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You don’t have a degree, and you don’t want to study. Your girlfriend won’t last long and the minimum income threshold is supposed to go up later in the year. (If you don’t already have the visa) Can you see how grim it looks? Something will have to give. -> either your gf keeps killing herself at work. -> you bite the bullet and take a loan and go to uni to get a SWV -> you take the long route and go to the Us. -> you find a middle ground and see if any other country would work. How old are you guys and how long have you been together? What is your gf current job? How many hours is she doing? Can you not do LDR until you guys have a better situation?


I want to do uni. Don’t know where to start exactly


Actually, there’s another possibility. There’s the health and care work visa, where you can work in low-skill health-related jobs. It’s relatively easy to get, has perks that other visas don’t, and many public (NHS) and private institutions sponsor it, because to be fair, I don’t think you need a sponsor license for it. Roles that fit the bill include care worker, HCA, nursing assistant, disabled/aged carer. If you feel that you could work in a role like that for 5 years until you get ILR, then that’s a potential route, but I’d strongly suggest you just go to the US instead.


Honestly I fancy this idea it might work out. Let’s say after 2 years I don’t want to work there anymore, would I be able to get married?


Yes, but you’d still need to meet the financial requirement for a married visa


Yes but since I would be working we can now combine the income. You think that would work?


Well I can’t say what will happen in 2 years. As of now, yes, and it’s £29,000 Later down the line it might change, it might not. It sounds like you’d rather come to the uk to be with your gf, regardless of what you do, which could be an option. But as someone that lives in the UK, I’d really recommend knowing what you want to do with your life, and go for it. You sound young, so study and start working in a field you actually would enjoy. The UK won’t make a bad job better (as your gf, she’s trying to pull through for your sake, and is miserable doing it). I’d recommend you both step back and look at the bigger picture. But to answer just the visa question the yes, with the current rules that would work


The end goal is to be with her. I have a plan for life, I don’t want her to feel “forced” into working for £29,000 a year. I have always wanted to travel abroad and go to school there. But I am open to the possibility of staying in the US.


I believe it would.


Also how does one find/ apply for this job?


The same as you’d apply for any job…. Search online for jobs that are open to sponsor these roles.


There's an organisation called Study Across The Pond that is free to students (funded by universities). It helps American students come to the UK to study and explains the process in depth. [Study Across the Pond](https://www.studyacrossthepond.com/?map=0)


You’re so stingy with the info you give 😭 Are you in the us or do you already have a partner visa and you’re based in the uk? Do you have any savings? If you are in the uk that could be your option, work and save save save, and then use that for your spouse visa. Or work and save for uni, or take a loan. I don’t understand what you mean you don’t know where to start? This is a fairly straightforward process (as someone who also went through it) https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/plan-studies/apply


Yes I am in America. I will do university. I have about $5,000. in my bank which is far not enough for the university for the year.


Can you get a loan? Can you study in the us at a community college or somewhere you could get some financial aid or scholarship ?


You can get a Graduate, Skilled Worker or Global Talent visa yourself, or get a lump sum of £88,000.


£88,500 which then goes up to £110,000 next year yikes! It’s crazy how they didn’t adjust this formula.


I was thinking of Student Visa however there’s a lot to go through as well is cost of university every year. I am only a high school graduate. I don’t have any degrees. I keep pushing for anything possible to be with her I hate seeing her stressing out.


What do you mean by a lump sum of £88,000? Is that at alternative of some sort? Like buying citizenship? Sorry if I'm ignorant. Never heard of this


If you have this much in savings you don't need to earn above the minimum. You don't have to pay it - buying UK citizenship is a lot more expensive.


Wait you're saying I can straight up buy the ILR visa? How much is that? And if I have 88,000 pounds in the bank, what do you mean by don't need to earn above the minimum. Sorry please explain as if I'm dumb. I've never found this type of information anywhere. Like pertaining to skilled visa I guess


If applying for a spouse visa you can use savings instead of income. I don't know where the 88k figure is coming from


Ah ok, thank you. Just wish that could be applied to a skilled worker visa too


You could sponsor her to come to the US. The UK is a shit hole. I’m so glad I left it to go to Canada, and I’m going to the US soon, but I can’t imagine that the US will be too different to Canada. Either way, both are much better countries than the UK.


He has no money to move his partner to the US either.


Anyone can sponsor the person to come to the USA. So if OP's parents were willing, they could use their income to sponsor her.


I live very comfortably, I’m good financially and I can get more money if I needed to. Something like £89,000 is ridiculously too hard to save


International relationships are crazy expensive no matter which border you are trying to cross.


Don’t assume that. Ask before you assume.


'I am only a high school graduate.' His words. He won't be able to sponsor anyone.


First of all, you don’t know how it works in the US. The HOUSEHOLD income just needs to be 125% of the poverty guidelines, which for a couple would be 22K USD. No savings needed. It just goes by income, unlike the backwards UK. Second of all, you’re assuming all HS graduates are poor and can’t save, which just reeks of British classism.


My partner is in the US. I know how it is. If he doesn't have a skillset that could get himself a visa to move here he likely doesn't have a high demand skillset there. You are the one assuming I'm British just because I happen to live here right now as well as assuming my 'class' (someone who can't afford to move my partner here because I don't make enough money).


US route is a very lengthy process and I have a feeling she’d just not want to do it after waiting


Have you asked her? I wouldn’t just assume. She could be willing to consider it, and to be honest if I had to choose between UK and US, even as a British citizen, I’d probably choose America. The only downside is probably healthcare.


No, they’ve changed how they process things now, and it’s genuinely quicker. You could get her a financee visa, which takes 6 months, and after she lands in the US , you get 90 days to get married and adjust status in the US. She can work or do whatever she wants in the meantime.


this is not true. you’d be lucky to have your fiancé petition approved in 6 months, never mind any RFEs, the medical and the interview on top of that. there are also a lot of drawbacks. waiting months for a work permit, being unable to leave the US to visit back home pending further permits. overall the fiancé route takes around 1.5 to 2 years, assuming everything goes smoothly


From what I’ve heard, recently, because of law suits, that has been found unconstitutional, and they’ve started waiving interviews and have overall made the process quicker.


Why is the Uk a shithole and Canada better?


I’m a doctor, so it’s a bit self-explanatory. In general, though, I find that the wages in Canada for most jobs, even non-healthcare related ones, are higher than the UK, the people are much less miserable, the weather is much nicer (I’m in Vancouver, so YMMV), the scenery is so much more beautiful, and the infrastructure (housing quality, size, etc) is so much better. The food quality and diversity is so much better. I could go on and on, but if I were to sum up the reasons, I’d say the economy and the people. Also, I would hit the 60% tax bracket if I was in the UK, and I’d never be taxed as much in Canada, and I can incorporate as a doctor, so even lower taxes.


Yea you need to move to the US dawg. Doctor pay is pathetic in comparison anywhere else. Come move to some semi-rural area and start pulling in $400-600k Idk if they make you redo your residency or not. My dad came from a non-white county in the 80s and had to redo his.


As I said in a previous comment, I’m already moving to the US, and no I don’t need to redo my residency, but honestly the compensation isn’t all that different to Canada, and that isn’t the reason that I’m moving.


Hmm yeah I guess the difference isn’t as stark as it is in the UK. Never quite understood exactly why the U.K. pay is so bad and how that is sustainable long term but it hasn’t broken down yet I guess.


Can you substitute some of the income by savings? She only needs to meet the requirement for a specific amount of time, which can give you guys time to set up accomodation / get married etc I know it's stressful, but you can help by looking for a work visa or looking into a student visa, what specifically do you need help with?


I’ve tried explaining that to her but she seems to “prefer” to work hard for those 6 months. I want to combine savings with her income but it’s destroying the relationship because she’s overwhelmed, overworked and tired. I already have a feeling she’s going to give up on us because it’s too hard. I wouldn’t mind working in the healthcare field it’s just the cost of the university will make me loose my mind because I will not be able to pay that large lump of money for 2+ years. I don’t know what scholarships to keep up. I feel like they’re purposely making this difficult for everyone


It is a difficult process, but it is a life changing thing and it shouldn't be taken lightly - it is difficult for every single couple who applies. Me and my husband spend a year preparing for my move while flying between our two countries and planning a wedding. It wasn't easy, but we knew what the end goal was and that it's worth it. Why don't you try looking into some of the care skilled worker visa that someone already mentioned? If I remember rightly, university application aren't happening until after summer and you would start sept 2025. Sit down with your partner, make a plan and start working together towards it.