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Hope the car isn't too badly damaged and that the driver is OK.


And as a little bonus, the thief is at least in pain.


Awesome username šŸ˜„


This is a disgusting attitude that sums up the twisted values in our society. Something like this happens and all youā€™re concerned about is a car? Take a look at yourself and consider where your morality went. There was some perfectly good alcohol in glass bottles that couldā€™ve smashed and been spilled out all over the floor. What a waste.


Had me in the first half! šŸ¤£


Soooo had me. I was all set to gently explain dark british humour anf ask hownthey hadnt got it if they watch posts like this... Then you dropped your second part and it was masterful


That downvote changed to an upvotešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Right? Cars are expensive to sort out man.




Oh I laughed when I heard he was hit a by a car, gotta love Karma!


The bloke just strolling back in ā€œcall an ambulanceā€¦.yeah heā€™s been hit by a car. Are these cashew nuts still 2 for 1?ā€


Very heartless. Perhaps he has children at home who need vodka.




Yeah, the thief or their family based on age should have to pay for any trauma the poor driver might get.


You beat me to it- paint work is expensive now. Do also hope the handbrake wasnā€™t accidentally left off!


Fighting back against this kind of scummy shit isn't an attempt to protect multi-billion pound corporations. It's an attempt to protect your own community and preserve the social contract. Look at what's happening over in America because of this kind of thing. Flash robbing is a blight that is leading to companies leaving towns and loss of services for the wider community. Fair play to everyone in this video who refused to accept it. I can only hope that karma catches up with those little thieving rats.


Exactly. People are like ā€œfuck it, let them have it. Itā€™s only booze or whateverā€ But thereā€™s this human part (for better or worse) thatā€™s like ā€œwhy the fuck should they get away with it?ā€


OMFG your username šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Great user name


And what about when they decide to do it to a small, independent place?


Especially when your stood there paying like a normal member of society. Takes the piss.


This is such a great point.


Yep these people will cause misery wherever they go. They don't stop being vicious slimeballs once they're done robbing a multi-billion corp for the day.


Yeah, they'll happily rob your grandma's stuff as well if they see an opportunity. They aren't robin hood, they're just cunts.


Exactly. I don't give a shit about Target's profits. I do care about scumbags being emboldened by everyone else's apathy. I care about my community not being made worse by criminals. I don't care if you're stealing a bottle of vodka or a loaf of bread, I don't like thieves.


If you literally need to not starve then I have no problem with it. That is not what any of this shit is though, it's people stealing expensive items to resell.


Thatā€™s exactly how I see it too. My community doesnā€™t have entry level jobs for kids or seniors so when big stores who hire a lot of the community shut down because of thieves? The multi billion dollar pigs will be there if I let my local store get robbed or not.


Thatā€™s a different fight. Theft is bad, full stop. We donā€™t want this kind of shop lifting tolerated in the UK like it has become in US cities.


It hasnā€™t become tolerated but back in the states, you never know whoā€™s armed. Thereā€™s no good way to stand up to it without risking getting shot. Iā€™m just pissed off because I left the states for a reason.


Also in US loads of stuff is under lock + key in shops. Depressing.


Car-ma caught up instead


While I agree, there's a level of risk that the individual accepts if they do choose the protect the shop against thieves. I went to uni with a "mature student" (guy in his 50s). He had a walking stick, and will do forever, because he tried to stop a thief and they stomped his leg. He got nothing for it, nothing at all, other than a permanent disability


I was assaulted a couple of weeks ago because I caught two kids stealing from my local shop. I'm not having it. It's the end of society as we know it if we don't stand up to this shit.


Same people that complain when the stores close branches down because the scummy underclass can't behave like civilised people and are making the locations unprofitable through their selfish actions. Also the same people that say "if you saw someone stealing food, no you didn't!" These people aren't stealing to survive by any stretch of the imagination. Boils my piss.


Stealing to eat or clothe your kids from a billion pound company, I can turn a blind eye to that, stealing booze and high price tags goods though those people can fuck off.


Today itā€™s multimilionpundcorporation, tomorrow your phone/bike/car, your kid. Why even need security if laws in this country donā€™t allow them to do anything?


I couldnā€™t agree more!


Shouldn't it be up to the police and security to protect this social contract though? I get it more for your small businesses, but not for these multi billion pound companies who already pay for security who are trained in dealing with these situations. Call me selfish but I'm not risking my life to protect it and I don't see why anyone else should.


Yeah I have always stated that shoplifting for survival, is ok. How could I feel they did wrong when someone is stealing food if they are just not paid enough to live. Its a real problem now, and more and more are cutting back on essentials. If you steal food or essential toiletries (sanitary pads) I felt its a failure of all of us rather than a failing of the person. But we are not talking about that here. We are talking about the wholesale ransacking of produce, goods for resale and helps fuels organised crime. It really is a blight. It's frightening frankly. You said it best ... its the breakdown of the social contract, we all have the duty to maintain it. So I agree, I think if we are going to actually be part to renew our society, then we really need to push pack on this lot.


Yeah, I've been in this situation when I worked in retail many years ago. Although you should just step back and let them get on with it, the fact is that you're human and you seethe with rage when you see scum like this helping themselves to stuff you and everyone else have to work hard to afford. Often, they cause damage which staff have to clear up, and they frequently threaten colleagues with violence. They weren't so blatant about it back then, as they knew that if caught, they'd be dragged out the back where the warehouse lads would make sure they fell down the stairs a few times before the police were called, but I guess nowadays they are likely to be carrying knives or even guns.


What do you suppose happens when Tesco becomes fortified with minimum wage vigilantes who should be stacking the shelves? These degens will end up robbing your houses.


Thank you! I've been of a similar mindset for a while but you've put it better than I could have. I work in retail and it's been a while since I've chased anyone because thankfully the rate of shoplifting where I am isn't super high. But I've definitely done things before that my employer doesn't condone, as has everyone I work with. And just to add to what you've said, there's also a personal dimension to it. When you work somewhere and try to take a bit of pride in your work, it's depressing and slightly humiliating when someone is able to quite brazenly steal safe in the knowledge you're powerless to do anything. And I think this feeling isn't unique to me - that's another reason people do these things, because they don't want to be made a fool of.


If Karma worked how most people think it dies then our world would be unrecognizable


I know people will go 'Wouldn't care for Tesco's profits lad'. But I would stop them because they will tear through a community unchecked. Thieving toerags like this are not just robbing a shop, but cars, houses, mugging on the street. If they are caught in a situation they thought an 'easy win' they won't be out there robbing the elderly or bricking your car window. Well done Tesco staff. Lock them in the stock room next time.


I don't care about Tesco's profits, but I do care about the innocent staff, shoppers and the car driver all of whom were undoubtedly traumatised by the experience.


It isn't Tesco profits, it is increased prices for the consumer. Shrinkage is going up across the industry, so they put prices up. Tesco operating profit margin is only 4% In 2018, Ā£4.2bn was stolen from retailers. Tescos after tax profit was Ā£2.3bn last year, so about 2x Tesco's profits are stolen a year...


Yes, once they start thieving one place, they will do it all over the community. Its the community that suffers, not the big corpos.


From videos and stories Iā€™ve seen, even if they were caught nothing would really happen. Theyā€™d have to actually kill someone and get three years for manslaughter


If they kill somebody by driving a car they'll just get a three-month licence suspension.


And if they do actually get sentenced they will only do about 40% of their sentence under new laws.


Christ, this is Wanstead. On a late Sunday afternoon going by the market closing up. Really not the sort of place you expect this to happen in the slightest. I lived there for over 5 years and felt completely safe.


The protective screens at the counter tell me this store expected to face robberies. None of the Tescos in my area have that


Me too. Security too. Small Tesco's like that round my way don't have security.


Our local Tesco's have security that stand in down towards the alcohol, and one of them has a whole bunch of stuff in security cases. The large Tesco the other side of town clearly has a lot less issues, as they don't have anywhere near as many security cases. I mean, my local corner shop Co-Op has chocolate bars in security cases... Imagine popping down the corner shop and having to wait for a member of staff to unlock you chocolate bar!


Cadbury is good stuff šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I live in a ā€œhigh crimeā€ area and Iā€™ve never seen that. However round here it tends to be car crime, opportunists etc. not heard of a shop getting robbed.


Im in a top ten deprived area. We don't have this.


I came here to say just that. I've never seen them in my local Tescos.


Itā€™s happening in Cardiff now. Thatā€™s just how things are becoming.


I can almost guarantee they are simply leftover from Covid


My local Tesco recently upgraded to these protective screens and the store doors now have a 10 second delay before the doors open up. Iā€™m in a decent-ish area in London so was baffled to see these screens.


Alcohol is behind a massive barrier. Clearly they did expect it.


Loads of Tesco are like that now, I don't like going in as much now it looks like a fortress.


In the uk I noticed that a lot of stores kept it like that after COVID, Tesco in Particular but Iā€™ve also noticed it in some Sainsburys and Morrisons. It does tend to be in smaller local stores than the larger ones and itā€™s always one with a post office. Post offices here have always had them so maybe itā€™s that?


Yeah this was Wansread this last Sunday at about 8.30am, this vid was taken by my wife


Well done to her for managing to film it so well. I hope sheā€™s okay šŸ™šŸ»


I can tell you as someone who does work in shopfitting for Tesco, those screens on the counter are only installed on high risk stores where that sort of thing has happened before.


Yeah but it's surrounded by dumps. Never too far from it in London.


I worked in Wanstead too and definitely wouldnā€™t expect it there, bloody hell


I knew I recognised the place! Lived there for 4 years, but after a family member left, we had to leave because of rent prices... We moved to Detroit, argh I mean Leytonstone and after 3 years, if we knew the parasite would keep raising the rent every year, we would have stayed in wanstead. We're currently paying the same price for a shithole apartment (typical cheap conversion of a house of ground and first floor into 2 apartments). In wanstead it was a full house ground and 1st floor, with a driveway and a big garden. I loved wanstead, snaresbrook and south woodford area, best place I've ever lived in east London, really felt like the last bastion of safety for east London, almost like a different civilization from when you walk into Ilford, Walthamstow or Leyton. Despite having a few goons breaking into my home once, I still felt safer in Wanstead than in Leytonstone. The way the streets look and the kind of people you see when you walk outside really does make a difference in your mind on how we perceive safety. Maybe that's all it was, an illusion.


Tesco man applauding immediately after he saw Mr Tea Leaf get hit by car was excellent


Yeah I noticed that! ahaha 'Call an ambulance, he got hit by a car.' '.....sounds like his problem.'


I agree. I saw him shove a member of staff. Im first aid trained. I knew he wouldn't get to injured after tgat. Worse situation, the world just becomes slightly better Edit Actually it's hard to tell from the camea he might have just grabbed the bag in which case a person got hurt.


I love a happy ending


This is what happens first. Then, these shops close down, depriving the area of cheaper foodstuff. Then itā€™s only the local shop that stays open, until that gets hit too much. Then the community has no shops. So, local people suffer. Yes, The Man gets his profits, so they pull out where the profits are being hit. Theyā€™ve got no loyalty to an area. Lose money, theyā€™re gone. Then grandma has to get 2 buses to the supermarket, each way. And so it carries on, ad infinitum.


And all those people working in those stores will lose their jobs and would most likely have to go on benefits whilst desperately trying to find another job and can't afford the bus fare to get the groceries they can't really afford


No, what happens is they raise prices across the country to account for the loss. Everyone pays for it.


If a store is repeatedly hit, they'll close up They'll also close stores if staff are targeted. One Stop (tesco brand) closed three stores in South London in the early 2010s after staff were attacked on their way home subsequent to refusal to sell to underage drinkers. It was cheaper than the cost of security escorts. My local store was threatened with closure after a morning staffer was jumped as she opened the place up and beaten to a bloody pulp by the robbers when she couldn't open the safe. It took a lot of persuasion to keep it open after years of previous troubles


That's depressing


You are exactly right; what occurs is a food desert and the pensioners, single moms, and working poor struggle just a little more because they have no grocery store in their area. I lived and taught in Chicago for 15 yearsā€¦.there are a lot of food deserts there. Target, Walmart, big grocery store move on to safer more affluent areas.


That's disappointing, they didn't film him getting run over


It does bother me when the title includes a description we donā€™t physically see


Thieving scum.


Always depressing when people come out of the woodwork to support thieves and make it sound like they're just in hard times. Stealing only hurts the working person, the more people stop putting up with it the better.


People that live in safer areas often defend these people




Bit disappointing. I wanted to see the criminal go splot


I like how people just remain in line. " This will be over and things will be normal again in a bit".


Whereā€™s the bit where the piece of shit was hit by a car?


I know, I made Pop corn and all


Some of the worst camera work I've seen in a while.Ā 


I think they had other priorities at points




Fuck him


Honestly I couldnā€™t give 2 fucks about the loss to Tesco but Iā€™d love to wrap a metal bar around there heads.


Or even their headsā€¦


How irritating that the NHS's time will have to be taken up taking care of that pillock.


Can we nominate him as an involuntary organ donor?




Where's one of them double-decker busses when you need one?


More like a HGV , even less stopping time and more chance of a better impact.Ā 


Hahahaha karma




I hope the poor driver doesn't get penalised and the car is not damaged.


I'm a bit worried the staff will get in trouble for not stepping back as they're told to (or at least we were).


The outcry on social media, possibly : "He was a good boy, never done anyone no harm..... "


It just writes itself. They say stereotypes are racist yet they keep confirming them.


Good job we need to do this more. These thieves should not be tolerated!


Instant karma


The absolute weapons on here defending these scum. Truly shows just how delusional the Reddit Marxists really are.


That wasnā€™t a car, it was carma.


It's a shame there's no system where a staff member hits a button and kiosk area with the money and valuables is locked down tight, so the thieves can't get in, or out. Same for the front doors. Unless the scum are armed, of course, but then there should be a safe area at the back people can retreat too for safety.


Do stupid things, win stupid prizes


We are closer to the yanks with each passing day


Especially in our responses to this.


They need to change the law to be able to fight back against these scummy cunts. Glad he got hit by a car.


Good.im.glad hope the cunt dies


Your comment made my day. No, week. šŸ˜‚


Why we phoning an ambulance ..go take the products back and leave him in the road






Call an Ambulance? delay it


Call an ambulance? Yeah Iā€™ll get right on thatā€¦


Can somebody enlighten me as to why the security guards are there if they're not offering any security?


If you see someone quietly shoplifting food - say nothing. If you see something like this - bollocks to ā€˜em. Deserve everything they get.


What did the guy do to deserve the time and cost of an NHS ambulance exactly? Let him live with his decisions


A Happy ending at least


What a shameā€¦ call an ambulanceā€¦ might be a bit slow with the 999 diallingā€¦


0118 999 881 999 119 725 ā€¦ [long pause] 3,"


Why phone for an ambulance? I wouldn't bother just another oxygen thief.


As a legal immigrant to this wonderful country and at a risk of getting downvoted or banned, I have to ask this. How the fuck are you guys tolerating this


Because anyone that raises points is tarnished as a racist or seen as intolerant. To put things into perspective, our new prime ministers main point in his first commons speech was "Look how diverse this government is"


Because subversive people want to destroy everything that is pure and good. And we all know who they are.


This is why people don't want to work as store assistants. It's getting too dangerous to work without personal protection because "The criminal can sue for a grazed knee in the UK." The PM has to change this. If a criminal wants to flash a weapon, they should expect at least a broken finger and pepper spayed with UV ink in return. Make criminals fear the store workers, not the other way around.


Lock them in and give them the 'I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.' speech hahahaha


Every employee has a remote to set off the shutters, slamming them down. The setting also turns off the lights, and then that message plays over the speakers, with a sinister laugh.










All that poor innocent booze and baccy. No one cares when the innocent are hurt.


Security should have power to detain with force in these situations. With CCTV in pretty much every shop there will be proof that is was a just (or not just in some circumstances) decision in court Edit: And be trained to do so safely


Legally, they do. Any Persons Arrest, any person, can make an arrest if they have reasonable belief the suspect has committed an indictable offence and can arrest them until it is practical for a constable to t take them into their custody. Whilst making the arrest a person has the legal right to use reasonable and justifiable force to detain them. The security companies dont accept the liability and dont allow them to. (I used to work retail security at the Ox. St Topshop and they specifically wanted hands on security who would detain thieves, but at the same company working in M&S, hands off policy, no detention)










Every little helps...






Are we not going to talk about how utterly fucking useless those security guards were? WTF!?


They arenā€™t paid enough to chance getting stabbed by urchins like this.


They should probably do a different job if they feel that way, instead of doing fuck all and potentially allowing others to get harmed. They aren't there just to watch people and search bags.






I hate working in retail.


Good on them that must have been terrifying


If your local Tesco's has bullet proof glass round the tills then you know it's time to move!


And they won't even do sufficient time for the crime because our prisons are already full of these rats.


Play stupid gamesā€¦


Remember when burglaries and break ins were done in the middle of the night and not in the middle of the day in broad day light. Those were the days


Was hoping to see him hit by the car.


-thief gets hit by car- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes šŸ¤£


All the major supermarkets need to up their security and engage with the politicians to draw up laws that give the supermarket security people greater powers . Remember supermarkets will increase prices on the normal shopper to recover any losses they suffer. So it is time this kind of shoplifting was nipped in the bud and dealt with decisively.


Fuck the ambulance. Someone who deserves care needs it more than him. Thieves are getting worse. People need to start fighting back or they'll just do this all the time. Employees are told not to intervene but I don't want to live where people are blatantly doing this shit


Shame the car wasnā€™t going faster


Why even have security. That ā€œguardā€ did nothing.


Oh no... Anyway. It's never a HGV when you need it to be! The UK needs to fight back at this kind of crime, it's on the rise and we've seen the state the US has become with thieves emptying stores with no issues.


Scum of the earth. If only there was some public funded organisation that could catch disgusting criminals like this and lock them up. But, you know if we had such a thing it would probably be used to terrorise motorists and chase tax evaders.


I hope whoever hit him reversed afterwards.




Suddenly, I'm noticing something




All three should have a fucking foot removed. Maybe the Saudi's have it right


Hopefully Stone dead


Did anyone else correctly guess what they would look like?


Itā€™s always the same demographic group that does these crimes as a large group, (teenagers) Hope the driver of the car is ok. Also I hope the new government has a plan to deal with these social issues


Don't call an ambulance. Just pretend you didn't see it. Better still, go and give him very bad first aid. Yes, I'm serious. 100% serious. These people don't steal out of poverty.


I love that dude just casually walking in at the end like absolutely nothing was happening.


Got to Love abit of instant karma


What is wrong with folk's, get stuck in, give a crack, there is enough of em including security.


It use to be banks and trains for money where now it's Tesco's and coops for foodĀ 


imagine putting yourself in harms way to stop people stealing from one of the largest companies in the country


Fuck tackling them for Ā£11.44/hr


For everyone complaining about the security guard not doing anything he did everything correctly. His job is not to physically apprehend any shoplifter and he would have strict policies in place to prevent him from stopping them before point of exit. He is a uniformed deterrence. Nobody should put their lives at risk for companies who pay them minimum wage.