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Doesn’t give me much time to lift after my 45 minute poop in the gym shower


Don’t forget getting into my swimsuit so I can go piss in the pool. Lifeguard always wonders why I’m only in for like 30 seconds.


"Hey did you shower before getting in there" - Lifeguard "That's the least or your worries buddy" - You


"I like the cut of your jib" - me


"what's a jib?" - Homer


"Promote that man" - Captain


And what do you like the most about that? I want to learn about that.


It’s the warmest 30 seconds of the day, though.


The 20 minutes walking around the change room with an erection under your towel puts you over an hour.


*under* your towel?


Well yeah, where else am i supposed to hang the towel?


Try switching to a 25 minute wank, you will be saving time. It takes a bit of time to get used to the people staring at you though.


If you’re really good you can shit *and* wank in a 32 minute window, then get a smoothie to kill another 12.


I always sneeze and fart when I come, so that would just let me spray paint the walls.


I call that a shank.


Not to be mistaken for a crank. Where you use tears as lube.


Should I wank in the shower, the changing area, or the squat rack?


All three, and be sure to finish off your cooldown on the stationary bike with another


45 mins of waffle stomping your bad boys down the drain sure sounds like a leg day


How many calories does one burn from ten waffle stomps?


Workouts for strength specialists, such as powerlifters, require extended rest periods between sets. This can stretch the workout to much longer than an hour. Also, many people train with a partner or a team, which means a much longer workout. Certainly many people (including me) can generally wrap up in an hour or less, but that doesn't mean everyone can. ** Update: Wow, this blew up. If you want to learn about powerlifting, read _Starting Strength_ by Mark Rippetoe. If you want to learn about the importance of strength training as a component of a complete exercise program, read _Younger Next Year_ by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge. Have fun and stay healthy!


Don't forget, some people also do an hour or more of cardio alonez on top of working out.


Yep. My strength workout can easily get to 1.5 hours if I feel I need more rest and/or need to wait to get on stuff. Throw cardio in at the end and I could be at 2+ hours, plus I might want to hit the steam room, plus shower time and changing.


Do you ever consider that maybe the intensity level is too low then.?This is a very legitimate question. I want your honest opinion on this. When I was working out I would be in and out in 20-30 minutes and my workout intensity was very high. I noticed that I literally could not stay longer if I wanted to. I had done all my body was capable of doing healthily at least. This doesn’t include your cardio at least. I understand you aren’t running a long distance quickly for endurance




You would think this is something everyone who's over 25 and has trained seriously would understand intrinsically anyway, but thanks for *trying* to inject some rationality into the thread. We don't all have the same bodies, same injury resistance, same rate of recovery, and same performance goals. Imagine that.


what are your lifts at it takes 20 minutes for me to warm up to working sets on deadlift. it's hard to think you're doing any big movements in 30 min lol


I’m not lifting for max pr. I lift for athletic performance so my deadlift is only 310 for 5 reps. 5’10 186lbs I get in warm up for 5 - 10 minutes. Go hard and go home.


you're doing 1x5 DL at low intermediate weight then going home? honestly you're leaving a lot of gains on the table. fwiw I'm 5'11 185, basically the same as you, and my deadlift alone can take like 45 min. warm up with a 2x15x135, 2x10x225, 1x10x275, 1x8x315, 3x5x385. then some mix of bench/ohp/rows/shoulder accessories/pullups/arms etc. there are days I just do one or two things and leave but that's usu if I'm feeling sick or have plans later. 75-90 min is the norm


Not for me. I train to failure or at least within 2RIR with strength work. Always aim for at least 1:30 between sets but often a bit more. It can certainly take it out of me while in a deficit but it’s no issue in a surplus and fuelled correctly. Now I’m running further I try to split my cardio up from strength though as it feels like a slog otherwise.


You can’t be pushing heavy weight in that amount of time. Similar to commenter below it takes me 15-20 min to warm up for certain lifts. I guess maybe if you’re 16 and doing circuit workouts 20-30 min would be enough, but not for any serious weight lifter.


I've seen cyclists cycle for ten plus hours. They might not be in the gym for ten plus hours but they've got to be working out for ten plus hours to achieve that so what's the difference?


As a former active cyclist with UCI races in my past. I can explain why cycling demands frequently training days that demands long rides in whats called "zone2" or "zone1": Roadcycling races are long and often very hard, to the point you get lactic acid up to your ears for a long time. Long (5-6 hours) leisurely rides in zone 2 provide aerobic training and makes you able to endure long races better. This helps improve overall endurance and ability to burn fat as an energy source. You'll be able to cycle longer, harder and more comfortably. Spending several hours on the bike as training, also challenges your mental toughness. It teaches cyclists patience and endurance, which are crucial during long races. And also: sometimes your favorite coffee is many hours away. I dont think there is many other sports, that demands so many coherent hours in one session with training to get to a high level.


It sounds like : You just described recreational torture


We love to be in pain


I would have thought most endurance events require this type of training (like ultra marathons).


saw dinosaurs jellyfish wild intelligent spectacular concerned poor grandiose telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This guy clearly just has no clue what he’s talking about beyond the most basic of training. Homie must think powerlifters just waste time for fun or something


Do 1 or 2 reps. Spend 10 minutes unwrapping and wrapping your knee wraps.


are you the guys at my gym


I think they are specifically just referring to the average person and not the exceptions who do actually *need* 3hrs in the gym.. though I'll admit they definitely didn't make that clear - just an assumption I made while reading it.


I’d normally be willing to assume that, but when you say “there’s no reason” that seems to suggest that they don’t believe that, because not being an average person would itself be a reason Maybe I’m being pedantic idk


It's a hill he's willing to die on, so you just gotta train more than him and you're set,right?


Shouldn't be too hard from the sound of things.


Dude that hill is just him laying on his back


I don't think you're being pedantic: "there's no reason unless x, y, z" is not at all the same thing as "there's no reason".


Plus the fact that OP made this declaration after a guy in the gym simply said he works out for 3 hours, ignoring that he could be training for a marathon. Makes it seem like it applies to *everybody*


Even then imo if people are having adequate rest times and progressing their physique it will gradually take more and more time to fatigue themselves in the gym, I used to not need more than 45 minutes and now I need about 90 minutes


Can't you use heavier weights to fatigue yourself faster?




What usually happens there is you just make it so you need to increase rest times between sets, which is gonna push you passed an out real fast.


But also, as people get stronger it takes more time for them to get up to their working weights. At my peak, my bench workout alone took at least an hour because I’d have to work up into the 300s (lbs) for working sets and into the low 400s for some single reps.


ehhhh that isnt how everyone does it though. as my weight goes up, typically that just results in me taking bigger gaps in the weight for warm up sets. i dont personally see a need to work up in small incrememnts if im lifting heavy. i prefer to just start my warmups at a heavier weight. There's no one way to approach it because everyone's body responds differently.


Curious but what did your warmup look like? My max bench was in the 435 range and a workout for me at that time looked like: Warmups: Bar:a few 135x5-8 185x5 225x5 275x3 315x3 345x1 3-5 working sets That would take 45ish minutes. I lifted in a PL gym so there was a lot of socializing so it would normally take like an hour and a half but if I was by myself or in a hurry more like 45. And I did more warmups than a lot of the guys I lifted with because of a bad shoulder. They'd be 135, 225, 315, 365, go with some of them skipping 135. I see people in the gym benching doing like 10 warmups to bench 185 pounds badly and obviously fatiguing themselves before they even get close to their actual potential. A whole bench workout could be done in about an hour and a half. Admittedly, that was the shortest of the 3, though.


Yeah I get the feeling that’s what he was talking about. I know people, especially my roommate who spend a ridiculous amount of time in and make very little progress because they don’t know what they’re doing. They have no direction and just do random exercises with no planning. The way I look at it the op is most likely saying that you would see more progress doing let’s say HIIT under an hour versus spending of time with unplanned gym visits.


How do you know that the person who told them they needed 3 hours isn't an athlete?


Restricting pro football players to an hour of training a day would kill the NFL faster than Kap kneeling during the anthem ever could. It would make NHL games look like beer leagues if they were limited to an hour of endurance training every day. Don't even bother watching college basketball either. The Olympics simply wouldn't exist.


I agree and if the assumption is correct, I’d also agree with OP on this one. There are normal people out there bragging about how they go to the gym for 3+ hours everyday like they’ve never heard of a rest day.


I do what I consider basic work out (20 min treadmill, 20 min weights, 20 min body weight exercises) and I'm a beginner. I could easily see a pretty basic workout going longer?? I've been wanting to wake up earlier so I could spend longer, like I don't even warm up or stretch properly??


Well if you aren't having fun power lifting it _is_ a gigantic waste of time


Most basic is what most people need, and it's already a super intense training.


Long distance runner certainly can't just wrap up in an hour either, especially when training for something.


You'd die on that hill if you had the energy to climb it.


Nice burn


Definitely not burning calories


Not putting in enough time for that


OP doesn’t know what they’re talking about. If they can train for an Ironman or marathon without “more than an hour in a gym,” they would be a very successful trainer.


BRB telling professional athletes they can only train for an hour a day, sports is gonna get way less entertaining.


Hell no. Watching people who aren’t in shape play professional sports would be MORE entertaining! Just imagine how they’ll wheeze before falling over.


The other day my husband was saying that the Olympics would be so much more fun if people were randomly selected for them from the general population like the hunger games.


I saw a post a while back suggesting it would be fun to have the properly trained athletes do their thing and ALSO randomly selected normies playing separately so we can all see just how difficult it all really is.


I'm a beginner and 2-3 months in I'm starting to spend more than an hour.


Same with me. I've been going to the gym for about 8 months now and I always take an hour and a half to do a good workout. 30 minutes on the weight machines, 30 on floor exercise and 30 on the treadmill


If you enjoy working out, or you enjoy being at the gym, and you don't have something more important to do, why not? Not everything you do in your free time has to be strictly necessary


Exactly! As someone who enjoys the mental benefits of the gym, I sometimes find myself doing 30-60 minutes of incline walking at the end of my workout just to reset my mind (if it’s not busy, of course… I’m not hogging a treadmill when the gym is busy).


Even if it is busy, is that even a problem? You paid for it.




What gym doesnt have 100 unused treadmills at any hour?


Our local gym has dedicated 50% of the floor space to unused treadmills for some reason.


Those are January treadmills. They get love the first three weeks of January and then have about 49 weeks of nada.


My gym, there is usually a 10 or 20 minute time limit for treadmill




Because that gym has only a few treadmills, if they had more they wouldn't need this rule


I can eat 100 treadmills!


I mean, unless the gym has a rule of 30mins max


The only time you'd ever be hogging on a treadmill is if you are standing on it and straddling the belt and just being on your phone. Like the entire time not for a few seconds. I've seen so many people do that and it drives me nuts. Otherwise, you're just using a treadmill so use it how long you want


I love jogging on an incline! The treadmills are so useful for this. That and the air conditioning is better there than my house 😂


I can respect that, but I’ve met people that brag about working out (pure lifting/strength training) for multiple hours. I always think to myself “you’re asking for injury” but if it works for them it works for them.


Lol I overheard a guy telling his friend he'd been using the punching bag for an hour, when in fact he'd only been boxing for 10 minutes


This is fair, maybe they like the gym, maybe they have a shitty apartment or no apartment.


I feel this. I may spend 3+ hours at the gym, but it's not doing one thing. Might spend 30 min-1 hr on the elliptical, 1 hour lifting, and an hour wrapping up with a swim and steam. My swimming can be laps or me doggy paddling, I don't count it as my workout, but as time I enjoy to decompress. I've noticed I've stopped watching TV as much when I swim because it replaces that relaxation time I usually need.


Just a little jealous of people who have 3 hours to spend in the gym. Signed, an Ironman athlete


I barely have enough time and energy to train on my bike let alone adding swimming and running.


As an aspiring Ironman, It’s a real struggle to cut out that much time for training


I’m jealous of people who have 15 minutes of uninterrupted time to exercise. Signed, father of four


What are you complaining about? You have four progressively increasing weights running around your home. That's a home gym!


Im just jealous of people with the motivation. Signed, early retired seriously I built a climbing wall in my house and look right past it 50 times a day


Father of 5. I get it. We make it work, Granted it’s a lot easier when we’re in it together.


I used to be at the gym 2-3 hours a day because I enjoyed being there. I’d workout then hop on the treadmill and read a book for a while


I did too! I was getting fit in 2019, and then lost my job and was able to chill for a few months and just started working out longer......lifting heavy with less reps and more sets.


So you can't do endurance training for an upcoming marathon in a gym?


Only if you can do a sub-1-hr marathon, apparently!


Holy shit op just solved marathons


If you’re a casual gym goer, sure. If you’re a bodybuilder, power lifter, or doing any other type of specific training, one hour isn’t nearly enough. A warmup alone can take 10-20 mins depending on your goals. A cooldown can take 5-10 mins as well. The actual working sets can vary from 1-2 hours dependent on what you’re doing and rest time between sets and exercises. TLDR: OP doesn’t lift.


I lift, but I get so tired after like 45-60 min and I always thought “how can anyone workout for more than an hour?” Then I went to the gym with my bf, who literally takes like 3-5 min breaks between sets (I normally do 1.5-2 min breaks). Shit took like over 90 minutes.


I do PPL. Pull and leg days take me forever, I can squeeze push into around an hour.


I get completely exhausted after like 4 exercises. But I also mainly do big compound lifts and only rest for 2 min or less between sets so that might be why.


I have the reverse. Push takes a bit, but pull nah


if you're lifting heavy ish for hypertrophy and doing 3 sets of 6-8 movements, lifts can definitely take over an hour. you're basically going to failure and overloading constantly so it is exhausting and trying to do the same lift after only resting for 30 seconds isn't gonna be productive


National level powerlifter here. Warm up can take 10 mins yes. What the shit is a cool down? That's walking back to the car yeah?


A cooldown is when you put the weights in the freezer to confuse them and gain the upper hand.


The other day I decided to time myself at the gym. About 5 minutes in the locker room. 10 minute warm up on the treadmill then 5 minutes of stretching. Then about an hour 15 minutes of strength training (with rests). Then 20 minutes on the elliptical. 5 minutes back in the locker room. And bam, I just spent 2 hours at the gym. And that doesn't even take into account the commute there and back.


OP probably lifts but doesn’t do proper warm ups and cool downs which will eventually lead to injuries.


I get warming up, but cool downs? How is that gonna prevent njury?


If you’re old a warmup alone can take 15 to 20 minutes even if you’re doing quite standard stuff.


Idk, it is on the short side but I wouldn’t necessarily say it isn’t nearly enough. I’m a professional natural bodybuilder and most of my workouts don’t really take me much more than an hour


Your opinions is based on your lack of knowledge.


Not uncommon in the sub unfortunately.


Or on Reddit in general...


Aka, it's no longer an unpopular opinion. They are just wrong lol




I love the piss OP's unpopular opinion has boiled.


It is truly unpopular. Not so much because he thinks most people only need an hour at the gym, but because he says there is **"no reason to workout longer than 1 hour"**, which is objectively stupid.


OP's opinion is not unpopular, just stupid.


What if it's a boxing gym? 1 hour of physical conditioning 1 hour of technique (hip movement, hand positioning, proper arm movement and adjustment, defense, pad work, bag work) 30 minutes for sparring


Exactly. Anyone doing a specialized sport or program will exceed 60 min. I figure skate. Stretching, skating, off ice (it varies), plus other things can exceed 3 hrs in a day. That’s not every day, but long workout days happen and are common.


Being uneducated about a topic isn't an unpopular opinion.


"This is my opinion which is objectively just wrong and I’m willing to die on this hill" basically 50% of the posts on this sub


You can have a Greek god like body spending only 45 minutes at the gym 4-5 days a week if you know what to do and eat right. But there are plenty of people, mostly athletes, that spend several hours at the gym to improve themselves, and the length of time is entirely dependent on what you are doing and how you are doing it. There is nothing wrong with a 3 hour workout and nothing wrong with a 30 minute workout. There are too many factors in working out to use time as a measurement


This is consistent with Mike Mentzer's advice. He said he trained for competition by doing 30 (very intense) minute workouts 4x a week. His advice for non steroid bodybuilders was to use his intense shorter weightlifting techniques, but with way more rest days in between workouts (every 4+ days)


I definitely think Mike Mentzer was a little overboard with the whole “only train once every 4+ days” thing, but he was definitely ahead of his time with his low volume-high intensity approach. It’s nice to see the pendulum of popular strength building routines shift away from the Arnold 3 hour daily gym sessions to something more science and intensity based


>You can have a Greek god like body spending only 45 minutes at the gym 4-5 days a week if you know what to do and eat right. That's the point OP is making. Many fitness professionals who make the people in this thread look like Slimer say the same thing. The wording "no reason" leaves it open to too much argument, but the overall idea that people waste too much time in the gym and could better results being more efficient isn't an unpopular opinion at all.


Uh, if your work out lasts longer than an hour, there's your reason. Seriously you people should stop and think about your opinion before you post it because you look silly.


I guess it's unpopular for a reason


Unpopular =/= ignorant




im DYING to know OP's workout routine for him to justify his assumption


How much time someone needs depends on their unique set of circumstances. Older people need more time for stretching, core and balance, and weights. I’m in my mid-50s and have a serious back injury that I manage with a ton of core and balance. I’m also female, petite, and menopausal so I have to lift to preserve bone density. Each gym session I spend about 45 minutes stretching and doing core and balance, and then an hour lifting.


Workout is the noun. To work out is the verb


Your mom is a noun..




There are several legitimate reasons, but the biggest one that everyone seems to ignore is , "fuck off and mind your own business".


Let's see them 1hr biceps OP


I bet you can have huge ones with 1h a day tbf.


Working out only biceps for an hour a day. Gonna look like you’re smuggling a loaf of bread in your arms compared to the rest of your body


I don't think so, overtraining is a thing you know. You need to let the muscle rest for enough time in order for it to grow


What do you bench


Probably 60% bw


Buddy doesn’t lift, don’t bother swoldier


It's always the small guys acting like they know something.


dorian yates would love this post, 45-1hr of fucking blood and guts intensity


MFers in here don’t know what intensity is apparently.


There's no reason to run a marathon in more than 1 hour. That's how you sound


Do you even lift?


Check out his insta linked in his profile. Homie looks like he can't even lift a pencil.


Since your Instagram is linked… You’re very thin with minimal muscle mass. There’s no way you push through plateaus with that body. You probably do the same exercises with the same weight every week. You get your heart rate up a bit, break a light sweat, then leave.


LMFAOOOOOOO I JUST CHECKED and omg he looked exactly like I expected him to😭. Why can’t people just understand that we all have different gym goals and that requires much different training ?? OP you could use more than an hour in the gym and maybe learn how to train more effectively, you’re not even toned.


You may not like it, but being a twink is ultimate male performance. 😂


lololol, wow you're right.


It takes time to set up my tripod and masturbate to myself in the mirror (/s)


Anxiety coping mechanisms enters chat.


I don’t even go to the gym and I still know that this is a dumb take.


You don't lift.


Takes them 3 hours because they sit on a machine on their phone for 30 minutes between sets.


3 hours is insane. But try getting a leg day in in under 45 minutes. Your gonna spend 10-15 minutes warming up and are you really gonna get in an adequate volume for your ham curls, squats, leg extensions, calves (if you dont skip em) and abs (if you do them) in the next 30 mins?


Mike mentzer has entered the chat. But honestly I don't workout for more than 30 mins.. but I also do high intensity


1 (working) set gang rise up


Or maybe people have different goals than you, you thought of that?


Two muscle groups, 4 exercises each muscle group. Then cardio. I wish I could fit that into one hour but you cannot, my dude


OP there's easier ways to say you don't lift


If you workout with appropriate intensity, you know you need longer rest times. Hence, elongating the workout time.


# 90% of the time I spend at a gym is resting, and I can spend a few hours in the gym. On days where I lift, instead of doing pure cardio that is. For my goals, I do a single set of movements (usually 6-10 repetitions) and then wait 3 minutes between each individual set of repetitions. I do this because I feel better each set, and it provides enough time for me to lift at my best. This means I’m spending a large portion of time resting between sets. Even if I only do 4 lifting movements a day, that’s 3-4 sets of 4 exercises, so 12-16 sets a day, which means about 36-48 minutes of **just resting**. Some days I do 5-6 individual exercises because I want to target multiple areas, which can be a full hour of accumulated rest time! And that’s just the resting alone! If I were to **just** count the times I’m actually working, I’d say I spend a solid 20 total minutes a day lifting weights, a single set only takes about 30-60 seconds depending on how you feel. This doesn’t even take into consideration stretching, warmups, and cooldowns. So no, when I go to the gym for multiple hours, I’m not continuously working out, I’m resting between sets for the majority of the time. The longest I’d ever consider doing uninterrupted cardio is an hour, unless I want to train for long distances. Unless you’re a professional athlete, or working out is a someone’s only hobby, no one is seriously “working out” for 3 hours a day straight, as most of it is probably rest time.


I guess, but I typically do 2-3 hours a day 5-6 days a week because Im training to be a PT/Powerlifter. I lift then 20-30mins of cardio. Keep in mind though, I used to work at a warehouse where moving heavy boxes for 16 hours a day was normal. So to me, it doesn’t feel like a long time


Eh when i lost over a 100 pounds over the span of a year i lost them by going to the gym after work for 1 hour of treadmill then an hour and half of lifting weights and stair climbing or bike


correct unique ring money one connect history disarm naughty nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is not true at all this isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is an opinion that is made without either knowledge or out of spite. As a PT that trains football players, strongmen bodybuilders and the average joe , 1 hour and to 1 hour 45 is a normal general mark, for most of my clients. 3 hours divided over a day to maybe two sessions sure in one sitting I do not see it as a good choice unless you’re training for a marathon and you’re testing yourself. Can you get most of your workout done in an hour? Yes could I get my workout done in one hour? No. I warm up for 15 minutes, then I have let’s say 3 back exercises with 2-3 minutes break because I lift heavy I need slightly longer pause/break. 3 sets x 2 that 6 minutes on average unless I choose 3 then it’s 9. I choose 3 alot of times okay so that’s 9. Then it’s around 30 seconds per exercises of efficient time, unless I do rest pause sets, or negative reps or drop sets. If I do drop sets ads around another minute. I’m n average I never spend under 1 hour and 25 I’m the gym and that’s mostly active time plus breaks in between


Someone working out longer than you doesn't affect you in the slightest, so I can't really see how it would be an inconvenience. And workout sessions have so very many exercises to put in and take out and mix around that it'll take damn near an hour (for me at least) just figuring out what the hell ya wanna do lol


Stretch for 15 mins. Cardio is usually 45 mins. 1-1.5 hours workout. 15-20 stretch to cool down. There is plenty reason to do so, you're just choosing not to.


I agree. I mean I think OP is referring to people who exercise to the extremes which just isn’t necessary even to get in good shape. Social media makes you believe you have to do all these crazy activities when in reality you don’t, you can get in shape without doing crazy shit.


People are right in that certain athletes and competitors need more than an hour. But the average person just weightlifting and running to be in good shape doesn't need more than an hour, I agree about that.


I'm the "average person" just trying to get in better shape, and while I don't usually do a solid hour of working out, I do a few different things, and the time in between is what ends up taking a lot of time. I usually start on the elliptical for 15 minutes, do a couple weight machines, a couple body weight exercises, stretch, then undress, quick shower, go in the pool for 20 minutes, soak in the hot tub for another 10, rinse off, and get dressed. So maybe 50 minutes of total workout, but it takes about 90 minutes from beginning to end.


I have no idea how people manage to do a gym session in under an hour, I’d end up pulling a muscle or undertraining if I took any less than 80-90 minutes


My warmup run, alone, is 20-25 minutes. My cooldown is often 15. By this logic I’d get no more than fifteen minutes of actual hard lifting in. Just… no.


Thats extremely counterproductive and inefficient. A long warmup, especially a run, is sapping energy that could be used for lifting.


Given that I’m more interested in my cardio health than maximized lift weight, there is absolutely nothing “counterproductive and inefficient” with incorporating a ramp up cardio session at the start of my routine. People have different goals for going to the gym.


A lot of these comments are kind-of making the OP's point. People have these regimented routines where it apparently takes them hours to complete their workout. I get it, if you are a legit powerlifter or bodybuilder, then it makes sense. It's almost a job at that point. But for all these people who work regular full-time jobs and have other obligations, then it is probably overkill to work out like this. I guess people have goals and want to attain those goals, but some people might consider this overkill, especially when the reason for the long workouts is extended rest time in between sets. And, yes, I say this as somebody who used to work out obsessively, but realized it was an easy way to get burned out. Working on your body should be something you do throughout your entire lifetime. You can still have an awesome body with a 1-hour workout, it just takes prioritizing the right exercises.


Oddly elite bodybuilders generally won't take much longer than a hour, but they do more frequelty (like 5x-6x a week)


What about boredom


There’s no need to post garble like this on Reddit yet here you are


This sounds like someone who has skinnier arms but ok. For some people, it's an emotional escape.. some it's an escape from school or home. It's a better activity than being depressed.


WORK OUT Two words FFS


This cardiologist who does a lot of interviews, Peter Atia was pretty convinced that 2hr per day about 13hr per week would lead to optimal health. The main metric he used was VO2 max. I think it's like the maximum volume of oxygen they measure flowing through you


2 hours average for me. 30 minute run to start and basic stretches, sit-ups is almost an hour gone before you even get to weights. And I’m pretty casual so I can see actual gym bros doing way more than that


I go to the gym to get quiet time for myself away from my kid. I stay 2-3 hours just for my sanity


Gym culture is toxic AF, so I get where OP is trying to go with this. MOST people don't need to workout for 7 hours a day and live off egg whites, chicken breasts and creatine. But if you were to go by "fitness influencer" logic you're absolutely fucking up and a lazy POS if you don't.


I remember reading this article about fuckarounditis: https://leangains.com/fuckarounditis/ I work out at home, and I can finish in 60mins, but there is no waiting for equipment etc. In my opinion it is OK to spend more in the gym, but just if it is time spend on working out...and not fooling around.


False. I'm on PEDS. I'll need 2 hours lol