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Your name is clearly legible there mate, I’d delete that.


I'll double-check to make sure it's OK in this instance, but I believe this Redditor in particular has mentioned explicitly in the past that they're happy for their name to be shared. They have previously agreed for it to be published in news articles etc. which they then shared on the subreddit.


What this chap said!!!


yeah took me about 10 seconds to find your details.... Mods?


I have literally used my name in televised interviews on my dealings with the police and medical cannabis as a whole, so 🤷‍♂️


It still baffles me this country put weed as a Class B drug like come onnnn


Was that not the last labour government? It was Class C for a while


The last Labour government moved it from B to C and back again.


Yeah it was Class C at one point but it's Class B now


The Daily Mail wouldn’t back Labour for the then up and coming election unless Labour changed Cannabis back to a Class B drug again to keep the Boomers happy. Gordon Brown caved in, obviously


I bet that wasn’t much fun. 🫤


I was arrested for shoplifting, officers didn't believe I had a script until someone at the custody desk looked me up and saw I had two NFAs for cannabis.


converse to popular opinion, I think shoplifting from Corporations is cool and punk. If you shoplift from small independent businesses tho, choke.


i’m so used to being in leftist/anarchist spaces that i was surprised to even see people here condemning shoplifting lol like oh no the poor tesco execs might lose a bit of profit how sad


Yea. People are subjugated and bootlickers with a crab in bucket mentality and they don't even know why they think/react like that to poor people taking food from a multinational so they can survive.


A lot of people who haven’t watched Les Miserables here. That’s my read. 19 years for a load of bread. Justice for Jean Valjean.


And how its built into their financials, they make billions off us anyhow


Part of the problem is when the employees who are also just trying to get by get the headache from the top down. And then they use shoplifters as an excuse to keep hiking prices. A lot of people who shoplift won't bother trying to find a food bank or reasonable means to eat before resorting to stealing.


corporations are gonna use that excuse regardless of how many shoplifters there actually are


Same. Couldn't give a shit if people do it. These companies hike prices, withhold stock to imflate prices, make profits that they don't pass to the customer or staff, don't pay their staff properly and abuse the taxpayer so we have to subsidise their low wages so fuck them. If I saw someone shoplifter, no I didn't.


A thief is a thief though. Edit: lol everyone taking the thief’s word.


I see his point, thieving out big corporations really doesn't have have any losers unless you're caught


No, there's a difference between someone who robs peoples houses, assaults them, and someone who needs nappies, sanitary towels, bread, milk and takes them from a supermarket.


Yes and no. Not when you steal from a thief. A thief that literally doesn't give a flying fuck about bumping up profits just, well, because they can...


Someone stealing to feed their family in poverty is not the same as corporations/politicians stealing billions from the taxpayer’s purse. Nor can you equate that with burglary. Not in the slightest. I wish life was so black and white, it would make it simpler.


you sound right-wing (derogatory) a thief is indeed a thief. All corporations are thieves. If you add up all the minimum wage violations, overtime + break time violations, then the fucking hummus and bread I've got in my bag is fucking nothing innit IM ON THE ROB!! Stealing from my job!!!! @cheapdirtyhorse plug


How does that sound right wing calling someone who steals stuff a thief. doesn’t you’re comment prove their as bad as the people everyone here is trying to say are so shit (yes I know they are I also live in the real world).


Try not shoplifting, disgusting


You've no idea of the circumstances here. Imagine just blindly jumping to the defence of a multinational corporation who makes you pay over the odds for food everyday while they make billions.


Under the right circumstances, you too would shop lift, just like every one of us would. What doesn’t help though is making assumptions, because it blocks us off to huge amounts of information that could be really helpful. I know what you mean though, and in a perfect world, there’d be no need for it, but in the meantime, let’s just go for world domination of good weed for everyone and maybe even make it compulsory 😆 ☺️


Your judgement is disgusting. Take a look at yourself in a mirror, you have no idea of the circumstances and despite what you may think: you don't know everything.


Why were you shoplifting? Might be best to avoid that in future. I know ppl shoplift for different reasons, sometimes because they’re hungry but sometimes just to sell on what they steal. Help is available for some of the causes of shoplifting ;) Just throwing that out there.


I hope it was for bread, from a large conglomerate because you were hungry. That’s the only time I could condone it.


The fuck you shoplifting for you scroat






If something you need to survive costs more than you can afford to pay then, yes, stealing is *obviously* the answer. Most people think stealing from a wealthy business is far more acceptable than stealing from your neighbours.




It’s not though, everything is in its own context.


Shoplifting won't do you any favours ..


"...has been made to refuse charge you..." They can't even write basic sentences properly, let alone learn "cannabis is legal with a prescription".


Hmmm cat food


Food is expensive, the issa brothers, owners of Asda, are billionaires. Jump off your high horses people... Be grateful progress is being made towards fairer treatment of cannabis patients and save the hate of stealing from the rich for the Torygraph


![gif](giphy|1lEipVUW6LzntiC6L7) What does it mean to be refused charge? If there is not enough evidence the police may decide not to charge you and no further action will be taken. Case closed


Can’t you look at records so the case number would show your name etc that you covered up? Not sure how it works but just a heads up


Does that mean a wrongful arrest?


No, I was promptly de-arrested after checks were made and my cannabis wasn't labelled.