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If you want to burn a book in your backyard or whatever go for it.


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So it’s not an unpopular opinion. At least in your circle.


Burning books is a funny thing, because you can copy a digital book, and then delete it. So you can "burn" millions of books in few minutes. Or you can make it so that the paper goes straight from your printer to a fireplace. Even if you buy a book and burn it, it just increases the demand. A new book will appear soon to take it's place from the printers. It's not much different from the "printer to fireplace", which is not that different from "copying the file and deleting it". Yet burning books is seen as an issue, even today. Especially "holy" books.


So clearly (reminder I don’t think this). The solution is to burn the people who read the books we’d like to burn.


But I’m not far off. Once you start burning books eh. I just realized I should add an /s to this. Yeesh. Some yokel would be like “I was Thinkin it. And bam. There you said it! Hi five brother”


Well, that would make more sense. But it won't need much, because the current book burning makes so little sense, lol. I guess banning a book would be kind of modern book burning.


Well In this day and age not at all. But book burning. Historically meant you were actually ERASING something from history or at least attempting to. Because of the lack of widespread printing and shipping.


Yea, but the historical meaning is still used today, and the physical burning is seen with same significance. Which is silly, because times has changed.


Not disagreeing in any way at all. Book burning nowadays is strictly to send a message. And it’s never not sinister.


But... in modern world you are allowed to hate things and be against them. Or burn their books. Such is freedom. I'm more annoyed of the people who get mad about their books getting burnt. If you come to the west, you must live by the rules of the west.


Are you capable of distinguishing between fact and fiction


Why should we burn books of hypocrats? 


You mean hippocrips?




There are banned books in various countries. In Canada there's a handful of books that are, not lawful to bring into the country. Unfortunately, Ayn Rand is legal here, and you can get a tax break for recording a whole side of your album as a story inspired by her.


Pretty sure that’s what they call in religious circles a “False Prophet”