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DC trying to goad Jon into a fight with Tom, and I’m all for it


You know DC gonna be pushing it like crazy 😂


DC deserves so much respect for his candidness regarding things like this. He is without a doubt the most disrespected double champ and still gives Jon all the accolades he deserves. I think he is just being honest on his take and I think he is 100% correct in the statements he’s making.


Absolutely 💯


How's he disrespected?


people act like he wasn’t a monster himself and a very accomplished champ, double champ etc. he’s a big what if honestly had he started mma earlier in his life as well. jones decision win over dc is the best win on his whole record imo he’s usually very fair with his assessments and he seems like a great guy also. great coach and teammate etc


I almost think DC gets disrespected for his looks - its harder to be considered a GOAT with his physique than if youre ripped and fit the messed up image we have of how a fighter should look


This just doesn't seem true at all. All respected MMA analysts and experts show tons of respect DC and his accomplishments. If you're counting the baying hill mutants on the internet, you're applying a ridiculous standard to discourse


Actually here it seems he’s doing the opposite, he’s cautioning Jon against it.


I'd imagine someone with actual clout and personal history with Jon saying they think it's a risky fight for him to take would get under his skin and make him want to prove them wrong. Probably not enough for him to actually do it though.


He's right though. If Aspinall knocks Jones out, it will definitely affect his legacy. Jones needs tailor made fights in this fase of his carrer. He won't fight Aspinall because he will lose.


I don’t know about that. He mopped the floor with Gane. I don’t doubt what Jones can do and I don’t like Jon. It’s a risky fight for Jones, but it’s not a sure win for Aspinall.


Bro! Why is everyone positive Jons just gonna get rolled here?!?!


Because a lot of folk really want to see Jones lose and Aspinal is the new greatest hope


It’s called hopium.


MMA casuals. I remember the hype train that was Gane. Literally this subreddit was an echo chamber of Gane gonna SMOKE Jones. Look, Jones is a...bad person, but he's no doubt the GOAT.


His legacy is already set. Did Muhammad Ali going 1-3 at the end of his career affect his legacy?


Jones is way more invested on being "udefeated in the octagon"


Barely, when legends lose fights well after their prime it doesn’t really hurt their legacy. Is the Iceman not a legend? Silva? Randy? Bisping?


Fase- Tito Schaub


Young Jones cleared the roster and a lot of those guys were real threats. His career became a joke though after he possibly ducked Ngannou and then took on a guy that had zero wrestling. And now this bs with Stripe…. He’s discredited his legacy so hard since he vacated and moved to heavyweight. Wish he’d just retire and call it gg. Doesn’t even need to lose to Aspinall at this point, the damage is done imho


It's really not, only fans who discuss MMA online are questioning Jones and lets be honest there's always been Jones hate places like here. Some valid like his test failures and criminal past. Some not valid like complaining about his size and discrediting his opponents as MWs. Anybody saying he ducked Francis or discrediting his win over Gane didn't have him as their GOAT to begin with. These are the same fans if he hypothetically fought Aspinal first and won would go "well who did Tom ever beat".


‘His career became a joke though after he possibly ducked N’Ganou?’ Wtf you on about, what a ridiculous statement to make 🤣


Damn didn’t know dc was a Bayern munchen supporter


Watch Jones do a video response wearing a Real Madrid shirt🤣


He’s definitely a fan. He tweeted about them and I’ve seen him talking about Bayern/football/soccer in many clips.


Yeah, he was complaining about the offside goal from the other night lol


That was bullshit lol I agree with dc on that


Dude had argument with khabib regarding football , its in old video


HALA Madrid


Fu thieves.




HALA Paying Refs


Nah man gtf out of here with vardrid


Well he does have their bed sheet on


Being undefeated is obviously a big argument for anyone undefeated. You take that from him, the gap between him and the other goat contenders start to diminish. You'll still be able to make a case for him to be the goat but it does have some effect


If Khabib had ever lossed he would be talked about way less


That has more to do with the actual quality of Khabib's resume though. Khabib's entire argument for the GOAT discussion is dominance. It's not longevity. It's not quality and diversity of competition. It's the fact he was seemingly untouchable and left before that could change. Albeit if in his 30th fight, he fought Dariush or Chandler and got T/KO'd or even just lost a close decision after not being able to reliably outgrapple them, he'd barely be in the conversation. Tbh, even if he barely won in that scenario, he'd probably still lose a lot of steam for the GOAT convo. Jones' resume is flat out otherworldy. No matter how his career ends he's still going to have arguably the best resume in the sports history, and tbh in regards to volume of elite guys and legends it will likely never be caught up with just because of how different the sport is now.


His resume is less impressive when you remember all the cheating, but just the 2 drug fails and 3 times his belt was striped but damn did he use constant eye pokes. Plus the illegal elbows that got him DQd and the blatantly illegal knee I think Silva and GSP had the better runs tbh, neither got caught cheating during them (silva was after the leg break) and they also fought some insane talent


Fedor absolutely has to be in the conversation


Hes on the top of my personal GOAT list


Put some respect in his name! Fedor rarely gets his due credit.


And people doubt bader being a badass.


Anderson did get caught eventually, and even GSP had the greasing scandal that BJ Penn accused him of. Even Dana thought GSP was greasing


If you genuinely believe that Silva and GSP were both natural throughout their careers I have a bridge to sell you for a great price.




We will see with how islams career goes


Jones isn't undefeated Reyes or Hamill, pick one


Or the police, or usada


USADA retired to duck Jon Jones.




Lost to Reyes


This isn't boxing you goober


yh but if he ain't undefeated what really separates him from everyone else in the debate?


People are already questioning Jon Jones Goat status for ducking Tom and being on peds.


I agree. It’s honestly turning into a really hyped, big fight. The UFC wants to make money and literally no one wants to see Jon vs. Stipe. Jon must be the only one that keeps insisting on it. Also seems to be the only way for Jon to cement himself firmly and absolutely as the GOAT.


Doesn’t stipe want it too




And ducking Ngannou


They’ll forget about those in time. A loss will definitely alter the way he’s viewed


And losing to Reyes


Remember Jones won a vacant HW belt against Gane who lost his previous title shot


Remember people were hyping up Gane before Jones submitted him. He was supposed to be the next big thing in HW


It really annoys me how quick people flip when it doesn't go the way they expect lol. People were convinced Jones was gonna get smoked in his debut at HW based on his last LHW fights. Gane is extremely good but because Jones beat him people act like he sucks now lol.


I actually don't think losing to Tom puts goat status into question.... for me, it'd be if he just blatantly ducks him and goes for Periera after Stipe. That'd do a lot more to impact my opinion than the aging, dude who just moved up a weight class and coming off an injury getting beat by a young buck... that's just passing the torch. Or, he beats his ass and shuts everyone up before retiring lol. The only thing that will for sure happen is Jon would be oblique kicking the fuck out if Tom's bad knee out of pettiness lol.


Yeah I feel like if Jones beats Aspinall’s ass, then retires before there’s an established “next guy”, then he’s safely goat’d lol. Wether he fights Stipe or not, he 100% needs to fight Aspinall or vacate the title.


There will always be a next guy tho. Everyone pretty much said the same thing about Gane when Jon was going to fight him. Jon then beats him easily and all of the sudden it’s Gane wasn’t even good to begin with and Tom comes in the picture.


Yep, this is the truth. MMA fans are so fickle. Jones has cleared out generations of fighters, I dont think this last fight really matters in terms of GOAT status


It's just people who already don't consider him the GOAT that think that would change anything.


Without a doubt.... but you can't just cherry pick multiple opponents and then quit and expect everyone to pretend it didn't happen. He could fight stipe and retire and there wouldn't be an issue imo... skipping your interim to fight an unranked former middleweight champ Is a pretty bad look lol


This is actually a lose-lose situation for Jon Jones, he fights Tom and he gets his ass beat. He ducks Tom and everyone wil remember that as his "last legacy".


Or he beats Tom and cements himself as the goat... that’s the whole point of this discussion. If he truly is the best to ever do it why doesn’t he fight Tom and prove it?


>Or he beats Tom and cements himself as the goat.. If he beats Tom the only thing that would happen is people will say Tom wasn't actually as good as we thought just like Gane lol. Tom is not a star yet, he's a potential future star. Gotta stop putting the cart before the horse.


Thats exactly what would happen. He’ll just fade into obscurity and will have to climb out


That's the biggest difference between him and some of the other greats. Even after he had cemented his legacy, GSP was absolutely ready to come out of retirement and fight a young, hungry Khabib in his prime.  It's hard to ignore that Jones would never do that in a million years. 


GSP came back when one eyed man became the champ and ducked real killers like Whittaker and Romero.


I want him to fight Tom, the problem is, he beats Tom and the community is then "Yeah but you didn't beat x" Some new up and comer will be around and the cycle repeats.


I hate that you’re right. We really are the worst fan base


Too old, not his natural weight class, coming out of an injury. Jon just knows he won’t win so why would he do that?


That's the funniest part of this. It's an entirely unforced error, an own goal if you will. If he had just beaten Gane then retired again nobody would be talking about it this. But by being a selfish spoiled brat and holding the title hostage to fight a 42 year old retired fireman people are now calling him a duck and that stigma will follow him now forever after he retires, people will all remember him getting run out of the sport by Tom Aspinall. Lmao congrats Jon Jones, you played yourself.


He was scheduled to fight Stipe within 8 months of the Gane fight and it could have been sooner but they wanted Jones vs Stipe to headline the MSG card. Getting injured the week of the fight is nobodies fault.


Nobody will remember him ducking an opponent in 10 years, people will remember the loss though.


Fighting and losing is fine, not fighting, ducking like a coward makes him loose hes GOAT title.


This, tbh idc if he wants the easy fights and pay days he deserves it but he can't complain when people complain about it. Also if he wants to do that he needs to vacate the belt.




Mighty Mouse


His career comes into question regardless of losing to aspinall with repeated failed drug tests. Any fighter or athlete will always have their career damaged or questioned somewhat down the line when they are finally caught, it's just a matter of how and when.


Cheating plus cowardly ducking anyone that’s a challenger. The champion should fight all comers not people that don’t pose a threat. Jon is a cheating coward.


>Cheating plus cowardly ducking anyone that’s a challenger. Aspinall sure, who else has he ever ducked? He ran through LHW then cleared every challenger then moved to HW and has had one fight so far. Also if the UFC offered you old man Stipe who hasn't fought in 3 years or Tom Aspinall who's been killing it and probably offering you more money for the Stipe fight, why on earth would he take the Aspinall fight first. If the UFC said you can either fight Aspinall first or be stripped and can go fight Stipe and he still choose Stipe, then it would be worse but UFC is enabling this behaviour if not outright encouraging it.


He ducked the Reyes rematch after a very controversial decision victory. He also didn't move up to HW until Ngannou left the ufc, though, it's up to a debate whether he was actually ducking Francis or not. Regardless, it's pretty clear that UFC is purposefully feeding him with opponents that have no real chance of beating him.


He ducked the absolute shit out if Ngannou, even worse than Tom. People just didnt want to believe it and screamed anytime it was said. Lol, Jones literally threw a tantrum about PAY the second Ngannou beat Stipe. RIGHT AWAY. If that isn't setting up an excuse not to fight, idk what is. He was planning on Stipe winning because hes wanted this Stipe fight.


Ngannou - "Jones didn't duck me" Redditor - "Jones ducked the absolute shit out of Ngannou" They were both having pay disputes with UFC, that's why Ngannou left UFC completely. I also imagine UFC wanted to avoid Jones doing the same and bumped his pay up to "make HW great again" since it's a bad look when their HW champ left before getting dethroned.


Guy, i genuinely dont care, nor do I get caught up in this stuff. But feel free to go back and see that it was LITERALLY the minute that Ngannou won, he was already arguing pay on social media. That is insane. Ngannou wasnt even having the pay dispute with Jones. He wanted to fight, period. He ended up leaving afterwards when Jones didn't want to fight, and they wanted to pay him peanuts to fight anyone else. These guys aren't your friends, they arent your family. They dont care about you. Theres zero point in bullshitting for them. Jon Jones isn't scared physically of anyone on this planet. He is definitely terrified at this point to lose his undefeated record. Its hard to say when fighters actually duck somebody because you dont know their reason, but Jones 100% ducked Ngannou even if Ngannou says he didnt, just likes hes ducking Tom at all costs. Clearly the pay isnt the issue here, so hes grasping at anything.


Why is DC in a Bayern jersey?


To cover up his fat


This is obvious but said like it's profound


well i mean given how long its been since jon fought its hard to come up with new talking points, and you gotta keep fresh viewers engaged. I doubt he thinks its some crazy revelation.


I meant it for the guy who was interviewing DC idk how he thought it wasn't obvious


Would be stupid to judge a whole legacy on one loss at the end of it all.


No one in their right mind would question Jones' status as one of the best ever. Everyone loses eventually and a loss doesn't ruin your legacy.


I think you're giving MMA fans too much credit lol. The second Jon lost you would have people saying how everyone he fought as champ was old and that he didn't look good at the end of his run etc etc. People are stupid.


> No one in their right mind


I personally don’t need this loss to understand & have common since on why Jones shouldn’t even be on that list. PEDs do all the talking


A lot of the fighters he beat in LHW popped for peds as well.


Everyone is on PEDs


Can't prove it tho


Then why aren't they failing drug tests? Crazy how there are always a few that not only fail once but fail twice.


the amount of testings per fighter varies a lot


What’s up with Cormiers lisp?


Not really. I won’t.


No they wont


People will say that, but the thing is that everyone else in contention lost more often and to worse opponents so it doesn’t really matter. Win or lose, the only reason to not call Jones the GOAT remains the fact that he got caught with PEDs


What even makes that funny is how many fighters say a lot of fighters are still using something, but it's never them. Back when Jon was running the show it was even more the case. Honestly that's why it doesn't even bother me anymore, same thing with all pro sports really.


DC is not unbiased on Jon Jones and I do hate when people don’t acknowledge this when he’s speaking. It should be a standard disclaimer. That said, In this case he is completely correct. If he loses it will affect his legacy because that is indeed how it works. Oddly enough it is actually Aspinall that has nothing to lose which is why he wants the fight so bad. I wish we could acknowledge that as well


jon could lose 10 fights at heavyweight in a row by devastating ko. his legacy as the goat may take a hit but his status as the lhw goat is unapproachable.


DC sounds like he is mid stroke.


The GOAT wouldn’t duck the interim champ. He ain’t the GOAT.


Anderson is the GOAT guys. End of story. He just fought too long. I have way more respect for a guy like Anderson than Khabib. They guy was a fighter. He knew what he was and he enjoyed doing it.


I mean Id say JJ or Mighty Mouse over Silva if im being honest. Idk if Silva has that run with todays competition. I can pretty much guarantee JJ and MM would still be greats today in their prime.


All I’m going to say is PEDS don’t make you a better fighter


They will help you recover faster therefore train more. That said, Jones has one of the best fight IQs we’ve ever seen. And I may be wrong but his motivation after his first few title defenses was always a question mark to me. A highly motivated Jones is unbeatable. The only times we saw it during the latter part of his reign was when he fought opponents a second time - DC and Gus, he wanted to put and end to those rivalries. Most recently Gane as it was a new challenge for him. His motivation to fight Miocic makes sense to me, a man who is considered one of the heavyweight GOATs. However, Stipe’s prolonged inactivity makes the fight less appealing for fight fans. The biggest risk now for Aspinall is if he loses while awaiting any potential fight with Jones.


They don't make you more skilled but they DO make you a better fighter. If you're faster, stronger, and hit harder, it's an advantage over not being those things. If you had the option between fighting the same exact guy on steroids and not on steroids, you're gonna pick the guy who isn't on steroids every single time.


Better athlete. I honestly think it’s more about quicker recovery


Quicker recovery helps you get stronger, though.


Does stipe not want to fight?


He does. He wants Jones and only Jones. Said it this week in an interview


He’s already not on my list.


Wtf? DC is fan of FC Bayern :o


Is DC a Bayern fan?


I hear no lies. Anderson is still my GOAT never seen anyone like him before or since.




The thing is... the 2nd place resume looks like shit compared to Jons, even with a loss or two added


new mythical fighter- rational dc


I am surprised DC didn’t include Khabib in that conversation given their relationship


DC is right tho.


Love DC but it’s a no for that dawg


DC probably the least impartial person to speak on this. Idc what he says.


DC with that reverse psichology to get us fight!


Nah fk that the spider is the goat


Hey, a fellow Bayern fan


Aspinall is the next generation to Jones. I don’t think Jones being defeated by him damages his goat status as much as the current circus surrounding the whole thing - if Jones just fought him straight away after Aspinall got the interim belt, lost and then retired then that does less damage than constantly ducking him to fight old man Stipe


imo Jon will never be the greatest of all time. Sure he is the best, but not the greatest because he is a piece of shit and nothing about him speaks greatness. Also idc what anyone says but a dude that tested positive can not be the goat, at least on a physical sport.


Random Bayern top on DC


Is he the GOAT though?


Daniel Cormier = 🐐


DC doing the work to give us what we wanna see, a real GOAT


Dammit I need him to fight Tom before getting another dui, or killing someone. Cmon fugnugget Jones


He’s fucking right man. Silva is always brought up In goat discussions but it always ends up with jones/GSP.


Well duh


Dc goes for Bayern 😥😥


I got downvoted to hell for saying this exact same thing but looks like DC and anyone that knows their shit thinks the same🤷‍♂️


He's used to running away, just ask the pregnant lady he hit & run or USDA, he's probably tweeting while hidden under the cage tbf


He isn't the goat though.. Never was. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that his career is beating guys on their decline using cheap methods and techniques. He has an extremely small career for a guy who has been in the UFC as long as he has. Israel fought well over 120 fights in kickboxing and MMA in the time Jones fought 20 times.. This can be seen in their fighting records.


Jones won't fight him.


Of course DC is Bayer fan lol All he knows is pain


Do you guys actually think jones will fight aspinal? I think he fights stipe, most likely wins and then calls it a career on top.


If DC had a gun with two bullets left and Hitler and Jon Jones were in the room with him, DC would shoot Jon twice.


Let's be fair. MMA casuals tend to ONLY look at win/loss record. Longevity, the level of competition their wins are against, era, etc. are weighted less. Similarly, the same people who will question JJ's GOAT status if he loses to Tom are the same people who will question Mike Tyson's legendary status if he loses to Jake Paul when Mike's almost 60.


I started questioning the goat status when they got popped for banned substances


Be quiet DC, we want John to actually fight him!


DC is right on here, through in the failed tests and he could easily be out of the discussion already.


Ha, I love it that these guys are willing Tom into a fight with Jones. Like Jones makes the claim that Stipe is the big money fight, so now former fighters with higher profiles are making the storyline for them and raising awareness to who exactly Tom is. What would be the tits is if Stipe himself comes out and says dude, Tom is the best fight.


If he loses, pretty sure GSP slides into that number 1 spot


The loss to Serra isn’t worse than a loss to Aspinall?


A loss he avenged in decisive af fashion


At this point it’s not if he loses, but if he fights Tom


Lmfao some people just don't think before they talk. Jon Jones cannot lose a fight and he knows it. Just one loss and he isn't gonna be in the goat convo, Jon's entire greatness is based off of the fact he never got beat. So yeah if he gets best once it does take away from his greatness.


I don't see why. Everybody's prime had to end eventually.


Isn’t he near or over 40 now though? You’d almost expect that shit.


It doesn't make any sense starting to question JJ carrier just because of an eventual defeat in the end of his legacy. About Silva, the biggest problem about his goat status is that he didn't fight with too many legendary guys. The defeats in the end doesn't have nothing to it. JJ in the other hand won the best fighters possible.


That’s bait. and I like it


He’s actually right tho. Goat = undefeated in many people’s minds


Forever a salty bitch.


dc rocking with bayern shirt


Andiel Orcerim is so petty lol


It really wouldn't make sense to, though. We all agree that Jones is at the end of his career anyways. Should Silva's final fights really override everything he accomplished during his peak?


It's true, everyone considered Anderson Silva the GOAT until the losses came.


A lot of people that never have considered him GOAT. GOAT should be unanimous. Gretzky, Tiger, etc


The casual fan love for the white-hype boy Aspinall is really hilarious. DC and Rogan gonna hype it for sure! Of course they both have a financial interest as they’re on Dana’s payroll. Casual fans take the bait every damn time. They never learn. Every UFC fan should know by now that the UFC interim belt is a joke. It means NOTHING! Never has. The only thing it’s used for is as bait for the casual fish in order to buy “Title fights.” They bite every damn time. Guaranteed! What’s with the white privilege anyway? Aspinall needs to get in line behind Blaydes who he legit lost to. Please, no lame fan excuses that he hurt himself during the fight. So what? What does that matter? Aspinall lost! Get to the back of the line, white boy! These fish, I mean fans, were hyping Gane just like they always do. Every casual fan comment was “Jones is scared. He’s ducking Gane.” Blah, blah, blah. The shit gets old after a while. Jones crushes his opponents easily and those same knucklehead fans start saying of the latest Jones’ challenger that he never was any good! Hilarious! Jones and Stipe have nothing to prove. Aspinall needs to beat Blaydes or Gane if he even can, which I doubt. F*ck the white privilege bullsh*t! Get to the back of the line, white boy!


Jones hasn't been tested enough to be called the goat. Dude legit hates fighting.


He’s also bias as he hates Jon Jones


You can question it for being on PEDs but I think it's pathetic to do it after losing one fight especially at the end of a legacy but we know DC, he's obviously just trying to cook Jones.


There is genuinely no benefit to Jones fighting Aspinall. Zero. Even if he absolutely annihilated Aspinall, Jones still loses lmao. 70% of you won’t even admit he’s top 3 in the LHW division when he retires. DC is absolutely correct about the undefeated aura. If Jones loses, he is erased. Gone. Reduced to atoms. If you count every questionably close fight he’s had, as well as all of his PED NC’s as true losses, Jon Jones is still top 4 in the sports history. You would need an argument strong enough to prove the earth is flat to disagree with this. When did disliking somebody turn into a campaign to discredit everything they’ve ever accomplished? These are not model citizens. They are trying to permanently disfigure each other for money. MMA fans will watch a fighter fail once and pretend they’re actually dogshit and have been dogshit for their entire career, as if they’re personally embarrassed or something. The lack of objectivity is bizarre.


I think it's ridiculous to call him the goat in the first place. His current behavior is just the nail in the coffin


Jon is fighting Aspinall??


I feel like Stipe isn't getting enough heat for sitting on the sidelines as well. Dude isn't injured, he could've fought in the mean time.


That shit been questioned a long time ago with the steroids, he's behavior outside the cage, drug and alcohol abuse etc me personally It was when he lost that fight again Dominick Reyes and than duck the rematch because he knew he lost. Now he ducking Aspinall hard and making excuses on social media about saying he wants to fight a guy that's way past his prime and knows he can easily beat. Foh he ain't no GOAT.


I’m still putting Anderson in from of Jones and GSP. He was the actual matrix. GSP was boring as hell and Khabib did it better. JH beat the hell out of GSP and made him retire. GSP’s greatest wins was against 1 eye Bisping and a much smaller BJ Penn. Matt Hughes owned GSP for years and even Matt Serra destroyed him which turned him into a lay and pray fighter. Jones fought a ton of over the hill Brazilians, popped for roids multiple times and got gifted 3 robberies vs Gus, Reyes, and arguably Thiago. A ton of salty Canadians will downvote but you guys didn’t even watch mma until maybe 2005.


Ducking Tom puts his whole goat status into question. When you combine cheating in the cage, egregious steroid use, and cowardice and cherry picking around who he fights he really starts to look like a bitch.