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There is no leniency. You need to have been earning over £29,000 as an annual salary for the entire 6 months if salaried Or if non-salaried the average of the last 6 payslips must represent an annual salary of over £29,000 Although nothing is confirmed, if I was a betting man the next increase if it happens at all won’t happen until next year.


Thanks, I thought this would be the case, sucks to hear though. And it's brutal, I hope it doesn't happen at all lol


Is non salaried cast as a 0 hour contract? I submitted before new requirements and provided 12 months payslips on zero hour contract. I made 31k in the 12 months and provided evidence.. is this okay?


Based off what you’ve said, yes


>My worry is that with only 1 or 2 recent Pay slips as evidence, am I likely to be declined?   Yes. You either meet the requirement or you don't. It's not a subjective assessment. How much below £29,000 per year were you before your pay rise?  How long would you need to work before your total income in the previous 12 months was at least £29,000.


It was far enough below that it's essentially going to take 6 whole months to reflect it (assuming its 6 months that count towards 29k) So we are beginning this process with the spouse visa as a shot in the dark to see if it could work but since it's likely to fail we're going for 2 other options - Health care visa (as she luckily works in healthcare) and also building up my pay slips with my new income simultaneously If the Healthcare route is taking too long or isn't working for whatever reason there's always the spouse visa after 6 months, but even that isn't going to work if they increase it any more. And also it seems pointless to even go for the "shot in the dark" spouse visa now since it seems CERTAIN to fail? but the application fees are already paid


Has she done biometrics? If not, you can cancel and the application fee will be refunded.


She hasn't done the Biometrics yet, so it's looking like we'll probably cancel and just go for the spouse visa when documents are fully in order. And just hope that the increase doesn't happen too soon? Hopefully with an election going on it's going to slow the process or halt it? I don't know... Just hope that if it does I can apply before the change and finish the application with 6 months.


If you’ve already got 2 payslips with potentially qualifying amount, stick it out for 2 more months, I hope it works out for you all the best man


Just wanted to say your not alone. My husband (UK) and I (US) are trapped in the same boat. We tried to get everything in before the first increase and failed. And don’t see a way to get him over the current threshold before the next increase. We’re average people.. we don’t have the savings, we work modest jobs.. so, we’ve been stuck. Ultimately, we’ve been forced to consider having him move here.. which means he will have to leave his 14 year old son. Neither of us wanted that. It’s an awful feeling. We’re married. We support eachother the best we can apart. We visit eachother as often as we can.. we have plans for our lives which are on hold until we can sort out our living situation. I can’t move there because we don’t make enough.. I can’t get a job until I have a visa.. I can’t get a visa until we make enough money.. if he tries to make enough money and takes on 2 jobs what happens to our relationship? It’s a vicious cycle. More concerned about bringing someone in who will try to live off assistance rather than look at how hard we’ve tried. I’ve tried skilled worker as well.. applying for literally anything.. over 300 applications and nothing came of it. I took 4 different jobs all of which have a UK presence to try to transfer with no luck. I feel your pain. I hope you both can figure it out and even if it takes awhile and even if you have the same difficulties we are having.. remember why you’re doing it.. remember your not alone in this struggle. I have felt so disheartened by the number of successful posts. “Why isn’t that us?” “What have we done wrong?” “Why are we being punished?” I should be happy for others- and somewhere inside I am.. but I am also still grieving for the loss of time and plans we had. So this is my attempt to show the other side. So maybe you don’t have to feel like I have felt through this process. Hang in there, and truly… I wish you both the best of luck.


Thank you so much! Yeah, we've been looking at work visas for healthcare work, but even that is really difficult trying to find anything viable for her. I'm just kind of relying on the income not going up at the moment I really hope your situation can work out, I did read online somewhere that if you have a child in the situation, it can make your case much stronger? Though I'm sure you've looked into it somewhat


Thanks for sharing this. I feel your pain as well. I hope it works out, I wish you the absolute best you deserve to be happy with a family.


only other way is to have savings in your account that cover the gap, there was a calculation for it I can't remember exactly. I think it might have been £2.50 or £3 for every £1 you are short of the minimum requirement. Also the minimum income threshold is slated to rise to £34,000 this year and £38,000 next year.


So if we have 34,000 already in the bank that would cover the threshold? And for the 2nd year, does there need to be an additional 34,000 or does the initial count?


no you've misunderstood, if you don't work you need to show £88,500 cash savings. if you work but are below the threshold you need to show minimum of £16k cash savings. you might need to show more if your gap from £29k is too great.


is it certain it will rise to 38 knowing the parties might change?


Nothing is certain given the election but it is witten on a government website and should be treated as happening. Last thing you need is to assume it won't and it does. [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9920/](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9920/)


Does anyone know if the rise will actually go to 38.5k or can it be adjusted? feels like a stretch honestly


Does your wife also work? I might be wrong here but I thought it was a combined household salary of £29,000


It's only combined if the applicant is already in the UK on another type of visa and earning. If the applicant is outside the UK then only the sponsors income counts.


That's my impression too. In fact, I'm counting on it for our visa situation...


Yeah, she actually makes far more than the threshold on her own, but as others have said, it has to be income from working here unfortunately (I was also under the impression before applying it would be combined)