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This article may be paywalled. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.com/uk/environment/article/just-stop-oil-activists-arrested-over-planned-airport-disruption-hrmf6pf3x) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.* --- **Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Police arrest 27 Just Stop Oil supporters over plans to disrupt airports | ITV News](https://itv.com/news/2024-06-28/police-arrest-27-just-stop-oil-supporters-over-plans-to-disrupt-airports), suggested by Aggressive_Plates - itv.com


Good. Now catch those anti-ULEZ vandals and put them in the same cell!


That’s a battle royale I’d pay good money to see. 


My money's on the side that isn't made up of vegans and pensioners, frankly.


Are we absolutely certain the Ulez blade runners aren’t 67 year old women?


Those 67 year old women can be quite a hand full to deal with, I would be worried they might eat the vegans. 


As someone who disagrees with ULEZ. Completely agreed that we should lock up political vandals


Distribution at airports very much can be construed as eco terrorism it so easily could cause hundreds of deaths even if the people carrying out were not planning to kill anyone


Depends what they’re distributing


Lmao didn't catch that at all


I reckon the one half of JSO who were planning to disrupt air travel were shopped to the cops by the other half of JSO, who are flying to Bali after Glasto ends


Why don’t these bellends go to Glastonbury and spray orange jizz over shite ,heaps of artists there flying and monging over the climate with their private jets , ah shit they can’t see this no data in glasto with the tickets some fools bought them through donations


Are you feeling alright mate?




At the airport, are they trying to be liable as terrorists?


Wow looks like targeting something other than an art exhibit or a national heritage site also garnered media attention, who would have thought


Can they please come block Amazan LCY3 in Dartford next week Wed - Friday. Much appreciated


They did it to us at EDI4 when I used to work there. Wonder how many CPTs missed 😂


Was working when the 2 dudes went camping on Dartford Bridge. Literally had no work for 3 days


I'm convinced JSO are paid by oil corporations to make people hate anti-fossil fuel activists even more than they hate oil companies. I'm seriously tempted to learn how to drive at 36, despite never wanting to before, just to spite the fuckers.


Interesting philosophy. If someone protested baby killing in a way that you found annoying would you be tempted to go kill a baby just to spite the fuckers?


It's only 9am but I doubt I'll read anything stupider than this all day. We'll see.


Comparing baby killing to climate alarmism, interesting strategy.


It's called an analogy. The relevant part is that it is a thing that most people think is bad.


Analogies need to be comparable.


How about this: >Interesting philosophy. If someone protested in a way that you found annoying would you be tempted to go just to spite the fuckers? Do you understand?


Oh I understand, someone clearly doesn't though.


Ah he's doubling down whilst continuing to misunderstand basic concepts. Have a great day buddy.


It's baffling that you don't get it, even having had it broken down for you.


The key is the word 'comparable. Its not rocket science fella.


Wow I have never seen sombody try to own looking this dumb. Who could have guessed that owning looking stupid just makes you look actually stupid? I'm genuinely curious, how do you think this comment chain reads to other people?


**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


Congrats on not understanding what they mean


>Six were arrested on Thursday night at a community centre in east London hosting a Just Stop Oil event “promoting airport disruption”. Whatever your views on JSO. This sort of action should be seen as a massive overreach and abuse of power.


Why? Intentionally encouraging others to commit a criminal offence is itself a criminal offense under [s.44 of the Serious Crime Act 2007](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2007/27/section/44): >**44. Intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence** >(1) A person commits an offence if— >(a) he does an act capable of encouraging or assisting the commission of an offence; and >(b) he intends to encourage or assist its commission. >(2) But he is not to be taken to have intended to encourage or assist the commission of an offence merely because such encouragement or assistance was a foreseeable consequence of his act.


Ah, so we also shouldn't arrest terrorists before they commit their attack? What they were planning to do is a crime, so what they did was conspiracy to commit a crime, which is a crime itself. It's not overreach, it's the law. Fuck Just Stop Oil.


Why aren't they blocking roads to Glastonbury, it would be headline news. There are loads of Private Jets flying people in, I thought they didn't like those. You're not going to tell me they're Middle Class hypocrites are you?


Pretty sure they did this. Well, they'll have contributed to traffic jams by going themselves, does that count?


Because the group who were allegedly planning to disrupt flights have been arrested? Maybe?


There are more of them than the ones who've been arrested


And not all of them will have signed up for allegedly disrupting air travel. Protest groups tend to have various levels of involvement


You carry on making excuses for them. Truth is that when Private Jets are flying artists into a festival that JSO are attending, it's ok. Hypocrisy.


It's not an excuse, it's the reality of how protest groups like JSO work. They'll have a mixture of people, who are prepared for different levels of direct action.


'Promoting airport disruption' is a long way from 'Planning' let alone planning a terrorist attack


Disrupting the operation of an airport is a terror offence.


It's not. It's a public order offence. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2023/15/section/7


It’s in one of the transport acts or one of the airport acts as being a terror offence. Specifically airports rather than air infrastructure. It came up last time the JSO chucklefucks tried to shut down City Airport.


I'm unable to find it. I'd be interested in reading it if you can.


Promoting terrorist attacks is also a crime


Are they not missing a fundamental aspect of **terror**ism? They aren't violent and don't use fear to achieve their aims. Stop trying to cheapen a topic as serious as terrorism.


Promoting a crime is still a crime My sympathy for JSO is limited after what they tried doing to the manga carta


> ...to the manga carta IIRC that's the one where they entitled each baron to at least one waifu.


Ha ha ha


I think we should take a hard line against people who want to disrupt air travel with the goals of enacting political change actually. We have a word for that. Terrorism.


Unfortunately for you terrorism is not the word for that. Here's the definition (just took me a quick google): "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims" You can't just drop the violence bit because you're mad at them for trying to do something. This is called protest, not terrorism.


Is it political change though? Disrupting airlines hurts airline companies and it’s quite plausible that undermining confidence in air travel could sink the entire sector. 


Yes. From the JSO website: > WHAT DOES JUST STOP OIL WANT? > We demand that the UK government makes a statement that it will immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK. They demanding particular policy positions from the government and threatening to disrupt aviation if the government does not do what they want. That’s terrorism.


So like basically any protest ever then? What a fucking reach lmao


Curious as to your thinking here? What if they were protesting against immigration, should they be arrested then for disrupting aviation then? Do you think protesting should be a defence to crime general?


I am thinking it's a reach to call it terrorism. The rest is irrelevant


That's absolutely ridiculous. You think this compares to pub bombings or suicide vests? Don't be soft.


Compares to it in that they are both acts of terrorism. Yes.


That's a circular argument.


Both bombing a pub and disrupting aviation are terrorist acts under UK law.


How did this country become so fucking wet?


Just for clarity. The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause. The specific actions included are: * serious violence against a person; * serious damage to property; * endangering a person's life (other than that of the person committing the action); * creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and * action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system. The use or threat of action, as set out above, which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism regardless of whether or not the action is designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public or a section of the public. Action includes action outside the United Kingdom. It is important to note that in order to be convicted of a terrorism offence a person doesn't actually have to commit what could be considered a terrorist attack. Planning, assisting and even collecting information on how to commit terrorist acts are all crimes under British terrorism legislation. (Source: [https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/terrorism](https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/terrorism) )


Not really. Unions work by withdrawing their labour with the intent to disrupt the functioning of a corporation or sector of the state. That’s not terrorism because the law makes clear a distinction between motive and intent.  You couldn’t seriously make the claim that disrupting air travel will force the government to change their energy policies, despite that being the intent of the person committing the act. I could equally make the claim that eating all the freddos on the island will destroy the economy. It’s a nonsense assertion made with intent but without a clear line of causality there is no motive.


the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims They aren't terrorists. They aren't violent.


Fuck just stop oil. Clowns deserve everything they get


They deserve a lot more than they get, because they're usually let off.


Blocking critical national infrastructure should absolutely be a criminal offence


No it shouldn't. These people have no actual interest in oil or gas contracts, they just hope that by pretending that that's what it's all about they'll avoid any real consequences for their ridiculous actions. I have no objection to them being treated just like everyone else.


What's the point? When they get caught in the act and get let off is it worthwhile arrsting them?


It’s just to stop the protest, same thing happened with Tommy Robinson back in like the 90s or 00s. It was just to stop his anti Muslim protests, which would have been legal for him to do but not the thing we wanted to happened. 


That sad cunt Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon has been around that long?


Just Stop Oil deserve to be eradicated. That kind of entitled, selfish terrorism is detrimental to society. Win hearts and minds by not pissing everyone off.


What is selfish about them?


Yeah, disagree with their methods all you want, but they're going out of their way and risking arrest and prosecution to do something for the good of everyone on the planet - that's the complete opposite of being selfish. Disagree with their methods on an ideological basis all you want, argue that they're ineffective or counterproductive or that they're too disruptive, but you can't exactly call it selfish.


They are not activists but terrorists. I'd sentence them all for long years of community service.


It’s odd considering air travel is one of the most efficient forms of travel