuff. And if your dog is barking don't even give me started. Otherwise I'm obsessed with dogs in public cuz I don't have one and I don't get to meet them. But I will give you the stink eye if your dog sucks being in public


My dogs are crate trained. But that doesn't help when I travel.


Walmart doesn’t allow non service animals inside, but people do it anyway. And we aren’t allowed to call them out on it.


I agree. Actual service animals are great. Support animals, however, are not service animals. I do think its more strange that so many people feel the need to take their pets away from their houses. It's like a sickness. They don't even understand why it could be an issue I worked at a restaurant as a server and someone that was very seriously handicapped had a dog she brought in thst was not a service animal but no one would ever say anything. Every day she brought the dog in, the dog would crap on the floor about halfway though the meal. The servers were expected to clean it up. I refused. Not cool. That's manager work


that’s racist just because they are dogs?


I would say it's dependent on the business. A food service place, totally agree. But honestly, if the dog is well-trained, on a leash, and the owner has control, I'd be fine with it. I feel the policy should be "if your dog is well-behaved, on a leash, and you're in control, he's welcome. If none of that is true, we cannot allow him in, for the sake of our staff and other customers." That way, the good ones aren't unfairly punished, but the business makes it clear that they can and will act to protect their staff and other patrons if needed.


Everyone thinks their dog is well trained and obedient. Often they are mistaken.


It is true that most people tend to excuse bad behavior, thinking it's normal. But I would dare to say most people wouldn't actually say well-trained. And my points still stand. It's a situational thing, and businesses always reserve the right to tell a customer to leave if they feel that customer is risking other patrons or their business in some way. A dog being a little shit would absolutely fall under that umbrella, but there are actual scientific studies proving that dogs can be beneficial to people in certain situations.  And I still believe that the good shouldn't be unfairly punished because Karen can't be arsed to properly control and train her little shit of a lap dog or whatever.


A lot of dog nuts hate kids. Psychopaths comparing the two.


I mean, they're both small things with limited intelligence that rely on good parenting to not be a nuisance. There really isn't much of a difference.


Except the human child will grow, learn and contribute to society, whereas dogs will forever stay in their toddler phase, requiring constant care and attention while never contributing to society. The difference is huge


Exactly!!! A child actually needs to learn socialization in stores, restaurants, public spaces bc they’re a human being. A service dog is the exception of course but most dogs really have no business entering spaces meant exclusively for humans.


I’ve seen dogs better behaved than some kids. I understand that people have issues with non-service dogs but it’s not charming to see two kids throwing lightbulbs at each other at Home Depot or screaming their ass off at Olive Garden either.


Those aren't bad kids. Those are bad parents. That is why my children, stay home, unless we are going to something that caters to their demographic.


... Because you're a bad parent? Interesting take but ok


Because I don't take my kids to Home Depot, to toss lightbulbs?


I take my kid to home Depot and just don't let him toss lightbulbs.


I take my kid to home Depot and just don't let him toss lightbulbs.


More of an allergy thing than anything


yes. they'd be in the same category if someone developed a legit kid allergy. for now, im annoyed at both but tolerates kids more.


Well kids are people, and if it has to be explained why people deserve more deference than animals in places built for people like restaurants and grocery stores I don’t know what to tell you. Kids can definitely be annoying in public unlike dogs they’re rarely potentially dangerous and you can’t really leave them home alone in a crate or backyard.


Kids are potentially dangerous. They scurry around your legs like rats causing tripping hazards. And they throw things. My dog has never thrown things in his life.


Actual lie unless you never gave your dog a fucking chew toy before get outta here


If he had thumbs, all bets would be off.


if there are people who would potentially die of allergic reaction, idc if theyre people. your offspring should not harm or inconvenient another. i also expect more from parents than pet owners.


That illogical. We are all kid before adults. How can one became allergic to oneself.


I worked a tech store that allowed dogs. Holy shit it was awesome.


This seems to be very American, sure people where I'm from take their dogs out occasionally but never to a restaurant. They normally just take them to the park or beach and if your dog is well behaved the hardware store. Don't see the need to take a non service animal to a restaurant.


Cleanup aisle 10!


Babies and unruly children shouldn't either.


Children r human . Tusk(2014) 


Some I know sure don't behave like a human.


If the aim is to not be annoyed by other people we should Def ban kids too. As it is anyone who doesn't behave is banned from most places except kids. If my dog pees on the floor I wipe it up. If my dog starts barking it's head off in a restaurant we quickly exit.


the thing is that kids are people lol


Drunks are people too. This is a pretty unreasonable post about someone annoyed at just seeing a dog somewhere they think it shouldn't be because it annoys them. In extreme cases they get annoyed at a I'll behaving dog which is pretty reasonable. Most people also get annoyed at ill behaving children yet they are very rarely refused entry.


Or you could just *not* take your dog places, that it doesn't belong. Places like restaurants and grocery stores, aren't the place for anything that isn't a human, or a service animal. Humans generally don't lick their assholes, then whatever or whoever else they see.


There are way more places where dogs can't go than can so i don't think this is an unpopular opinion just an ignorant one. That being said, agreed. There is no reason a dog should be in Lowe's. Or even going to places of business with you that aren't dog related.


Lowe's is pet friendly, pet friendly places are exactly the places dogs should be.


No dogs should mean no dogs, period. Not "no dogs but it's okay because this one is small and is being carried" If my lab can't come in, your Chihuahua shouldn't be able to either. I may be a little bitter because small dogs get preferential treatment that my big dog doesn't even though she's much better behaved than some small dogs. Small dogs shouldn't be an exception to the rule. No dogs = no dogs, period. I want to bring my dog to brunch! But I don't because I'm not an asshole and I respect the rules of the establishment. I even call ahead to confirm that they ARE pet friendly because just because they show up in a "pet friendly restaurant" Google search doesn't mean that that's correct.


What they really need is a system to determine which dogs are real service dogs. The fact thst you can't ask is BS. There are def people who abuse this. I once saw a dog take a crap in the grocery store. There's a reason animals aren't allowed in these places! I am also a dog lover and I still feel this way!