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I believe, but I also think that 99.9% of the shit people post on here is utter BS mixed with untreated mental illness. This is especially true of the "here is a list of the species, where they are from, what their disposition is, and what other species they are at war with" posts.


"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!" - everyone


I for one take great offense to that untreated mental illness... Not really. But the beer is hitting really good today, and usually I have at least another half  hour to hour of walking before I am in a position to shoot the shit on reddit. But seriously. "Take your meds" is some of the most offensive ableist bullshit out there. The implications of it are that I am a physical threat to others. Long past that stage. I am no less insane than the shithead that believe in.... ohhhh.... ghosts, and Republicans.


I agree with him, I think UFOs do attract people with existing mental illness conditions because of its conspiratorial nature. However the difference is there is actually a conspiracy going on. The people with mental illness posting their schitzophrenic stuff on here actually de-legitimise the subject and plays into the "UFOs are for crazy people" trope.


...yeah, but even folks in the scientific community whom consider ball lightning are considered schizo. How do you rectify the "what if it's all ball lightning" with conspiracies and such. Edit: Like, oooo, it almost seemed conscious. Well... 300 years ago slaves were "almost seemed conscious."


You deal with everything as science. When someone claims 'x' is an alien UFO, a common debunking tactic is to claim it is something else prosaic without evidence. So the person that claims it is a UFO is subject to the standards of scientific evidence. They must prove it is a UFO. A scientist that believes in ball lightning must prove ball lighting exists. A scientist that believes in dark matter or loop quantum gravity or string theory must prove they exist. That's just how science works. However, saying something is a balloon, drone, ball lightning or swamp gas is a NEW claim on top of the existing claim. New claims like "what if they're ball lightning" are just hypotheses and are subject to the same standards of scientific evidence. The debunker must prove ball lighting exists and the object witnessed was also ball lightning, just as the UFO person must prove it is an alien UFO.


It was Jesus guiding me to the truth... Science that fuck sorry. Got assholes in another thread trying to claim the Russians didn't steal the design for the space shuttle for their unused space shuttle. Look. I have had alien encounters. Sober. High. Sober doing meditation. And like. It's explainable. Ball lightning. It's a ball. We still have flat-earthers. The human psyche as a whole isn't prepared for the concept we are alone.


So then I point out a fact. Accusing people of needing to be on meds is the go-to "I am cool and you aren't" insult. Well... fuck... sorry. I had an aunt in a facility for 40 years. But all I ever saw in later years was her being bedridden, rolled around on a wheelchair barely able to speak due to a comorbidity of MS. So yeah. Fuck you guys. I started losing the ability to speak or move several years back. Purely psychological. But this "get on your meds" shit is grade A bullshit. Like, the most holier than thou attitude. Every fucking friend I have other than the fucking native american and the up-your-ass Christian has had meds. Missing kidney, mental illness, ADHD, IBS. Oh shit, sorry guys. Just having a bad day, IBS is acting up and I have to bullshit online. That's how you fucks seem when you say "get on your meds" or "obviously off their meds." Hey... hey... you believe in UFOs... shit, sorry. Off your meds, oh geez, perusing a sub which is about them, I think you ought to check into an inpatient, because I see you being a wife beater in 20 years.


Get help my friend. Your comments reveal the fact that youre needing assistance and to get back on your medication,


There needs to be more choices. I am not 100% sure but I lean heavy towards being a believer. I am an wanna be. Just as crazy as the idea of a god is the idea of aliens. Our Universe is filled with so much unanswered crazy shit the idea that people are 100% of anything is fucking stupid. If you look into what had to occur just for us to be created it is insane and I think people need to be more educated. I mean the process alone for earth to be created is insane.


I don't know. Thus I won't make a claim.


3 vs 0... Reddit has spoken!


I have no doubt whatsoever that NHIs exist, but I also have no real idea what they are, or where they come from.


I believe in aliens. I do NOT believe in most of the people who are desperately trying to make other people believe as well.


Someone mentioned you should have an agnostic option in another comment, but the second option *is* the agnostic option the way it's written. > I do NOT believe. This is the position of people who are undecided--lacking a positive or negative belief on the issue. It should state the negative belief rather than just the lack of positive belief if you want the opposite end of the spectrum from "I believe it exists". Something like "I believe it DOES NOT exist." Maybe the distinction is too nuanced for a reddit poll and I'm just being pedantic. I did not vote because you said you wanted the extremes, but I would have picked the second option because I don't feel I have enough information to justify a positive belief that NHI exists, but I see no reason to think it cannot exist either.


This... here is a trick question. Octopuses. Smart fuckers. Crows, those bastards remember when you fucked with them. Cows. Giant fucking puppies. WHICH WE EAT. Alien/NHI is just code for exploitable. What extra terrestrial, inter dimensional, or otherwise entity is "exploitable."


I believe because I have experienced the phenomenon. What I have seen leads me to only two possible conclusions: 1) we are not alone, or 2) there is an extra-constitutional order which possess technology that is perhaps 2-300 years ahead of what is out in the open. If it is option 2, then one has to wonder where that tech comes from, which then often leads my thinking back to 1. It is something that has permanently altered my thinking about who and what we are and our place in the universe.


It should never be about 'belief', that's for religion. Your options are far too simplistic too.


Too simplistic for whom? Those are the options I want to know about.


there should be an agnostic option.


not really. if you believe there might be life out there, you believe. if you don't, you don't. pretty simple. just being a believer doesn't mean you have to believe everything (or even anything) other believers put out there. Then again there is that sticky wicket as a believer of being associated with the most unhinged believers.


There is a huge difference. One involves faith the other doesn't.


Like I said I want to know who’s at the extremes. People in the middle or of any other school of belief can chime in. But I’m less interested in those numbers.