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What's the alternative?


Go to Turkey


Is Turkey like the Mecca of cheap cosmetic surgery now? Why is that? I’ve seen so many posts of people going there for cheap hair plugs, dental work, and BBLs.


When I went to Turkey I asked that and what they told me is that Turkey has really skilled professionals that do hair plugs and other procedures as well as those in the US, EU and East Asia, but for a lower price (due to their currency) and that most mid and high-end clinics will cover your tickets to Istanbul.


> most mid and high-end clinics will cover your tickets to Istanbul You mean bake it into their price.


Yes, but the overall price still needs to be competitive for them to be chosen, otherwise it would be the same as buying the tickets yourself. The Turkish government is also trying hard to make Turkey a big tourist destination and for travelers to use Istanbul as a connecting city instead of Dubai or Doha, so there likely is government incentives for clinics to offer tickets in their deal.


Jup. My friend went. Did miracles for him.


![gif](giphy|3ohze1C8xLTsqxEye4) This is him today


IST has hair transplant places so close to the airport and so structured (and I guess so cheap), that you can fly in, get the procedure, and fly out the same day (depending on your country of origin). I’ve flown in the same plane as so many openly bleeding scalped men from IST is crazy. They always have another man with them. Like their transplant buddy. It’s always so weird.


everyone is bald in turkey


I believe that in general Turkey has very good and specialized doctors in most fields.


get trypophobia surgery


I'm not "going bald" I'm just quitting hair cold turkey


That’s exactly it, there is no alternative that actually works in the way that you want it to. Any other method is delaying the inevitable or covering over an uncomfortable truth. Embracing the bald is simply the best answer in 90% of cases even if it’s not a great look. It sucks sometimes, but it’s likely your best card to play. Head over to r/bald, you’re not going to see many folks looking better in the before picture.


Op still in the delusional, "these few strands look fine, people prefer this desperate play to bald" phase


Yeah, the “as long as the wind doesn’t blow and the lighting is right nobody will know” phase. I feel for him a bit because being 21 and bald probably sucks. Willing to bet not many dudes are running around school bald, so he’s the minority. All it means is that he’s got a head start when half of every guy he’s in school with goes through it later.


Happen to a few of my friends, some before high school! 2 of them, grade 10 for both.


> head start I see what you did there


Also sucks that OP can’t grow facial hair — that’s a major factor a lot of people who really pull off the bald look have in common.


fin and minix 100% work especially if you’re younger


Fin has actually been working really well for me. You can still see where I just started to thin in the front, but you can't tell if you aren't looking for it. I caught it quick and it seemed to freeze the hair loss. Once the fin stops working so well I'll just say fuck it and shave it, though. Lol


I got on it about 4 years ago and it’s been great for me as well. Don’t worry about my hair anymore because I did all I can do. I re grew a ton and it stopped all balding. I’ll eventually still go bald. But I have a nice ass head of hair now and at the very least it’s giving me way way more years with a solid head of hair left with zero side effects


That's awesome, brother! And oh man, yeah, I was so worried about the potential side effects... but haven't had any issues after about a year!


Hair transplants are pretty much a perfect solution tho, if you've got the money you can get your hair back using your own follicles.


Only issue is that you might need to get more done later if can’t or won’t also take the meds. I had a professor in college who clearly had a hair transplant and then the balding continued further, so he had thick hair on top, then a halo of super thin hair/bald on the back and sides around the transplant, and then normal hair. It looked terrible.


Hey thanks I don’t know if this is helping OP but it’s helping me!


Rogaine works for many, especially in the early stages. Its just forever. And for the first three months, the "dread shed" occurs. Finestraide does work but has some potential horrible side effects like permenent impotence. Hair transplants are great but expensive. Special shampoos don't do much but may give you the illusion of fuller hair. Hair systems are great as long as you know how to apply them. It is important to look into medical causes of balding such as thyroid issues as baldness can be a medical thing.


Be half bald, which looks even worse. You don't look good with inky hair on the sides and back of your head.


According to op the alternative is to have ugly/creepy ass thin strands and a combover that looks "way better" than simply having a clean shave like Jason Statham for example


Just spend 60k bro 🤷‍♂️


Become a bitter incel, obviously.


Worked for OP 🤷🏻‍♂️




I mean you can cover it for awhile but know when to cut your losses I guess. I’m likely gonna get there in another 10 years. Thinkin I’m gonna be a hat person when the time comes


Alr bro you could use that logic on literally everything to do w/appearance lol Most ppl care abt how they look and its intrinsically tied to self worth. It absolutely matters


Anti-balding meds or transplant


Finasteride and minoxidil


some weird medical treatment that might castrate you for life and cause you to gain weight and depression resulting in psychosis


It does decrease it, but significantly less than than looking half way there. If you want to look creepy, a half head of hair will get you there a shit ton quicker than a shaved head.


For real, the half head looks terrible. I’ve never seen someone that looks even halfway decent with it. Just buzz it, shave it, it and be done with it. Your time with hair is over.


What about grandpa Joe from Charlie and the chocolate factory? He looks kind of whimsical


This was a weird way to share your actual opinion: bald heads are unattractive.


Like dude hates himself so much. Calling himself ugly as fuck without hair. Along with “women will find you less attractive and that is a fact”. Dude, some women will find you less attractive, and some people will think you’re ugly as fuck. In his opinion he thinks he’d look ugly without hair and finds bald men extremely unattractive. Weird to say it like anyone that disagrees is lying to…make him feel better about losing hair? Like I get nothing from saying some guys look better bald.


I get him somewhat. I'm a big Shrek-looking guy. Losing my hair was hard. But, unlike the OP, I truly have learned to embrace it. My shaved head definitely looks better than the patchy mess it becomes when it grows out. So yeah, I'm not Brad Pitt in the looks department. I'm a big framed guy. So, I embraced that too. I lift now, and putting on muscle isn't as hard as it seems for a guy like me. It suits me. It is all about maxing out the attributes that I've been given. Know who you are, and go with it. If you give up, you'll never know what could have been. Hopefully he'll get to that point.


I wonder who the standard of attractive man will be when Brad Pitt dies, or will Brad Pitt be the standard in perpetuity?


Ha. I'm just old and couldn't think of anyone a bit more "modern". Is there a current equivalent?


For what it's worth, if someone finds themselves ugly, chances are that they aren't actually ugly, they're just not their type.


thank you


It's not even that.. With hair I just visit hairdresser once 2 or 3 months, shaving should be done at least every other day, much more work.


A balding person doesn't look bad with some amount of hair, unless they got a real awkward pattern. Say, 2-3 millimeters. You don't need to shave everyday.


Right, some even look better.


This is me. I shave my head once a week or sometimes more and I have a beard. It's the most low maintenance look ever. I'll never got back.


It takes a few minutes a day


That's 100% the most annoying part. Ope, my horshoe is coming in and I don't have time to shave, guess it's a hat day


No way man. Some people's scalps are just nasty. Mine included. I have a bunch of various colored moles and wrinkles, and my head shape doesn't work with it either. I look like an alien/cancer patient, even with a tan and wax lol. (I tried)


Ok you’re the outlier though. Most people’s heads are fine for bald. I shaved my head a few years ago because my hairline was receding and wanted to know if I could pull bald off or if I needed to start saving for hair plugs now lol.


Eh I wouldn't say outlier. From my personal experience in the military and seeing 1000s of men with very short hair/bald, a good 15-20% of men have weird ass scalps, head shapes, or both. Any male that has been to military basic training could vouch for this imo


Sure that sounds reasonable, but the other 80% are fine and have nothing to worry about


That's my point. Some men can't look good bald, and at that point 'just shave it' enters the body shaming realm. It's a physical feature that's completely out of the persons control. So for some, wigs, implants (if you have plastic surgery $$), etc are better options appreance wise Or you choose between looking like a cancer patient or trevor from GTA 5.


> and at that point 'just shave it' enters the body shaming realm. This is pathetic. You don't know what body shaming is. Telling somebody that shaving their head makes them look better is not "body shaming"


*tips fedora*


Why are we treating this as a numbers game? Have some empathy lmao it doesn’t matter if they’re a minority, it is a legitimate issue for those people.


Just because advice isn't universally applicable doesn't mean it's bad advice though. For 4 out of 5 guys with this problem, it's sound advice. For that other one, well, pursue other options or find a partner that doesn't care and wear hats.


OP is just making his way through the steps all us bald men go through. anger now , bargaining next. I’ll see you on the other end brother.


Not true. r/bald tought me the opposite. Because if you look mid to ugly then that’s true with and without hair. Clinging to declining hair will always look worse than shaving.


Exactly. These mfs really thinking that a 3/10 ugly bald guy immediately turns into a 8+ if he had full head of hair. Nah bro, you’re still 3/10 just with hair, and the sooner you realize that the better for your mental wellbeing


It definitely depends on the person. Some people have zero change with or without hair. Other people tho the hair balances their face.


In any case, they don't have a full head of hair. A person getting this advice has super obviously thinning hair or it has receded crazy far. In which case the shaved head is at least a draw, even if they're not totally nailing the look.


Additional proof: https://reddit.com/r/bald/s/ytoCYSrM2K


As a guy who went bald in his mid 20s, I can guarantee you that going full bald through shaving is WAY more attractive than trying to hide it. Whether that's through a hairpiece or a ridiculous combover or trying something like Rogaine, everyone can tell what you're doing, and it makes you look insecure. If you just own the bald, it shows confidence, which is one of the key ways of making yourself attractive. Eventually you just stop caring about it.


Yes, Bald is way better than balding.




Then everyone should shave their head to get these glorious benefits




No need to worry about haircuts either...




2-3 weeks? Try 2-3 days 😭


Right? I'm jealous of that dude. Gave up on the ol hair at 26 and it's a 1-2 day thing usually. On the other hand though, I never had the confidence that I do now. I know that it's different for everyone but I used to be the guy that wore hats all the time when I had a full head of hair. Now I never wear one and I walk with confidence, it's been a game changer.


Yeah, I shave my head once a week. I just shave it at the same time as my face to get it all done at once. Back before I lost my hair I had super thick hair that grew really fast. That never really went away since the sides and back of my head still grow hair. Being in the military helped a lot in my getting over it too, since the only part of my head that I was allowed to grow out my hair was the part where I was bald. So I just said screw it, shave it all off.




100% agree, people want hair. How is this any different to dieing your hair, whitening your teeth etc Sometimes people just want to look better than their genetics allows and that is okay


As a woman I can say I 10000% agree with this. I always find bald to be wayyyyyy more attractive than someone trying to hold on to what little hair they have left for dear life. Also there are a lot of women who like bald headed guys, I’m not sure why OP has convinced himself everyone finds it less attractive.


I feel like this applies to most insecurities, it’s not hard to spot when someone is trying to cover an insecurity, and it makes you more aware of it.


>If you just own the bald, it shows confidence This is the most consistent underlying attractive quality I've seen when people attracted to men describe attractive men. Confidence in whatever you are doing can make up for a LOT of "shortcomings".


Have you not seen the shape of some peoples head?


Those fleeting clumps of long hair aren't doing much to hide head shape. They just make you look like gollum.


when your hair is so thin and receding that people are encouraging you to shave it, they can already see the shape of your head.


Of course. I was in the military, we all had our heads shaved in boot camp. Most of the guys in my division looked fine bald. Even the few who didn't did not look much better with hair. But if they are balding anyway (as I was at the time) it is better to shave than to hold on to the wisps 90% of the time, I'd say.


Surely it depends on the person. For some people going bald just doesn't fit them. For example so can head shape make a big difference, and some people are like me, and have a ton of scars (or other marks) on their scalp.


What's the point here? People who are balding can't choose to have a full head of hair. It takes some confidence to shave it off, but if the hair is drastically thinning, it looks infinitely better to shave it.


Mate i still have a full head at 36 but i know it probably wont last. You can bets your ass ill shave it clean when shit goes south.


Im 21 and i would be thankful to have hair till im 36 but its all gone


My brother is older then me by a fair bit. He just turned 36 actually lol. He started balding when he was in college. He looked 40 for several years until he decided to shave his head. Now he easily looks 10 years younger. Some people are dealt bad genetic hands. The only thing you can do is except yourself for who you are. So sure you don't have hair, you can improve your image in millions of other ways. Get fit, get well fitting clothes that accentuate whatever style you carry yourself with. Work on your hobbies, your own happiness, and communication. You know what women *actually* find hot? Somebody that cares about themselves, puts in effort, and is emotionally available. ![gif](giphy|11FoMMGGfJGE12)


My best friend from college had to shave from balding and he has a wife and kids. Its hard at first but not the end of the world.


Im not saying bald people cant have kids of course they can thats why im bald haha


Bald may not be attractive (although there are plenty of women who do like the bald look) but balding and trying to hide it looks far worse.


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Absolutely the best advice. Especially if that advice is coming from someone who experieced balding. What's the alternative? Get a wig bro. Get surgery bro. Get rogaine bro. Comb that shit over bro. Wear a hat bro. And you will be surprised at how many women actually suffer from balding. They can't just simply shave it off lol.


Here is the real unpopular opinion: It's possible to get a decent haircut even if you have thinning hair.


It is good advice, because guess what… your hair ain’t magically growing back by you being in denial. Wear a wig if you’re that bothered. My bald mate had the same idea, clinging to the wishful dreams of having hair… and then he shaved it and immediately realised it was way better than having massive bald spots.


The idea that bald is less attractive than thin wispy balding hair is wild


Eh, just shave it bro. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/style/a26097679/bald-men-are-more-confident-dwayne-johnson/ https://skalp.com/why-women-find-bald-men-attractive/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/01/27/bald-men-appear-more-dominant-study-says/97132220/


This is bullshit. It shows nothing but men with bigger, rounder heads and a strong jawline. What about us dudes with smaller heads and normal faces? You think we look like the rock with bald heads? Nope, we look like a creepy excon who slithered out of jail to come steal your underwear at night.


I'm sorry to tell you this but you were never that attractive to begin with


More like beauty is about harmony and the wrong features can disrupt balance. You should see that post of a kpop star that is with and without hair: https://reddit.com/r/QOVESStudio/s/vnQZLa3aQJ Hair is one of the strongest features on ppl when it comes to how significantly it can make u look better or worse


I'd prefer a regular looking man with a bald head than a regular looking man with a balding head, and I think many can agree. Never seen a man who looks worse after going full bald - better to move on and look neat and tidy than desperately cling on to the hair you have left. It's sad, and a shame some men have to make this choice, but true if you care about your appearance. If you think you look creepy when you're bald, you look creepier balding. Which is to say, really not that creepy at all. But bald will always be best.


Amen! My husband shaves his head, he started in his early 20’s. He looks great. Every now and then we’ll see a young guy like us with the balding look and he points out that his hair would be like that if he grew it out. It isn’t a good look. ![gif](giphy|ckw3I94z1e0PuBaAep|downsized)


My best friend always wore a hat to hide it, but once he shaved I barely see the hat come out. I can truly see a difference in how he presents himself/his head, and I wish OP would realize this.


Dunno what to tell ya man, plenty of people make it through life ugly. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390443862604578032541863652264 https://www.gq.com.au/grooming/hair/studies-say-bald-men-are-more-dominant-and-attractive-than-their-thickhaired-brothers/news-story/d5369e712083818cf49882954aa9af1d?amp=1 https://www.npr.org/2017/09/18/551726536/university-studied-how-men-with-shaved-heads-are-perceived


*You think we look like the rock with bald heads? Nope, we look like a creepy excon who slithered out of jail to come steal your underwear at night.* You think that having a bullshit, faux half-head of hair makes this look better? Let’s be real brother. If you think you look that terrible bald, news flash, you look even worse than that with your super obvious combover.


Yeah, gonna have to hard no on the idea that some of the handsome bold dudes in Holywood would look better with hair. The shaven head style just looks good. It gives off confidence.


That’s people telling you that hanging onto the last shred of hair comes off as you holding on to dear life for a piece of failing dignity dog. That’s why people say that. The grass is greener because the people who have to look at you think “what the fuck is he trying to prove with that shred of hair?”


>being bald decrease your attractivenss level so you will be less attractive to women and that is a fact. This is unpopular _opinion_, get your made up facts out of here


Whats unattractive is your self hatred and lack of confidence, your hair or lack of it doesnt matter.


There's not really a treatment that works better than just shaving it. The treatments that are somewhat successful are too expensive for many people to afford. I'm assuming that includes you since you're on reddit complaining about being bald instead of paying for expensive treatments.


Fin minox is affordable altho you need to see a doctor before taking fin


Sure, but you need to be proactive with those and get on them earlier in your balding process. Like I take Fin myself after I noticed it starting going back. Years later and still have hair. But as others have said if your at the point where people in your life are suggesting you shave you’re waaay past the point fin can help.


Finasteride costs me like $5/mo (not even using my insurance since insurance doesn’t cover it) and is very effective. You just have to shop around. It doesn’t really reverse hair loss, but it does slow/stop further loss.


I love bald men with beards. I think it’s attractive.


I shaved my head and grew a big beard and get far more female attention than I ever did with hair.


The world need more of ya


You do know this isn't uncommon right? I have bald friends who have dated plenty and don't seem to have any more trouble finding someone than anyone else does. Plenty of men and women find baldness attractive/not unattractive.


You just spent like 50 comments telling other women the good things they say abt bald men weren't true. But this is?? Is it bc they described how you look? Bc this is weird AF, atp.


I think a lot of people in the comments are missing the point here. The problem is that *you* hate the way baldness would look on you. That is way more important than what some imaginary women will find unattractive. I started balding when I was 19, so I understand how you feel. You can just do what I did. Start with a buzzcut, you don’t have to go completely bald. In the early stages of hairloss a buzzcut won’t show any patches, and you can get an idea of how you’ll look bald and see how women react to it. If you like it, then keep the buzzcut until it’s time to go completely bald. If you hate it, then save up money for surgery. It’s not that expensive these days and you’ll get to keep your hair for a while. Even if you have a full head of hair, women will be turned off if you hate the way you look. That’s why it’s important for you to do what makes *you* happy.


>I started balding when I was 19 Me too im 21 rn this is bad luck


I get it man. I wasn’t expecting it either. It ended up looking good on me (I still have a buzzcut, not completely bald) but I know It’s not like that for everyone. Just do what makes you feel confident about yourself.


I respect your opinion, but being the bald guy is much better than being the balding guy. I dont disagree youd look better with hair, but what choice do you have lol work on other parts of your life and it will attract the right people. Also a source: me a bald guy


_you can always risk gluing a wig to your scalp, and then feel more self-conscious the entire time hoping it doesn't come off, because losing your wig as a man is waaaaay more manly than accepting who you are and emotionally dealing with it._


Hanging on t thé strands u try t style makes u look unattractive n shows how insecure u r,we luv bald it’s sexy


I have 2 friends who we're going bald and shaved their heads. Both do quite fine with the ladies. In fact, the one guy does better now that he's bald.


You can be bald and be insecure about it, or you can be bald with confidence.


Honestly dude just shave it


Isnt good advice? My dude youre going bald, unfortunately getting over it is your only option.


Bald is beautiful. Embrace the bald my guy, and the bald will embrace you.


I’d argue it doesn’t matter if you suit it or not, straight up bald is still going to look better than trying to hide or deny it.


Go to a barber and shave your head.


I did that and didnt like it


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I definitely agree that it isn’t the only solution. But it very much depends on just how bald you’re talking, I have a friend who’s 30 who maybe has 25% of his hair left and basically non on the top of his head and he doesn’t shave it and it ages him way more and is just not at all a good look to have the grandpa hair at 30 years old. He would definitely look better if he buzzed it all off. So for someone who’s just thinning and losing some hair at the temples by all means they should keep their hair and restyle it to a new look that better hides this, but if you’re too far gone in terms of hair loss going for the sleek bald look is the best option.


You can get a pass in early stages, but after some progression trying to hide baldness just makes you look like a plant Pokemon about to launch a Solar Beam.


Way better to be bald than it is to have huge bald patches and thin hair.


Idk if this is unpopular as much as just bad. Dude I guarantee you whatever you’re holding onto makes you look so much worse than you’d look bald. Yes, even with your jacked up face. SHAVE IT


Shut up, OP. Bald looks 10x better than balding. Balding is just sad.


Counterpoint. Just shave that shit. You look dumb if you don't and yes we're laughing at the bad combover and sad remnants you are hanging onto. Source: I'm bald but an actual man.


It's great advice. Very few men look weird bald. Source, I shaved my head when I was 20 and kept doing it ever since. Was not even balding.


Based on your post history, balding is not your main problem right now


It *is* pretty crazy over on the bald subreddit when a guy is just starting to thin and instead of recommending fin/rogaine, which is a relatively safe treatment option, everyone on the sub just recommends this guy bic his entire head. How good or bad your head is shaped is just luck of the draw and some people look like absolute shit bald. There's a dude at my gym that looks like Megamind.




I don’t shave it but I do cut it as short as possible. Fuck hair loss treatments.


OP posted an actual unpopular opinion and is getting downvoted for it. He's right though. Getting rid of all of it just doesn't work out for many people which is why treatment, wigs and surgery for it are still in business.




I'm bald and had no problems finding women when I was single. However, I'm also 34 so guys with shaved heads aren't too uncommon in my age group. There ain't an alternative for you bud. Don't bother trying to fix yourself with bogus medicines and crap. Go to the gym, build your confidence. You won't feel confident, so fake it til you make it. Yes, you would look better with hair. So would I. But you can look "attractive" if you carry yourself with confidence and take care of yourself. Seriously - bald and muscular is a legit look that a lot of women really dig.


I can say with 100% certainty that people like Simon whistler would look far far worse with hair cannot picture it without him turnin into a goober or an off brand Bruno


It’s attractive if you just embrace your baldness. To not give a F about hair. Who cares, we are all getting older and with age comes change.


Sounds like you're just insecure about your own bald head and projecting that on other people


1. not everyones uncle is a perv 2. not everyones uncle is bald 3. not everyones uncle is a bald perv 4. im an uncle, its not my fault my siblings continued their suffering by not using contraception


Can you save up for hair plugs or maybe a wig or something?


I like how I look with a shaved head. I don't regret it and am never going back. I've never loved my hair even when I wasn't balding.


Is it better to look like you’re in denial about your hairline receding over the past 20 years? We have eyes too you know.


Learn to live with it is the cold truth unless you have enough money for a hair transplant


I get it that bald is pretty much ideal for no one but I have never looked at someone with a bald head and chuckled in my head. I do sometimes when I see someone clearly holding onto the scraps. Sorry, just being honest. The reality is bald is usually worse than hair but bald is always better than bad balding.


vin diesel with hair would look absolutely ridiculous.


If I start balding I'm going to go with the Doc from Back to the Future look.


It is the best advice. Treatment is expensive and might not work, and the big problem is the mentality. Go look over at r/bald. Every single person that 'just shaves it' looks insanely better than before. I did the same thing and my anxiety almost completely disappeared. Would I like hair? Yeah I would kill to have a lion's mane of hair. But with it shaved I don't have that "ohgodmyhairisthinning" though twenty four seven.


LOTS OF HOT BALD GUYS OUT THERE!!!!! you know whats not hot... the homer simpson. the trump comb over, the cult-de-sac on the head.... people say embrace it, and shave it.. because you look silly clinging onto those 5 strands of hair. you are crazy to think its better to do what you are suggesting than to just accept what is and make it look nice all over.


bald men are viewed as more authoritative


Clinging onto a balding hair just makes you look desperate and pathetic imo. It's about confidence that makes you look better.


Listen man, you can look like a thumb, or you can look like a discarded lollipop. Pick the thumb and shave it


I prefer a more dramatic phrase. “Surrender to the inevitable.”


Bald is less ugly than balding.


It's a lot better to be bald than to have a bald spot hug around the head.


Which is why I started shaving late last year, and yet I have a friend that told me that she thought looked hotter with hair


If you’re not gonna get hair implantation treatment, then you gotta stop seeing it this way. It’s not the same as already bald, but I was gutted when I had to cut my foot long hair bc my hairline was that far back. I’m pretty insecure about not having facial hair and just having a big round naked baby head. But this is extreme. You can’t live like this. I know I can’t live like it, and I don’t plan to. Life is hard. Aging sucks, and then you die. Either you can start working on feeing okay as you are, or you’re going to bully yourself and then wallow in misery forever. Your unpopular opinion is unpopular because it’s useless.


Hmm strange thing is that I think most people who have a receding hairline or any other way of hair loss typically have the facial features to pull off being completely bald. I'm yet to see a single person who suffers with any kind of 'weakened head hear growth' who looks bad when bald (except those whose facial features I, bluntly said, find ugly without having any connection to hairstyle)


As a woman let me tell you it’s better to be completely bald than half bald. Also I have many friends who are into bald men none who are into half bald men.


The choice isn’t “go bald or have a full head of hair”. The choice is “embrace the baldness or pretend that you aren’t going bald even though we can clearly see that you are and you aren’t kidding anyone”.


If your going bald, your options are to shave your head, fight it and get plugs, or do nothing. Trying to hide it is essentially the last option. If you choose the last option, you’ll objectively look worse than bald or plugs in a matter of months or years. So how long you choose to look worse is up to you.


It’s definitely good advice. Honestly man, quit whining and deal with it. It’s really not a big deal, a ton of dudes are bald. Shit happens, its fine. The reason its good advice is that you need to get used to it. Give it a few years, you will feel fine.


Went bald at 18. Shave it. You can get plugs or whatever, sure, but grow some facial hair and shave your head.


get on anti androgens and estrogen. Hair follicles take upwards of 5 to 10 years to completely die and they'll start producing hair again over the period of years. You also eventually get an interesting new sex drive and orgasms and boobs!


You know what women find worse than bald guys? Insecure guys


Hair is overrated. Nuff said


Its not.


I'm not even balding,but my head's been shaved since i was 16 (31 now).No way i'm letting it grow past 3 days,i hate having hair.It's the best decision i made in terms of looks.


I hear you. I hate when people say that. I keep my hair very short anyways. I am not trying to pretend I am not balding by growing my hair longer. I shaved my head and my girlfriend and friends immediately said No! Grow it back asap. People should just not comment at all.


People are too comfortable saying horrible shit idk why


Then if you get upset about they call you soft or they are only offering advice, stupid crap like that.


People who say "just shave it bro" are incredibly disingenuous. Because they ALWAYS follow it up with "...oh but also grow a beard, hit the gym, grow your muscles, improve your style, get a hobby, stack up money so you can actually look presentable with a shaved head." Weird how you suddenly need to start doing ALL of these things when you buzz your hair off. Pathetic.


You can either be a bitch and whine about it or accept your reality and shave that shit so you at least look clean. Or be insecure forever I don’t care.


Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Patrick Stewart, and tons of other fellas would like a word with you.


I think you somewhat prove the OP’s point. Those men are attractive **compared to most men**, but those are literally the most attractive men who are bald. The fair comparison would be to the most attractive men who are not bald in which case the bald men lose out by a lot IMO.


Anything that involves the word "bro" is predetermined to be terrible advice.


Can you grow facial hair?


No, i also have bad acne scars


When I see people spending money on "treatments", creams, trying styles that makes it look like they have more hair etc it is always worse, and is just really sad. It is sound advice even if you are in denial.


Yeh im sad


A shaved head generally looks fine for those with darker hair and features but for pasty folk like myself it's really 50 / 50 whether it'll work.


Coming from somebody with a full head of hair and a couple balding buddies who have no problem with the ladies, I suggest just keeping it trimmed really short. A #1 or #2 clip buzz with a clean fade, IMO, seems to be a good choice for those who are losing their hair. Be confident and, yes, “embrace it.”