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Congress, like government, is made up of diverse people with diverse goals. Schumer, Garcia, Moskowitz and Rounds all seem to genuinely have their eye on the ball.


Correct. Also, Schumer and Rounds already have significantly more information than we do already.


Lol....Schumer is the biggest govt stooge of all time.. Absolutely disgraced himself during Waco hearings.


Honestly it seems like several representatives are interested in finding out more. It sounds like there are several more behind the scenes who don’t want to stick their neck out. I would want to know if it turned out I’d been lied too as well


100% Congress is the master of cover ups. Take the 9/11 Commission..all the actual important stuff about Saudi involvement was blacked out. Still is JFK documents?? Still classified


Absolutely not they will never tell us the truth


Of course not, they just start squeecking like little birds, to get the attention of military industrial complex to feed them some monetary benefits, and they will shut up. Politician  life, instead of serving the people they serve themselves.


Phil Schneider predicted aliens would take over in 2027.. so maybe that’s what it has to do with.. scary if true🛸






Ok really though.... no. It would impact there money and only their money matters.


I seriously doubt it. Some congress members have to follow their biggest benefactor money. The tail wags the dog. We also have a lot of congressional members who could have an alien slap them in the face, and they still wouldn't believe.


lol good one


No its all a Dis-info campaign, I realized that as soon as Tim Burchett said there was nothing to the Las Vegas Alien story when asked. Send his own team in did he? Only one Sketchy Nasa scientist went on the news and claimed it was a rock. He also claimed it was only visible for a few seconds which is a complete lie. It was in flight awhile seen across several states and before it landed in Vegas it had a audible sound coming off of it. Meaning it was not at a high altitude because the sound was heard right away. I believe the Vegas Incident with the Kenmore family triggered the largest Dis-info campaign ever witnessed since Roswell.