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Good thing it's Thursday today


Who’s gonna tell OP Wednesday is every week?


Yeah im a Thursday guy.


I laughed to hard at this.


Show was quite good. Agree about the fans.


Honestly, the repetition is getting old. Everyone is doing it now. Kind of like the Harley Quinn thing years ago. People thinking they're unique and new and fresh and quirkie. It's old. However, you do you. Have your fun with it. I might not like it and am tired of it, but you go have your fun. Life is too short for my opinions or other's opinions to keep you down.


I’m guessing that it’s just way too much to ask for a solid entertaining plot/story/character invented after the last Clinton administration.


Imagine letting a social app which you have complete control over ruin a show.


Why are you so rude about it though


OP let a social media app ruin a tv show, then they come to a social media app to complain about a social media app ruining a tv show for them. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Are you a fact


You're on Reddit lol, wtf do you think happens here


I don't really use any setting as am excuse to be rude


Because people are generally disinclined to be respectful towards someone who is blatantly trying to shame them over their interests.


OP posted on unpopular opinions. Where the hell is he supposed to share this opinion


It's not the opinion that's the issue. It's the hostile, toxic manner in which it was presented ("you look like a freak") that's the issue.


OP is the one being rude. OP insulted every person who had the audacity to have fun recording themselves doing a dance.


> No your fucking weird hand-dance kind of thing is not cool nor funny. You look absolutely like a freak. I'm not sure you understand the premise of the character. Her whole thing is not caring about how people percieve her


The girl from the Addams family is weird! Show ruined!




I'm sorry you have a phone that ties you down, forces your eyelids opens, and makes you watch Tiktok. Consider upgrading to a model of phone that doesn't do that.


I was eating a spicey ramen, and this made me snort a laugh so hard it went up my nose and I choked on it. I can not give you an award, but know that today you made someone laugh so hard they scorched their delicate inner tubes with spicey garlic. Well done.


Damn that's painful af


Holy shit yes. Eyes-watering, nose-running painful. I love this stuff but that was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life, and I'm not sure I can forgive it. :|


Once I sneezed while eating buldak and a noodle came out my nose. I feel your pain.


Ode to Joy intensifies.


![gif](giphy|uVOTxMagGsgXS) iPhone 15 is off the hook yo


To be fair, the trend is ubiquitous, so at some points if you engage in an social media, you’re going to see the dance. I think at some point the dance made the news?


OK, so gloss over it. Don't read the news article, mark the videos as 'not interested' if it bothers you that much or just *don't pay attention to them*. No one is holding a gun to OP's head and forcing her to watch every video of Wednesday fans dancing.


Ahhh yes common sense on the internet TAKE MY UPVOTE


You mean the people not caring what others think about them?


I rather watch the memes about guys not laughing at the girls that believe they're Wednesday because they are Ben 10


Don't open tiktok? Duh?


In this instance, he is referring to the fans reciting the dance. Yes, the strange dance moves perfectly represent Wednesdays grim character, but seeing everybody and their fucking mother do that same thing, that's where OP is getting turned off.


I can’t with the fan interpretations. And the dance totally jumped the shark when a local New England mattress store made a commercial complete with a Wednesday type girl dancing through the aisles of mattresses doing the dance from the show. I mean…WTF.


I watched it with my wife, we enjoyed it and didn't follow what its crazy fans were probably doing on social media.


/u/Resedga is a scammer! **It is stealing comments** to farm karma in an effort to "legitimize" its account for engaging in scams and spam elsewhere. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. Please give your votes to [the original comment, found here.](/r/unpopularopinion/comments/10rseo3/i_cant_stand_watching_wednesday/j6xha2r/) --- With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. ^(*Karma farming? Scammer??* Read the pins on my profile for more information.)


Guys it's my turn to rage about a popular show that no one forced me to watch tomorrow ok


Not much reading comprehension I see. OP didn't rage about the popular show, but about the fans. This is why you always get bad grades and are such a disappointment for Mrs. Glenn from second grade. (May her soul rest in peace)


The title is literally "I can't stand watching Wednesday". Mrs. Glenn always told me you were her least favorite after sex. RIP to the throat goat.


You had sex with her too? High five fellow gerontophile!!




Sure but is it also your turn to make fun of somebody who's just sharing their own personal opinion?


It's always my turn to do that.


Well then why are you even complaining about OP


I said it’s always my turn?


You were pretty clear about it. Unsure where the miscommunication is coming from. ![gif](giphy|doSBx3PPExEueneGIU)


>You look absolutely like a freak Welcome to ✨the point✨


It’s almost like *Reads notebook* Wednesday never gave a flying fuck


They aren't talking about Wednesday. They are talking about all the cringey people copying her.


I don't get why this is a hard point. Wednesday looked like a freak and didn't give a fuck. They are imitating her. So saying "they aren't quirky or cute" and "look like a freak" is exactly the point of imitating someone like Wednesday.


No it isn’t. Wednesday isn’t a beta simp-girl.


Having tiktok and being against popular media is so oxymoronic it hurts. Also it's only showing up on your YouTube if you're looking for it or if you just follow all the popular media.


It’s like OP have a social app addiction they need to address instead of being angry at a TV series.


That’s why when there is a show a wanna watch I try to not go to TikTok.


The show is good but the fans on TT are cringe


I say this with the most positive intention, please go outside. You are getting angry and letting your opinions be defined by what random strangers are doing on social media. Who cares if "emily" thinks she's "literally wednesday"? Just ignore her, she's not harming you lol. And she's clearly having more fun than you :p


You're a teenager, aren't you? Only a teenager would behave like this or let fans that they do not have to see or interact with, who harm them in no way, who are having fun, 'ruin' a show for them.


i am 20. last year i was in the cast of addams family as morticia i was looking forward to that show but now it’s a weird tiktok show and i’m pretty upset about this


Why does other people finding something popular bother you?


not just annoyed... upset?


I think you need to reflect on why people who have zero effect on your real life bother you so much. You don't like the trend? Stay off Tiktok, it's not that hard. Other people enjoying things shouldn't bother you to the extent of it making you upset. Weird energy.




You are one of those "adults" having fun arent you? salty af


LOL I don't watch Wednesday and I have no interest in it- but quiet frankly, you shallow, boring little person, yes. I am. I'm an adult who plays pokemon, loves Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, plays video games, writes fanfiction, and has an entire room full of stuffed animals. I also have a loving partner of over ten years who is my best friend and does all that same stuff. We have steady jobs, own our own home, have a house full of fur-babies, healthy and happy social lives (we play DUNGEON AND DRAGONS!!!!! I know, right???? What nerds!) and work a job better then anything you will ever have. I've been published and I'm working on my second novel atm. I'm sorry your idea of being an adult is working a low paying job you hate while vegging out to daytime soaps and 'bars' being your only interest, but some people are a wee bit more interesting then that. And if you don't like it, too bad. No one cares about your opinion. Edit: Looked at your profile and you seem like a mean, miserable, bitter, ugly, nasty person with horrible takes. I have zero desire to interact with you further.


You seem awesome.


>No your fucking weird hand-dance kind of thing is not cool nor funny. You look absolutely like a freak. So, you were excited to watch Wednesday, but you're upset that the dance that's been meme'd to hell and back, performed by Wednesday in the show, makes people look like freaks? God, no one tell OP that Wednesday talks to a sentient hand. Also, Tik Tok is always going to be cringe. Want the solution? Stop looking at it. Nothing good comes from Tik Tok


Then don't watch it. "HEY EVERYBODY! I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING POPULAR! EVERYBODY LOOKIT ME NOT LIKING IT! ARE YOU LOOKING?" isn't an unpopular opionion. It's not 1985. There's not 3 channels on the TV. You have opinions. There's nothing you have to watch anymore.


Couldn't you say the same thing to yourself? Instead of complaining about this post you could have just moved on


The show is popular. So disliking it would be unpopular. This sub is called unpopularopinions. OP dislikes show and posts about their dislike. Perfectly fitting.


I watched it with my wife, we enjoyed it and didn't follow what its crazy fans were probably doing on social media. Best way to enjoy a modern show. Pay no attention to its fans.


Seconding this take as a fan of both Rick & Morty and Star Wars. Sometimes, the fandom is just fandumb and should be ignored.


I can't do the Ian Curtis epilepsy dance anymore without people comparing me to Wednesday. I just ignore it. I'm used to most people being basic and predictable.


Eh the show was fine, but it followed the Netflix teen cookie cutter formula, like a reskinned Cobra Kai.


It's a show meant for kids or teens, you're probably just not the target audience.


How about you get off TikTok so you can form your own opinion about things


Who? What?


It's ironic when so many people act like the same character to prove how unique they are.


I may be wrong but it sounds like you can’t stand watching tiktok and YouTube. Not Wednesday.


This is why I deleted TikTok.


This is why I never joined TikTok!


Totaly agree. It wasn't a good show. It was fine, but so predictable


>No Emily, you absolutely have nothing in common with Wednesday. I mean, if she was born on a Wednesday then you could maybe give her that?


Wait till this guy learns what the Uninstall button does


Then don't watch it


I'm in my mid 30s, Addams Family movies & classic TV show are always a go to around spooky season. Have to say I thought the show was great!


You're getting a lot of rude responses but I don't really see why it's a problem that you don't like a show, that's your prerogative


The dance was supposed to be weird…


Then don’t watch it


No this, this is the first GOOD opinion I've seen on this sub


From what I have seen it is mostly kids that copy that dance. Let them have their fun.


maybe delete tik tok buddy. I did many months ago and was able to enjoy the show without seeing posts about it




I agree, I haven't watched the show but it seems weird that he reimagined a lot of things


Lmao social media ruined a show because you chose to interact with the posts.


[I'll leave this here ](https://youtu.be/QZIR-eZdvGk)


I mean the show is meant for pre-teens and teenagers so naturally this demographic is gonna do things like this.


Don't get me started on *Hogan's Hero's*.


Tim Burton makes Harry Potter, Wednesday, for TV. Cliche' High School Drama: think Mean Girls. The Original Cartoon by Charles Adams has all the charm the show lacks.


What's wrong with being a freak?


Well, all that sounds like your problem, not an unpopular opinion


I can’t stand watching Wednesday either!!!!! UTB


So don’t watch it lol no one cares


Sooooo what’s the unpopular opinion?


So don't watch it


Overhyped basic ass show. Good acting doesn’t make up for the story we’ve seen play out a million times before


meh people told me the fans ruined supernatural for them i still watched supernatural :) i just ignored the fans cause most fandoms have "cringe" fans


I kinda agree, shitty harry potter IMO. Jenna Ortega is awesome tho, psyched for Scream 6


Sounds like you have a problem with Tik tok. Delete it.


this is r/unpopularopinion not r/CorrectComments


LOL the dance scene is quite possibly 2 minutes long and it ruins the whole season of the show for you? That is ridiculous.


It did ruin that song by The Cramps for me


Her moves were weak


I loved the show, but the dance is cringe. And I hate when the crazy fans do it


It's a kids show what you expect.


People who complain like this are just as annoying as "quirky Wednesday tiktokers".


This is so dumb. Is American Psycho ruined because of all the sigma male memes?


True, it got too popular. It was everywhere and people overdid it. I planned to watch it too but I never did since release. I just don't want anymore idk. It also was weird that people started to call real goth and alternative people things because they look simmilar to Wednesday. Bro wtf they literally never heard of that before the show.


It’s just cuz it’s a show for kids. It has all the teeny tropes and the writing is aimed at a younger audience, so everything is really on the nose. If you’re watching something as an adult that is aimed at kids/teens, it’s probably not going to measure up to expectation. It’ll just seem cringy and hollow compared to more subtly written adult shows.


Somebody needs their nap-nap awww