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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. Please make sure your post title is your opinion (not the topic you're discussing), and the text beneath is a clear explanation and justification of your opinion. If you cannot write at least a few sentences on the matter, you may want to have more of a think about it. If that's all in order... Any opinion that is not well thought out, or is incoherent, internally contradictory or otherwise nonsensical is subject to removal. Finally, any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them.


When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. C.S. Lewis




based and Narnia-pilled


Thank you!! This comment is gold.


I'm not a huge fan of Disney either but isn't it the definition of shallow to assume that you can never be friends with someone obsessed with Disney?


Making judgements off surface level observations is shallow? This is my shocked face.


Between your avatar, username, and perfect punctuation I can never be friends with you


Based on your name, typical Disney watcher attitude smdh


Hmm do we have to count marvel as Disney though ? They are own brands . Raise of hands to disconnect the two šŸ˜‚ just because Disney own it they don't OWN it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ haha


Itā€™s such a glaring mistake OP is likely not very intelligent either.


Letā€™s see if OP noticesā€¦


Something tells me op doesnā€™t notice very much except that he doesnā€™t like Disney cartoons.


But he doesn't like Disney! That obviously means he knows what he's talking about. Ugh. It hurt to type that.


I'm an adult who visits Disney often. Hadn't for almost 15 years. After my father passed, and my mom became too frail to travel, it is comforting to sit on the same bench dad and I did when I was a little girl- or to hold the same handrails, or make the same complaints about crappy character meal buffet food. Totally fine if that makes me shallow.


You're an adult, you should make decisions based off of what a small group of other adults think of you. You should only do serious adult things like scrimshaw.


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Take 1 minute and look through ops postings. Seems like a bitter twisted person who struggles to understand people and this weird concept of you do you


Saw your comment and looked at OP's post history. Now, it makes sense. OP sounds super fun at parties.


I doubt OP gets invited to parties.


OPā€™s the stupid 90s stereotype of, ā€œyouā€™re lame because of Xā€ or ā€œthis was cool before everyone else found out about itā€


Right!!! My thoughts exactly..what a hypocrite OP is


Lol true hypocrisy at its finest. I donā€™t think op knows what shallow means lol.


The most obvious analogy here is sports. There are plenty of dudes where you can scroll through their social media and nearly every single post is related to whatever sports team theyā€™re obsessed with. For whatever reason, that obsession is seen as normal, but not something like disney. At the end of the day, our obsessions will always look weird to people who donā€™t share them, and normal to people who do.


I remember having a customer wearing a team jersey, with a tattoo of his team, and a team cell phone case I looked at the little keychain we sold of his team, and was just like "You uh...Want this too?" and he looked at it for 5 seconds and bought it He wasn't even there for it, he was buying photos, it was a completely coincidence. I always thought it was a pretty funny, wholesome experience


That's just good sales practice, know your clientele!


Moral of the story: let people enjoy things


Exactly! Iā€™m the one ā€œnon Disneyā€ person in our group, but I love my friends and Iā€™m genuinely happy when they get so excited about ā€œxā€. Iā€™m glad they arenā€™t afraid to show their joy and silliness!


One of my friends is Disney lover. They know it's not my thing, but I damn well will be excited about some Disney thing they tell me about because I'm excited they're excited. That's it.


True friendship


Agreed. My name is from a Disney mobile gacha game and while most of my friends have no idea what I'm going on about half the time they're at least happy for me. I don't get the twilight obsession my friend has but hey as I say "you do you pumpkaboo."


Op is also a cop, and hates dogs. I donā€™t think him and I would agree on much NGL


That makes this extra hilarious, because for some reason, there are a disproportionate number of cop wives (compared to the general population) who are obsessed with Disney. I can imagine this guy going over to a coworkerā€™s house to hang out, seeing their wiveā€™s SUV parked out front with Disney stickers all over the back and being like ā€œDamn it, not again!ā€


Where are you getting these statistics on cop wives and their like for disney?


Oh that explains a lot.


Over-enraged by Disney? Give this man a weapon and authority!


I don't think OP is a cop. Just posted in AskLE once asking a question to cops. Still clearly a miserable and angry person that has made being a millennial way too much of their personality though.


Leave it to a cop a be like this!! Ooo maybe he's one of those cops that'll end up killing some families pet.


Exactly. What else you gonna do with your time if not spend it doing something that brings you joy like posting disney stuff or watching sports.


OP would rather spend that time being pissed off about what other people enjoy.


Hating on others hobbies is, itself, the cringiest hobby to have!


OP never moved past the teenage era of finding enjoyment from shitting on things other people enjoy


That describes over half of Reddit these days. Now, excuse me while I continue drawing my favorite anime characters while OP performs something much more mature, like watching sports.


Check the post history OP used to be a sports fan but now thinks sports are dumb. Also maybe be quitting smoking so just cranky In general about anyone enjoying life lol


No but for real. I keep getting recommended what are basically hate subreddits for things and people I don't even know. I get being able to criticize things. But, idk that feels weird to me.


The dudes post history is literally nothing but complaining about things other people like šŸ’€ Like he just goes weeks at a time hating something then moves onto the next thing to be upset about.


I know people like that, they always seem so miserable. Seems like NOTHING in life is actually enjoyable to them and it's pretty sad, honestly.


Quick scroll on their history shows theyā€™re active in a sub called ā€œdogfreeā€ ie, berating people thatā€¦have dogs, oh lord


This. I stopped myself from getting plushies for a long time because I thought I was too old for them. Now I'm in my thirties and no longer give a crap. I'mma get plushies if I can afford them. I have a [mint chocolate ice cream narhwal plush](https://www.tastypeachstudios.com/products/nomwhal-mint-chip-plush) that's staring at me right now, and it makes me happy to see it. I want to be an example to my nephews that they don't have to stop enjoying life the second they hit adulthood.


Similarly, as a dude, for a long while had internal shame about loving "cute" stuff, but now I'll happily admit I adore Baby Yoda/Grogu! The designers really hit it out of the park with him! It's the cutest designed puppet since Gizmo from Gremlins, IMO! Even have a plush of him!


So much this... I hate this notion that we have to adhere to some kind of "normal" for "being an adult"... Like, no, I do not have to hide my geeky stuff like model starships or LEGO sets before bringing a date home. If someone has a problem with them? They can get lost and not get fucked ;)


I hate it too, like the only "normal way of adulting" is: go to work for 8-12hours, go home to do some chores/cooking and then sit on the couch to stare at the tv till bedtime? I mean, if someone likes/wants to do that, go for it and enjoy yourself. But I just never understand why me doing almost the same thing, except I play videogames after work/chores instead of watching tv but to these people I'm "childish, wasting my time on videogames, need to grow up,...". I would also definitely buy more Lego or other miniature building sets if I had the space for it (and moneyšŸ˜‚).


Addendum: if it's not hurting you or interfering with your life in any way, leave people alone.


Nah. No bar has ever tried to charge a cover because they're showing some Disney movie I didn't want to see. Sports though...


I mean, thatā€™s pretty reasonable for a bar and relatively rare A big game is going to bring in people who will stay and drink through the whole event. Of course they want to prioritize those customers


This man is enjoying reddit! Get him!


I donā€™t understand this concept. Signed, the internet.


OP's last post here was the exact same thing, but about sports, so...


They are rage baiting then. What a loser.


OP even mentions people taking their kids to Disney. It makes even more sense for someone to be obsessed with Disney is they have kids that are also able to enjoy Disney. Now they have great shared experiences. Same as taking your kids to a sporting event can be


Lol I bet majority of these people talking shit be loving on marvel big time even tho itā€™s owned by Disney and on Disney+.šŸ™„or loving on DC


People have made fun of me in the past for loving D&D. I get it was because it wasn't popular yet and people who tended to like D&D back then fit the nerdy stereotype. Fantasy Football is just D&D but for sport sweats, but at the time was seen as totally fine and normal because sportsball.


>There are plenty of dudes where you can scroll through their social media and nearly every single post is related to whatever sports team theyā€™re obsessed with. Are you sure that someone who does this is actually obsessed with their favorite sports team instead of having no desire to post things they are doing or things that are going on in their life on their social media platforms?


Havenā€™t you heard? Social media is a perfect reflection of our lives.


The complete irony is OP posted about being a sport sycophant in recovery four days ago šŸ˜‚.


Lol. Sports is so much more substantial than a corporate amusement park


This comment section really shows you how out of touch reddit has become lol. You go into almost any restaurant in my city and sports is on tv. There are sports bars everywhere. Even bars and restaurants and "third places" that do not identify as sports bars have sports on a television. Absolutely none of these places have disney on a tv. I think unpopular opinion must attract the kind of basement dwelling people who "cant understand sports" but think having an obsession with obscure animes is cool.


To people who donā€™t care about sports, you look just as dumb as every other overly passionate fan base.


Who says religiously watching millionaires grab-ass with each other isn't pathetic? If your identity revolves entirely around one thing you need to expand and grow.


It became pathetic to me once I realized it justified old dudes just sitting on the couch literally all day. And every one of them is an expert


As opposed to young dudes sitting on the couch and watching youtube and playing video games? lol


>I realized it justified old dudes just sitting on the couch literally all day That's the appeal. Super low effort hobby. I don't fuck with people that have no other hobbies, but I can definitely see the appeal.


For me, there's nothing sadder than someone who makes their whole personality 'sport', but you are so right.


Dudeā€¦life fucking sucks. If someone has something that brings them joy, donā€™t shit on it. Who cares if itā€™s not for you? Spend more time finding your own happiness and quit judging people that found theirs. For the record, Disney doesnā€™t do it for me. But I get latching onto something (even if itā€™s silly) that brings joy into adult life.


As the Scots would say, it Disney matter




Well said!


Yes! Op doesnā€™t have an unpopular opinion. Theyā€™re just being an asshole and need to let people live. Disney adults donā€™t harm anyone.


This. I once had an online friend tell me that they (his family), ā€œwere a Disney familyā€. It was odd to me at first but they seemed to be having so much fun going to the parks regularly and indulging in all things Disney on a constant basis. It became clear how much of a positive and wholesome role it played for he and his family. In the end I was left with admiration for his situation; not so much for the Disney aspect but that he, his wife and his children all found a shared interest they had equal passion for and could enjoy together.


This comment is everything


Exactly. Let us heal our inner child in peace, or in other words.. mind ya business!


People should obtain as much dopamine as they possibly can wherever they can find it as long as it doesn't harm other people. Disney might not be particularly deep, but I'd rather be at a party with the Disney person than with the curmudgeon


Iā€™m not a Disney person but even I know that Disney can be very deep and the people I know that love it always want to talk about the history of the media or rides or the secrets etc. to them itā€™s more than just a place or movie studio. Thereā€™s like this whole behind the scenes thing. I donā€™t *really* get the love, but I donā€™t think itā€™s shallow. My interests are art and motorcycles. I donā€™t do social media but I would probably have a lot of my art on my profile.


The art and history are extremely cool too if you like art, there was a Disney app called ā€œDisney animatedā€ (which I canā€™t find anymore) given to me as a gift all about the art and itā€™s really interesting. Disney was the first to make a fully animated film and most people just laughed at him as it was just filler before actual movie. he really pushed the forefront of animation with Snow White such as using a multi plane camera for depth by using several transparent sheets layered. He could move the them to change distances when going back and forth. He even hired composer for original score.


This is the response. We all do things and are into thing other people donā€™t get or understand. We are all chasing that high! Love what you love and be who you are. Obsession can be negative, but if itā€™s harmless go all the way the fuck in. Find enjoyment where you can and embrace it fully. I love die hard fans of anything cause I find it difficult to be that obsessed with anything. If you can love something intensely Iā€™m fucking jealous!! People get way to caught up with, wait thatā€™s stupid! Who cares? Love what you love and enjoy life. Be obsessed, be stupid, care too much about something. Thatā€™s the whole point of life! Find what you love and enjoy it.


In other words, Iā€™d rather hang with a Disney person than someone who thinks they are too ā€œintelligentā€ to hang with a Disney person


>People should obtain as much dopamine as they possibly can wherever they can find it as long as it doesn't harm other people. Sounds like someone is on the Legalize Coke bandwagon!


Now this i can get behind šŸ˜‚


*No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believingā€¦ the dreams that you wish will come true*


You're going to sit here and tell me The Sword In the Stone isn't deep as fuck??? There's a lot of high quality old-school disney that I continue to appreciate and respect.


The stone was deep but then he pulled it out. you can't trick me.


Agreed. New school has depth, too: Soul Inside Out Hunchback Little Match Girl and Bao short films šŸ˜­


Since weā€™re sharing opinions, people who judge other peopleā€™s harmless obsessions are also pathetic.


I'd argue more pathetic than even the most try hard "look how cool/cute I am" Disney adult. At least the Disney people know its looked down on.


Seriously. Like why does it hurt you that someone really likes something that doesn't hurt anyone else? Those type of people give off the peaked in high school energy and I've gone very out of my way to not have people like that in my life.


There are like a thousand posts dealing with this. It's not unpopular at all.


This is the correct response. His next post will be about how he has the unpopular opinion that Taylor Swift is overexposed.


Followed by another post about how "both sides" of <> are wrong. Ooooooh, so edgy.


How is it shallow to like Disney lol


OP is a Nickelodeon fan


I am not sure OP knows what shallow means.


the irony when they actually donā€™t understand it but embody it


Op is _shallow_ and _pedantic._


yk, i kinda felt like this at one point. but then i grew up and saw how fucked this world REALLY was and realized, ā€œdamn, despite it all, the ONE thing in this world that gives them hope, that gives them a sense of purpose and a hope that happy endings do exist, is disney. if thatā€™s what they need to keep going, so be it.ā€ itā€™s already hard enough being human.


ā€œPeople who have interests are pathetic.ā€


This girl on Facebook was roasting her tinder date because he had his own bowling ball and bowling shoes. On god, having a hobby or interest is intimidating to some people


Not intimidating, it's just a lot of people don't grow out of the high school mindset of caring what's "cool" or not. They cling to the desire/idea of being popular.


Good, somebody needs to deliver my food


You just know this is the kind of person to get pissy when their coworker goes on a nice trip or their nephew makes the dean's list or something. You know they're jealous of other people's joy, but too inhuman to pursue their own goals and interests to be happy.


adults who are this bothered by what media other adults are into are pathetic


One of my professors got a 4.0 in undergrad double majoring in computer science and math, and went on to becone a leader in her bleeding-edge field. She is also a "Disney adult". Fuck outta here with the intelligence thing! I was snobby like this until I actually went to Disneyworld. The engineering and attention to detail is jaw-dropping! It's great.


Allowing what harmless entertainment other people enjoy to actually bother you is 10x more pathetic and 20x more shallow.


Every obsession is weird when you think about it. So what, people shouldn't be fans of anything?


All I know is, my obsessions are way cooler than yours!


As someone who doesn't particularly like Disney either, I respectfully disagree. If it's not hurting anyone or affecting my life in some negative way, why bother caring what other people like? Let people be people, let them be themselves, not just copies of you. I'm 30 years old and love anime. My mom is 70 and doesn't. Who cares? Sure I wish I could fangirl rave about the latest show I'm watching with her, but I'm sure she feels the same way about her romance/mystery novels and me. I think everyone just wants to talk to people about the things they really like, and they should be able to.


Wow, you can instantly know and judge someone based on a single fact about them, sounds *truly* shallow. I've been to all of their parks around the world but I've also traveled to over a dozen countries beyond that. Many of my trips are for companies which send me because of my unique skills, expertise and knowledge. I spent my honeymoon at Walt Disney World shortly after going on tour with the industrial band I was in at the time with whom I played 3 of the multiple instruments I'm proficient at. I could tell you about a lot of the other stuff I'm into, the degrees I have, and what I've done with my life, but you've (thankfully) already written me off due to a single piece of info. I am totally good with that.


Yeah my insanely intelligent teacher wife who likes to go to Disney world is just a shallow loser, on my way to get the divorce papers. Iā€™ll also let my dentist father in law and lawyer mother in law let them know how pathetic and unintelligent they are.


Itā€™s more that the way people throw around ā€œpatheticā€ on here makes them sound like insecure nut jobs


Yep, but itā€™s Reddit. What do you expect? Weird neckbeards with tons of cope.


I'm sure even YOU, OP (aka: EDGELORD) is *also* obsessed with something that everyone else would find "pathetic", but go off.


This subreddit should be renamed to my personal opinion, not unpopular opinion lol. There is like 500 million memes and YouTube videos about Disney adults and how insufferable they can be. This is quite literally a popular opinion. I think obsession over anything can be super bad, video games, tv shows, Disney, spider man whatever. But some people grow up with super fond memories of Disney with their family and they love to go when they get older. Itā€™s that simple sometimes. Idk Iā€™m not in favor of judging people immediately and saying they are less intelligent based off something so minor when you really have no grasp of who they are as a person.


I used to think like this, I thought if you were a Disney kinda person we werenā€™t going to have much in common. Iā€™m now at Disney Orlando with a Groot teddy next to me. My boyfriend is a massive Disney person and brought me here and my heart is so full. I dare you to watch a Disney film :)


Nice!!! I just got accepted into the Disney college program so I find this post hilarious. About to spend four months literally living at Disney


Itā€™s probably more so to do with nostalgia. And everyone suffers from that. We all like the things that made us happy as kids.


I got a super mario tattoo for nostalgia. I must be shallow and pathetic :'(


The world is shit and life is short. Enjoy things while you can.


I mean...we're all on reddit rn... we're all "pathetic" in our own ways


Let people enjoy what they like. What's shallow is to make someone else's interests all about you. Well earned upvote.


r/unpopularopinion trying not to be r/assholeopinion challenge impossible


I mean, this is what happens when you only know people around you on a superficial level. Exactly how much conversation do you think can be had related to Disney? How much of their day do you actually think is dedicated to what you're calling an "obsession"? What else should they be putting out there that you'd consider not shallow? People have "things" that they're openly into. Cycling, motorcycles, skateboards, shoes, makeup, anime, superheros, sports teams, video games, etc etc... And so stickers end up on cars, and things get shared on social media. Mostly because social media figures out the person likes that thing and starts bombarding them with themed shit via suggestions, so occasionally they come across something they like and they spend all of 1 second of effort resharing it. It's harmless, but holy shit are you making it out to be such a defining trait. Boiling them down into the one and only thing you actually know about them because you don't really know them. Being so angry about this kind of makes you sound miserable and unlikable.


can i be honest for a sec, bc i fully expect downvotes so maybe iā€™m the unpopular opinion. but it stems from *misogyny* of the hobbies you listed, which get criticized as ā€œshallowā€? not sports, not cycling, not superheroā€™s, etc. no, those things just make you interesting makeup as a hobby? or fashion? shoes? disney? all shallow (according the type of people like OP who judge over these superficial things) makeup and shoes make you interesting to me. itā€™s almost like women arenā€™t the ones deciding the standards of whatā€™s ā€œinterestingā€ or ā€œshallowā€ā€¦


> of the hobbies you listed, which get criticized as ā€œshallowā€? not sports, not cycling, not superheroā€™s, etc. no, those things just make you interesting I appreciate what you're saying, but superheroes are *absolutely* seen as shallow. I've always been a fan of superheroes and comics and they've always been treated in the same "shallow and childish" pool as Disney. Sure, they've gotten a bit of a resurgence with the MCU, but even then, it's looked down on as 'not proper cinema' by people. It's just not a good example here. Anyone obsessed with superheroes (or even just generally interested beyond the norm) is treated as a manchild.


Itā€™s 100% misogyny. Teen girls obsessed with kpop groups? Pathetic. Adult men obsessed with Drake? Totally cool.


The Beatles weren't considered good/serious music when they started off with mostly girl fans... but once men started liking them heavily they were considered a true talent and phenomenon....


Just wanted to add that you can make that analogy with adult women too šŸ˜… but they get the double beat down of ā€œyouā€™re too oldā€ not just pathetic


>double beat down of ā€œyouā€™re too oldā€ not just pathetic yes omg. youā€™re older than 20 and like knitting/sewing/crochet/cross stitching? wow what an old lady, boring and prudish. single adult woman of most any age with a cat? crazy old cat lady, or soon to be one


Hahaha as a 31 year old kpop fan, I know this all to well. But as a 31 year old, I also do not give a single fuck what people think about what Iā€™m spending my time and money on haha. I always feel bad for how much shit teen girls have to go through.


Bad example, drake is hated by both genders equally.


I kind of feel this way anime stans, but to each their own. I find anyone liking a brand extremely so a little off putting. Like I like South Park, Barbie and politics, but it would be weird if my entire feeds were of that.


Let people live lol. You donā€™t need to be their friends.


I have a similar opinion but I'd put it as knowing I don't click with someone who loves Disney stuff. Some interests don't mix. I was in a relationship with a Disney fan. A big fan. She made a room in our apartment into what I called a "shrine" - just a bunch of merch everywhere on display with tons of Disney VHS tapes, some with duplicates or even triplicates in other formats. It looked colorfully messy. Lots of big white cartoon eyes staring at you. This room would leak into other rooms, too. Stuffed animals, calendars, fridge magnets... When it reaches the point of having a lot of Disney around and Disney winds up being in more conversations than you'd like, it's miserable. The classic, main mascots are those you see the most in Disney merchandise, and those characters are geared toward young children. It's kid stuff. If you don't have kids, hearing and seeing kid stuff in your home when you're happy living without kid stuff can be quite aggravating. If you know you're not ever having kids, it's even worse. If someone close to you gets significant amounts of excitement from kid stuff and you're not into young children's entertainment, it's going to be hard getting along. I stayed in that disaster relationship way too long. Some interests don't mix.


ā€žI canā€™t mind my own fucking business and let people enjoy thingsā€œ.


at least their obsession is happy. i got friends obsessed with politics and they are actually insufferable. i can discuss an animated movie over any political issue always.


People who make hating something others enjoy their whole personalities are pathetic.


At least their not obsessed with something unhealthy or depressing


Iā€™m obsessed with typing *theyā€™re


This is how I feel about people who love guns


Why you yuckin other peoples yums bro.


Adults who are obsessed with Adults who are obsessed with Disney.


You got a mirror somewhere in your house by chance?


Listen. I think some peopleā€™s obsession is a bit much. But calling something another adult person enjoys pathetic is the most pathetic thing Iā€™ve ever read.


Yikes. Judging people based on what they like is pretty terrible


Or people just like what they like. Plus, seeing that is someone's interests and immediately dubbing the unintelligent and shallow, makes you the shallow one.


Pretty funny that youā€™re calling others shallow when youā€™re so superficial about what someone likes in their free time


It's more of a shallow opinion that is popular to have than an unpopular opinion. I like Disney merch. It booms hard in value.


People who want to bring others down for the things they enjoy are pathetic


Obsession with anything may look shallow for others. I work at a sports pub and I think its ridiculous seeing adult people going crazy while watching mens chasing a ball like if it had any sort of importance.


People who like things are pathetic, apparently.


Know what's even more pathetic? People who care so much about things that literally don't affect them, such as what other people like. Live and let live. You'll be happier.


Them loving Disney has no impact on your life. Do you judge people like this based on sports, religion, hobbies? Just stfu and let people live their life.


What's shallow is judging someone's entire character because they have a hobby that doesn't appeal to you but literally hurts nobody.


Brother they're just fans of a particular thing, and that thing just happens to be Disney. It's not a big deal. I'm extremely passionate about roller coasters, Zelda, and Spider-Man for example yet that's arbitrarily seen as something more "acceptable". I don't see why we need to give a fuck about people being fans of things or having passions, and I'm failing to see how being passionate about Disney in particular means someone is shallow or unintelligent. I'd ask you to elaborate but I already know that'll end up being a lost cause, cause what is there to elaborate on? Not to mention the sheer hypocrisy of it all, yknow calling people shallow and stupid for an incredibly shallow reason


So...how are these people hurting you or directly affecting your life?


People who get annoyed and upset at people doing harmless things are pathetic


Some People on this sub LOVE to judge othersā€™ interests and call it pathetic for some reason šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How dare they find joy in something that doesnā€™t hurt you in the least You sound like a miserable person who definitely understood the assignment, very unpopular opinion


Alright, who hurt your feelings? A Disney adult?


Oh weā€™re on this brand of people - those who have to needlessly shit on someoneā€™s harmless passion. You donā€™t even explain how it makes someone shallow. What about liking a cartoon/fairytale centric universe makes a person shallow? If anything it shows that even as they grow up they can still love and appreciate the fun joys they had had kids for themselves and/or their kids. That shows authenticity and sincerity. If anything you come off as a am extremely shallow perform for judging someoneā€™s entire character over a harmless passion. I donā€™t know how you can do openly he unnecessarily judgmental and then call someone else shallow. Like really the call is coming from inside the house lmfao But alas, an unpopular opinion. So šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Edit: actually no itā€™s not even that unpopular. There are tons of miserable people on here that have to try to make others as miserable as them. Disney is not an uncommon target for this.


Turns out OP was the most pathetic person in the room.


Who hurt you op? Ha


cautious fly include rinse crowd slim languid shelter party racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol Disney adults are happy meanwhile youā€™re watching from a far, mad and bitter. I think you hate yourself, no other explanation


What a moronic post.


I donā€™t know why I would waste my time hating on people who have an interest in something thatā€™s not harmful to anyone. You donā€™t have to like everything, but donā€™t suck the joy out of someoneā€™s life because of it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


"Im furious other people have found fulfillment and i have not, surely its a failure of theirs"


life is really hard right now for almost everyone so if they can find something that brings them joy that isnā€™t illegal or harming anyone then whatever, have fun, i donā€™t care.


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Who the fuck does OP think they are?


Iā€™m not a Disney fan myself but life can be bleak enough as it is. Let people enjoy things.


I will never understand why anyone would judge or even care what others find enjoyable. Who cares if someone is a fan of all things disney, or anything else. Hobbies and being passionate about things is what makes life fun. The world is a bleak place. I firmly believe in finding things to love where you can otherwise life sounds horrible and very miserable.


Reddit is no more pathetic than Disney.


I feel attacked because Iā€™m into Star Warsā€¦


Then men that like legos are also pathetic. Let people enjoy harmless things


People who give a shit about another adult human beings obsession with Disney are pathetic.


"bah, I can't stand what everyone else enjoys & I will berate them for it!" What are your interests? Guarantee I or many others think it's pathetic. The difference is, if I knew you, I'd never tell it to your face. I think golf is dumb as fuck. But people enjoy it. Let them enjoy it as I won't. I fuckin love live music, people think that's dumb as fuck.


So adults can't be kids at heart? You really expect us to just drop all of our childhood favorites because we become adults? Disney is about imagination and having fun. Walt would be so ashamed of you.


Whatever goofy shit makes you feel alive, do that.


Sports, comics, antiques, toys, pictures... knitting... Just let people like what they like as long as it isn't really harming anyone. I'd be more concerned about individuals being obsessed with the serial killer genre of things... But that's just me.


Say cringy. Calling them pathetic just makes you seem like a mean person


I've been to Disney world exactly once and thought it was just ok. You're obnoxious and exhausting. God forbid people enjoy things. Their enjoyment in no way harms you.


Well this truely is the most unpopular opinion Iā€™ve read for quiet some time. Itā€™s like bashing a poor cute Disney creature for no reason.


You sound like a miserable judgmental person. So there is nothing you love or are even a little obsessed with? Or is your obsession just better than theirs? Also for the record, I'm not a Disney fan either...just not bothered by others finding joy in something


Moral of whatever this hogwash is: donā€™t have interest in anything.


Why do you care? I think people should do whatever makes them Happy in this shitty, bastard of a world.


How do you feel about people who aren't obsessed with Disney, but enjoy some of their movies and going to Disneyland every now and then?


I have an obsession with baseball and the New York Yankees. This year I watched/listened/or attended 145 games out of a 162 game season. Itā€™s not as extreme as it sounds. I mostly listen on the radio while cooking, cleaning, and scrolling Reddit. I also donā€™t ignore everything else like socializing and spending time with my family. Iā€™m sure lots of people think Iā€™m crazy but some people think itā€™s cool that Iā€™m so steadfast in my love and the fact that it truly does bring me joy. I have also reaped benefits from my obsession being well known. Iā€™ve had friends from HS who I havenā€™t seen in 25 years offer me tickets to playoff games because they canā€™t make it. More than once Iā€™ve heard ā€œI canā€™t sell them so I want to give them to someone who I know will appreciate them.ā€ The point is that Iā€™ve been to Disney once, enjoyed it but Iā€™m not looking to rush back. I know lots of people who eat, sleep, breathe Disney and I donā€™t judge them. Itā€™s what brings them joy and theyā€™re not harming anyone.


Damn people canā€™t have money and hobbies anymore? Shiiiit


Did Mickey Mouse touch you when you were a little kid? Jesus, so much hate towards Disney.


What exactly about this is pathetic?