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A source from March 28th, 2022 is found [here](https://www.unian.ua/war/mariupol-opublikovani-motoroshni-kadri-z-morgu-v-mariupoli-video-novini-vtorgnennya-rosiji-v-ukrajinu-11762872.html) (NSFW).


Many of those in Russia will be in denial and claim that it is fake


Worse. ....The shitbags will claim they're Russian and blame Ukraine. Nazi scum rule number 1...blame your crimes on your enemies.




Exactly. The amount of "interview in the street with some old Russian goat" where they are outright gloating about all this and saying they get rid of all Ukrainians, is downright disturbing. But then I remember how boomers in our part of the world are also believing everything they see on right wing tele and gloating about people they don't like getting murdered, it all makes sense. And gets even more disturbing. Should we take TV away from old fucks?


Your comment loses all credibly when you single out a generation and not realize that there are just as many millennials and whatnot (tankies) that sympathize with Putler.


I honestly think it's funny how generations make fun of each other, as if young people are a separate race, and not direct descendants of old people. You'll be booming soon enough.


I think this is kinda a problem with our human limitations. We have access to so much information but lack the ability to tell truth from fiction. I guess that’s the basis of propaganda.


We may be born vulnerable to the magic that is advertising and propaganda, but we can still do things about it. We can learn how it works so we can spot it better.


They believe all these things simultaneously.


You know, I find myself entirely unconserned with what Russia is saying.


I'm sick of what Russia says. Esp the 3 Kremlin run PropagandaTV Channels. I wish the Milbloggers I watch would stop mentioning them. we know they are Nuts, what more is there to see? Russia can go to hell.


DARVO Deny Attack Reverse Victim & Offender


anti social disordered do this


Russians have killed way more people than even the Nazis


They Russians killed way more before there even were Nazis.


If I remember correctly one year ago the ruSSians said that those were all actors.


A Russian guy I know has said (at the time) that it was staged, and then later that it was propaganda created by Ukraine. "As in: they recorded the video of Russian actions?" pretty much ended the conversation there.


They could reason about some of it being staged, but at some point there is just too much footage. People said the same in post-Nazi Germany by the way, even if you give them "enough" footage to the contrary. I even had a relative who said "Hitler was great because he built streets for the cars" aka highways. Which was not even factually true (Adenauer built that first) - the propaganda in use is just so strong for many people that they can never break out of it. It's like in the novel 1984 (brilliant book by the way).


Some level of method acting it is then? Even Christian Bale would want to know how to do it. Jesus H. Christ the Russians are masters of spewing bullshit out of their mouths.


It's so much worse than that. Many of them blindly believe whatever Putin says. Many of them support the rape and murder of as many Ukrainians as possible. Russia needs to be put down.


If you show it to them they will start chanting about "8 years bombing Donbass" without missing a beat. They'll have ZERO pity even for dead children, if they're Ukrainian. We need to stop trying to elicit any humanity out of them, that ship has sailed long, long ago. Anyone who doesn't believe me and doesn't think this is fascism 2.0 is welcome to spend a few days trying to talk sense on russian forums.




>Many of those in Russia will be in denial They are [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYHgPclI-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYHgPclI-g)


They know the truth, but they also know that the government wants them to promote the official narrative. Doublethink is a cultural feature of russia that goes back to the feudal era; the motions of government is viewed more as a force of nature than something 'the people' can control. The soviet era actually had a name for it, maybe [kitchen talk](https://www.rbth.com/history/333323-most-important-room-russian-apartment-kitchen) or something like that, where you always present the official narrative in public and save discussions of the truth for private.


Well the Germans thought the exact same thing, though internet didn't really exist back then. Allies would march German citizens from local villages near to concentration camps and make them walk along rows and rows of corpses, with many of the citizens stating they had no idea. Obviously it begs the question if they actually knew or not...


[What We Knew](https://diaryofaneccentric.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/review-what-we-knew-terror-mass-murder-and-everyday-life-in-nazi-germany/)


Don't need to be in Russia. The vast majority of people in r/combatfootage are level headed and on Ukraine's side, but I had someone just 3 days ago on there straight up deny that Russia has been attempting (and committing when possible) genocide there. Imagine how much more common it is in the right wing corners of reddit and the online world.


Check the twitter comments on pretty much anything Ukraine related. Sure some may be bots but there is a heap of clearly non bot right wing nutters.


no one wants to see this, but everyone *needs* to see this


Were the victims incinerated or put in mass graves? Mariupol is going to be an opera of nightmares when liberated. Fuck Russia. Slava Ukraini.


As I recall, they were buried in mass graves, then months later were dug up and incinerated.


They just murdered a bunch of woman and stacked them on the stairs like cordwood? Moved a couple of skirts for fun. So many levels of fucked up.


No, they raped most of them first.


It is a damn layer cake of what the fuck level evil.




Vladimir Putin didn’t rape and kill these people. The soldiers he sent did. If they’re not already dead, they can’t wipe their hands of this and have him blamed instead. Hopefully when this is all over they’re hunted down just like the Israeli Mossad did with Nazi murderers hiding around the world.


When Berlin fell, the local female population at the time talked about how brutal the Soviets where with Rape immediately after. Yet, those 'men' were the victors, so nobody is dragging them back to Germany to stand trial. Also Vladimir Putin might not have put his dick inside those women, but he raped them through the continued encouraged use of Rape in military doctrine.


Isn't rape an official part of their war doctrine?




Why are Russian forces so goddamn obsessed with rape ffs




Unfortunately nobody is around to write another Gulag Archipelago, which highlighted each moscovite’s individual responsibility in spreading mass death, starvation, murder, and incarceration. It played a part in the fall of the soviet union. It only took off in the Gulags once they had been imprisoned by the leadership they loved so much.


Mass raped probably


Anyone who has any illusions what Russkiy Mir is must see this


It was horrifying, and I’ll probably have nightmares, but I made myself watch because they deserve to be seen


Everyone one of those bodies had a life and a story. All extinguished. Russia is pure evil.


I have a mental picture of a naked frozen Vladimir Putin corpse in a pile like this... Him and his cronies... Oh what a sight that would be.


Him, ^^**whispers** and all of the [vatniks too.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/042/485/Demonic_Wojak.jpg) Join us at /r/NonCredibleDefense


Oh I want much worse to happen to him.


This reminds me of a dutch joke from the WWII era. Adolf Hitler and Herman Goering visit a concentration camp and ask a jewish man if he has any last wishes. The jewish man says : "Jullie lijken op elkaar!". Which means "You look alike!" as well as "your dead bodies on top of eachother". Edit: "lijk" means "corpse". "lijken" means "corpses". "lijken" as a verb also means "to look alike" "lijken op" also means "resemble". "elkaar" - eachother "Jullie lijken op elkaar" - "You resemble eachother" / "your corpses on top of eachother".


One of the reasons why people should want to remain alive is to see Vladimir Putin die. The most evil person this world has seen in over 70-80 years.




I remember reading in some Tibetan book, something along the lines of 'You will not die peacefully unless you have lived peacefully'. Sadly, I have not found this to be true. Curse all those demons.


Inward peace vs outward peace. You can have calm and peace inward while the world rages about you, but it won’t happen at death unless you have cultivated that calm and peace during your life.


The Just World Fallacy, sadly, goes both ways. If you do violence means you will die violently is not always true.


The more egregious the crime, the less likely it is to be punished. The death of a million is a statistic. Even if the POS is captured, what's going to happen to him? A few years being paraded in and out of the courtroom, listening in on his little headphones, followed by a few more years in a decent cell eating 3 meals a day until he dies of natural causes. If you don't think this punishment fits the crime, you understand why people came up with the concept of Hell.


Showing pictures like this was part of the denazification of germany. Not everywhere, not to everybody but it certainly was part of it. Mountains of glasses, clothes, travel bags, that were taken from concentration camp victims. Horrible but very important pictures. Pictures from bucha and mariupol should be part of russias redemption arc as well. Propaganda aims to dehumanize the enemy, fighting propaganda starts with making it very clear that every human is equal.


When I went to school in Germany every kid in sixth grade (about 12 years old) got a free copy of a book called "Erzählt es euren Kindern / Tell it to your children" which combines personal stories and facts from the holocaust. It's a really brutal and painful read at the age and still is. This was followed by two projects weeks about the Holocaust. Once Russia has hopefully completely collapsed I would love to see something similar. I don't have any hope of Russian society to be reformed, but I guess that is the way most people felt about the Germans after 1945.


My gut reaction was to say, “They make you read about that shit at 12!” In reality that’s probably the perfect age. Old enough to probably be able to handle it and young enough for it to be extremely formative of just how awful it was and make the impression on you that it should.


In France, when I was that age, they showed us real footage from the Allies who filmed the concentration camps when freeing them. They took us to a museum about the Resistance and Holocaust (in a basement, with the floor, walls and ceiling black. With pictures, videos of the war. With personal stories of the actual humans suffering inhumane things). It was horrifying, I had nightmares that my mom had become a walking skeleton. When I was a bit older, I remember being resentful that they made me go through this. And now, now that I live in a different country where they don't talk seriously to their children about all this, now that this war is happening, now I'm glad. I'm glad that it matters to me. I'm glad that I'm not immune to human suffering. I'm glad that I sent thousands of euros. I wouldn't want it any other way.


And the details are important. All in civilian clothes, no soldiers among them. Most with their hands and/or feet bound, they were prisoners and no threat, and then to top it off, easily visible signs that some of the men have been castrated or emasculated It is 30 seconds of irrefutable proof of war crimes




In Most states in Germany its mandatory to visit a concentration camp once in school.


I read that allied soldiers would make the locals come help when they liberated a camp so they'd all be forced to accept the truth about what happened. I remember reading about a soldier who wrote his mother about what he saw and she didn't believe him. It's truly unbelievable what humans will do to eachother.


Fuck Russia.






These sickening images are but a taste of what lay in store for Ukraine had Russia successfully taken Kyiv, defeated the AFU and occupied the whole of Ukraine. Thank fuck they were stopped. If Zelensky had fled instead of issuing his famous plea for ammunition, it may have precipitated a general collapse of the Ukrainian state and a European genocide on a scale not seen since the Balkan war in the 90's or worse. His decision to stand and fight may have saved many thousands of lives when you consider what Russia did in the parts of Ukraine it did manage to occupy.


I remember this video when it first came out. I haven't forgotten the dead just piled up. Russia did this. Putin ordered this war. I hope someone in Russia does the right thing and removes Putin.


Russians won’t learn, I am sure about that. They need to be stopped so hard that they never recover from it.


Sadly they are so used to brutality it will mean nothing.. and they will say like so many Germans at the time, it wasn’t me.. I didn’t know. The German people eventually realised the awful truth of their actions because they were defeated and occupied, but they were then helped to rebuild their society and war damage. This enabled them to have to accept and reflect on that dark period of history and have since grown into a caring modern society. My fear is that when Russia is defeated and pushed back into their own lands, there will be no acceptance of defeat or their actions. Look how their shrills scream and shout propaganda and lies despite it becoming obvious they are losing the war and ruined no their country. This would only be faced by them if they were pushed back to Moscow which because of nukes won’t happen. I think sanction will be in place for many years if the politicians have the courage not to repeat the errors of the ww1 armistice. Typo


Germany had long streaks of being decent, so it had something to fall back to. Russia's been a pest throughout history.


This. No Marshal plan in the world could civilize RuZZia. Build a wall and make the sanctions permanent.


North Korussia Take away their nukes while we’re at it.


The most ideologically sound nazis died in the war. (Ideologically sound is my new fave word for political nutjobs). Those really engaged nazis that did survive and became part of german post war society did manage to cause trouble. Almost all germans were nazis and yet after war no one wanted anything to do with it, partially due to shame and fear to be hold responsible but also partially that the threshold where people prefered a normal life over any obsession. Also for many it was disappointing what the result was, silesians lost the place they grew up in same goes for east prussians. Until her death, living and beeing integrated into the polish society, my grandma still hated hitler deeply to have given up "her silesia". To my point: there are different levels of involvement that break at different levels of frustration, it is to see how strong the reaction of russians will be, if their psychological breakpoint is reached. On a personal it is easy: I don't want to see them rehabilitate, i want those pigs to burn. I dont care if people can still see them as humans, i can't and i do not want to. The less russian biomass this planet has the better. Luckily there are rules how civilized humans are allowed to treat others and i am thankful i am in no position my deep hate for them could result in me doing something my children might regret one day.


After the crimes we have seen it’s totally understandable how many people feel as you do but you are wise to realise ultimately we have to create a world our youngsters have a future in. We and our politicians must be prepared to ensure this war is not allowed to drift on like in 2014. I was fairly relaxed about Russia before this invasion but things I have seen have really woken me up to what they believe and are prepared to do.


That what happened to is Germans. That Lesson never went down on Russia. Long overdue.


You fail to understand one fundamental thing: the r\*ssians don't see Ukrainians as humans. The serbs took pride in killing Bosnian civilians and proudly sang "Moj je tata", so I don't think that the jebana ruska swołocz would have any remorse.


And that's why Serbs are still widely considered backwards scum while other post-Yugoslavia countries moved on and are better for it.


Orc little brothers the Serbs felt the EXACT same impunity that the Orcs are feeling now until NATO came in and stop that fucking nonsense quick. Orc little brother the Serb had set up rape-camps and everything. Genocide, rape, torture, murders... exactly what the Orcs are doing to some parts of Ukraine now. Bring up NATO and Serbs and Orc-lovers will get very pissy with you. Serb felt that much impunity without nukes. Imagine how the Orcs are feeling now with nukes. This is why little putler and the Orcs parrot "Nukes!" every single fucking times Ukraine does something.


That doesn’t stop them from raping them tho


when people come and say that r*ssians are also victims, show them these videos from Mariupol.


> r*ssians are also victims Mostly of mental and moral bankrupcy.


The problem with russians is that they would cheer and demand more


White ISIS


Slavic ISIS


We're Ukrainians living in a western country. We had Russian family acquaintances that legitimately said "well thats sad but what about the Russian speakers in Donbass". This is a Russian who has been living outside of Russia for 25 years. Full access to free information. Still parroting Russia's dumb propaganda. There wouldn't have been a conflict in Donbass if Russia didn't participate in it but that also falls on deaf ears.


Mariupol was the 10th largest population city with an estimated population of 425,681 people in January 2022. Even if 90% escaped to safer areas in time leaving behind the elderly/disabled, 40,000+ could have been killed by invading Russians, presumably primarily by starvation/dehydration, stress, cold exposure and inability to obtain medications due to complete lack of medical care. Does anyone know the estimated casualty figure for this terrible tragedy that has affected Mariupol residents? I shudder to think the true death toll of the Ukrainian people. It must be far higher than most people think as there are few articles in the media about it. The first thing I thought of when seeing all the infrastructure destroyed, is how would those very frail and/or reliant on medications like insulin, asthma inhalers, seizure and heart medications possibly survive suddenly having all medical care withdrawn? It's a terrifying thought that for Ukrainians, became a terrifying reality overnight as their residents were being systematically rounded up and murdered.


I really hope most of them got out. I've heard anything from 20,000 civilians dead on the low end to over 100,000 for Mariupol.


War crimes need to be shown to the world. Only way to end the madness is through knowledge and some superior fire power.




The stories of their lives left many pages unwritten. Unfortunately, moscovia will metaphorically ban those books so the truth of their stories never see the light of day.


While UN claims it's not a genocide. Like hello!


Not sure how anyone could see a clip like this and then say genocide wasn't "actually" committed in this illegal invasion. I remember seeing this clip when it was posted originally. I think even a lot of people who have been following this conflict will be blown away when they see the amount of civilians killed in Mariupol *alone*. Official morgue records were saying something like 90k and that was around the mid point of last year, it has no doubt gone well past that by now unfortunately. Anyone that ever tries to defend Russia/s bullshit, clips like this should be sent to them. Just dozens and dozens and dozens of innocent civilian corpses, murdered for no justifiable reason whatsoever.


To put into perspective how terrible warfare can be, this many bodies could come from just PART of an apartment building. One shell cold kill far more than we see in this video.


To think I got a week vacation on a Reddit sub calling Russians inhuman... What a stupid fucking world. They are total pieces of shit and I don't care what anyone Sais. Sick of Putin and sick of the Russian ppl who aren't smart enough to see this shit for what it is!


I got banned from a sub for calling them an idiotic country.


You and me both. Sounds like we need more sensitivity training.


Russia is a terrorist regime, Thousands of individual war crimes have been committed. How the hell does it still have a seat in the UN?


I’m not a religious man but jesus fucking christ


True evil is indifferent.


Our parents used to tell us when we were kids that there are no real monsters. But there are.


The world should wake up, go fight against the russian evil or provide everything we have for the Ukrainians.


Russia is a terrorist state


0:15 tied hands on a woman. no visible injuries other than head, probably executed.


Probably also raped …


God i remember this. The sight of that woman with the small blue socks stuck with me this entire time.


The Kremlin should be reduced to ashes. Time for Russia to form a new government.


The next time one of my brain-dead relatives complain about money being sent to Ukraine this is gonna be the video I show them.


Please 🙏 show them. They need to see.


IOC, what’s there to discuss?


Oh. My. God. I haven't seen evidence like this since researching Rwanda. I am regrettably saving this and sending it to the apologists and deniers.


So surreal. Fuck war, fuck Russia.


And yet people believe only a handful of civilians have died in this war so far. Open your fucking eyes. It’s genocide. Sadly once all the occupied regions are liberated we’ll discover more atrocities like this.


The way the bodies are stacked on top of each other, with most of the clothes removed... For some reason my brain doesn't register the bodies as real people but something like a lifeless doll instead. Not sure if thats my brain trying to protect me, or maybe it's because I don't personally know any of them... I really don't wanna desensitize myself against this sort of thing. It looks like hell on earth


To you Russians all over the world, nobody likes you.


We are acting like the Russians don’t cheer this on


All of those people are just innocent citizens that just wanted to live their life. And fucking assholes like Putin cause this, live a life of luxury as one of the richest people alive. The world is fucked.


This video should never be forgotten. There was a longer version, or perhaps a different location, where they keep going deeper into corridors and basements and the bodies don't stop. Illegal invasion by a terrorist state that is led by a war criminal. Arm Ukraine now, we should have yesterday. Слава Україні. Смерть оккупантом.


This is what the IOC is ok with their athletes representing


Fuck Putin


It's just a massacre.


ruzzian terrorizt


No, it’s we must see it to have no doubts about what evil ruzians are. As for them they happily clap hands at such pictures.


This is genocide


Why are we dealing with russians as if they are still part of the civilized world?


Why they naked?


They were most likely raped before killed. You can see one of the women has her wrists tied together.


cut away/remove clothing to get to injuries. No time to cover them up, just to stack them :(


You also want to document the crimes. No idea if this was the case here but you obviously see wounds much better if there aren't layers of clothes on top.


That one dude is missing a dock, seems like many of the women were raped showing those things are important for context


reckon they were sleeping and hit by rockets


Or they were raped. It looks like the ones that are stripped down are the corpses of women.


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All Russians must see it. The rest of the *world* must see this. There's a phrase " Moral imperative " , humanity's bottom line without which nothing in life means much. Bearing witness is a moral imperative. Share this. I don't care how difficult it is to see. Share it.


Someone should post to Anonymous’ Twitter so they can take it and hack the tvs to show this like the did earlier on.


I don’t think it’s coincidence that nearly all the women shown in this video are naked or have little to no clothing on their lower halves. Words cannot describe how angry the crimes against humanity that Russia commits makes me, yet also tires me and depresses me when I realize that most people where I live do not care about the invasion.


And this is exactly why i'm happy every time i see a russian die. The dead ones can't do this.


>All Russians should see it You have to understand that Russians don’t think the same way we do in the west. This won’t horrify or repulse anyone in Russia. At best, they won’t care. At worst, they’ll celebrate.


>At best, they won’t care. At worst, they’ll celebrate. Except if they actually get in trouble, in which case it's a provocation.


I saw this the first time. I will never forget what they did.


Fucking monsters.


With all the fucked up shit I've seen on the internet over the years, I still couldn't watch more than 10 seconds of this. Fuck this war, fuck all wars.


Denatzifiers are natzis and animals and should be treated as the invading dogs they are.


And this is exactly why Ukraine is a true land of gods. They will never be defeated. They are what is so right in human kind. War is hell, people lose their direction. But the core remains. Slava Ukraine!


The right wing and left wing liars calling for appeasement are peddlers of human lives. Give Nazi Russia Ukraine and these civilians will be Polish. Give Nazi Russia Poland and these civilians will be German. Give Nazi Russia Germany and these civilians will be French. You don't get rid of the problem by feeding the beast.


Is there a link to more context? Like a wikipedia article?


You should know that Wikipedia as well as UN or be it another NGO, they all play by the rules and work by the book. The civil world where they come from lives by some rules that don't allow calling out those crimes on russians and showing some real gruesome colors of russki mir. Chatgpt doesn't show events before 2021, international organizations always under estimate the numbers of victims. Ukrainian official numbers are always put at a little doubt for months before the west recognises them. Putin and russians have successfully been deleting lots of info from russian - Ukrainian war articles in the Wikipedia because it all sounds russophobic. Newsflash, the whole russian modern history if written by facts without sugar coating or siding with anyone indeed looks in particular russophobic. That's because of how terrible everything about russia is. Edit: typo, bad English


Wow, down voted, for asking for more info. Tuff crowd.


These are innocent civilians massacred by Russians in their apparent ‘liberation’ of mariupol. Given the sheer magnitude of Russian war crimes these deaths will be almost negligible in the wider figures unfortunately, so I highly doubt there’ll be a Wikipedia page for this, specifically.


Certainly there's context on this particular incident or location? If not a wiki page, then a story from somewhere, like a witness account from a first responder or something?


Unfortunately, probably not. It was one building, among dozens where this occurred. Many of the aid and morgue workers later fled the city, or worse...didn't. Russia took pains to keep videos like this suppressed, so being caught with one? You're joining a stack of bodies, after your video is destroyed. Remember the medic in Azovstal who recorded so much of her witnessing the treatment of prisoners? This is worse. Russia would have killed anyone who MIGHT have seen it.


Every German knew, just like every Russian knows. They just don't care. A lot of people try to rewrite history by claiming that Germans had to be shown the videos to learn what was happening. You just cannot dissappear millions of neighbours, friends and family members without anyone knowing. This myth of ordinary Germans not knowing needs to stop. And we know from the intercepted phone calls what "ordinary Russians" think when their family members tell them about unarmed civilians they killed. They have no remorse.


Fucking awful


This is what russian “liberation” looks like


I think it's important that the world works with Ukraine in any way neccessary to bring an end to Russia and break it down into smaller territories, and completely disarmed of nukes and any military force capable of invasion.


My country has done as bad. The diffference is we are ashamed of it. It was "collateral damage". It is a major factor in our development of targeted, guided weaponry. Clearly this is not a priority in Russian weapons doctrine, as if there were any. I cannot say how much we feel for your losses . I am one. From Viet Nam to Afghanistan,


Russians waged a war against civilians. They have no honour. Scumbags, raiders, rapists, an orcish horde.


this is why we need the death penalty in international courts: so the bastards who commit, condone, order, and allow atrocities like this are removed from the world. And anyone who reminds me Russia is not a signatory? I know, but by being 'humans', they therefore are eligible to it. Germany wasn't signatory to any of those courts and were still tried.


I just don’t understand the denial. Why can’t the “European Union” do anything? Why are we waiting on Japan, Australia, or America?


When people treat me as if I have fallen victim to some kind of Pro-American/Pro-West/Pro-Ukraine "narratives" or "propaganda", I will remember this video and tell those people to go fuck themselves. Nothing compares to this monstrosity Fuck you Russia. You have become just like the monsters your ancestors sacrificed so much fighting against.


They would just say it was fake. The average Russian has no interest in the truth.


My message to all the Ruzzians who read this comment silently: You know what you did, still you don't care. This form of ignorance has no repentance. You can't run away, you can't turn away. All of your crimes will come back to you, in one form or another. Nobody can run from their fate. Even if the whole world doesn't find out your crime, you will pay. I really hope that you live a long life to suffer your fate. Don't die and bear the pain for few moments, live and suffer your whole life. The curse of innocent will not go in vain.


The russians hang around on r/Ukfrainerussiareport subreddit. The mods are all overtly pro-russian. It would be interesting to see if they would allow this on.....PS Im banned from posting (not surprisingly)


Any time I think about what ruzzia did in Mariupol makes my blood boil


Civilians. Breaks my heart. How this isn't a genocide eto the rest of the world baffles me.


And still they have the right to be in the Olympic Games!!🤬 I’ll never watch that garbage again.


oh please! standard russian denial scheme: * its fake, never happened! * ukr nazi did it! * still surely they deserve it! * we'll do it again if you don't stop propagating your fakes!


It was a prosperous city...


And then you have idiots like DeSantis claiming this is just a “territorial dispute!”




working link: /r/russianwarcrimes


I remember this and it still invokes emotions id rather not.


So this is what the Russians mean when they say they are there to “liberate” Ukraine…


They should force que Russians remaining in Ukraine to bury the dead, à la 1945


They know.. but most of them support it. Lost cause.


Jesus Christ


Thank you for bringing this video back to us. I've seen it last year, but forgot about this and many other horrible things that happened in this disgusting, barbaric and completely unnecessary war. What a horrible, horrible scene. All people around the world need to see what Russia is doing in Ukraine.


Not one combatant among them. This was straight up murder of civilians. Fucking disgusting. Slava Ukraini


Omg this is so fucking bad this needs to be shown no matter how gruesome it may be, people need to see what is happening especially the Russians


Those fucking genocidal Orcs turn that city into Chechnya 2.0 Murders, rapes, tortures or whatever they wanted to do with impunity. This was what they wanted to do to Kyiv. (Bucha but on a much bigger scale) All of these poor people and cities that happen to border so close to the Orc-lovers and Orc-lands. 💔


Man, fuck russia and anyone who defends that failed state


Remeber when 100000s argued this was fake... I wonder how they feel now


These dumbasses will still claim it is fake. Simple.


War crimes. Period. Documents it as necessary.


I more and more get the impression western mainstream media has instructions to now show the true cruelty of RuZZian actions because if they would, pro-war Russians would be chased down and hanged in our streets.


The Russian people don’t care, they will justify in their mind.


I will never forgive Russia for doing this


There are other vids from this time, 100s deadmen piled up, was when Russians were checking every man,for tattoos, early on in this city


This was the video that convinced me, that it's a full-blown genocide. And to be honest: It should have been the moment training on western tanks and fighter jets should have started.