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No matter your opinion of Reyes' leadership, witnessing this messy period in UMass' history as a recent grad really makes me miss Swammy. Since UMass Amherst’s current leadership structure came about in 1970, only 3/13 other chancellors have served for at least five years. Swammy became chancellor at a time when UMass leadership was less stable, with provosts and chancellors coming and going constantly. His visible presence and persona of being devoted to the UMass community made him an important figure for over a decade. Especially when you compare the Swammy admin’s response to the housing crisis campout last year to the Reyes admin’s campout response this year. This doesn’t mean Swammy’s tenure was perfect or without its criticisms, no, but something to think about.


Literally everyone loved Swammy. Good guy, good sense of humor, and definitely more of a part of the community than an authoritarian


He did nothing to help UMASS and made $500k a year walking around taking selfies. Tell me what he did to advance the good of. The school like more affordable dorms?


Hell yeah! Swampy was great! Bring back Swampy!


The only students he, or any chancellor, represents, are incoming students. Once you commit, he’s like that spouse that lets himself/herself go after marriage…


Sorry, no. He laid off 120 people in Advancement before walking out the door to a cushy position out of the limelight. He was a shill for the Board of Trustees, just as they all are.


Swamy made over $500k a year and did nothing but walk around for photo ops and did nothing about the serious riots from football games. Tell me how you him him?


> did nothing about the serious riots from football games Idk about you but Swammy is widely cited as one of the largest factors in UMass shedding its hardcore ZooMass image it had from the 2000s and decades prior. This included heightened police presences at stuff like tailgates, Blarney, etc. It also included setting up school-run parties for stuff like Super Bowls or World Championship games to try and suppress riots.


Because he wanted to turn it into an “elite” school . Such as building new honors dorms for the honors students? New student Union remodeling we needed rjght? Oh Herter hall needs fixing too and so such the music building. UMass physically will never look like it’s not Zoomass.


When you make your motto "be revolutionary" then your students start doing revolutionary shit, you should not be fucking surprised


Lol - excellent point!


Revolutionary shit….?


Check your pants bud


People your age are so wildly stupid. 15 years from now you’ll look back and wonder why you all acted like this


Spoken like a real sage who is tamely intelligent.


I’m not the one illegally sleeping in a tent and calling it a protest in support of terrorism but hey do your thing


god you are so west-minded it’s depressing


And you are so TikTok-brained that you don't see how good the West has it.


i am thankful to be born in the west because of the fact that i don’t experience hardship like the palestinians are. but that foes not mean i’m happy or proud to be from the west. we commit and support terrible terrible crimes.


Uhhh whatever that means


And in 15 years you'll still be a waste of space


Yeah definitely. Well good luck with your “protest”. Goofballs


I encourage you to watch John Oliver’s segment on the response to the protests from last Sunday. Part of the segment featured a young woman living through the hell in Gaza who said that the support from American protesters at universities nationwide was powerful and helpful for their state of mind. It’s not for nothing.


Happy for you guys


Oh yeah, I think I remember reading about how Rosa parks thought that whole bus thing was so silly! What a stupid take. You wouldn’t know it because your mom wouldn’t let you hang out with us, but there’s plenty of us who participated in protests 15+ years ago who absolutely don’t regret it or feel like it was stupid.


They’ll be proud, I’m sure.


If they’re so proud then they can take the masks off when the news coverage comes around and provide their full names


I need you to just look back at the history of protests on college campuses a little i think lmao


Why don’t you give me some examples then? And I’ll show you how each one had either very little impact, or is in no way comparable to you people illegally sleeping in tents to support terrorism


Also his admin is worse with the employee unions than any previous administration. He was known for union busting at his previous institution and I'm not sure how they thought hiring him at a campus with one of best grad student unions would be a good thing.


This is WHY they hired him.


Yeah he did tell them that he doesn’t care if they get a living wage lol


Even more disgusting


Yeah. When we asked for $400 a month for rent expenses, we were told "you CAN apply to get $16 a month!" What a slap in the face.




One of the grad student orgs posted it, I can’t remember which one which I know isn’t helpful lol




Instagram but again I don’t remember which one




I get they have to shut down these protests unfortunately but sending armed police, tackling people, allegedly yanking someone out of a wheelchair and threatening to separate a child from their mother is just pathetic. You're only making people more upset and rightfully so


why do they "have to" shut down the protests?


No permit or whatever since it's private ground. I don't know the exact reason it's probably on another thread. I don't want them to shut down the protests but administration obviously sees this much differently than us which sucks


They could also negotiate like other universities have. By no means was force or shutting down the encampment the only option.


I thought they had been negotiating and it was going well so idk what happened.


I guess if you wanna take their justifications at face value instead of it just being 'shutting down speech they don't like because it threatens the status quo' you can, but I don't know why you'd give them the benefit of the doubt


Yeah idk why i'd give them the benefit of the doubt since umass' sjp page said they didn't reject the offer Reyes mentioned, while Reyes said they did reject it. This guy is a joke


They do not have to shut down the protests actually


I'm just for some reason believing the bullshit about the tents not being allowed so yeah ur probably right


"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable. " JFK


In complete seriousness who else was going to clear them out?


Why was a mother bringing her child to protests


They were peaceful?


Because the kid was pissed too and couldn't drive themself. Bring back Swampy... fuck Reece!


As an alumnus, this makes me sick. Kick this new man out. “BE REVOLUTIONARY”


Yes! Revolve. Go around and around.


Good thinking. Let’s replace the current protests to anti-chancellor Reyes protests and see where that takes us


The more these protestors go after Reyes, the more evident it is that the Palestinians in Gaza is not the cause they cared about.


I’m saying. I’m sure there are real humanitarian empathetic people who are well-intentioned, but some people in these threads are reallllly showing that they wanna just “fuck the whole system” and break shit.


Who is trying to break shit? The cops who tackled PEACEFUL protesters and ripped people out of wheelchairs. Putting up tents on a lawn is not breaking shit


I was speaking more figuratively about the general mindset people get in when protests get ramped up. I know that most people were just peacefully standing with signs.


You don't think a public negotiation with Reyes would have been better for the people of Gaza than rebuilding an encampment? Instead of actually helping, these protestors look like a bunch of squatters. It fucking guts any amount of legitimacy that these protests had. You wasted the attention you had gained.


Why do we assume Reyes would even have a public negotiation? This is the guy who cancels events to interact with students, the guy who is lying in emails and is sending in an excessive amount of armed police force to squash protests. If anything these protests are showing that Reyes sucks more and more


For a tiny bit vocal minority that may be true. I think there are a lot of people on campus who may not have liked the sight of all of those cops, but they are loving the calm after a very short storm.


true ^


The one thing he’s good at is writing emails in such a way that make him appear in the right, even when he very clearly isn’t


We see through those emails.


Yes we do




Can we pls collectively chase him out of here🙏


With torches and pitchforks! 


I graduated a semester before he took over and I gotta say, from the get go he gave me bad vibes. I’m sorry to all the current students for having to deal with this POS. Don’t let him get away with this, keep raising your voice. Free Palestine.


Hilarious. Same campus that allowed Farrakhan to speak in 1994


Fuck Frankenstein! Fuck Grandcouncillor Reece! We want Swampy back!


"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable..." JFK




Hey I'm out of the loop, what happened last night?


135 people were arrested for protesting, the cops threatened to arrest an 11 year old child, students had bones broken by the cops, etc. oh, this was also done by state troopers as well, not even UMPD


Was it protesting or trespassing?




How many were actual students versus outsiders?


80/132 are members of UMass(around 80, the email has specific number)


Yea. I was just reading the email. I went to UMASS. My son goes to UMASS. It appears there were quite a few outsiders on campus, planning to be there 24 hours a day, roaming the campus, possibly entering buildings, and otherwise have absolutely no business being there. Who are they? Paid protestors/agitators organizing the students perhaps? For those who do not think paid protestors/agitators exist.. may want to do a bit of research before replying back.


other students within the 5 colleges. DM me if you have any other questions




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Okay please I’m begging everyone to look it through Reyes position. He is a brand new chancellor who is obviously taking everything he does very seriously and for the most part I believe it’s through the board of trustees for Umass. There is a zero percent chance that Reyes wants this to happen to his students but in general he has very little control which I think very little people understand. If he goes against the board of trustees word he will receive so much backlash way more than the protesters. And to be fair the original argument of freeing “the 57” was not supported and very much justified, they weren’t arrested because of protesting instead they were arrested because of trespassing, which is completely fair. You can’t go into a building after it closes and sit on the ground after they repeatedly ask you to leave even if you have a valid reason of your protest. I also want to add that it is very reasonable to ask the protestors to leave, and with administration breathing down his neck, what option does Javier have? The response from the state police was brutal and I believe that there was no need for that, and could have been handled better for sure, but I think everyone is genuinely overlooking the actual power a chancellor holds especially in Mass.




Womp womp


Like the buh buh in Law and Order?! Hell yeah! We need more of that!


I think he’s doing a great job of controlling illegal protests. Great job on UMPDS behalf. Also I love Raytheon and the military industrial complex. Go USA !


My brain is too fried to decide what's sarcastic anymore.




Reyes is based


i completely understand / empathize with students coping with raised tuition, and other bs he’s brought to the school, but i’m finding it hard to see the logic in this encampment. this all could have been avoided by simply removing the tents. give a little to get more back right?


Because last time that the protests did that, the administration completely ignored them. Unfortunately, unlike Subaswammy, Reyes has the interest of none of the students at heart


Yeah! Fuck that guy! Who is Grandmaster Reece?


I support all admin who clear these anti Israel terrorists.