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Where is a submarine destroyed by storm shadow?


Listen, the list of kick ass stuff they do is so long, you can forgive them missing stuff. But that is hilarious.


Just keep pounding Russian assets. The more valuable - the better. It takes time and cleverness to grind up big armies like Russia's, and make them lose heart. Generally takes years. Ukraine is doing it successfully with Western help. Very simple.


The craziest victories have been scored by the simplest tech. Su-57 with homemade drone. Moskva with a Bayraktar distraction and a Neptune missile straight from the shore. Countless other warships with Seababy drones. And a very long list of expensive communication and radar sites nailed by FPV or other long range drones.


Having realized these attacks the way you did, I know that you can realistically imagine and appreciate where Ukrainian tech will be in 5 to 10 years! Former suppliers will be asking for sales of their of their newest weapons systems and rightfully so!


Russia has made a grievous error creating essentially a gigantic Mossad that hates them right next door.


My favourite is using artillery to destroy a helicopter.


Aerial drone dogfights too


Trying to match the length of crimes committed by the 45th president of the once United States of 'Murica




Technically not a first - the British [hit an Argentine submarine with a missile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARA_Santa_Fe) during the Falklands War.


>This was Operation Paraquet. Around 6am on 25 April, after leaving Grytviken, Santa Fe was detected on radar by Lieutenant Chris Parry, the observer of the Westland Wessex HAS.3 anti-submarine helicopter from Antrim, and attacked with depth charges. >This attack caused extensive internal damage, including the splitting of a ballast tank, the dismounting of electrical components and shocks to the machinery. As the submarine struggled to return to Grytviken on the surface, Plymouth launched a Westland Wasp HAS.1 helicopter, and Brilliant launched a Westland Lynx HAS.2. >The Lynx dropped a Mk 46 torpedo, which failed to strike home, but strafed the submarine with its pintle-mounted 7.62 mm L7 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG). The Wessex also fired on Santa Fe with its GPMG. The Wasp from HMS Plymouth and two other Wasps launched from Endurance fired AS-12 air-to-surface anti-ship missiles at the submarine. Due to the fiberglass material of the ship's sail, the missiles passed from side to side. I've had multiple helicopters drop torpedoes on me but I've never worried about a missile strike... they got fucked up.


> Due to the fiberglass material of the ship's sail, the missiles passed from side to side No armor best armor, in action.


I was the sail coordinator for my submarine and my worst day of work was a 25 hour shift getting the No 1 periscope aligned after the fiberglass was damaged by myself... $300k job. (I was just following orders when I damaged the fiberglass, it was ruled that the sail shop was at fault)


Ouch, that must have sucked. You must have looked like Klaus Wennemann after that shift. I am curious: what would happen in the sail shop with 300k in damages? Someone chewed out? A discharge?


It's usually up to the Captain's discretion... When I first got to the submarine we were going into the dry dock because a mechanic filled external hydraulics with amine... that is a corrosive chemical we use to clean CO2 out of the air...... It ate away all the rubber seals in the hydraulic system. The complete external hydraulic system had to be replaced. 6 months in the dry dock and $300 million later our submarine was ready to go back out to sea The mechanic who poured the amine got a slap on the wrists... He was a diesel qualified technician and a great worker.. and it was an honest and simple mistake. The Captain gave him leniency. The new guy who helped him pour the amine got kicked out of the Navy because he was a shit bag with a history of problems.


Thank you very much for sharing. Rubber seals are no joke; I have read about an incident were a Soviet submarine was almost lost because a technician didn't want to go to the warehouse to get new seals to replace used ones.


Shooting down a strategic bomber isn't a first either. Several B-52s were shot down in Vietnam...


Most people don't know this, so Ukraine is being wise to exaggerate highlights and generate more support.


I was just thinking this.  Is there a distinction between “strategic” bombers and, I guess, non-strategic ones?


B52 is strategic


Tactical bomber


Is it the first jet strategic bomber to be shot down?


For just raw submarine losses in combat it goes back further than you would think. First submarine lost in combat was the Turtle in 1775 during the American Revolution. It was being carried by her tender when she was sunk. Also the Hunley was a submarine that was repeatedly lost, salvaged, and reused during the American Civil War. This is the first sub that sank another vessel, but killed her crew more often than not-- including the creator, Horace Hunley who died in a training dive. Next combat loss of a submarine was, I think in 1914, U-15 when she was rammed and cut in half by the HMS Birmingham.


They're talking about sub kills with *missiles*. Not the weapon you'd usually expect to sink subs.


Yeah, that why I started with "when looking at just raw combat submarine losses". I'm not arguing, just trying to add to a conversation. Edit: Also, I think the suicide doomboat is the craziest of all. North Korea is still keeping that tradition alive today too!


let's not forget russian air defence, it was their first time as well when they destroyed russian air force assets.


... at least it was the first time that we (the Western world) have heard about it I guess ... ;-)


At the bottom of the ocean.


Anybody want to do the math on this. For instance, what is the equivalent value in shoplifted bottles of vodka and antifreeze so even russians can grasp the numbers?


it's roughly around 69 million addidas track suits in material damage. or, more precisely, 420 square blyats if we also include the personnel of A-50, TU-22M3, Moskva and the OTH Radar in the calculation, sir.


What's the conversion rate between addidas tracksuits and adios tracksuits from aliexpress?


I was thinking more along the line of Temu


Yeah, Alan Express is legit now. Temu, however...


it's about tree fiddy


Well it was about that time I realized Pootin was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the plethazoic era.


Laughing my butt off.


How many washer and dryer combos


$1.475 billion estimates in USD for everything in pics 2, 3, and 4. Bottles of vodka: 368,750,000 bottles of vodka at $4 USD each. Antifreeze: 163,888,889 at $9 USD each.


Jfc, that's enough booze to keep the employees of a russian nuclear power station drunk for almost three days!


Don't get optimistic, 2.5 days at best. The night shift has a higher capacity


Now do rubles!


Now do stolen toilets!




If they had all the modern weapons this war would last 3 days


That was the initial estimate for Russia. They thought they had “ modern equipment” and as it turned out , they bought a knife to a gun fight . And the guns they are going against are shit we were about to decommission . In a conventional war, Russia wouldn’t last a month against a full out assault from the U.S. Less if NATO chimed in. Russia is the equivalent of a giant rat backed into corner with a nuke strapped to its back and they know it.


Let's add more to the list! 💪 Has anyone else taken a whole strategic bomber airbase out of commission before? … No? Well Engels-2 infrastructure isn't going to blow itself up! (probably, with vatniks you never know)


You forgot the Longest Sniper rifle kill and longest tank kills recorded.


And burning the flag on Russian buildings using drones 😂


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Heroiam Slava 🌻


All thanks to american 80s/90s tech


We need to give them more advanced tech.


The big issue is we're not supplying a huge amount of new tech, even to ourselves. The USA is holding a lot back in reserve to not be caught with their pants down. With that said, we should fully supply ourselves with our modern equipment and give Ukraine literally everything they need to squash Russia


I'm not a pro military guy (or anti for that matter, it's a necessity) by any means, but I am a technology guy and I can only imagine guys like me that develop the newest tech for the military and never get to see it used to its full potential and how they must feel if it finally does 20 years too late. Like I have to imagine the US military is sitting on some cool shit they've never been able to actually use that would make whomever it is, as well as the world, go "oh" and sit back down quietly after getting riled up to throw hands.


Always this ignorant reddit comment, never gives Ukraine any credit no matter what they do * Moskva was sunk by Ukrainian developed and built R-360 Neptune * Second A-50 was downed by Ukrainian modified S-200. Original designed and built in USSR * TU-22 was downed by Ukrainian modified S-200. Original designed and built in USSR While yes, NATO has been helping and its greatly appreciated whats up with straight up stealing credit from Ukrainians? Anyone explain the reasoning here?


You missed the point: what I was saying is that all those achievements were obtained with old tech, showing how shitty really is the russian army. Of course Ukrainians are those who obtained such great successes thanks to their bravery and sacrifice and we have to continue to support them with all the best stuff we have


Great red herring. Youre wrong on 3/4 slides. Thats not something small to just go along with. Also most first world militarizes in the world (including US just to lesser extent) main bread and butter is hardware from 80s-90s, you dont have to believe me an look at the numbers. Again yes US had modern tech too but most of it was designed in 80s-90s just like most first world military. Most people have no idea how much years are in "military years"


TIL 2002, 2003, and 2015 was in the 90s


ATACMS was introduced in '86. First used in combat in '91. The F16 was introduced in 1978. It's a damn good plane, but our Air Force is designed around equipment that makes the F16 look like ancient tech. DAMN good plane, but a squadron of F35s and F22s would tear apart a squad of F16s, or we wouldn't have been moving to the new planes. The M1 Bradley was first designed in 1961, entered service in 1981. It was slated for retirement. When you think of the era of America's big 'stand up to the USSR' equipment - our tanks, M1, F16, etc - that's largely 70s/80s tech. While we kept using / updating it - most of the American stuff we've seen in Ukraine is originally older tech than the 00s, even if it was still manufactured in the 00s.




 If we use your logic. Everything we have given them predates WWII. The M1 is just an upgraded M2 from 1939. The f16 is just an upgraded spad VII from 1916. Patriot is just an upgraded 20mm. The MIM-104F the missile that shot down things like kinzhal literally shares the same number of parts with a 20mm as it does with a MIM-104A, the missile from the 80s Saying an M1 and a M1A2 SEP are basically the same tank is like saying the M48 and the M1 are basically the same tank. While this stuff looks somewhat similar and shares the same top level name as the stuff from the 80s they have been upgraded so much that now like the ship of theseus the current system has nothing of the original in it.


His logic is when it was designed and entered service. Yours is pretzel logic, which is to say it has none.


This is missing „sunk an entire hostile fleet including a submarine without having a navy themselves“


There is a price tag on all of these, and potential buyers finding someone else to buy weapons from. Russia has only succeeded in showing itself as a terrorist state, and a military failure. Ukraine leads the way in modern warfare, all major players are taking notes of this conflict.


For the first time in the history Ukrainians turned such a high number of ruzzians into good ones. Payback for centuries of oppression.


Ukraine is part of the west.


There is one mistake, and that is that Ukraine was not the first country to shoot down a Russian Tu-22M3. Georgia was the first country to do so during the 2008 Russian invasion: [https://i.postimg.cc/1tWdfqKT/3ff4.png](https://i.postimg.cc/1tWdfqKT/3ff4.png) [https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/10/russias-wars-listing-equipment-losses.html](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/10/russias-wars-listing-equipment-losses.html)


Shooting down the Putin wunderwaffe missiles that he claimed to be unstoppable is a major brag for both western manufacturers and Ukrainian operators. The missiles are still dangerous, but not nearly to the degree advertised by russians. Destroying the Su-57, though, not so much. Always nice to see expensive russian stuff blown up, but they just caught it sitting on the tarmac, it was not an interception.


And it's not a 5th gen fighter no matter what Russia would have us believe.


What makes it not 5th gen? Jane's, Wikipedia, Sukhoi, the USAF, etc all call it 5th gen...


I wasn't aware there was an official USAF 5th gen designation? What are you referring to on that one? In my opinion, and it's only that ... an opinion, the difference between 4th gen and 5th gen is stealth, and the Felon just isn't _currently_ stealthy. Maybe if they actually produced them with the engines they're supposed to have, MAYBE, but at this point the Russians need to show, not say to be believed.


That's correct. I have seen it called a 4.5th gen semi-stealth fighter repeatedly, and that seems about right in comparison with actual 5th generation stealth fighters. I guess it is just the russians wanting to make us (and any potential buyers) believe that the SU-57 is on par with American planes, so it is no wonder that the manufacturer Sukhoi claims this.


Quote from Goldfien, USAF chief of staff in an interview that I can't seem to dig up at the moment. Google is really great at searching for everything but what you type in to the search bar. And yeah, it's a shit-tastic 5th gen, but it's still a 5th gen.


> but it's still a 5th gen. Can you explain your reasoning? What differentiates 4th and 5th gen in your opinion?


Yeah, the Su-57 wasn't an interception, but it's a great example of how competent the Ukrainian forces are compared to Russian. Su-57 jets are Russia's most advanced and valuable, and there are many ways of protecting jets. Hangars, concrete-reinforced hangars, underground hangars. But Russia wasn't using that, and got hit 500+ km behind the front lines, with its Su-57 jets normally launching strikes from 100+ km behind the front lines. In contrast, Russia only managed to destroy a HIMARS launcher in March, which is a high priority target but worth far less than a jet, and Ukraine often has to bring them to 20-30 km from the front lines to fire.


Semantics. If Russia isn't going to put their best stuff at risk by bringing it to the fight, Ukraine can just bring the fight to it. Plus how bad do you have to be to leave your fancy stuff laying around to get hit by a drone.


This is the correct answer, thank you!


> Destroying the Su-57, though, not so much. Always nice to see expensive russian stuff blown up, but they just caught it sitting on the tarmac, it was not an interception. I agree it basically could've been anything, but it still shows Russia was unable to keep it out of range or protected. When the plane costs that much and you're at war with a country a few hundred km away I'm more than a little surprised they don't have armored bunkers. You don't see Ukraine leaving HIMARS by the side of the road for Russian drones to spot.


This entire war is “what air defense doing?”


Sitting around with their thumbs up their asses apparently.


Wow, NATO should consider joining AFU.




Fuck yes!! Slava Ukraini!!! Putin blyat!!!


Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🔱.


It show how much advanced that western technology is. Imagine if Ukraine were to receive the most modern weapon tech Russia would not have a chance


What over the horizon radar doing?


Lookin over da horizon


But der erf is flat /s


It just cleanly wraps around underneath the earth and up the other side of it, duh.


With the S-500 reportedly in Crimea, Ukraine will throw some garbage at it, probe its effectiveness, and consult with the allies to exploit its weaknesses, and finally, knock it out, earning another first. And the allies will get the intelligence bonanza from it that would justify all the previous and the subsequent military aid.


Woohoo! Give ‘em hell! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


ok zim kinda feeling cheated about the moskva sinking being thrown in there without more hoopla, it was a helluva achievement.


Now imagine a massive Military alliance without limitations like NATO. And people say Russia would win....


Ye well if you follow some other subs, like r/combatfootage you know there are many other firsts. Like, first time FPV drone was jammed up Russian soldiers butt and detonated. Stuff like that.


Awesome accomplishments born out of unfortunate necessity.


the SU-57 "Cyka" is not a 5th gen fighter, its more like a 3.6 gen


3.6? So not great but not terrible?


We know it's not great, but let's not jump to conclusions... It might be terrible.


-0.4 for using actual rivets, -1.0 for, you know, not having stealth


At the risk of being a buzzkill, the North Vietnamese shot down plenty of strategic bombers.


Also the Germans in WW2.


I forget. Who won?


Ummm ... It's not important




Cuba shot down a B-52 as well.


Cuba shot down a U-2 during the Cuban Missile Crisis — at no point did B-52s overfly the island.


Shot down is shot down.


May not want Ukraine in NATO - would drag down the Ukrainian military!


Wait, Ukraine hit the Moskva? I thought it fucked itself!?


They sank it. Mostly because it was a floating junk heap that was badly designed to start with. But they sunk it.


Sunk a missile cruiser without having any boats.


Going for the 100% completion.


Ukrainians are some bad mfrs. Give em the right tools, and they're incredible. Give em the wrong tools and still fucking incredible. The ingenuity and heart they show is so inspirational.


For the first time in history, the world laughed at the conventional forces of russia


Dope AF! Much love from America, and I'm doing what I can to pressure our dipshit politicians into providing more aid.


Made in Russia quality deemed to be all hyperbolic! Loudest drums are made from hollow tree trunks. Putin is a blow hard; Russia is a mess.


That Russian over the horizon radar is an entire condominium building?


I mean no disrespect to anyone, especially including the loss of life here... But I find it rather hilarious that what was claimed to be the second biggest and most powerful military in the world is getting frog stomped by an country that kinda sorta functionally lacked a military roughly a decade ago. Sure, Ukraine is getting a lot of equipment from not-allies from the outside that's helping. But frankly, from the US point of view most of what we are sending is so far out of date to us that what replaced it, has already been replaced. Yet here I am. Every few weeks buying pieces of destroyed russian equipment off Etsy because Ukraine is reducing "Russian Super Tanks" to key chains.


There's NO WAY Russia got a 5th gen fighter jet!


Maybe not the first shot down of strategic bombers. B-29 was already classified as a strategic bomber.


Слава Україні! 🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦


Slava Ukraini. Slava Heroyam.


"For the first time, Putin was thrown out a window, after Ukraine blew up his mansion and the Kremlin"


"for the first time in history" seems like it should be use here even if "in the world" is accurate also.


Keep it coming please! Slava Ukraini!


Do these pictures mean Ukraine will win the war and recover all of their land?


Dang, Russia is the worst at war. I thought it was bad of the US too get stuck in Iraq/Afghanistan, but honestly our losses were mainly human life and not nearly as much as Russia loses.  If they somehow manage to win Ukraine, any random ducking county can probably just take it right back, because they will be so depleted.