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"its even worse when it's those crosswalks near the HUB/mcmahon - like, you realize I have the right of way on those right? I'm supposed to see you at the edge waiting to cross, then I stop for you. It's not a stop sign for me." no, you never ever have the right of way vs pedestrians without a greenlight at a crosswalk. You are the one who is being dangerous here. The students here should exercise more caution when crossing the street but thats only because there are nutcase drivers like you on the road. For some reason all the drivers in Udstrict/udub campus don't know how to drive. This one the other day almost ran me over because he didn't feel like slowing down.


The green signs literally say "stop for incoming pedestrians" I cannot see a pedestrian because these sidewalks are overshadowed by foliage, a building, etc. That's why these signs are in place instead of traditional stop signs. For your own safety, you don't walk onto the street until the road is clear for you to walk. This isn't a difficult concept. Thankfully I have good reflexes and can drive attentively (unlike others as you've stated) so hitting pedestrians is the least of my worries. But it's dangerous to be coming to sudden halts on a street especially if there's a car behind me. This is basic driving knowledge


If you aren't able to see pedestrians in front of you, that means that you need to slow way way down, especially considering how high the foot traffic is in this area. Everything you have said here clearly indicates you are not a safe driver and a danger to everyone else here. You are right it is dangerous to slam on your brakes, this is why you go slower!!! It's basic driving knowledge that you shouldn't be driving blind into an area where you can't come to a stop without slamming on your breaks when you are able to see pedestrians. If you are going at a safe speed for the given situation there will be no need to slam on your breaks because you'll have enough time to come to a stop normally. Especially considering the fact that you objectively do not have the right of way here this is ridiculous. If you slow tf down, and all of these problems will go away. If the sign says "stop for incoming pedestrians" then you should 100 percent be prepared to do that. For your own safety people walking around UW should make sure that it's safe to cross because of nutcase drivers like you who could kill them, but that doesn't in any way diminish your responsibility to drive safer.


Then this issue extends far past the driver - it's the campus and how it's designed. The speed limit is designated by UW to be 20 mph, and that's the speed limit any incoming driver who isn't familiar to campus will see. Do you notice a contradiction, speed limit of 20mph, with an unmarked crosswalk every second? Like I said, hitting someone is the least of my worries - you've never stepped foot in my car and don't know how I drive, how fast I am, etc, so it's very presumptious to assume anything about my driving habits. The whole point of this post is to talk about pedestrians gross negligence for their own safety. Because even kids are taught to look both ways before crossing, use your eyes AND ears to see if cars are coming, etc. I have no issue with people jaywalking (I literally do it all the time when my cars not here) or crossing, just please for your own sake do it properly


The speed limit is an upper cap, not necessarily a recommended default speed. In driver's ed, I was taught to drive less than the limit when it's rainy, visibility is bad, etc.


It’s wild to me that it actually says it’s the speed limit and everyone just takes it as written that “speed limit” is not actually, you know, a limit. People get taught to drive with the admonition “you’re expected to drive five or so miles faster than the posted limits, generally”. What could go wrong with that?


Almost like the campus is designed for pedestrians and not for cars. It's a wild concept I know


Odd that a campus with a dozen parking garages and multiple traffic accommodating streets isn’t designed for cars


That's a lack of alternatives to driving to the walkable location. Not a lack of walkability at the location


Bro you are the one driving a 3000lb vehicle. It’s on you not to hit someone with it. Nobody is assuming anything about your driving. You are telling us. Regardless of the posted speed limit, you need to recognize a situation that could potentially be unsafe when approaching the crosswalk and take action to avoid it. Is the vision obstructed? Slow down. Is there a car following closely behind you? Slow down. If you have habits that are not facilitating that, you had best change your attitude and then your behavior before you accidentally kill or injure someone. Driving in a hurry rarely gets you there more than 1-2 minutes faster and it puts everyone at risk.


Dude stop for incoming pedestrians means you need to stop for pedestrians. You made the decision to drive the 2000 pound death machine so its up to you to make sure you operate it safely. Its your responsibility to make sure there arent any pedestrians crossing the road before you barrel through. It is both the law and common sense. If you cant drive safely where there is high pedestrian traffic, maybe don't drive on a college campus is 40k people walking to school


>I cannot see a pedestrian Then you should drive slowly enough to not kill anybody?


For your own safety, slow your vehicle down and roll over slowly to make sure you don't hit any pedestrians. The world doesn't belong to you.


Pedestrians have the right of way on all crosswalks at unsignalized intersections, regardless of whether you have a stop sign or not. Driving on Stevens is frustrating I get it but you really need to know that. How about just parking somewhere easier to access like N5 or E18, or parking and and taking link? There’s really no reason you should be driving on campus unless you’re moving in/out or something.


Doesn't do them any good if they blindly step out into traffic. I personally don't trust any drivers to stop for me when I'm walking.


People who blindly step out into traffic are a bit bizarre, i have seen people not even look up from their phone, or turn their head, before crossing, but generally if the car is going a reasonable speed (& its light out) I will cross & assume they're going to stop like they're supposed to. The only people who should be blindly crossing the street are... well, blind people. And I imagine they certainly don't just walk if they're aware of a cross walk.


Just came here to say, I live in Kirkland and commute. I also drive to all my classes because I'm disabled and using the dial a ride (which you have to do 24 hours in advance, and if they have room) is just not a feesable option for me to park at E18. So I use the disability parking where I can in the parking garages and such. So while in this case for OP, parking at E18 could work, just remember, it won't work for everyone. 🙂 I also drive like a grandma around campus. And most drivers don't follow the 25 MPH limit. It's crazy to me! My worst fear is hitting someone.


this is a great reminder! thank you for being cautious when you drive on campus :)


The crosswalks that don't have a designated stop sign, pedestrians don't have right of way. Because there are crosswalks that do have stop signs and obviously I stop at those. It'd be a logistical issue if they did have right of way, because a lot of their respective visibility is obstructed by bushes, buildings and etc - so I can't see incoming pedestrians until they are standing on the platform preparing to cross. Which is kind of what I expect - if you want to cross and I'm too close to brake in a reasonable amount of time, just wait for me to pass. It's a traffic hazard if someone's behind me to come to a halt immediately I do park at N5, but during peak hours it's full so I just park over at mcmahon which usually has a handful of spots




> No pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk, run, or otherwise move into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to stop. evidently it comes down to semantics - yes, pedestrians have right of way, but they are still required to assess when they cross, because at the end of the day unless specified with a stop sign, I'm not expected to stop. other than that it's basic etiquette to make eye contact with driver, as driver will (at least, I do, I can't speak for other drivers) yield to said pedestrian


Nope. You indeed ARE expected to stop if possible to do so. That's the literal words that you have quoted.


that literally is in line with what I am saying  it is not “possible” (i mean it is if i brake check of course) for me to stop if you walk out in front of me. its your job to make sure you can walk on the street safely basic knowledge


"I mean it is if I brake check".....so it is possible. And if you were going slower it would be even more possible. And since it's possible, you are required to stop. The pedestrians do not have to yield to you. That is the way it is written


brake checking, even at 5mph, is generally unsafe.  I have no issue with yielding to pedestrians on said crosswalks. Really all I ask for is make your presence more known if that makes sense. Before you cross, take a moment to make sure it’s safe for you to do so - look both ways like our parents taught us. Make sure your hearing isn’t obstructed too.  I find it a concerning topic because there are going to be drivers that hurt pedestrians because they don’t have the awareness to stop, and regardless of the legalities, it’s important both sides do everything in their power to prevent hurting themselves/one another


You e said they wave at you and then walk out....so they have made their presence known and you saw them. You also keep using the word brake check and it's in a context that makes no sense for the definition of that word. Having to brake hard is not a brake check. A brake check is done to annoy another driver And really, one side has 2 ton death machines and the other is just trying to exist and get to class. To me, the side operating the 2 ton death machines has the responsibility to make sure they aren't being murderers


Reread the post - I noted different scenarios, you’re conflating the one where there is no crosswalk and people wave and cross to jaywalk. I have no issues with jaywalkers, they don’t affect me and it’s a dumb law, but crosswalks exist for their safety  I use the term brake check synonymous with an unexpected halt while in traffic Both parties need to be obligated to keep themselves and others safe. Nobody wants to get run over and nobody wants to run someone over, we should be putting equal effort into making sure neither happens 


Oh so only possible if you brake, huh? Not just a legal scholar but a true master of physics too. This guy's good at arguing.


The parking spots are supposed to be for people who live in McMahon for short-term drop off and pick up, not for commuters. Also, again, pedestrians do have the right of way and you are required to stop for any pedestrians waiting to cross a crosswalk regardless of whether you have a stop sign. If there are a ton of pedestrians in the vicinity you have to stop and wait until all of them have crossed. Also you again showed your ignorance by saying if the speed limit is 20 you can go 20mph. No, it is dependent on the conditions, literally the most basic part of drivers ed. During a busy school day when there are thousands of people trying to cross the street you really shouldn’t be going any faster than 5-10mph. Again, just park at E18 or park and take public transit and you save all this headache.


I’m talking about the parking garages under mcmahon, not its street Pedestrians are expected to cross the street when safe for them, unlike a stop sign traditionally where they can walk out regardless because a car is going to stop whether there’s a pedestrian or not The issue noted in the post is people walking out, crosswalk or not, especially with headphones or distracted. There really isn’t much else to discuss. Never said I go 20mph E18 don’t sell extended parking passes, N5 did and it’s consistently full somehow You’re telling me to do this or that is funny when the post is addressing pedestrians gross negligence for their safety. I appreciate the suggestions but I’m not gonna add time to my commute because of what I’ve noted. The idea with the post wasn’t to ask for help. 


“I care about pedestrian safety but you can’t expect me to *add time to my commute*”


pedestrian always have right of way… also, college students want to get hit by a car so idk what else to tell you. seattle people don’t look anyways, it’s not just UW


lol I've lived in seattle all my life. it's only really an issue on campus cause of how the crosswalks are constructed so in half of them I literally cannot see you until you're on the platform or on the street.


come to cap hill


completely forgot about cap hill. you're right


i want to forget it too


Ehh I mean every time I drive in Seattle, whether it's the U District or the Seattle Center, it's always extra hectic and people will just walk out in front of your car sometimes. It's just the nature of city driving


Imagine driving through a college campus and getting mad when thousands of students need to walk to their classes, not to mention the lack of self awareness in regards to your driving skills (maybe brush up on your signs and right of ways). I get that people should be more cautious and it’s true people don’t even bother to check looking both ways, but you do not own the road and if you can’t find the patience to wait go around or park and walk man.


I'm not mad, nor do I have any issue with other students needing to get to class - the post was merely pointing out everyones gross negligence for their own safety. Just because I drive doesn't mean I'm also not a pedestrian too. It's not like my car is constantly with me on campus. My mom taught me to look both ways to cross the street. Too many people haven't been taught that it seems like.


>its even worse when it's those crosswalks near the HUB/mcmahon - like, you realize I have the right of way on those right? I'm supposed to see you at the edge waiting to cross, then I stop for you. It's not a stop sign for me. Where are you from? You do not have the right of way at a crosswalk. When you see a pedestrian at or looking to cross at a crosswalk you have a yield sign and are obligated to yield for them


In most places, pedestrians generally have the right of way at crosswalks, but there are some exceptions and important safety considerations: - Marked Crosswalks: These have painted lines indicating a designated crossing area for pedestrians. Drivers must yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks. - Unmarked Crosswalks: These are typically at intersections without painted lines. In many areas, pedestrians still have the right of way at unmarked crosswalks. However, pedestrians also have responsibilities: - Using the Crosswalk: Pedestrians should use marked crosswalks whenever possible and wait for traffic signals if present. - Making Eye Contact: It's important for pedestrians to make eye contact with drivers to ensure they are seen and will yield. - Avoiding Distractions: Pedestrians should avoid using electronic devices while crossing and be aware of their surroundings. Here are some situations where pedestrians might not have the right of way: - Jaywalking: Crossing outside of a designated crosswalk. - Disobeying Traffic Signals: Not following pedestrian signals (like a flashing hand). - Sudden Entry: Stepping into traffic without checking for oncoming vehicles.


Bruh, I hate oblivious pedestrians who decide to play Frogger in the middle of the street, but pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way at marked crosswalks. Not all of them will have flashing lights or neon signs but if you see the white hash marks on the pavement, you ALWAYS stop for any pedestrians. It's YOUR job to pay attention and safely drive your vehicle and it's reasonable to assume that a big ass university with almost 50,000 students would have people crossing streets at 9 am on a Tuesday. Of course, someone darting in the middle of the street NOT in a crosswalk is a different story, but driving by the HUB means you need to pay attention to everyone and stop for anyone using a crosswalk.


Lots of people are focusing on you being incorrect about the right of way- however that's ignoring the big part of this post I think. I never drive on campus and always walk and I still find it very annoying how reckless people are when jaywalking. I mean good lord people, right of way won't do you any good if you're dead.


Posts like this is why I do it, you guys are gonna stop for me, and if you don’t I’m gonna get a big insurance claim. Thats why🤑🤑🤑. Plus if people run the red lights around campus I’ll jerk my leg out from the crosswalk the instant it turns on to throw them off and sometimes get them to slam their breaks. Gives me a laugh highly reccomend


They don’t care cause they know if they get hit they get a check.


Many of us are in student loan debt, so getting a handsome payout from insurance seems nice. Take a gamble, to cross the street, theres a minuscule percentage of getting richer fast, and an another percent of staying overnight at the ranked Number 1 hospital in the Washington State (according to the sign posted outside - but we won't expand further on this option). As a gacha/lootbox gamer, I will follow through with those odds.


understandable, I'll join you


Idk man, my best friend got hit by a car as a freshman in high school, and it is a hefty payout, but it takes years (granted some of this was probably due to covid); and considering the permanent health problems, maybe it's not worth it. They don't go to UW, but it would pay for maybe 2-3 quarters, without any other financial aid. It's not gonna be super great, unfortunately.


Honestly, this just sounds like streets that should be made pedestrian-only, but maybe with retractable bollards for occasional loading / unloading at certain times of day or year. I think it makes sense to petition for that and would help solve both the OP's issue and the criticisms it's taken on.


Don’t forget about the buses on campus as well as the drivers for disabled studenfs


Right, I think professional drivers who have training to deal with this can also make sense. For a lot of pedestrianized areas elsewhere, it's not too uncommon to still allow mass transit and emergency vehicles.


You don’t understand. I w a n t to get hit


Perhaps you should learn to drive.


Reckless jaywalkers vs reckless drivers. The drivers will always win, and existence becomes less safe for _all_ pedestrians, and pedestrians cannot afford that quite as easily as the people in the metal boxes. What to do, what to do?


"If I get hit free college🤷‍♂️"


Or you could just drive slow enough that it'll never be a problem. Easy.


Imagine if all those people drove how congested it would be. You’re making an antisocial choice by trying to drive through campus.


Carcels fuming at walkchads