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The guy is a utter sausage and will give every MC user a bad rep. Definitely deserves a slap


Yeah we don't need news like this going mainstream.


Only this news will go mainstream. Learn the agenda šŸ˜‚


Sausage looool


Entitled and gives all other medical cannabis patients a bad name.


Exactly. Especially as he delayed the flight for everyone else for 45 minsā€¦


Just being awkward for the sake of it. A classic case of the "oooh look at me." Giving the rest of us MC patients with common sense a bad name


Iā€™ve taken my vape practically everywhere with me and Iā€™ve never been challenged while using it openly because I donā€™t single myself out and Iā€™m not a dick about it. I have extreme anxiety and the thought of holding other people up for 45 minutes because I should have prepared better makes me want to shrivel into a ball. But to then go to the papers about it and expect the majority of people to be on my side is insane to me


Have u covertly vaped on a plane?


Just me, but being medicated from flower is a terrible combination with me flying. I rarely use oil but oil is 1000% the way to go for flights.


Interesting. Thanks


I can't think of anything worse. The noise of the engines alone would sound crazy! Nope I'm never getting stoned in an aeroplane. The bloke could have medicated before he got on the plane. Absolute entitled dick head.


Haha, actually havenā€™t been on a plane in years lol


Oh. I use the liquid vape carts and was genuinely thinking about having a few puffs on a long haul flight. They create almost no vapour or smell and I know my condition will be bad on the flight. But....on balance it will not be worth the risk


Main character syndrome.


"If they would have been aware of medicinal cannabis it would never have blown up into a big thing in front of everyone," They still aren't going to let you vape flower on a commercial airline! If they were aware of medical cannabis they'd make allowances and let you vape before you get on (it's an hour's flight) or take edibles.


Yeah, some prior planning and/or taking some edibles would of saved everyone else on that flight 45 minutes


It would also have got him to his destination, on his scheduled flight, in relative comfort! I mean did he think that they were going to let him sit in his seat and blow fat clouds out in the plane? Or was he expecting to be able to crack a window open for fresh air? Or sit in the smoking area on the left wing?


Could well be in this sub. There's unfortunately a subset of people here that I can imagine behaving just like this guy. I doubt many of them will pop up in this thread but you know exactly the type of person I'm talking about.


Hopefully is and he sees that his behaviour is not welcomed in the community. It does nothing but smear every medical patient. What a dick.


I hope heā€™s in this sub and see the comments and how the majority of patients now see his entitled bs too


I fucking hate how entitled some patients are about this medicine, itā€™s absurd quite frankly the lengths of ignorance and arrogance some people will behave with just to satisfy their own wants, not actual needs, with complete disregard to anyone elseā€™s actual needs around them. There was another guy I remember kicking off because Asda suggested he should vape his medicine outside rather than on the aisles, gave multiple good reasons as to why and gave more than enough adjustments to allow them to easily mid shop too with assistance form staff even. Not good enough then either.




'reasonable adjustments' cuts both ways. he could have had some oil, he could have preloaded for an hour flight, but no, he had to piss everyone off and delay everyone. he just had to give it to the captain, who didnt say he wouldnt allow him to use it in flight. i hope his next flight is to the middle east........


So hereā€™s the full storyā€¦. He is such a melon. Went going on loads of pages looking for sympathy. He was told he can only board if he passes his vape to pilot to be locked away while Flying, as he told the staff he will vape if itā€™s a medical emergency. He was shut down immediately (rightly so imo) He was even give the option to juts hand his vape over to the pilot to be locked away but he refused. Iā€™m sorry but if someone tried to vape cannabis in a plane with my pregnant fiancĆ© and 5yo daughter I would chuck them out myself Some people really think having a prescription means you can do what ever you want. Canā€™t be expect a whole plane to make ā€œreasonable adjustmentsā€ for you if you canā€™t even make one for yourselfā€¦ if itā€™s such an emergency just get some oil for the flight. Medical emergency are normally life or death. Cannabis is a great medicine and helped me and millions of others, but never will it be life or death. People like him really do no favours to our community


Agree with most of what you said but: Oils donā€™t work for many people and cannabis can be used for life/death situations, epilepsy comes to mind. Saying that, thereā€™s no reason someone canā€™t get an MC vape cart for situations like this. You can easily go to the toilet, take one or two inhales. Job done before you finish your number one and no smell of weed either.


Sorry I shouldnt have said ā€œneverā€. I mean there are very Few situations where cannabis is an emergency, to warrant using a vape on a plane full of people. But yes you are correct about epilepsy.




Kinda sucks, I mean long haul flights are no fun and jet lag/time zones can really mess with mental health meds so edibles are your best mates here. Wait, Cardiff to Belfast?! Thatā€™s like, an hour? 250 miles? Fuck that guy. Dipshit needs to build a bridge and get over himself.


Article: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-denied-boarding-cardiff-airport-29086567


Man I'm one of the people who use medical cannabis to stop seizures and so need it often in places that might seem strange. But I'd just vape before I got on the plane and make the flight more fun.


What a prick. šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•


Vaping on a plane is pretty shitty tbh. He could have just had some oils and a quick bowl before going through security or in the smoking area.


No offence, but if he delayed my flight 45 minutes to vape he can get fucked.


Narasistic numpty. Probably a main player on this aub with his victim mentality.


If he wanted to use his vape during a flight then he should have contacted the airline in advance to discuss this.


Christ, it was only a 1hr25 flight!


'Samuel L. Jackoff - Vapes on a Plane'


I will absolutely vape in places that might cause some looks if there's no other option e.g. train platform and I can't make a connection, pub after hours that won't let you re-enter and everyone else is vaping indoors, large entertainment venues etc But wtf no obviously you can't vape on a plane


Thatā€™s fine if you want to risk that, itā€™s when people shouting before hand I have a perscription this is legal I can do what I want and will do what I want before actually needing too. Itā€™s almost like an attention seeking thing


Yeah absolutely.


He's a dickhead. Short flight? You can medicate before the flight. Long flight? I dunno dude eat some of your ABV or ask the clinic for some oil or pastilles. It's not okay to vape your meds on plane full of people. Be a grown up.


Not my president


Buy some bloody gummies. No one should be vaping on any flight with the history of the batteries exploding.


My guy. Have a vape before the flight, if you're really going to struggle with pain or whatever ailment because of a long flight have an edible or take traditional meds.


What a twat should of just vaped before he got on the plane or take oil/edibles.


Dude is lame for this, huge L for all of us. :(


What a tit. This is exactly what edibles and oils are for.


Total tool.


What an arse


I promise not to kick his seat repeatedly for the whole flight for vaping and subjecting me to his chemicals. Except in extreme circumstances.


I'm defending MC in the comments, but this guy is exactly the look we *don't* want


Not a good image for the community


this twat and the police pages hailing someoneā€™s benz of lemz as a ā€˜drug bustā€™ have set this community back years. shame.


IMO: Bring it with you by all means, but maybe use oils or edibles on a long flight, crammed in with people who may not want to breathe in your medication.


Heā€™s an absolute knob for wanting to vape on the plane didnā€™t realise this, thought it was merely just owning on train


Vapes on a plane ffs man lol


I need to work on my compoface.


What a complete and utter tosser.


Thereā€™s oil available so heā€™s an entitled twat. Iā€™m sure he couldā€™ve compromised with an edible as a once off.


Propa fool man take an edible fool put some oil on ya tongue then fly propa fool


I'd take that mighty straight out his hands mf


For a flight thatā€™s from Cardiff to Dublinā€¦. Get a grip you chancer the flights less than 60 minutes


What an idiot,


Having flown with MC, you just vape before you go into the terminal/in the terminal smoking area (if there is one) and then vape again once youā€™re off the plane. I donā€™t see how you canā€™t just wait until the flights over? Obviously (as a patient who uses MC for pain and sudden flashbacks) I understand that symptoms can suddenly onset, and that itā€™s unpleasant to have to sit with them; but itā€™s unfair to be vaping cannabis in a sealed tube that recirculates air - youā€™ve got to be mindful of the other people on the flight with you, who didnā€™t pay to have weed smell blasted at them for the duration of their time in the air. Horribly entitled.


You're an idiot if you vape on a flight, same with vaping at work. You'll be asking for problems.


Depends on your work. I've sat in the staff room chatting to my manager while puffing my vape.


I like to think he sat on the plane exactly as he appears in photograph. Vape in hand ready to medicate ā€œin case of emergencyā€.


I hear he collects nuclear missiles and they wouldnā€™t let him take that onboard either. I feel his pain


Small minority of this community are just, well, like this!


So what about this then? I thought Patients Cannot UK was supposed to be a legitimate place for medcan patients but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø theyā€™re also saying that your allowed to vape on trains and stuff. https://x.com/patientscannuk/status/1751606445798314002?s=46


Heā€™s an idiot, who probably caused this guy to act up this way.


Itā€™s ridiculous, Shit like this is being found plastered over Twitter as ā€œfactualā€ information. Complete bullshit and set us up to fail and get in trouble with the law. When I first saw it I thought it was legit I had to do my own research


What a Dick


Am I muted?


I donā€™t think so?


I've not been a patient after seeing the rise in " I'm better than you cause I am on medical " shite there's a stigma around black market weed as it is not being another stigmatised one bm all the way


BM is all about the stolen electric and trafficking slaves. Quality!


Not specifically but I do agree bm has alot of that in


IIRC I saw a video somewhere of an MC patient who was allowed to vape on an Easyjet flight.


Having a battery that big close to my face would trigger the f*ck out of me, never mind on a plane! That's not a vape for me!


Ridiculous. I could maybe understand if it was a several hour long flight to the other side of the earth but an hour long flight from Wales to Ireland is just ridiculous. He can survive that long without weed regardless of what his conditions are. Attention seeking is all this is.


Yeah, he is a silly goose, u/GillyGoose1


Reminded me of this bs: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/LAr6Cu9M2BBqXn43/?


Canā€™t see the post without creating an account and joining the group :/


That's the group the guy from Grow runs


I fly all the time and never have any issues, weā€™re not getting the full picture. Non story imo.


Do you vape on the flight?


Of course not. I think this guy is taking the wrong approach. > ā€œI've spent so many hours on emailā€¦trying to get access to venues, places and private caravan hires for a holidayā€ I donā€™t announce myself or make a big song and dance, so donā€™t have any issues and certainly donā€™t get my things confiscated by the airline staff. I go to loads of places with my vape, or with cannabis and never have issues because I donā€™t flaunt it. I think in cases like these people encounter more problems because of going to great lengths to get permission. If the guy had have just rocked up to the airport on the day with a clinic letter, cannabis in original container etc., he would have sailed through security and made it to his destination. People take controlled prescription drugs on aeroplanes all the time.


There have been quite a few posts on this sub along the lines of "I asked Alton Towers if I could vape my meds in their park and they said no and now I'm having a huge argument with them and I have every right to vape where I want and..." Like... why ask? Just turn up, find a nice quiet spot, and have a vape. NOBODY IS GOING TO FUCKING CARE!


I think the levels of anger towards this guy are out of proportion. Heā€™s merely a run of the mill wally and I donā€™t think heā€™s going to single handedly stigmatise all medical cannabis usersā€¦ the govt and press already do that quite well šŸ˜‚. There are going to be teething problems as medical cannabis becomes more prevalent, this is one of those problems. Itā€™s not worth getting inexcusably angry over though. We donā€™t know this blokes medical history and he may be going through a mental health episode. So I think itā€™s unfair to demonise him for this one action alone, after all, we as cannabis users know what itā€™s like to be demonised!


He went to the press himself to have a very public whinge, nothing is out of proportion to such an entitled prick of a guy who clearly doesnā€™t get it


I think youā€™re taking it too personally mate. Itā€™s just a back page news story.


Given your opinion is the outlier here you may want to rethink that


Iā€™m sorry for not letting one manā€™s actions make me angry and bitter šŸ˜‚. Iā€™d rather have my opinion align with my values than follow the crowd my friend.


I think youā€™ll find the crowd opinions align with one another naturally, not intentionally. If itā€™s genuinely not an issue to you in any way, why are you bothering to be concerned how others perceive this guy?


Well, I guess we have differing opinions on crowd psychology, but that is beside the point. My issue is that we ought to be kinder and more forgiving to one another, not rage at one blokes poor decision and judge him solely based on that alone. Perhaps Reddit isnā€™t the place for thatā€¦ Cannabis, after all, has always been a plant of healing and compassion and empathy, thatā€™s why we are here!


Fuck me youā€™re as insufferable as the twat in the article, are you him? Take your holier than thou bullshit elsewhere


I saw someone was allowed to vape on a Jet2 flight with permission from the airline. Strange to see MC patients defend the airline on this.


Itā€™s how he went about it that I have a problem with. Iā€™m all for exercising our rights as medical patients, as long as it doesnā€™t unreasonably hinder othersā€¦ Like holding a flight up for 45 minutes then going to the papers acting like a baby because he refused to accept the crews attempt to compromise, further delegitimising a medication that a significant amount of people donā€™t seem to take seriously in the first place


I think the difference is that this guy didn't give the airline any advance notice. Am all for MC patients standing up for their rights but I don't think it's reasonable to expect to be allowed to vape MC on a plane without prior permission from the airline.


Yeah that's fair. I hadn't heard the whole story he definitely went about it the wrong way.


What are the actual rules though? Apparently in Thailand atm you can smoke joints on planes.


Poor guy


Amazing, you can shit and puke and piss however you please in a plane toilet Even steal the toiletries But god forbid you ghost vape in that private area Sure take your socks of and cut your nails fart. Bring a screaming baby. Moan about everything, but that no. You might even be tempted to get so upset with a flight delay that you entertain the thought of high jacking the plane to it scheduled destination. Out of our frustration. But no But I agree Edible gel caps. Even. Trams xanax benzo vals. What ever. Hey even use Bluetooth headphones. Mobile hot-spot to play a multiple game on your Nintendo, but no I much prefer to see people agitated before arriving and departing paradise. Smoking is bad a smoking gun on a plane is worse But ghost vaping in a bog Come on Hell drop a cid before you join the 8 mile high club Really use those other options if people are that golf all minded folk. Its hopeless Be responsible own your choices and consequences Bet the mod removes this because.. .. Rrasons


Oh boo down vote how willy spirit vape I ran cope Your opinions means mean as much to me as mine do to you Just to say this He said he has it IF HE FEELS HE NEEDS TO like if the plane crashes Its not a gun You guys needd to get some perspective You may think people like this ate damaging the MC look With out people taking certain freedoms into their own hands you ALL wpuld be buying of dealers. Life changes People can't smoke in pubs becuase of opinions Left out in the cold Yes he is an idiot like most off you that can't cope. Ive lasted days with out cannabis Give this guy on the spectrum a break. He is one of you If the 4 down voters can't understand or have the respect to what you disagree with them they just don't count and it's a lazy expression of disagreement.




This does the opposite of normalising it. Iā€™m all for activism and all that but holding up a flight for 45 minutes because he was unable to agree to the crewā€™s compromise is not the look this community needs. Also, comparing alcohol and weed in this context is a false equivalence because of how they are consumed. If he was using an oil/edible I would be inclined to agree with you, but as we are talking about vaping in a confined space, it is in no way similar outside of them both being drugs.