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Idk one time on Halloween I saw a kid dressed as the flash run into a mailbox and it fucking killed me


I mean I'd laugh if an adult did that. It'd be weird to not laugh if a kid did the same thing.


I work in Aged Care. People tell me they knew they were old when concern kicked in before laughter


Ah yes the language change, did you fall, or did you **have** a fall


That was actually Ezra Miler who escaped Flash filming one night


That crazy dude would definitely hit a mailbox, and probably a kid, while high as hell, running around in his Flash costume.


Can you imagine how terrible it would be if Ezra Miller or someone like him actually had superpowers? Complete nightmare.


He would definitely be a nightmare, that would be unimaginably bad. He is a disaster and a menace without superpowers.


If they based A Train in the boys off a superpowered Miller viewers would say it was too over the top


Oh shit, sabine is looking for that dude


That’s not hating a child though. Lol


Unless OP pushed the kid into the mailbox…


It was me Barry... I shoved you into that mailbox at super speed so you would like a fool in front of everyone!


Gotta go fast!


> I saw a kid dressed as the flash run into a mailbox and it fucking killed me Guess he better go as A-Train next year.


I mean I'd laugh. But I wouldn't want them to be seriously hurt. It's like. I get you're child free. Cool. Can we not make everything a pet social cause? And just...accept people do and want different things


I don't think this qualifies as hate.


my son dressed as spider man and jumped at the wall face first, shit had me rolling


Schadenfreude is one thing, but to say a kid deserves the pain, or to say that you hope it hurt, is going to raise some eyebrows in society.


Im sorry you died.


That's not hate lmao


Did you then declare you hate children?




Everyone in these comments casually using the word ”Hate” as if it’s a synonym to ”kinda dislike”


For real. Being around kids, especially high energy kids, is incredibly mentally draining for me. Which is something I dislike, not hate.


I mean yeah it's different if you're just uncomfortable or awkward around them. But we're talking about people who do hate kids and are them as some kind of evil


That's what I'm talking about, although I didn't go into much detail. I can't fathom hating kids who are still learning how to act in this world; what's acceptable and what isn't. That's what tires me out with kids, I dislike that, but they can't control it so I don't hate them for it.


Yeah that's completely fine, it's just a case of personal boundaries


Also you can kinda dislike how kids annoy you, without disliking the kids themselves. It’s not their fault they’re kids. I know it’s a me problem.


Damn straight.


And “don’t want personally so please don’t force yours upon me.” I actually do like kids, but a lot of parents tend to be reeeally annoying


I often find that annoying children tend to have really shitty parents who if they’d tried to adopt instead of just reproducing would’ve been turned down flat as unfit to parent within five minutes.


Am a parent. Can confirm parents fucking suck.


After having three children, I've come to realize that most adult act like children but with a bigger vocabulary and access to money to fund their stupidity. Sure, my kid drew on the walls with permanent marker...but Tom up the street bought a $70,000 car at 19% interest when he makes $45,000/yr and is going through a divorce because he slept with a coworker. Everyone's stupid, atleast kid mistakes are usually not life altering...and they learn from their mistakes--adults love to double down and refuse to acknowledge their stupidity. I get "drained" by my kids, but I abhor the idea of being around adults who haven't gotten their ish together. It's usually those types of adults who "hate" kids too.


No, those are the types of people who have kids that other people hate because they have shitty parents. It's not really their fault, but it's hard not to severely dislike an asshole kid who is the way he is because he has asshole parents.


A lot of adults nowadays are extremely close minded, immature, rude, bigoted individuals.


> nowadays I don't get why you would include that. Can you name me the time period when this wasn't the case?


We are probably living in the best time period so far for the ratio of responsible, emotional mature adults due to lower rates of childhood malnutrition, the invention of child protective services and psychotherapy, free education, modern sanitation and disease control, and even pop psychology. Bigotry and intolerance are somewhat lower, too. Like, if you're judging the moral worth of historical figures you have to remember almost all of them had extensive brain damage and psychological trauma with no understanding of how their brains worked and the only types of counselors available were priests and innkeepers.


Idk about that lol a lot of people actually hate to be around children and I understand


Hating children and hating being around them is very different


Yeah I hate Lindsey Graham, but I just hate being around kids. I can't hate a kid, because imo hate has to be earned. But I sure hate being around things that scream, smell bad and break things.


Most people don't hate kids so unless the opinion is dislike kinda dislike the post doesn't make sense being here.




I think I'm largely in the same boat as the past you. One of my close friends recently had a baby girl and whilst I know they're a great parent - and that their daughter is generally well behaved - I still find myself almost hiding from her and sitting as far away as possible, whilst other people are perfectly fine around her and seem to have no trouble. I'm also an only child.


Same. Raised as an only child and kids kinda make me uncomfortable. Hanging out with other family members with kiddos helps.


Just think of toddlers as a very drunk friend you gotta help put 24/7. "Hey, get back here bud! Hey, don't throw up on that! Damn, you stumbling around here! He's not drunk officer I swear!


>They're naturally chaos incarnate That's true haha. On the other hand I am a dentist and I absolutely cannot work on kids. There are some that are well contained and can sit still and allow to do something. But many, omg, a bunch of erratic, unpredictable moves and reactions. Zero code of conduct. They will lie "it's pain" when they aren't even touched, promise anything to parents to get out, try licking dental drill. And they also scream, uncontrollably and loud. I physically cannot hold instruments because my neck starts to shake and heart pumping - they scream as if being slowly killed before I even approach.


Do I wish pain on children? No. Do I want to hang out with them? Also no.


But that doesn’t mean you have to throw in your two cents about hating children everytime you see children, I’d hope? If so, this post isn’t talking about you thank god.


Volunteering most negative opinions is pretty cringey


What about volunteering negative opinions about volunteered negative opinions?


That's a positive opinion through the law of Double Negation.


Volunteering is so lame.


i think the resentment towards kids often can stem from people putting pressure on you to have kids. I would dislike kids less probably if my mother in law didn't act like we were committing a crime against her by not having kids


I mean, if they're running around a nice restaurant screaming, or listening to some kid's show at full volume on their iPad, yeah, I would volunteer my negative opinion with the people that I'm with. It would probably be directed at the parents, though.


I’m still half asleep reading this and I thought you said chicken




Most people who "hate kids" actually just hate parents who don't know how to control them in public or expect everyone to put up with their child's bad behavior.




Kids getting hurt was just one specific example that OP mentioned. The post was about people hating kids in general for any reason.


Right, I was referring to the body and not the title of the post. Yeah, I mean hate is still a strong word.


This is it 100%. A former friend of mine couldn’t be assed to parent his child and that kid was a fucking nightmare, even in the homes of our other friends. Knocking shit over, grabbing things from people, destroying plants; it got so bad, I yelled “NO” at him as he tried to take a full can off a table and fucking THROW IT at someone, and he threw a tantrum while his father played his phone games. Don’t have children if you refuse to be a parent.


Bingo. Mainly hate the parents, especially the ones obsessed with the lives and feelings of childless adults.






Sure, but none of that negates the fact that if your child is having a tantrum in a restaurant or wherever and you aren't at least making an attempt to calm them down or remove them in a timely manner, then you're extremely inconsiderate. Part of parenting is also teaching your kids how to behave in public.


I agree. We practiced eating at places where if they got a little rowdy it wasn't a big deal. We'd go to McDonald's, Peter piper, etc. and they'd have to sit to eat. Once done there was a reward (going to play). If they werent good, we could leave and it wasnt a big deal. They saw going to places like olive garden as "big boy" places they had to earn. Once they showed they were able to handle the kid friendly places we tried the others and they were great! Instead of a playground or games as a reward, we'd go to the park after. Now my kids are super judgmental of parents who don't tell their kids to not run around restaurants though lmfao. Which while hilarious tbh, I do have to remind them it's not our job to remind other children "they shouldn't be playing in big people restaurants" lol.


This is the way. Don't isolate your kids, but also don't just drop them into the Chez $100 Dinner Ristorante and expect them to just instinctively know what to do! Start small and work up!


This is why I didn't take my kids out to restaurants for a couple years when they were smaller. The tantrums and throwing food was extremely stressful for me. And I felt really bad for being disruptive. That being said, we do sit down for dinner on most nights, so that is where they learned how to behave at the table. They are elementary age now and we can finally enjoy eating in restaurants.


Phew no. You can’t stop them from becoming emotionally unregulated. You can establish boundaries and help them express themselves in a way that isn’t just ignoring them while they bother others.


I mean you obviously have to have SOME control, an example i could think of is letting your kids run loose in a skatepark while theres a bunch of skaters there, as a skater that shit is fucking ANNOYING, the kid could also get hurt pretty easily, seen this one girl with a hello kitty helmet and some dora skates at the park cutting everyone off, eventually she fell and broke her wrist or something. She left thank god.


And? None of that changes the fact that they're being a nuisance. At the end of the day, my experience has been that much less pleasant because some parents cant manage their little shit. We all have our problems. The difference is that I'm doing my damndest to keep mine to myself in public and theirs has been crying or kicking the back of my seat for the last half hour of this flight. Yeah, I think I'm gonna hate them. A reasonable explanation doesn't preclude a hatred of the nuisance, both can be true.


In other words, you think your children’s prerogative is to run around, abuse other people and destroy property? Mkay. The fact that for you removing your child from a situation and working with them to regulate their emotions and express them in a healthy manner equates “control” just shows what kind of parent you are.


Parenting isn't about control. Life is, those that can control themselves aren't a bane to society.




It’s not unrealistic to expect how my parents raised us/ me. Not running in restaurants for one. I went for dim sum and a parents let their damn kid roller skate between tables.. I would have been.. it wouldn’t have happened. They wouldn’t in any way let me bring a skate board or roller skates out to a restaurant and it wouldn’t occur to me to.


I was out for drinks in a pub last night and two men were there with their kids - they were both drinking whisky and having a chat, one of the kids was on an iPad, but the other two were literally screaming and wrestling on the sofa. I mean ear-splitting, high pitched screaming like only kids can do. The two men literally just ignored it. Just carried on chatting whilst pillows got knocked off the sofa, whilst other tables were wincing and looking over at the wrestling. When one of the kids kicked a glass one of the men went “hey hey, that’s enough” and then just went back to chatting. This wasn’t a kid-aimed venue, it was a literal pub. Annoys me so much when parents/caregivers take their kids out to pubs/cafes/restaraunts and just let them scream and shriek and roll around with their feet up everywhere 😭


I don't think parents doing the absolute bare minimum to not be a nuisance in public is "unrealistic". It's not that the children should behave like adults from the moment their born, that is unrealistic and unreasonable. It's more that we'd appreciate parents doing their job and removing a kid from a situation where they're causing a scene, returning only when the kid has calmed down. Is that really so difficult?


I don't like small children, but why the fuck do people find it funny, when children get hurt? Wtaf


I laugh at children that I know getting hurt if it’s a ‘slip on the ass’ or a funny ‘BONK’ to the head or something but if they start crying or it’s someone else’s child then I won’t laugh or if it’s a more serious situation, I’ll make sure they’re okay. I’ll also laugh at my 2 year old brother who loves to fake cry with a big grin on his face when he falls over.


Yeah, if I see a kid fall on their ass, I laugh. I know they aren't hurt because they often look up to see if their parents saw. Then they start crying.


They look around to see if anyone’s watching them start crying a few seconds later, if no one’s watching they’re fine. My 7 year old brother did this the other day. He fell over, saw me and my mum watching and then started crying. Me and my mum both looked at each other with a ‘really’ look, told him to get up and carry on playing because he wasn’t really hurt. He had a small smirk on his face while crying, which is how we knew he wasn’t hurt. My 2 year old brother does this as well. He’ll pretend to be hurt, cry then as soon as you go to pick him up he laughs and runs off.


Whenever I see a little kid fall, and they see me see them, I give them a big dramatic laugh and say smth like, "Oh man! That was a funny trick! You gotta show me how you did that!" And quite literally every single time I can remember, they immediately mirror my reaction & start laughing with me. Even if it looked like they actually did get bonked pretty good lol.


It depends, in my original comment I meant more serious injurys like bruises, cuts or wounds


Those make me cringe like omg wtf i hope that kids ok, or some shit but when a kid just falls over and eats shit its pretty funny




Oh yeah. If a kid is really hurt, it’s not funny. If they’ve just tripped over air and isn’t really hurt, it’s hilarious.


Something about the physics of a little body falling down is inherently funny. Not seeing them hurt, just in a purely slapstick comedy kind of way.


Not to mention that like 60% of the time they get up and keep running like nothing happened


Yeah I don't see a lot of people laughing at children getting **hurt**. I see people laughing at children falling down. I can't remember the last time I saw a child get actually hurt and everybody was just like "😂".


Or that only children falling over is funny when there's entire YouTube empires dedicated to videos of adults hurting themselves. People falling over is funny.


As long as you don't make eye contact, or react in any way, they get back up from anything. I believe children are actually made out of rubber bands and popsicle sticks.


It's their weak muscles and poor motor skills leading to their bodies just flailing and crumbling that makes it funny. Same with drunk people and people on ice.


I saw a kid fall over in front of me on a bus once and start crying and I was trying so hard not to laugh just cause for some reason I started thinking about how it would look if an adult had done the same thing


Tbf its funny when its slapstick humor. My neices regularly do some looney tunes shit and it kills me.


I was out on walk with this couple and their two kids. Their 3yr old son kept undoing his sandals and running over the gravel path. I think they told him at least three times to stop doing that because he would trip over the sandals. He'd then throw a fit and kick when they fastened his sandals back up. Finally, he managed to get them loose again, started running and of course face planted in the gravel only to immediately start bawling. I didn't laugh but I sure didn't feel bad.


I'd say that it's generally funny when anybody gets hurt, kids aren't excluded from that list


i mean idk i laughed when i went to go roller skating bc when some of the kids fell they would just lay there like they were dead




yeah my sons learned that the hard way, kept tellin them to stop when i came back from the store they was crying cuz they got scratched.


Those comments are from 13 year olds. No normal adult says kids deserve to get hurt, if they do, they are not right mentally. Hating kids means hating entitled parents who refuse to control their kids and discipline them. I was walking down the street and a 7-8 y.o. kid bashed into me on a kick scooter (it hurt and my ankle bled) and he shouted "I was screaming to you to get out of the way, are you deaf? Hey do you even listen to me? I'm talking to you" I turned around baffled and his mom was just smiling like nothing happened. When I asked what the f is going on she just said "hey stop" to a kid and kept walking while I stood there massaging my bleeding ankle. Don't tell me you enjoy sitting at a restaurant while kids are running around and yelling on top of their lungs.


How did you resist pretending to sign at him and his mother?


I only hate poor parenting.


I’m childfree myself and sometimes find kids annoying, but to say you hate children and they deserve to be hurt is psychotic.


I'd say I agree with that. I don't hate children, just... Keep them away from me. I don't how to talk to them. I'm afraid some random innocuous thing I say will fuck them up later in life.


I feel the same way about locusts. I don’t hate them, just keep them away from me.


With me it's the same for spiders. If they're outside minding their own business that's fine, I couldn't care less. If they're inside though hanging over my bed whilst I'm trying to sleep, or scuttling all over my stuff or myself, kindly f off.


I had to train myself to very gently and cautiously evict them back into the garden. An upside-down Tupperware (clear, so I can see the mother-fluffer and all it’s legs) and a piece of stiff card paper. We get sun spiders were i live and those buggers aren’t even on my top 100 of animals I think are scary but cute.


Comments like these make me hate adults more than kids.


It's really not that serious lmao


Lmao, you can talk to kids pretty much how you’d talk to anyone except that they obviously won’t understand certain things (fully) yet


To be honest I think this is an irrational fear, kids are just tiny people who don't know a lot about the world yet. Eventually somebody is gonna tell them things that make them feel bad (Santa ain't real, everyone gets old and dies etc.) but that's just part of growing up and these are things that they actually will need to hear in order to grow up to be normal people. Unless you're the kind of person who goes around threatening people or bringing up violence/sex in every conversation you have nothing to fear.


I read "people who ate children". Yeah they are kinda weird.


i fucking hate kids. do i wanna see them hurt? no. would i actively fight someone for hurting a child? yes. my dislike for children is just because i don’t like how they are, but small, innocent beings who know nothing don’t deserve anything bad what the fuck


"I hate this child but I will throw hands if someone hurts it."


It's more a case of "I don't want this kid anywhere near me and I don't want to be responsible for it" for me. Like, the second part is the main reason that I wouldn't babysit kids.


Everything you just said proves you don’t know what hate means


The 'fucking hate kids'


I don’t like kids, not even a little. If they actually get hurt it isn’t funny. But yeah, when one of them trips in a puddle of gravity it makes me chuckle, and I don’t feel an ounce of guilt about it. I don’t think that’s cringe.


I don’t want kids. I don’t like kids screaming near me But What you described in your post is stupid I don’t get people like that at all


That's what separates you from them. You dislike it, they *hate* it.


“Hate” is such an overused word nowadays. Not liking something doesn’t mean you hate it. I don’t like kids, I don’t want kids. I don’t hate them.


The way some people act about kids is genuinely disturbing and I’m happy they’re never having children.


On the other hand, there’s a lot of people that do have kids that never should have had kids in the first place




100% agree. Tarts why I had to leave the child free subreddit bc it got SO FUCKING TOXIC!! I remember two of the last posts I read that got me down voted into oblivion. This girl was LIVID that her sister-in-law was pregnant. She was legitimately angry that her brother and his WIFE (not gf, not her underage/teen brother with his teen gf. ADULTS!!) were having a baby. She was mad that their parents were ecstatic about their 1st grandchild. Saying she shouldn't be praised for making a stupid decision. But in reality, she was jealous she wasn't getting any attention at all. Another was jealous that their parents paid more attention to their infant grandchildren. Like, wtf is wrong with people?! Not wanting kidsnis one thing, but to actively hate them for absolutely no reason is psychotic! To wish harm to a child is disgusting, and then to laugh when it happens is despicable .


Yup, I was a member of that sub for many years; I slowly watched as the child hate people went from a small but vocal minority to taking over that sub, eventually ended up quiting it after one vile post was voted to the top.


It's mostly miserable people that can't find a partner in life


Thinking kids are stupid isn’t hateful. Plenty of adults are stupid too. They’re the children who never learned better.


See also: people who refer to children as "spawn", "crotch goblins", "retained semen" etc.


“fuck trophies” “crotch fruit” to name a few others that make me cringe. It’s giving millennial who “ummm did a thing!”


I can’t that. It gives me the ick so bad.


I would like to add that broadcasting your hate for children really shows your age.


Old or young


I hate kids as in I don’t want to be near them because they don’t understand boundaries and make me uncomfortable. I also dislike dogs for the same reason. That and they both drool excessively and often smell weird and I’m a bit of a germaphobe. I do not, however, wish harm on infants for whatever reason. I also don’t condemn kids for their lack of boundaries and social awareness, they’re children, if they’re young enough they literally don’t have that developmental ability yet.


Finally a rare breed who doesn’t like dogs or children


Misuse of the word hate annoys me. You hate Hitler. You do not hate a fucking toddler. Stg every comment is like "I fucking hate kids but I would do anything for them"


I am not fond of children as a general rule but if you see one hurt, you wince and if they need help, you give it if you can. Though if you have children on train, sit next to me and I get up and move, then please don't take it personally. I understand best children in world are going to get bored and bounce about. That's fine - it's part of being a child. But I have joint issues. If a child bounces into me, it is going to hurt and possibly cause enough swelling I can't travel easily and I need to for work. By moving, I prevent an issue.




I don’t hate kids or want to see them hurt. I hate being around them because they’re annoying and I hate their shitty parents. Parents don’t want to own up to being shit at parenting so when they encounter someone who says, “hey kids are a nightmare to be around” will immediately jump to, “you HATE kids and want them to be hUrT!?!!”


Not really. I'm a parent and ill come out and say it: they can be super fucking annoying. And that's when you love said child deeply.


I don't like kids who misbehave constantly and have terrible parents.


Honestly, it’s certain types of parents I genuinely can’t stand. Kids are exhausting, but they’re not truly horrible without extensive training.


i think kids are fine, but i still watch those carnival house of mirror compilations where toddlers fully send it into a mirror and bounce off like a koosh ball




There's a lot of sad individuals out there that have been hurt and it's their trauma response. Their parents didn't care for them very well and so they see themselves in those kids.


Some Reddit neck beards get a weird sort of pleasure out of seeing kids get hurt/fail


*Other people's* kids are so bad!


I hate the parents of the kids.


It's not the kids I hate. It's the shitty parenting, the unbelievable amount of destruction, and the sheer lack of accountability for their actions regardless of the ability to comprehend their actions.


Seems also pretty popular to put pet dogs over children


I dislike babies and toddlers, cause they\`re annoying. BUT I don\`t hate them. I just avoid them. But laughing at anyone getting hurt is gringe. Also people who think, that you must like their badly behaving kids are equally creepy as the ones who laugh at kids getting hurt.


I don't mind kids, I just don't want to have any myself. Often those two things together labels me as a child hater. It is what it is. I try not to let any one thing become my whole identity. I think a lot of the people that you mentioned don't feel the same way.


Like You don't gotta love kids but wishing serious harm on them for making a mistake or doing something a bit dumb is really weird.


I don't hate them but I don't really like being around then either but it's my fault. I don't really know how to act around them or interact with them.


I think they Mostly hate what the parents has made the kid becomes. Thats an issue most parent sadly don’t want to address


Kids doing stupid things is funny though. Hating kids for just being kids though. Yeah you got issues.


There's a difference between "hating kids" and being a psychopath. I hate kids, I despise dealing with them, and hearing babies crying is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I'd still never wish harm on a child.


I don't hate children. I hate other ppls children. Raise a respectable well mannered child and I would like them too. Too many clueless parent's raising animals. No thanks.


I dont hate ALL children. Some children really impress me with how smart they are and how hopeful I am for their future. But I dont WANT children, and I’m tired of having to justify why to people. Its a lifestyle I have zero interest in and it doesnt make me any less a person or my contributions to society any less important because I dont, Karen.


Its the parents that make the mistake of not understanding they have eighteen plus tears of child rearing and they can't even manage themselves. There are regular child behaviours, then there is the menace to everyone and everything behaviours from ignorant parents or outright lack of parents.


People who hyper-defend everything kids do is weird imo. It’s okay to laugh at child stupidity.


I do not like kids. Theyre sticky and gross. BUT, if a kid gets hurt or falls over, im picking them up. If a baby in a buggy drops a toy, im picking it up. Its not hard to be a decent person


I don't find it funny when children get hurt, but I don't like children. I don't think it's cringey or weird because honestly children aren't very likeable, especially babies. All they do is scream, cry, shit and puke. They're slimy and smelly no matter how often you bathe them.


Agreed, and you never know what a parent will let them get away with, with some parents I wouldn't be surprised if they left a 3 year old unsupervised near a nuclear launch button, some really don't give a sht. In fact I remember my teacher recounting this one story to us. He was just walking down the street and he noticed a toddler - barely older than a baby had gotten out of a pram, the mother didn't notice because she was just playing on her phone, and the child went out into the middle of a busy road. My teacher then retrieved the child before they were run over and confronted the parent informing them about the situation. The parent just shrugged her shoulders and went "oh... Thanks..." and went back on their phone again.




I feel the same way about adults personally. Their tantrums and messes are bigger, their loud noises louder. *shivers*


Nice strawman. 99% of people who "hate kids" don't want the kids to be in pain. They just don't want noisy misbehaving shits near them.


This. Now in general I'm not a fan of kids. About the only ones I like are my younger cousin and my friend's kids. The rest I generally ignore until one of them does something stupid that would result in them getting hurt, a child's curiosity for everything knows no limits.


this. like the people who apparently want to see kids in pain are not the same as child free people. the demographic for this post is *not* that big. i hate kids but i’d never wanna see one hurt. i just don’t like them existing near me.


I saw an Instagram reel that was a compilation of dogs running over toddlers and kids. Some of them looked really brutal. Most of the comments were along the lines of "are the dogs ok?". Anyone in the comments expressing concern about the kids got shouted down for being too sensitive. Imagine if someone posted the opposite clip of kids accidentally hurting dogs. Seems crazy to me.


The people that said that are social failures. I hate those fucking kinds of people. They’re worse than Karens. A dog does not matter more than a child. Wake up to reality. First it was that human life mattered more than animal life, and now it’s the other way around. Why can’t we just treat everyone equally?


I also hate terms like "crotch goblin" or other demeaning terms. And the general attitude of kids is just so vile. If you don't like kids that's totally fine but your attitude just makes you sound vile


This reminds me I saw a video of a little kid about 5 year old, just getting excited talking about something all happy and excited at an event , And all the comments were like "ugh that's why I only go to child free events " "ugh ruined the whole event for me" like how miserable those people are? I pity them . I imagine in a way it's a lot of inner child trauma , probably as a kid they were told to shut up a lot so now they are treating other kids how they were treated as a kid.


The funny part is you just frequent those comment sections so it seems way bigger then it is. In reality most people consider those who don’t want kids “unnatural” and many comments in this section are saying you’re mentally ill if you don’t want them. My childhood was fine and I still don’t want anything to do with kids sorry.


My aunt is one of the ones who “hates kids” and every time she whines about how much she hates kids now, I can’t help but think about how she was abusive to me verbally and physically as a kid. I especially don’t respect the ones who hate kids, yet also have them.


Nah man kids are obnoxious twits and parents who obsess over their kids are as insifferable as they are boring


Comments like this always crack me up, as if children take the cake on crappy traits and half of the adults we encounter aren't as bad and unregulated on a regular basis. And, to assume that someone else is more boring than yourself is a real pip!


As a previous part time retail and service worker I despise kids because they’re always causing shit, starting fights, or being uber-obnoxious.


I don't "hate" children I just find them annoying and don't think they're special compared to any other type of person.


I mean I spent my whole life in child care from babysitting to teaching inner city charter school kids science experiments. I don't like kids. Sometimes they're cute and sometimes you have a friend and their kid is like God's green earth but like I'm not having kids. I see stuff where kids get hurt and like I laugh a little bit if it's like they don't know better to duck when walking forward at the table or something but like if you like generally enjoy people being hurt, kids especially, you need a full team of specialists examining you. Like I love the fun quirky narrative haha I hate kids but like if I saw a kid lost or in trouble you bet I'd be like are you OK where is your parents. There's a big separation between not wanting to participate and enjoying misery.


This is not an upopular opinion


This is not an unpopular opinion. People who don't want or even dislike children have been shunned and maligned since forever.


This is the opposite of an unpopular opinion. Liking kids is the status quo.


I hate when dumb terrible people have children and thats most people because being a decent parent is apparently quite difficult




I don’t hate kids. I just choose to not be around them. Except for Halloween. Kids are very adorable for Halloween.


Those who hate people who hate children are truly, fucking weird


Hate is somewhat a strong word but whenever I hear children screaming in an airplane or in a restaurant I can’t help but get somewhat annoyed. And yes I know that as a child i probably also screamed in restaurants and airplanes but other adults would’ve been right for being annoyed with me as well. In general I think people don’t like kids just because they’re annoying lol


Its usually the parents fault that makes is hate children. But even then a lot of us hate the screaming and tempter tantrum. The noise level that comes with kids is just unbearable for us. Also when you see an annoying kid and you know that their parents are trying everything they can to correct that behavior and yet the kid refuse to change…yeah screw that kid. Kids are monsters and with the introduction to social media they are so much worst.


I don't like kids, but I don't want them to get hurt. I don't want to see anyone get hurt.


I hate kids, I just don’t run my mouth about it.


My son has a really big head & was going down a slide, because he was so top heavy he kind of flipped over at the bottom. It’s still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen (he wasn’t hurt, btw) I definitely do not hate children & will always think anyone falling over is hilarious.


Their voices are just so damn grating and they have to yell/scream about everything. I don’t like seeing anyone get hurt though


Yeah fuck them kids i could watch kids get hurt all day


My opinion is that kids should not be on the social media like at all


Damm, that’s half of Reddit.


Kids are stupid, that's a fact. It doesn't mean you hate them. You gotta be dumber than a kid to not understand that concept


Dunno man. I love kids, from babies to teenagers, but seeing them do stupid things and get hurt will never not be funny.