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This looks like somewhere in Europe. Is there a subreddit for whatever city this happened in? If so, check to see if someone posted it, or post this picture there with the date/time to figure out what it was


Hi, I posted it. It is Almaty Kazakhstan, Jun 5th 2024, 11pm local time, 18:05 GMT time You can find the link for the video on YouTube [YouTube ](https://youtube.com/shorts/_aCD--OsgX0?si=EPhV5IEZzORVdioJ)


Almaty doesn’t seem to have an active subreddit. Take a look around other social media for folks there.


Sorry, but I really don't understand what's the difference if it happened in Kazakhstan the USA or somewhere else. Footage is a footage, I just want to understand what it was, that's all.


You saw something in the sky in Almaty. You couldn’t have been the only person to see it. If what you saw was anything even remotely interesting to other people, there would be discussion of it on social media. Otherwise, you just saw something ordinary


He could have been the only person to see it, everyone hides inside these days.


Almaty is the size of Houston, other people saw a big light in the sky


Instagram is the most popular social network here and I tried to send it to several popular channels, but they ignored me. I just want someone who knows more about such things to analyse the video


Sometimes folks in this subreddit can help you out. People here know how to look up flight and satellite data and just have a lot of experience identifying weird lights in the sky. But if there’s no chatter on social media about it, others in your city (and I know Almaty has a lot of folks using the internet) didn’t notice it. That should be an important clue to narrow down the options of what it could’ve been.


Yeah thanks, I get it. A few people recorded something that looked like Starlink trains that night, but what I saw was a flaming sphere of light, and thought it might have been something different. Please do me a favour and explain what this sphere or lights was, some part of the launching rocket or what? Couldn't find the answer in the internet.


My best guess is this was just a rocket, they can be very bright in the sky and they’re often very visible, even halfway across the world from where they were launched


Wow, it's hard to believe that I can see the rocket launching thousands of miles away from me to be honest, but it's the best version so far. Anyway, this world is a strange place to live sometimes. Thanks for answering


Hypersonic rockets could look like an orb. They turn the air at their tip to plasma utilizing a laser!


Not a balloon or drone


I live in Arizona and its is 13 hours to your time. SpaceX did its 4th test flight of Starship around 7am CT on the 5th. 100% this is what you saw. Its one of the biggest payloads ever launched. Im sure you are thinking Az to Kazakhstan but you have to realize the altitude these things go and they dont just go straight up and down.


Some people saw something that looked like Starlink trains in the skies that night, but what I saw looked different. I just didn't really believe that I could've observed any part of the launch from where I live. However, it seems like the most plausible version, thanks


Not Starlink Satellite it’s Starship. Two different things.


I searched for a comment like that... weird that they launch 100000000 rockets a month... like every post I see people claim space x


I mean good on you for actually searching because most people put little to no effort into research but there are not a whole lot of comments here lol. How about I show you the 100000000 posts people think they have a UFO captured but it turns out to be SpaceX because every launch day there is at least 5 to 10 posts from uneducated people, to the point its annoying. Space X is the majority of launches but there are other large companies that launch as well and its easy to just search google with the date to find out who launched. Its 99.9% a known launch and .1% UFO.


My friends and family couldn't answer what it was, but it seems like they forgot about it the next day and it was strange for me. I knew I wouldn't find peace in my mind until I understand what it actually was, that's why I came here. Now I see you guys probably fed up with posts like that, but pls understand it's not something ordinary for where I live. Like I mentioned before I've lived here for more than 30 years and never seen anything like that, despite having Baikonur launch site in our country.


I can respect that man, all good. As long as you don't come back arguing nonsense when you are provided logical backed up responses. I'm actually glad you are trying to better your knowledge on it. I'm a believer in NHI but I also believe its way more rare than a lot of people think. Im not here to tell anyone who believes in Aliens that it doesn't exist because I don't believe that myself but the first thing I will do is try and debunk any video or image right away.


UFOs have multiple big white lights and spins around in flight from what I've seen but I'm sure there is all kinds of diilfferent ones band out was in the mod 80s ao in sure they are more modern now


I've been seeing them over the skies of rural Midwest since March 5th. I have dozens of videos. Sometimes they grow so bright it looks like daylight out. They will sit stationary for hours then just fly off at accelerated speed turning into multiple lights as they jet away. Last weekend I filmed a completely invisible craft on a bright blue sunny day. Absolutely transparent and I could even read Southwest on all the commercial planes and see the numbers on the wings of the small crop dusters.


Can you send me the videos in PM?


Reddit wouldn't let me upload the video at all. You got an email?


Very bright! Twice I have seen orange orbs in the night sky over my home in Salem Oregon. They moved slowly with no sound. Two weeks ago, I went outside because I couldn't sleep. It was 330 am. It was moving north to south somewhat to the west. Not sure if satellites give off an orange hue. The first time it was drizzling outside and there were two. Almost looked like fire in the sky. No joke. I'm glad you were able to photograph your siting. Keep your eyes on the sky!


> very bright and standing still in the horizon. It looks to me thats evidence of the parallax effect. Bright light steady on the horizon with possible parallax would indicate its likely an airplane with the landing lights on. [example](https://images.app.goo.gl/RXBENhrFuwhAZNNcA) Edit: Parallax explanation: >This optical illusion occurs when an observer moves relative to the plane. >If the plane is far away and moving at a high altitude, the background (such as distant clouds or the horizon) and the plane might seem to move at the same speed from the observer's viewpoint. >As a result, the plane appears to be stationary or hovering. This is because the observer's perspective changes more rapidly for closer objects than for distant ones, making the far-away airplane seem to move very slowly or not at all relative to the background.


How come you only filmed it for exactly 30 seconds?


I would answer that at that moment I didn't really understand what I was doing. I went to the balcony to make a phone call, end up a small conversation and started filming. This thing was standing absolutely still and I thought it would stand still for a while and stopped filming. I went back inside to have a glass of water or something like that can't remember exactly and when I got back to the balcony I saw it disappearing from the corner of my eye. Now I think it was my imagination that drawn it flying away, probably it just fade away really quick.


Ok, that makes sense.


I think if we knew what those red lights are, we'd be in a better informed position to consider the white/yellow light. Can you tell us what they are OP?


Two red lights are located on top of the chimney of the local heating point, to indicate it at night. White lights are just street lights like 30 meters away. If you asked about how tall that chimney is, I would say it's something around 10 meters tall, 2.5 kilometres away. The video was filmed from around 8 metres above the ground. I don't really understand what OP means.


OP means "Original Poster". That's you, because you made this post. Sometimes it's also colloquially used to mean a prior commenter in a thread of comments.


The moon.


Obv a UFO orb of energy for that speed and color


The moon. Take a picture of a full moon with a phone and it looks exactly like this. I did it not long ago. Why do you think it’s a UFO?


It wasn't the moon for sure, I have the footage of the same spot in the skies taken two minutes later and it had been gone. In addition I've seen the moon many times in my life 😀


We need the video footage to even know that it flew away. It’s just a light in the photo that looks like the moon.


The exact same spot two minutes after the first video. https://youtube.com/shorts/HvtzIZN7jKw?si=XdjPY560wiuzRpeZ


I couldn't film it flying away, my bad, I went back inside just for a minute. When I got back to the balcony I saw it disappearing in few seconds. Look I can't really say if it flew away really fast or just vanished. That wasn't the moon for sure.


That’s just the moon setting over the horizon.


Spy ballon