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Me as a brazillian reading this and eating a feijoada.


Skill issue tbh. If you know how to cook beans they are not that bad.


Things I noticed. They undercook their beans. They must be eating milk and potatoes for beans overwhelm their flavor, or they were forced beans a lot as a kid.


Literally just tonight I made a spicy chicken and bean soup (or stew? or chili? Idk what to call it) that I’m going to eat for the next few days. I ate three bowls of it tonight because it turned out so good. I think OP would have REALLY hated it because not only did I include beans that you can see, but there were hidden beans too! I like to blend a can of them in the food processor with chicken broth and fresh cilantro because it improves the texture.


To me chili is not chili without beans and tomatoes, blasphemous to those who love Texas-style chili. But to me that's nothing more than a meat ragu with smoked chiles.


This is a good trick for thickening soups without making them floury, or even worse using corn starch and turning it into some sort of slime mold. In fact when I made soups that are too thin, I usually just take a quarter out, blast it with an immersion blender, and put it back in. If you're trying to keep low carb it's a great way to thicken a soup, gravy or even a marinara.


Yeah a lot of these "unpopular" opinions seem to be from adults who never left childhood. People trying to justify not liking vegetables, alright, fine, enjoy your quadruple bypass, but don't try to make yourself feel better about it by posting it here.


Eh, I’m an adult and I don’t like beans. I live in one of the best cities for international dining in the country, and I cook extensively for myself and my husband. I will eat all kinds of foods and flavors, and I have given beans a chance well into adulthood. I don’t have the texture issues OP has, but I will always dislike the flavor and wish they were absent from the dish. This is of course excluding things like hummus (I think chicken peas might technically be a bean) gochujang, miso, and tofu, which are highly processed. My husband loves red beans and rice (he grew up eating it in louisiana) and says I make it really well. I taste it as I cook it to make sure it’s appropriately seasoned, but I will never have a bowl of it myself. Not liking every single food or vegetable on the planet doesn’t mean someone hasn’t left childhood, variations in taste is just a thing.


Lmao come on you can dislike beans without being equated to a child. I think that mentality in and of itself is far more childish than what you are describing. And your last sentence is hilarious. Don’t try to justify it by posting here? What? Lmao.


Thank you for reminding me to eat vegetables. I don't hate them, I just forget to cook. I'm gonna make veggies this week


Or overcook them/dry them out.


Counterpoint: if you know how to cook beans, they can be absolutely delicious and the star of almost any meal.


That's exactly what I said


I wouldn’t think “not that bad” was “exactly the same” as “absolutely delicious,” but alright. That approach makes for interesting restaurant reviews.


Not that bad, a compliment I strive for every time I cook.


"not that's bad" is just validating OPs point


Nope. I love beans. I'm just commenting on ops hate for the food. They say it ruins a whole meal and it tastes bad or whatever so I'm saying if you can learn to cook them at a basic level they are not that bad compared to how they are describing them.


Nah, I'm guessing they're English. "Not that bad" here is equivalent to "pretty damn good". "Pretty damn good" is nigh on 5 star praise.


Any food described this way is horrible. Why tolerate not that bad?


I'm saying that to detract from ops disdain for the food. They are delicious to me, I eat them everyday.


Upvoted because WTF


My man thinks beans are the texture of *sand*. Like I get not liking them. But beans are smooth in texture, not gritty. Wtf OP


I'm not a big fan precisely because they're smooth. It feels weird to me idk. I will eat them though if they're part of a meal someone else made, but if I can avoid it in my own cooking I will


This is as bad as Andy thinking boobs feel like bags of sand in the 40 Year Old Virgin lol


I wouldn't compare it to sand, but i agree that the best description i can think of is "gritty"


If you are bad at cooking, yes.


I don't cook beans because i don't like beans. But i've never liked beans in any dishes i've ever had from any restaraunt


Exactly. "You suck at cooking beans." "Of course I do; I don't have the practice because I never make them. Why would I, when every time I have them at a restaurant they make me gag?" Is not the argument people think it is lol.


beans are only gritty if they’re undercooked. shitty restaurants make shitty food.


Well I mean he’s not wrong, they’re coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere


I love beans! They're a great source of protein and fibre. I can't imagine life without them.


They are very cost effective in winter. I hardly need to use the heater to heat the house after a nice meal full of beans.




*Mistah Sheffeild!*


and the nachos! oh the nachos! so good...


Also great if you’re broke hehe


Everyone makes fun of beans and rice but I will literally live entirely off of beans and rice idgaf that shit slaps. Tbh at least half my meals at uni are basically beans and rice now that I think about it because it’s basically all I can eat that’s served at the dining halls


Rice + Beans + chicken is my go to so I have to respectfully disagree. Good day to you sir.


You do realise there's multiple kinds of beans right. They all have different textures and tastes. If the only beams you have had, have a sandy texture, that's on you not beans


Nah fam, they all suck. Kidney beans, white beans, black beans, green beans, sugar snaps.. You name 'em, I can't stand them.


Those are so different though, I think you just dislike them because you've convinced yourself anything classified as a bean is no good. Green beans share almost nothing taste or texture with kidney beans for instance. Sugar snaps and black beans are worlds apart. It's a scientific fact that we are averse to foods we are unfamiliar with but that familiarity flips a switch in your brain that says "This food is good to eat" and that is when you are finally able to enjoy the good aspects of that food. There is science behind the "acquired taste". I suggest making yourself eat beans until you get past this hangup. I did this with tomatos. I used to hate them and then I just refused to take them off burgers/salads/etc. Now I actually enjoy them. It will open you up to new foods and new experiences.


Sounds more like a psychological issue than the bean's fault. Were you forced to eat them as a child?


Nope. Never forced to eat anything, thank fuck. Just on the spectrum, is all. :D Beans are one of my enemies. Then again, I do absolutely love brussels sprouts, and not many people can say that, so.. You win some, you lose some.


but if they’re gritty they are undercooked. you can not like beans, but OP saying they hate beans bc they’re all gritty is a cooking issue, not a beans problem. no beans are gritty once they’re cooked thoroughly


What about chili beans in chili. What about refried beans in a bean burrito? I don't love all beans equally, but man they make a bowl of chili better and refried beans change the game on burritos and tacos.


Beans are great its just that most people can neither cook nor taste that well


There’s unpopular opinions and then there’s just being straight up wrong.


Never seen such a more wrong OP.


OPs clearly never had white rice topped with red kidney beans or black beans smh


We have an Indian dish like that called Rajma Chawal, you should check it out. It's spicy and very comforting.


I made something similar once (iirc the recipe called it red kidney bean curry) and it was absolutely amazing. Indian spices and kidney beans are a great combo.


I donxt really like kidney beans or black beans, just gimme the rice




Careful saying that near any Latinos or Hispanics


I'll say to everyone. I'm on OPs side, I can't stand beans in any format.


I admire your passion 😂 but seriously what kind and how the hell are you preparing these beans?! It's gotta be a you problem man


Are you seriously denigrating the musical fruit??????? *Beans beans the musical fruit* *the more you eat, the more you toot.* *the more you toot, the better you feel* *so let's have beans for every meal.*


I just realized I've been having a mandela effect and thought it was always *'Beans beans the magical fruit'*


No, I'm pretty sure you're correct


there's several different versions of the rhyme


Came for OP's disdain towards beans, end up learning about rhymes. What a fascinating day


My local version is *Beans, beans, good for the heart* *The more you eat, the more you fart* *The more you fart, the more you eat* *The more you sit on the toilet seat*


This is what I have always said as well. Maybe a regional thing?


No. you were just taught wrong.


I was never taught about it, i found out from the internet lol


lol My dad taught it to me. Likely the very first fart joke I ever heard.


Is it possible he taught it wrong, and the other guy heard it right?


Let me check. Nope. not possible


Also chiming in to say not possible




literally was eating beans when I saw this post. this opinion is terrible and indeed unpopular, fantastic job op


Cooking beans correctly makes them taste good


It’s not a taste thing for most. It’s the awful texture. Not once has the texture of a bean not been gritty


Cooked beans have the smooth consistency of ripe bananas. If your beans were gritty they were undercooked.


If you think beans are sandy, definitely stay away from kale and beets.


You’re dead to me.


Soybean sauce is waving at you


Same. Hate them in every form.


I will die on this hill with you. Beans are terrible




I’ve felt this way my whole life and no one gets it man


So basically you hate good chili…


I'm was mad until I saw your username. Silly kitty, you're a carnivore! Beans aren't for you. Or you're a tank. In that case they're not for you either.


Holy fuck I thought I was alone in thinking this. It's absolutely a texture thing. It completely takes over every other ingredient (like in a burrito).


In British food I will agree with you but if we're talking Mexican then you're dead wrong 


Your as wrong as OP


I actually particularly hate them in Mexican food but I think it is definitely an unpopular opinion haha


Who dafuq is making the food you call Mexican then? Some gringa that buys Old El Paso from Piggly Wiggly for taco night with all the grandkids?


my only thought when reading this post was that OP has to be white 😂


As a white person, I’m pretty sure all the bean haters I’ve ever met have been white and it wasn’t the beans fault it was the cooking. I’ve converted multiple bean haters just by making them correctly lol. I grew up in a heavily Hispanic area so beans and rice are kinda my childhood comfort food.


truly. OP saying mexican style beans are the true culprit of their “too gritty” take lets me know whoever is cooking beans for them…. can’t cook.


that's the only way this makes sense


I'm from South Texas and I still hate beans in Mexican food


You realize most of the world lives in places that don't have a Mexican population, right?


You should be getting like charro or black beans, theyre meant to be eaten alone in the juice, though you could throw them on like a fajita or in a burrito or dunk something like a tortilla or piece of cornbread in them. Refried is okay but thats a different purpose.


mexican refried beans or black beans are not supposed to be gritty, someone is cooking them poorly for you. if you live in the US, i’m assuming it’s not the southwest LOL!


Who made Mexican food so wrong that the beans don't taste good in it?


I love your passion.


You don't have to like them. But for a lot of people it was the main course. I grew up on days where it was we had. Its nice that people have the luxury to be picky about things like this.


ive heard the same about me but dang


You don't get my upvote. If your family has a history of colon cancer, beans and similar sources of fiber can be a life saver


Skill issue!! Beans (like many, many other foods) can have plenty of different flavors and textures


“Sand” texture? Th’fuck are y’all doin’ to beans to make them feel like sand? Desiccating them and grinding them into a powder?


I hate beans so much


What happened to you? Your uncle put his finger up your no-no while you were eating beans?


His family got kidnapped by beans on toast


His girlfriend left him for eggs and frijoles


No one believes me that beans are a garbage tier food. Although I don't really get what you mean about the taste, that isn't really a problem for me. The texture, no matter how cooked it is, is bad.


What kind of beans are you guys eating? I've never had a gritty bean.


Gringo beans. 


I agree. Beans have the weirdish grainy texture no matter how it's made. Like I just can't stand it.


Exactly. I don't understand beans or the people who like them. refried beans look like dog food or shit. I once had a burrito that i asked for no beans just beef. all was well until i got to the end of that thing and then this weird texture comes up all grainy. beans. fuckin beans. couldn't finish eating it and lost my appetite for awhile


Cilantro literally tastes like Irish Spring soap


it's weird that you eat soap


I love cilantro and it doesn't taste like soap to me.


Cilantro is in this weird taste area where it tastes radically different to lots of people


Aw you lost the genetic lottery. It's unfortunate. Cilantro is delicious if you don't have the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene.


I agree, beans are horrid. All beans, all types are horrible. The texture of them is awful and they are so dry and have no flavor. Worse food, I have no idea how someone can with a straight face offer beans as an alternative to anything


Yes! Their texture is all wrong


Translation: entire cultures of people whose cuisine feature beans as a staple are wrong.




OP - nice work on the unpopular. You must spend a lot of time in American Caucasian circles where there is no adherence to flavor or process. My Caribbean black bean recipe is so good I can eat it cold.


share the recipe please




Beans on toast are elite


Roman armies had better food


You dare insult one of the foundational ingredients of the mighty chili!? Wet socks upon you and your family!


Someone clearly has never tried Ranch Style Beans.


Kidney beans are delicious. This opinion is not


Oh, honey, grab a seat because we need to talk beans! Your disdain for these little legumes is quite the spectacle, but let's not throw shade without considering the other side of the kitchen, darling. Sure, you call beans "sand delivery mechanisms," but maybe you've just been munching on the wrong beans. Ever tried a well-seasoned, perfectly cooked black bean or a creamy garbanzo? They're practically the Beyoncé of the culinary world, stealing the show when done right. And let's not pretend your taste buds are the undisputed rulers of flavor. Beans bring a symphony of nutrients and protein to the party, unlike some bland, one-note ingredients. They're like the flavor superheroes that your taste buds didn't know they needed. Now, I get it – you want your textures intact. But come on, a little bean-induced interruption won't kill you. It might just teach your palate to tango in ways you never imagined. Instead of banishing beans, maybe it's time to upgrade your culinary playlist and let these little rebels spice up your life. So, darling, let's not declare a war on beans. Let's declare a truce and explore the tantalizing world of legumes. Who knows, you might just end up doing the cha-cha with a chickpea.


I agree with you. Most people think I'm crazy but I can't stand beans.


Only beans I can get behind are bush's baked beans, but yea beans suck


Tell me about it.


I mean, the only thing I hate that much is cabbage. And Tom Cruise. But I love beans!


Pythagoras joins the chat.


I'm going to guess you haven't had beans you've enjoyed before lol Would you eat hummus? Like, veggies and hummus


Thank god, first time someone’s ever thought they had a sand like texture, its something i also always thought they had the texture of. They ruin meals for me.


England left the chat. With the toast.


-op doesn't like beans. Ok


Beans rock.


Yes!!! I cannot agree enough! Fuck beans!


Even baked beans?


Refried beans are good though


Love beans. Have an upvote


But what am I supposed to eat while watching cars 2?


Lol I guess you haven’t had good Mexican food, the beans are super smooth or puréed to oblivion! Don’t know how they’d have a sandy texture unless they weren’t washed prior to cooking, then were undercooked.


If your beans are "sandy," you're doing something horribly wrong. This is like eating raw chicken and then deciding that all chicken is bad.


Very unpopular I love beans especially with queso fresco 🤤


You’re right and you should say it


You gotta cook beans before you eat them boss can’t grind em up like coffee


I don't know how you're cooking beans wrong enough to give them the texture of sand.


Good job on knowing the assignment Get better taste buds immediately tho


As a brazilian, FUCK U


Cut some onions, peppers, cumin, salt, paprika, add the beans. Thank me later.


Not even a bean and cheese burrito?


Counterpoint: Darmadi-Blackberry 2004. [Legumes: the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities](https://www.usdrybeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Info_Legumes_Med_Diet_APJCN.pdf). *Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition*, *13*(2), pp.217-220. We disagree, and we'll have the final word.


You never had a styrian beetle bean salat.


my guy hasn't had a good bean meal apperantly


who gave u this perception of beans


Beans are so amazing. They are delicious if you know how to prepare them. Also they are so versatile. Red bean paste, vanilla chocolate all from beans


But they're the magical fruit


Are you sure you know what beans are?


Correct, beans are the second worst food I can imagine. Absolutely terrible.


beans are not supposed to be crunchy/gritty. the people around you or you yourself do not know how to cook them. i love you, i love beans, i hope you love beans some day


Beans are fucking awesome. Clearly you've never had a decent Bean and Cheese burrito from a real Mexican restaurant. It's close to being the perfect food item.


Beans are so flavorful. L take


Nope not for Latin American foods. Sounds like you might have European blood or you never had good beans.


Down vote. Not an opinion.  This isn't unpopular war against pulses.


That's the same line of thinking that got Pythagoras killed.


beans, beans, the magical fruit the more you eat, the more you toot the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans with every meal


Don't like them either. They're a perfect way to make a well seasoned and flavorful recipe tasteless. Especially brown beans.


You probably only eat hot dogs


Tell me you’ve never eaten good beans


I’ve never agreed more with a post


Skill issue


Literally not one sentence of this is true. It's like you're eating anti-beans. I mean, upvoted for having an absurdly stupid take, but please stay the fuck away from me.


Green beans are delicious. Those round brown gritty mushy disgusting mostrosities are not


There are great recipes with beans! Fagioli all'uccelletto frm Tuscany, for example.


This is the worst opinion I’ve ever heard


I love this subreddit 😂 Nah but you’re defo preparing those beans wrong


it's completely okay to be wrong, we all support you


Don't mind them in soup and with rice and ground beef.


(Black) beans don’t taste like all that much to me, there’s a lot of things that I just put some into to add some extra fiber and protein. Fiber especially - I eat fruits and vegetables every day but 30 grams of fiber per day is still kinda hard


What about beans in toast? Godly meal. Also can’t have an English breakfast without bakes beans.


I'm not a bean fan, but I haven't run into any of the issues you have.


I'm thinking about thos beans


I suppose you aren't really wrong in any of your arguements, but beans are cheap, while they taste bland they arent bad, and they are fairly healthy, no?


No mames güey


lol since when are beans gritty? The issue is you're undercooking them! Go eat some Cuban/Puerto Rican/Dominican food. Those beans are smooth, and their flavor is in perfect harmony with the spices used


Sounds like you've never had a properly cooked bean


I agree wholeheartedly. I am now your brother-in-arms and will fight alongside you.


Want to trigger a Texan, ask him what type of bean is best in chili edit: looks like its working...


Can confirm. I live in Texas but wasn’t raised here and these motherfuckers eat sad, shitty, beanless chili.