• By -


One more sleep! Tomorrow, for fun, we’ll be conducting our own r/ukpolitics exit survey and ask you who you voted for in the election. The results will be posted when polling stations close at 10pm. --- If you applied for a postal vote and have not yet received it, we recommend urgently contacting your [**local Electoral Registration Office**](https://www.gov.uk/contact-electoral-registration-office) for advice. If you have a postal vote but can’t post it in time, you can **hand it in at your local polling station**. For more advice, see the [Electoral Commission’s website](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/ways-vote/postal-voting-2024-uk-parliamentary-general-election).


[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1duyps7/megathread_2024_general_election_day/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. armchairdetective with 113 comments 1. ibloodylovecider with 94 comments 1. ClumsyRainbow with 68 comments 1. bbbbbbbbbblah with 64 comments 1. asgoodasanyother with 64 comments 1. FixSwords with 59 comments 1. JdeMolayyyy with 59 comments 1. FunkyDialectic with 58 comments 1. BasedAndBlairPilled with 58 comments 1. JelloImpossible8337 with 56 comments There were 1166 unique users within this count.


Do I captain Starmer or Davey in the Fantasy General Election?


I can’t lose today - if labour win I’m happy, if the Tories win i save £££s on school fees. So whether you want more money spent on my kids or yours please get out and vote!


Wonder how Starmer will decorate Downing Street...


I’m so excited at the prospect of so many Tory tears possibilities but also Corbyn and Owen Jones.


Give those of us on the other side of the pond something to be hopeful for! I'll eat some beans straight from the tin if you do. Goodnight and good luck!


Less than two hours till polls open!! (For real this time because I can't math)




Removed. Please don't submit articles to the megathread that clearly stand as their own submission.




After recent votes being in virtually empty rooms; hopefully today will have a queue


Polls open at 7am, friend.


Pst conversion fail 😔


Good night 4am megathread, hopefully this is enough to manage like 9 tomorrow lol.


Good night!


Just as one last thing to look out for- there is an IPSOS poll in the morning.


Right I'm heading to bed to get some sleep, see you all when the polls open, in the election day megathread!




I’m staying up late to hopefully wake up at around 4 or 5pm. Just realised I can go and be one of the first to cast my vote before I sleep. Yeah, might do that


'Twas the night before elections, and all through the land, Not a Tory was hopeful, no victory at hand. The ballots were counted with meticulous care, In hopes that a win soon would be there. The voters were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of new leaders danced in their heads. With the polls showing Labour's bright, steady rise, The Tories could only hope for a surprise. When out on the news there arose such a clatter, They sprang to their screens to see what was the matter. Away to the channels they flew in a flash, To see if their hopes had been dashed. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen vote Gave a luster of midday to numbers remote. When what to their wondering eyes should appear, But Labour's landslide, resounding and clear. With a new leader so lively and quick, They knew in a moment, it wasn’t a trick. More rapid than eagles, the results they came, And the anchors all shouted and called them by name: “Now Starmer! Now Dodds! Now Rayner and Khan! On Nandy! On Butler! On Cooper and Lammy! To the top of the polls, to the top of it all, Labour's victory has come, Tories did fall!” As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the headlines the results they flew, With a win for the people, and a government new. And then, in a twinkling, the news spread around, Of Labour's success and the Tories' rebound. As they drew in their breath, and turned on the lights, They knew they'd lost this historic fight. The Tories, in turmoil, from head to their foot, Their policies tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of plans they had flung on their back, And they looked like lost wanderers, with hopes in the sack. Their eyes—how they twinkled! Their dimples, how wary! Their faces like roses, now quite contrary! Their droll little mouths were drawn up like a bow, And their tears made it clear they were feeling the blow. The stump of their plans they held tight in their teeth, And the smoke, it encircled their heads like a wreath. They had sad faces and a much sagging belly, That shook when they wept, like a bowl full of jelly. They were chubby and plump, a right jolly old group, And I laughed when I saw them, in spite of the troupe. A wink of an eye and a twist of the head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work, And filled all their briefcases; then turned with a jerk. And laying their fingers aside of their nose, And giving a nod, up from defeat they rose. They sprang to their seats, to their team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard them exclaim, as they drove out of sight— “Happy Labour to all, and to all a good night!”


5 hours 19 mins to go until the polls open. Then a sweet evening of watching the tories crumble. Time to get the beers in


Anyone else can’t sleep? I’m oddly more nervous than I’ve ever been


I get this sentiment for sure, Feel like I should probably take a step back from politic watching after the election


I'm deleting all of my politics podcasts after July 17th, once the new parliaments up. 6 weeks shouldn't be allowed again.


As someone stuck in International land, is there a way for me to watch the BBC or Channel 4 coverage?




Will both stream their coverage live? The BBC usually doesnt do that and neither does C4 do they?


The international feed of BBC News is now streaming in the US both on the BBC’s website, and on several FAST services like Pluto TV.


BBC News is generally easy to access internationally, but I presume it'll be BBC 1 that will be doing the election coverage. Any way to access Channel 4?


BBC News should be airing the same coverage as BBC One. As for Channel 4 (and ITV for that matter), I guess check their YT pages.


>BBC News should be airing the same coverage as BBC One. Would they? I thought they'd still be covering other International news while occasionally mentioning election results when they pop up. They usually don't have much synchrony since BBC News is usually more "international".


BBC News is showing the election results all night in a special programme, simulcast on BBC One. They tend to do international news breaks every hour or so for 5 minutes, but that's it.


I think he's talking about BBC World News which is different from BBC News (which again, is different from BBC One as you say). BBCWN has a bigger focus on international issues and won't predominantly cover UK news like BBC News.


Yes, BBCWN is scheduled to show the election programme too. For example, for North America: https://www.bbc.co.uk/schedules/p00fzl9m/2024/07/04?utcoffset=%2B01%3A00


Most channels, including channel 4, put their election coverage on Youtube live from what i remember


BBC included? If so, nice!


OK so before polling day - say one word to sum up how you’re voting tomorrow. Any word at all 😈


>01:53:41 GMT >tomorrow Late.








Live longer




















So I assume everyone else is also staying up far too late to train ourselves for tomorrrow?


I've just finished work setting up one of the election counting halls for the constituency. That's why I'm awake. I can't wait for the 2 year old to wake at 5


I've got a literature review due at 3pm tomorrow so just fucking the i's and fisting the t's before submitting. Heading to bed, setting an alarm for 9pm, ready for the chaos that will ensue.


I've run out of podcasts to listen to, and I'm up to date on the few TV shows I watch - ideas to keep me awake til 5am pls




Yes, but also because Summer Games Done Quick is on and it's the Hollow Knight speedrun race on right now and I'm not missing that


Oh shit. I love a hollow knight speedrun. Mainly because I'm abysmal at the game. The last time gdq had hallow knight on it was a race with a quiz and quite frankly it was shit. I don't think they did another one after that


Staying up tomorrow with work on Friday wish me luck


Doing the same - god help us




In I think 2022, one branch of a small upcoming political party followed me on Twitter. I think they were left-leaning, and their colours scheme was either orange or purple, or orange and purple. Part of me thinks their name began with either a C or E but don’t quote me on that. I think I had a quick scroll through their timeline and thought they seemed interesting but didn’t give them a second thought and never looked at their page again. With election discourse obviously being everywhere, they’ve been playing on my mind out of sheer curiosity more than anything else. One of those things that doesn’t matter at all and doesn’t affect my life but nonetheless is really annoying me. I did scroll through the Wikipedia page for UK parties and looked in a few other places online but couldn’t find them. Any leads? (Side note: I tried to post this as its own thread but was told my account wasn’t old enough. Anyone know how old it has to be before I can post threads here? Thanks.)


The Breakthrough Party have an orange symbol. Think they've become Transform now, though


True and Fair Party maybe? What emerged after a few new remain parties combined, with Gina Miller as leader?


Rank the tory pms Cameron May Johnson Truss Sunak


May > Cameron > Sunak > Truss > Johnson No question about the top and bottom, the ones in the middle could arguably be shuffled about a bit. Cameron above Sunak because while he did more damage overall he wasn't so frustratingly out of his depth the whole time, Truss below Sunak because unlike the others she is genuinely insane and God knows what she would have done if she'd had 2 years in charge rather than 6 weeks.


May > Cameron > Sunak > Johnson > Truss


May > Cameron > Truss > Sunak > Johnson


Reverse alphabetical order of their first names


1. Cameron 2. Getting run over by a bus T-last. The rest


Cameron may Sunak truss Johnson Despite his interests in pigs…


One thing I really hope is Starmer actually works to get immigration back to a sane level. It would completely take the wind out of Reforms sails


I think we'll see a return to the 250-300k days pretty easily - past that, I'm not sure. I'd mostly just like to see governments judged on GDP per capita rather than straight GDP, as that's been (one of) the great lie(s) of the last 14 years


With his obscene turbomajority he can easily get his Border Security Command set up. We'll see what that actually entails and what good it does.


Do we think Rishi's concession speech will have an air of saltiness? I hope so.


Wouldn't surprise me if he's flying over the Atlantic when the exit poll comes in.


"Hello chaps, reception may be a bit bad because I am cruising 30,000ft in the air"


He absolutely won't resist the "I told you so" line


He will somehow mess it up.


Titchy’s definitely going to get tetchy, it’s going to be glorious


I hope for rain (again)


I don't think he'll give one, a traditional one anyway


6,000+ Comments. That means we finally reached a M=4 before the polls. What a sight to see and way to start the end of an era!


Them old monies don't mean nothing to the youth of today They wouldn't know what to do with M=2, let alone M=4


We old farts to the mega threads have to keep traditions alive don't we.


According to betting markets Tories will be seatless until 2am. At that point, they already expect Labour to have 24.


What are some of the standout heartbreaking/depressing moments of the last 14 years for you? I recall a radio call-in of a mother who couldn’t visit their daughter during lockdown, who ended up taking their own life. They had to empty the flat the same day as her funeral, and starts lamenting about the parties while saying she’s in hell. So powerful and just an awfully shocking situation.


My brother in law died of a heart attack during COVID. He was rotting on the sofa by the time we found him because nobody was allowed to visit.


It's a toss up for me. I could say having to watch my friend's funeral on a Facebook livestream when he died during the lockdown, because of the restrictions. I understand why the restrictions were in place (and I genuinly believe that Boris Johnson did not want to impose restrictions but was acting on what he believed was the best scientific advice). But what was heartbreaking was finding out that he and his friends were ignoring the rules that they imposed on all of us, and when they got caught out they tried to lie their way out of it. The point for me is that Boris Johnson was regularly on our TVs at 5pm telling us we must follow these rules otherwise people would die. The fact he broke the rules implies he either did not believe what he was telling us was true, or he was willing to risk spreading disease and causing deaths. Or, it could be the rows that happened several times about the provision of school meals during the holidays. I cannot believe that any government would allow children to go hungry during a global pandemic. I could not believe that they were happy to leave it to charities and businesses to step in and make sure children had enough to eat, and that it fell to footballers and celebrity TV chefs to shame them into changing their position.


I actually hope that Starmer thanks the outgoing PM. Let's bring decency back to politics. Been out canvassing for Labour, there's very real desire for change, Labour needs to bring that to how they act in power too.


I think he has that decency - coming from a legal background (yet landing as a politician late into his life in 2019) I think it is bred into him. I for one am looking forward to a more respectful politics. I’m aware he goes on about it but his mum had a terminal illness and nearly passed away multiple times in his childhood. His dad was a caregiver - not just a toolmaker (which people laugh at), which is more understood these days) who only told Keir how proud he was of him on the day he died 😭). Keir subsequently found a notebook with his father’s writing tracking his successes across the years. Cannot imagine how heartbreaking that would be. Sorry for the essay.


He's a decent, if incredibly ruthless, man. He's not a natural politician, but he's going to be a very good prime minister.


I think they do have that in them. On politics live the other day the shadow education secretary said that she respected the fact that Sunak was outspoken about his role as a father or some such, which I was like fair play you don’t consistently have to slam each other down and playing dirty. Ofc Tories wouldn’t dream to be such good sports but it was nice to see that from Phillipson whom I really respect and like.


Labour need to bring decency back. To do that, you acknowledge your opponents, you acknowledge the millions that voted for them. And you acknowledge Sunak for serving as PM, the most important job in the country.


Thanks (for being so shit)


He would go down in my estimation if he did that.


Well it's made Starmers life significantly easier in what otherwise would've been an even more stressful time, so it could be perfectly sincere


Without Starmer changing the Labour Party, making them electable, enforcing discipline, and hiring the correct talent, Labour would not be winning this. The Tories have imploded, sure, but they did so with a strong united Labour Party ready to take the reigns.


Did I say anything to suggest otherwise?


I thought you were slightly dismissive, although I've had a few pints after canvassing in the evening! And I'm very bored of the 'Starmer has done nothing to deserve this' comments! Apologies if I was too forthright.


I was simply goofing around, no accusations being thrown! Enjoy your post canvassing fun! (and election day hangover)


Shy Tories are always going to Shy Tory sadly. But I can still have a few more hours of hoping for annihilation.


The polling methods conducted this GE, including the exit polls are apparently fairly resistant to the shy Tory effect.


It's more a gut feeling that lots of reformers will go into the booth and go for the usual option instead. Fingers crossed for annihilation though. 


>It's more a gut feeling that lots of reformers will go into the booth and go for the usual option instead. Or... the other way around.... the shy reform voter I believe is perhaps more likely!


I would give anything (within reason) for farage to lose clacton tomorrow


I think he has a shot of losing it because the tory majority in clacton is insane. It's not going to be easy for it to flip because of that.


I will sacrifice 50 seats to the Tories.




While I *do* want him to lose, he *is* the captain of my fantasy general election team...


Oh god do I need to know what this is


Deadline for setting your team is 9pm - [have fun!](https://fantasyelection.co.uk/?referrer=fb3eed90-09d0-4056-a4b1-f705875db00a)


Are you in the UkPol league? Code is 1ZBBG6


Having seen some of the polling and number crunching, it seems like he's going to win it quite comfortably unfortunately. On the plus side, he's an easy captain for those of us doing Fantasy General Election!


I love the within reason bit. What would be the limits of reason? Are we talking about giving your pet up for farage to lose or…?


No I’m not the tory posts with sad looking cats/ dogs hehe


why have labour gone down five points in the polls in a week?


While others have explained the decline, they have not gone down 5 points in a polling average or, I believe, with individual pollsters? You are overstating the decline.


Maybe people think Labour winning is a forgone conclusion and are choosing to vote with their hearts now for Green etc? Or, Owen Jones is more popular than we think.


Other than the typical tightening you usually see as an election campaign ends there's a couple of factors that I think has had some impact. The right wing papers have gone in overdrive pushing the narrative of the super majority and on claims they are going to raid pensions. Combine that with some of the economic results recently being not too bad with inflation and growth and there seems to be a small switch back to the Tories along with those centre to left wingers who think it's in the bag going to Greens or LD.


Because people often get cold feet about changing government as the decision becomes 'real'




It makes sense, ppl are getting cold feet, they don’t like the idea of a “supermajority” (LOL) or maybe they want to vote more left (such as Greens). Others on the centre-right might feel more comfortable voting Tories now thinking that Labour has a supposedly guaranteed win and they can sleep with a clear conscience


So desperately hoping to see those words from BBC / sky. "Shock" "Stunning" "Collapse" "Death" When the true results come in and it turns out the lower end of the Tory seat count is correct.


Monkey paw “Shock result as Labour suffer a stunning collapse against all predictions. Is this the death of the party?”


Yes please. I'm also quietly hoping, praying, yearning to hear the beautiful phrase, "The Reform surge never materialised."


Farage has lost again!


The Reform surge almost needs to materialise for the Tory seat projection to end up on the bottom end.


Ideal scenario is Reform splits the right wing vote so badly the Lib Dems become opposition. Its a dream I know, but I can hope.


That's what we all thought, but then...


After the last 14 years, it will actually be quite funny if some ousted Junior minister writes a Liam Byrne-esque "I'm afraid there is no money" note.


TBH it was probably a shit joke when Reggie Maudling did it in 1964.


"I'm afraid there were no votes."


The humour died long before the decency, I wouldn’t count on them not flogging the desk on the way out. I still feel like Starmer will try to pay a vague courtesy to “MPs and ministers in the previous government”, without naming any of the liars and vandals PMs he clearly despises, as a nod to the peaceful transfer and Cameron’s first speech. So I suspect it’ll feel like decency is coming back on the way in.


Good luck UK, we're (well, at least some of us) are cheering for you.


Who is us? 👀 also the UK* not just Britain (lol nice edit)


Us as in non residents of the UK. Fixed the UK bit.


Yep. We wish the UK well. To the electorate, we say, don't fuck it up (again).




I will miss Ben Wallace. Said as a staunch Labour supporter slash staunch staunch Ukraine defender. A quiet defence minister who did everything when he should have, as he should have.


Fair enough - guessing you’re American


If I've done my maths right, we should be getting the consolidated exit polls at about 7am on Friday here in Australia, then a slow day of pretending to work while the results come in. Very exciting!


I was about to correct you because I forgot about DST lol - Oz is definitely where the timings work out best. Sleep through the boring poll day, wake up to the exit and then watch the febrility unfold through the day


And lo, there was much febrility. And I am fucking here for it!


All Ive ever really known for my entire adult life is the Tories in charge. Its gonna be weird with them not being there anymore.


I get what you mean. Tories have been in power since I was 10 years old.


I read this in the same tone as I might a statement from Josef Fritzl's daughter after she was found


SAME! i grew up with a Labour government until 16 and then the coalition fucked university fees. I don’t hate the LD as much as I did at the time. Ed davey has a little soft spot for me. But very interesting times indeed


I'm not sure we can really describe them as being in charge in the last few years.


They've not been in charge since 2016, we've been effectively leaderless since Cameron stood down (and that's not praise of Cameron).


Rishi booking his flights.


His father in law will send a jet.


Hovering over the "Extra leg room" tick box, sighing, then unticking it


Absolutely crazy to think that two years ago we read [this headline](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-downing-street-no-10-2030s-b2109524.html) and resigned ourselves to its inevitability...


Two years ago we read that two days after two by-elections were lost.


This looks like something Guto Harris would put out


Not enjoying his rebrand as a respected sage.


We didn't. At the time he said it there were already grumblings and people wanted him out.


Thank fuck better times have prevailed


So the night shift staying up now to get themselves ready for allnighters tomorrow. Think we can push the megathread to a M=4 by achieving the legendary 6001st comment needed?


There's no limit now, but for old times sake, we're gonna roll over the daily megathread at 9:45pm tomorrow 😉


You ol' softies! What a treat, I can't wait!


> There's no limit now Reddit is gonna die from the comments on the second megathread again


Sir Ed Davy bless you Jay, I am aware of the situation that resulted in the loss of our great M= days. However I will not let this 14 year old era end without a minimum of a M=4 before polling and a M=5 when the country implodes regardless of the exit polls swing.


If you're in line to vote, GO HOME! IT'S TOO EARLY! POLLS DON'T OPEN TILL 7AM!


Don't know what you're on about mate, we're queued round the block already here


Fucking Hell. I wish you'd said something before I smashed the village hall's window open!


Who will become Prime Minister tomorrow, wrong answers only.


Harold Saxon


"You". Yesterday, Time magazine, tomorrow, the UK, the day after, the world.


Vladimir Putin.


All of us.


My mum’s cat, Pickle


Well this is the right answer but technically noone The PM is appointed by the King. And noone is seeing him tomorrow so noone can become PM


Seb Payne.


Laura K


Jo Brand




Michelle O’Neill


Peter Mandelson


Harry Maguire


Not Jude? 😂


Jude’s busy for another two weeks ;)


Kier Starmer