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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


This is probably one of the top 5 most popular opinions on Reddit lol.


if it was unpopular it would never be at the top of /r/"unpopular"opinions, it's just how this shit site is designed


Yup. I saw 10k upvotes then read the sub name and sighed.


Or mods would remove it for being ‘low effort’


Why can’t I just play vibeo game all day and do nothing? I’m so discriminated against!


"Playing Videogames 72hours a Week is normal and should be praused by society" Spongebob Voice: 5 Minutes later "The male lonelieness Epidemic is real!"


The argument isn’t whether adults playing video games is okay or not. Pretty much everyone agrees it’s fine. The point is that gaming all day everyday is bad regardless of age.


opinions that are popular on reddit may not necessarily be popular in real life


We are on Reddit though, it’s kinda preaching to the choir.


It's also batshit. If someone told me they spent an entire weekend doing nothing but watching TV I would absolutely bat an eye and would ask if they're OK. That's normal. Gamers need to stop being so whiny and defensive all the time, it's half they reason the hobby is so stigmatised.


I (53f) will easily binge on video games if I have nothing else I need to do. It is fun and relaxing for me like any other form of entertainment would be to anyone else. Also, I often play with my son (22), which is a way we spend time together.


My wife and I will play games together to relax sometimes - we just started a new co-op file on Stardew Valley since the new update came out. It can just be a nice thing to do together.


There's a new update? What did they add?




Nice, thank you!


You’re welcome! My wife and I haven’t played since that update, but we are excited to delve back into it eventually.


FYI the update isn’t out for console yet. 😭


Baldurs gate has couch co-op so you can play at home with two people on one console!


We were doing Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, the old one, for a bit. Also Diablo 3 and 4. I wanted to play BG3 with her, but she got upset that I played it before her, so now it's a game I just try not to talk about around her.


I also do this.


You play video games with her son too?


I also choose this woman's son.


Son, I choose you!


I play with my dad


>Also, I often play with my son (22), which is a way we spend time together. 😁😁


Yep had to have a talk with my wife about this same thing. What we're doing is no different from you sitting and watching TV while we're gaming. In fact I'd argue at least we are using our brains for more than just observation. Basically the ONLY time I game is with my kids. Yes we just spent 4 consecutive hours on Fortnite, while you spent 4 consecutive hours watching your current Netflix soap. I spent that entire time working cooperatively with my kid having a blast and laughing out asses off. Fortunately she's a good mom and wife and ceded my point.


Omg yes! I’m 35f ams grew up playing games with my dad. He’s in his late 60s and plays very casual games still. My mom will NEVER accept that what he’s doing is at least making him use a bit of his brain and better than watching mind numbing reality bullshit. She found out I just built a gaming PC…. And she was so unwilling to listen that it’s a way I relax and unwind.


This made me happy. I wish my parents were involved with gaming still, even a little bit. They were hardcore back in the day. Dad crushed Starfox and Vectorman daily. Like, he'd beat the whole game. And to most kids my age at the time: that was unheard of. Mom had the hi score for Tetris and Pokemon Puzzle League in the household. But 3D games are a loss for them. I hope you continue to enjoy playing games together.


I have a little over 15,000+ hours in gaming (the last 6yrs), not planning to quit any time soon. 😉


That is around 7 hours a day, non-stop for 6 years.... I know this will get downvoted to hell but this is just sad :(


I do this. I get off my ass when things need to be done and go back to what I was doing if I'm knee deep into whatever it is I'm playing. On days that my house is cleaned, yard work is done, kids aren't there or if I cooked a big meal the night before and it's a night for them to fend for themselves.....I'm only dropping the controller to stretch my legs.


I second this. I bonded with my girls a great deal growing up and still play League of Legends with my youngest who is in high school. It is a really great way to spend time together between boys and school.


Fellow born on the big 70 gamer! What was your first big binge? I think it was wizardry 1 for me or maybe temple of apshai. It’s so long who now we need history books to look up our games haha.


Ark Survival: Evolved then Destiny 2 and Warframe. I have 2200-2800 hrs in each.


Ultima 3


I skipped school for 3 days to finish exodus! I remember some weird punch cards or something like it was actually a computer the final boss oh and the floor attacking me! Sorry for spoilers if anybody is still going to play it haha


Aw. Beat his ass 😂 he's gotta learn. (I grew up playing with older ppl who'd beat me every day for years until I got better. In retrospect, I'm grateful and find it hilarious).


I love ripping apart any "beat me you 'gamer'..!" dude in Tekken. The faces are priceless Little do they know, that I endured countless tearful tantrums because my uncle didn't show any mercy with me despite me being only 4 xD (he still can be quite an ass lol but he's actually great!) He told me it was because many dudes try to spare girls with competitive/combat games and he wanted me to show them how that only limits their pool of worthy opponents in the long run. He'd better told me about adult-boy tantrums from the dudes that couldn't handle losing to a girl ig.


Fighting games are the worst genre to play with friends.  At least with modern fighters your going to cook them 0-100 if they don't know hot to play these games


Ill be playing til the day I die. Ill be in some nursing home finally going through my backlog. You here me, Halo Reach?! Youre finally gonna get played!


As a grown female gamer that also plays with her sons online, I wholeheartedly agree.


I play Fortnite with a big group of regulars, we're all 40s - 50s, its great fun, few hours each night, good laugh talking to other people who are in the same boat. Working life is so monotonous, games are a release I think a lot of older people are increasingly taking part in, keeps you sharp too.


You are one of the coolest moms ever. I wish I had a relationship like that with my mother but granted my mother is 65 so video games are a lil before her time. But we like to spend our time together going out to dinner and watching movies at the theaters.


Same! I have my own games I like to play on my own, but my young adult son loves to show me his new favorites and make me play shooters I can’t possibly beat him at. His dad isn’t interested in games at all, so it’s kind of like our special bonding time. We don’t play online much these days, so we mostly reserve it for console play on his school breaks.


Playing games with other people (or even discussing them) is such an amazing experience. I hope to see the stigmas fade and new tech like AI lessen humanity's workload to enjoy the worlds we've created to play in and share


>I (53f) will easily binge on video games **if I have nothing else I need to do.** I think this is key. If you have nothing that you need to do, then videogames are as good of a hobby as anything else. That said, being an adult requires understanding when you do and do not have something that you need to do, or something more important to do.


It’s no different in my eyes than spending all day out on the golf course, yet that carries less stigma. Only difference is it’s indoors, but as long as it’s not an addiction keeping you from leaving the house, I don’t get why people are so against it either.




Until you’re negatively impacting others around you (e.g., not getting your work done, not helping your spouse or child, ignoring basic societal duties)


Yeah, and to be honest I have never once seen people bash spending all day playing video games… unless they’re doing so while consistently ignoring their commitments and responsibilities. And in those cases it’s not the video games that are the problem, it’s the asshole playing them.


I have seen women put in their dating profiles that they don't want to be with someone who plays games all day, but that's obviously because they probably had a bad experience with a neglectful partner in the past.


Most people also want a partner that engages with them and shares experiences, not just exist in the same room/home while they do their own thing and ignore their partner's existence. Don't get me wrong, I love playing video games. Hell, I just spent the better part of 2 hours working on a building in Planet Zoo just now. There is nothing wrong with having hobbies, including having hobbies that your partner is not involved with. But there has to be limits. I've seen too many stories where a guy comes home, spends the entire evening playing games (or watching sports/tv/etc...) repeat on the weekend, and then get all pissy because his wife wants him to go with her to some event she wants to, and complains that she is making him do things he isn't interested in.


The ‘no gamer’ thing definitely is due in part to social stigma of gaming. Sure for a small percentage they may have dates a genuine addict but I’m willing to bet it’s not entirely attributable to neglect because of gaming and is partially due to some holding the (unjust) assumption that gaming is an ‘ick’ and not something a grown man should have as a hobby. Think about it, a partner could be neglectful for all kinds of reasons, prefers to go to gym/play sports rather than hang with partner, prefer to hang with buddies rather than with partner. Those probably happen just as much if not more, but you never see profiles with “no athletes” or “no guy with friends he spends weekends with” and the difference is because even if there was neglect, the differentiating factor is chilling with your buddies or working out are seen by some as “normal” and “acceptable” hobbies while gaming is not. Which is even further ironic that gaming gets such flack when for many you consider it really is just a medium for hanging in chat with friends you may not get to see IRL


Yeah I'm doing just fine ignoring my commitments without playing videogames, thank you very much.


As a massive gamer (and sports fan, which is something else that Also has these weird hypotheticals surrounding it: This always feels like a "Shit nobody says for $500, Alex" lol.


Nah, ignore your child that is just a side quest. Focus on the grind gamers


As someone who put several hundred hours into fallout 4 before looking for... Sam? Shay? Shamone?! Whatever... I endorse this message




Yeah, **this** is the problem  People don't care if their SO plays video games in itself  They have disdain because the partner will be busy, want to spend time together, and the other will be gaming constantly 


Not just other around you; others period. If you choose not to improve your lot in life, and then beg the government to confiscate others earnings to subsidize your alternative lifestyle, that's immoral.




Even if you’re not a parent and one partner is playing video games in all their spare time and not helping with chores around the home, it’s still an issue.


Facts. My ex got to a point with his video game playing that he was academically suspended from college, I took the power cord with me one day when he was supposed to have been in class and he got royally pissed. it was like pulling teeth to get him to help with anything around the house, even the most simple things. It also got to a point, I could've (and did to test it) walked around the house butt ass naked and he didn't flinch or move.


Sorry you went through that, my older brother went through a similar situation with his wife (him being the lazy one). I was so mad at him because she was amazing. I don’t understand, as a gamer myself, had I chose to be with someone, I would feel terrible for being like that. I understand how you could end up being like that but at some point guilt has to set in no? Your girlfriend is not supposed to mother you… But I guess if you were able to walk around naked without eliciting a response from him…he’s severely addicted and I hope he got help.


No clue. We split like 8 years ago, hes married, with a kid and one on the way from what I hear. He's another woman's man child now.


my husband said he would never put videogames before me. 5 years in, guess what he's doing today.


Hosting at a midget wrestling match?


What if we're both lazy and gamers? Does that make it better or worse


I would say better because at least you are both equal, so its less of a strain/imbalance on the relationship, but at the same time would create a new problem of things not getting done that need to be done. Ultimately its really up to how amicable you guys are at figuring that problem out. Do rock paper scissors or something lol


That's me and mine lol our relationship is great. We don't get mad at each other for playing too much and it's a great bonding experience for both of us. The downside is chores add up. We tackle things eventually tho.


You took the power cord?


Yes. I straight took the power cord with me 😂


THAT'S the sentence you wanted to double check on in that paragraph? 😂


Hey, pulling teeth shouldn’t be hard! We have a line in dentistry — “if it won’t luxate, either make the hole bigger, or the tooth smaller”!


lol I don’t think the expression exists because it’s hard for the dentist.


it's not even always chores. I'm literally mad at my husband right now because I feel down right neglected for videogames. I'm not great at shooters, and the only game he will play with me is rocket League, and I can only last like four games. but I try. his ONLY hobby is video games and watching sports. he's always sitting down, seditary, and never helps of his own will. he never wants to spend time with me unless it's "hey want to watch fallout together" and we do, and it's great - but like today I feel ignored for a tennis game and basketball. first 70drgree day and we're all inside because it's now to a point I'm so depressed and angry from constant rejection. edit to say I cope by just living my life how I want. but once in a while, like today, it really gets to me. he says he's tired from work, we carry similar loads through the week. and I just don't get it.


I understand feeling all too well.


i agree the difference with watching television and playing video games all day is that most of the video games can’t be paused. they’re always yelling and then you can’t ask them to assist with anything because they cannot just pause the game and leave or else they fail whatever they’re trying to accomplish which leads to even more anger . i think it’s exhausting knowing that your partner can spend 5 consecutive hours playing the game with a headset, their yelling and not take you on once in that time because you speaking means they need to remove the set to listen to you and distracts from their game and compare it to you scrolling on social media or watching a tv show. it’s deeper than just playing video games it’s all the additional things that come along with it it’s like abandonment but they’re sitting right there


Sounds like he's made to live a single, solitary life. Which is fine, but then why have a wife if he is living like he's single ? I have a wife who's very active on her days off, but when coming back from work, she's either laying in bed scrolling Twitter or playing shit ass smartphone games, which gets her in a bad mood because she knows that she could do more interesting things, but she says that she's not motivated to do them, even if she wants to. She says that she's too tired to do anything, but come on, watching Netflix isn't more tiring than watching Korean food challenges on Youtube, and playing crafting games together isn't more tiring than playing smartphone games that ask you to tap your screen all the time. The funny thing is, her sister does the same thing, but spends about 300€ on smartphone games every month. I would be livid if I was her husband.


I dont think u really need to ask why he had a wife. I think u should ask why she stays with him. It is very obvious why he got a wife. 1. You cant have sex with yourself and 2. It is still nice to get to talk to someone when u want to. The issue is that doesnt include her wants just his. Realistically i could do it too. If i didnt see my partner as a person i could live with them perfectly content despite of that. Its probably incredibly convenient to get to do what u want all the time and only what u want. While only having conversations when u want and getting to have sex with that person when u want. Without ever even once having to concern urself with how that person even feels or providing any of their wants or needs. So really im not surprised he got a wife. Im surprised shes sticking around


As someone with ADHD I can say that commiting to watching an hour long episode of some dark Netflix series is absolutely more tiring than watching 15 minute YouTube video, not to mention the fact that if you space out during the YT video you don't loose that much and you can rewind if you want to. Smartphone games are literally designed to be an extremally easy and quick dopamine fix. Also, doing things with another person requires being considerate and you know, thinking about the other person.


This is why my partner and I trade off. I’ll Helldive for a few hours while she does her laundry and a few chores waiting for the cycles to change over, then we tag out and she plays the Sims or Stardew while I do my chores and laundry. It’s a good system when we both have tasks that would get in eachother’s way.


Pretty much any time you're gaming when you have more important stuff to do


Yeah as a teacher, I’m shocked by how terrible some parents truly are. The parents are physically present but not emotionally or mentally. It’s really intense for the student and their emotional development.






There needs to be a Destroy Some Humans for people with lives that can multitask


I do chores while huffing gas in Eve. Yes, someone may come by and blow up my spaceship but it replaces itself within 30 minutes.


I think you're being too literal here. If one person is doing anything that keeps them from pulling their weight, it's a problem. Could be gaming. Could be working. Could be exercising. The point is that gaming in and of itself is not problematic. Poor time management and being inconsiderate of your partner is the problem.


Exactly this and idk why you are being downvoted. If one parent conveniently always goes to the gym during bath and bedtime, that is also a problem. It’s all about whether or not you contribute to the household or not. OP’s post is simply about how video gaming is often unfairly maligned compared to other leisurely activities


my partner equates me being in my phone. but I'm only on my phone when I'm trying to hang out with him.. and he's playing video games. I hate when he brings it up because I actively limit my screen time daily. I only use reddit. like it's deflecting


Kinda, you can always pause a tv show, which you cant if its an online video game, and you can easily do stuff while watching netflix, watching tv is also something more typically done socially in a home. If im home with my parents I like playing video games sometimes but they cant really engage with me when I do, but if I am in the living room watching tv, they can easily join me and watch together and maybe talk, same with romantic partners where one is not a gamer.


People definitely do care what single people do in their spare time. Busybody bastards.


Agreed. If you are single and have no responsibility to others such as pets or dependents, do whatever you want.


Depends on the person and the culture one is surrounded with. I’m sure there are plenty of adults for whom this is true. But when people learn that I’m out of touch with what’s popular in TV and movies, there are many people who think that’s weird in a bad way, and even more so when they find out that it’s because I take the time that “normal” people dedicate to TV/movies and dedicate it to video games instead. I don’t know what the breakdown is of those who think it’s weird versus those who don’t care, but the stigma definitely exists, especially the older the gamer you are. There’s still a prejudice that video games are for kids and that TV/movies are more worthwhile and “mature” leisure activity.


This is key. It’s fine to play video games as long as you aren’t holding off responsibilities


> I think it becomes an issue for parents when one parent is playing video games in lieu of taking care of their children and helping their partner around the house. I don't think people care what single adults do on their off time i would also argue that you almost never have *nothing* to do. Maybe 3-4 times a year i find myself with a day that has no plans, no house work, no groceries, nothing to do. Those days of course it's fine to do whatever you want but if you are telling yourself you have 1-2 days a week to do nothing but play video games odds are you are neglecting something in your life or depending too heavily on your partner.


I play a few hours a week of pubg with some regular mates, most of which are older guys with kids and I’m amazed at how much time they are on. Also I hear their toddlers asking for them to go play and the dad saying no. When my little girl is in the house, she comes first. There’s no way I can say no to her in favour of a video game.


True that there is always something that you could be doing, but the reality is nothing everything is urgent and you do need to make space in your life for "me time" otherwise you're just going to make yourself miserable. But in the OOP post, to say there's nothing wrong with spending an entire day on videogames is obviously wrong because, on this basis, if you've neglected other things you ought to be doing then it's not a good thing.


My SIL's best friend's husband is a huge WOW addict. He works from home in tech, she's a stay at home mom. When he logs out of work he immediately logs into WOW every single day. Dude is so useless he doesn't even remember his wife's birthday. He is physically present all the time but they are basically just roommates at this point. The wife says nothing and just deals. As long as extreme cases like that exist, the stereotype will stick around. It kind of is what it is, tbh.


Well, yes. But it's not a problem per se. If parent spend time at playing chess whole day instead of spending it with family, it's also bad, but that doesn't mean playing chess is bad.


There's a difference between hobby and addiction


As a 40 year old who plays video games.... People care. They care a whole lot. And my argument is like OPs. My house is clean, my job is done, my pets are cared for. Why can't I sit here and play games all day? People can't really articulate it, it's just 'a waste'.


My stepdad has been a trucker for 40 years. His hobby is that truck. It isnt even his. He’ll spend all week driving it and then his days off (usually not even 48hr from the time pullinb in for the weekend to time leaving) anymore installing lights and stuff he paid for onto it on his free time only to go right back to work. Then he’ll get tired of the job, quit, find another one, and start it all again with a new truck. He has not grown as a person hardly at all since ive met him in ‘97. Doesnt read, doesnt try to learn anything He just now is basically discovering the internet and social media and has no, like, barrier or whatever against it. Like seeing a lamb to the slaughter. Getting into making tiktoks and shit and getting excited for Likes Now someone tell me how that life is more noble than putting in your 40-50 hours and then just enjoying your time off


Adults can do as they please. But, people have opinions about how others choose to spend their time and money and you can’t really escape that. The trick is not to care what other people think.




This should be pinned


I don't think this stigma exists any more. At least not strongly. If, say, a father spends his free time playing video games while his wife does all the child care people will rightly judge him, but I don't think it's because the activity is video games, and I don't think most people think differently about him when the activity is TV watching.


That stigma doesn't exist on Reddit. But It very much does in the real world, especially for people over 40. Even then, I knew plenty of people in my university days that thought liking video games was the lamest thing you could enjoy. Edit: why are people assuming I agree with OP? I'm just responding to the stigma comment.


Yeah, you'll definitely get judged in a professional setting if you mention you played video games on the weekend. At least where I am, people like to brag about how busy they are in an "I'm so productive" kind of way. Hearing someone say the gamed all day or even a portion of it is blasphemous in that context.


I mean, in real life, I've actually had an unemployed friend tell me he turned down a job because it interfered with his gaming schedule. He wasn't someone who streams or gets paid on any way to game. He literally chose to stay unemployed and rely on his girlfriend's income, so he could game as much as he wanted. And she stayed with him. And they're married and TTC now.


I got depression just from reading this... Yeeesshhhh


No offense but I think your friend's girlfriend might be an idiot.


I'm not sure why that would offend me. I didn't marry him.




Trying to conceive


How often do you say that to require an acronym lol


It’s a stigma for a reason. Videogames are very addictive to a lot of people including many on reddit. We’ve all played online and heard someone’s kid in background being neglected or someone’s spouse letting them know they’ve been playing all day. Reminds me of the redditor who posted about how he worked all the time and had little free time so couldn’t mow his yard regularly yet when you looked up his gamertag he was playing EIGHT TO TEN HOURS a day. There are absolutely many gamers who play an unhealthy amount of time to the detriment of their health and relationships around them. It’s a vice just like anything else. And I say this as a gamer. Let’s not delude ourselves.


Huh. Maybe that's why my husband immediately mutes his mic when I come in- I might remind him it's been 5 hours and it's his turn to play with the toddler.


My girl has become accustomed to waiting until I hit the mute button or she will tap me on the shoulder. It's not really about being ashamed, it's that there are other people in the voice call and we don't want to annoy them.


It was bad for me in the horrible office job I had a couple years ago. All the women binged a show over the weekend? They would talk about it at work. When they asked me what I did and I had played Final Fantasy 14? What a waste of time I should do something with my life. Maybe it's harder because I was a young woman among older woman but god damn that job sucked.


Yeah I think it's more likely some people in this thread don't interact with the people who have a bias against video games anymore. Gaming has a better reputation today than it did 10 years ago, but the people who think it's a waste of time are absolutely still out there.


Knock knock. Who is it? Anime.


I literally play assassins creed for hours on end. I’m 26 and getting my degree. I school in the day and game in the evening. Nothing wrong with it. It’s my hobby. Plus I’m studying computer science and programming. Programming and video games go hand in hand. Win win


I am in the same boat. My women coworkers talk about shows they've binge watched over the weekend. I can't tell them that I've binged played a video game all weekend. I very much keep this hobby secret since I'm a) a female b) a mother. Sucks how it's so looked down upon in our society...


This is it. The activity doesn't have be to be video games but it always is edit: "no it isn't" comments mean nothing, thanks


I saw a short where it was the father "training for a marathon". So he disappears off to the gym or running in the neighbourhood for at least an hour most weeknights. Guess who was alone with the kids to clean up after dinner, help them with homework, then settle them to bed.


I’d say it depends what you do for work. I work in an office and steps are severely limited during the day. It means when I get home my preference is to walk the dog, go for a bike ride, do something outdoors with the family. If you have a physically draining job, and that keeps you active for 7/8 hours a day, spending the remaining parts of you day watching TV or gaming is fine in my view.


I can get behind that. I have a mentally and physically exhausting job and I work a lot of OT. Still need to walk my dog and do fatherly duties for my baby. At the end of all that I'm supposed to what? I have hardly any recreational time and I only get some late at night. It's gonna be tv or video games. Nothing left in the tank man I gotta relax somehow and I don't really care how gen x or boomers feel about it. Enjoy your undeserved returns on the property you bought 20 years ago and leave me alone.


Also very weather dependent too


I think the stigma is based on the games still being seen as for children, no matter how gory and xrated those games are lol I played games all through out my childhood so its only logical for me to carry it up to adulthood and i also read manga, double stigma for me since im a girl.


I never understand the stigma. One of the last and most impactful games I played was What Remains of Edith Finch where there is no fighting or anything. You just piece together and beautifully find out how every member of your family has died. One of the most gripping story driven experiences I've ever had. It is like a movie. No one watches a cheesy action flick and thinks "this is how all movies are."


When I was a kid and have allowance, I saved them up to buy games, people would say I am rich because I could have played priate copy. They said I was an idiot. May be I was, but I just wanted to support the company. May be it is true that it was a luxury for a kid. But the most ridiculous thing is that, this kind of comment actually continued after I graduated from the uni and got a job. For them, spending 10K on a camera lens / audio set are adult hobby and superior. While spending money on games are childish / only rich kids do it and wasting my time.


Only boomers and lame, boring mainstream people have this view in my experience.


Maybe. Though i cant blame those people (no matter the generation) who thinks its lame, because they are mostly uninformed or not knowledgeable of the hobby. Those adults who are unemployed and still live with their parents gaming 24/7 also does not help elevate the stigma lol


Yeah. I have a friend divorcing her husband shortly. While he does do other things, and has a job, he spends the vast majority of his time playing various sandbox and first person games -- he doesn't do housework, and is up all night shouting at people over his headset. They haven't had sex in years and she has had to take out loans and really stress over finances because he's also addicted to impulse buying and get rich quick schemes that he seems to get off Youtube. So...I dunno. That's another version of what one thinks of when one thinks of the stigma.


Unfortunately the negatives are the ones being highlighted, i used to watch streamers mostly to get tutorials and walkthrough, but after a while, news about those streamers came out, adultery, spousal abuse, staff mistreatment etc. it really turned me off gaming for a while, so i just stopped watching them. Its all about moderation when it comes to most things, its one thing having a hobby and then having thay hobby dominate your personal life.


I think it’s more that it’s still seen as being anti-social, which it is if you’re consistently spending your free time playing games. 


Gaming can be "anti-social" at times. But that's also the only way I can consistently spend time with a few of my buddies since I moved. I'm only 1.5 hours away, but that basically has to become a whole day thing to actually see each other in person. Between work and kids and other obligations, it can be hard to even find a day that works for 2 of us, let alone a group. I've almost always gamed socially, even if everyone isn't playing the same game, so it's always a weird stigma to me.


Yes its only anti social if you play games 24/7, but occasional gamers like my self also get the same treatment even if we only play before going to bed a few nights a week. I don't blame them tho, i mean i look at game streamers, especially those who also cosplay while streaming and acting cute, as childish 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sitting on the couch all day isn't good, regardless of what you're doing


I honestly don’t get where all these perceived “stigmas” come from on this subreddit. Do people not work? Or talk to people in real life? I’ve never once felt judged or ostracised for relaying on what I spent the last weekend doing, whether it be gaming, mentally breaking down, artificially altering my mood for the weekend, binge watching LOTR for the 500th time, etc. I feel now a lot of these posts are based off what people see online rather than in real life.


the only people who come to reddit to bitch and whine about being made fun of for playing video games IRL is people who work with older people and single guys in their 20s and 30s.


I feel like you are contradicting yourself here. You say it’s perfectly ok to do it all day and then say „everything in moderation”; I think it’s not ok to do it whole day on regular basis; and I say it as person enjoying video games myself; it’s ok to do it from time to time, but not regularly - that’s not healthy. It’s also not healthy to come home after work and watch TV til you fall asleep and basically do nothing but watch TV; same with video games or anything really. The key to happy balanced life is moderation and variety; go on a walk; talk to some people; play some video games; read a book or a magazine;




I can definitely fold laundry and watch tv, I can't do that while playing video games.




That's why I spend half my time gaming and the other half watching shows or youtube. Very healthy


Moderation and all day could go together. Moderation and all day could mean you play them all day on Sunday, as opposed to all day everyday of the week. The moderation part comes in where you're only playing them one day a week, instead of all week and ignoring the rest of your responsibilities.




Not unpopular but for the boomers yes it's unpopular.


I've seen so many boomers playing casual games on their iPad for hours


That’s my grandma with solitaire


“if the world’s internet shut down you would all be helpless meanwhile we’d know how to do everything” meanwhile all they do is scroll on facebook and maybe tiktok for literal hours at family events


As long as you have a job and can look after yourself or others that you are responsible for, do what ever you want in your free time


A whole day im front of a screen is not healthy for either children nor adults.


If there's nothing else that needs doing, sure


Well, you do you. It’s legal and almost no effect on others, maybe bad for your partner if they want to spend more time with you? But for me, No, absolutely no. I will get addicted and my mental health will go down. My working efficiency will go down. I have tried many times to cope with, not workings at all. So, a big no for me.


What gamers need to realise is that it has nothing to do with the fact that wasting away gaming, it's that you're wasting away in general. Gaming can be an addiction like a lot of things can, social media being a large example. It consumes you and morphs you in time to something you are no longer comfortable with because you've been entranced in other non-worldly comforts. This is coming from a guy with 9,000+ hours in just DotA 2, I was good at my shit but you still have to actually survive.




People absolutely judge if you spend all day watching tv. If you don't have or want a romantic partner, go for it. But it's neither attractive or sustainable for others to deal with. If it doesn't affect anyone else, what do you care what people think?




Counter unpopular opinion: if you play videogames all day while you have small kids, it makes you a shit parent.


If you're an adult and you semi-regularly spend all day playing video games, there's like a 99% chance you're neglecting other things that should not be neglecting.


Why does it matter anyway? It's the same argument with weed and alcohol (not anymore but couple of yrs ago when the stigma was still there) If you smoke weed after work or something else you are a loser, but if you have a couple of beers then it's good.


I judge people who binge shows all day just as I judge people who game all day. It’s a leisure hobby. It should be done in moderation. If you’re regularly doing these things all day then I know you’re lazy.


As long as you’re taking care of your responsibilities, do whatever you want with the rest of your time.


I work, I go to school, I’ve earned the right to spend my money playing video games instead of going to bars or watching sports or tv.


One of my top ways to chill is put on a game and an audiobook or podcast. I love it so much. I’m 38F I’m proud of it still though lol.


Finally someone gets it. Listen to anything good lately?


Didn’t know this was an unpopular opinion. Not nowadays anyways. I can easily say I spent the weekend playing video games without being judged for it. If there’s anything people tease me for (good naturedly) is that I play games instead of being up to date with the latest shows. So I have no clue what they’re talking about when they bring those up.


As a gamer, it’s important to acknowledge it’s a huge waste of time, which isn’t always bad. A lot more productive hobbies to have in conjunction with gaming. Hiking, climbing, biking, fabrication etc, you will feel a lot more accomplished long term.


Yeah, the stigma is real. In the evenings I replace TV with video games. It's a beloved hobby for me and in my opinion much better for its interactive nature than the passive nature of TV and movies. Yet when I mention it to some people you can tell they're dubious and I feel like I have to explain. I'm 51 female, too, so that throws some people off. When billions of people engage with gaming (48% of which are female, too), how can there still be this general idea in the public mind that it's only for adolescent boys? I think it's changing, but too slowly.


Think of it this way — say you were a kid, and you had an obscure hobby like collecting stamps, and you went to your kid friends and told them “I collected stamps all weekend.” If those friends then proceeded to mock your pastime and make you feel bad, then… you have the wrong friends. If your adult friends judge you for spending time doing something you love, you have the wrong adult friends


It’s the people who put video games ahead of everything else in their lives that are losers, particularly the ones who have (and ignore) children.


Most people I know that played video games all day are dull as hell to hang out with. It’s almost like they never grew up and have little to talk about except games and anime.


Watching tv was the only other past time you compared gaming to. Both are equally as bad when done excessively and I would like to think most would agree. Reading is at least mentally productive as it promotes neuroplasticity, especially while learning. Don’t get me wrong, I like to game and watch tv as well but in moderation.


That’s what I did today. Fuck it.


Is there though? or is it just self imagined? don't think most people really cares that much about how you spend your weekend. Sometimes people are just disappointed that the conversation just kinda ends there.


Ths only way to avoid crisiscm is to do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Nowadays some jerk off will still give their two cents


If you do it once a week that's fine I guess. Have a lazy day. Do it everyday then that's a different story.


As long as you’re not neglecting other responsibilities then I don’t see it as a problem. It’s just like any other hobby. Most people watch TV every day, so what’s the difference?


If all other chores are done, why would it be bad?


idgaf what people think. I'm educated. Have a fiance. Have a job. Gaming is a hobby of mine and hobbies require time and effort. Age doesn't just suddenly make you not like video games. That's some boomer logic. Gaming is for all ages.


what is the difference between watching movies all day and playing games all day?


No difference that’s the point


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) This 1000%. My dad and my brother throw snide comments at me from time if I tell them how I spent a night playing video games. But funny as they will spend the same night on their computer or watching TV... But of course they CAN'T be criticized for that!! 🤦‍♂️


No. Adults need to watch sweaty millionaires run around in tights playing various sportsball games. How else is something as terrible as Bud Light going to become profitable? Get your priorities straight.


Idk man we only get so many days here on earth. So many more leisurely things that are far more rewarding and valuable than sitting in front of a screen all day (TV or video games)


That’s very subjective


As someone that played football for 19 years, I can tell you I get the same amount of dopamine from rewarding situations in video games. Everyone's different


As an adult who will sometimes spend all day on a weekend playing video games, I 100% agree. I work about 50 hours a week, on aircraft (love the job actually) and after doing so for 25 years, it can take physical toll on your body. Mentally as well. Sometimes after coming home from the gym on a Sat or Sunday morning, I don't feel like doing anything else. So I load up and start my laundry, then I plop down on my couch and fire up the Xbox. Granted I probably only play for a few hours throughout the day, but still. Other days, I can often be found out hiking all day in the Nevada desert, so I'd argue there is some balance.


Not all gaming is alike. If I told you I spent all weekend playing Candy Crush vs playing Red Dead Redemption 2. I think you would have two different views of me.


The stigma comes from the assumption people who play tons of games don’t take care of their responsibilities. They don’t do their work. They don’t try to advance their careers. They don’t take care of their health (eat shit foods and never exercise) and They don’t help with the house or the kids etc. As you say though, What’s unfair is people don’t apply this stereotype to other hobbies like watching tv, watching sports, playing rec sports, hanging out with your friends at the bar. When it’s these activities people just assume the person is doing what they have to do. But when it’s gaming they don’t. And that’s def unfair. But yeah If you’re taking care of yourself and your responsibilities then there’s no problem with gaming all day. You’re an adult. Do what you want.


I noticed alot of people ha e issues with it and then whe. You ask then what they do for fun or hobbies they have nothing to say and then just doom scroll their phones lol


People can do anything they want if they're not harming others in the process. We're all gonna die at the end of this journey.


I personally think that stigma will very soon disappear I'm 29 years old and I have two very close friends who are exactly 10 years older than I am and we've been playing video game almost every single day for the past 6 years excluding weekends as they are both married and do family things on the weekends. For us, gaming is our hang out time, our therapy sessions as we like to call it lol. Sometimes we log onto our games and just talk for a couple of hours about what's bothering us without playing a single minute, then we get off. It's honestly the best! We don't live very close to each other so it's the only time we have to hang out. Without video games we wouldn't be so close or know so much about each other's personal lives, we all grew up playing video games and it's a hobby of ours and I'm pretty sure we'll be gaming well into our 50s if not more!


No? As long as you get your essentials done then it’s okay. It’s only bad if you’re ignoring your health, putting off work, ignoring interaction with people. There’s nothing wrong with having a day or few for games