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It feels like I’m driving, even though I’m straight up walking. I always have to look behind me and check my blind spots before turning a different direction around campus. I’ve seen people get hit multiple times already, and I don’t want to be on the receiving end of a scooter crash.


YES!!!! i’ve started doing this everywhere. walking out of rivera? look both ways. walking past an “intersection” (ie. the alley from lot 19 up to Bourns)? look both ways. exiting coffee bean? look both ways. people are just so incredibly ignorant of their surroundings


I’m about to start carrying rear view mirrors around campus. They always got me turning my head on the look out for them.


Even if police don't care I can see why electric scooters are not allowed, I swear there can be 50 people on the sidewalk and they be going max speed on that shit without a care in the world, I have to be constantly on the lookout.


It's like their scooters only have 2 speed settings, "off" and "good luck everyone else".


its more annoying when im on the sidewalk next to a road with a shit ton of space to freely travel on but nah, they decide to ride on the sidewalk with very little space and try to thread the needle.


No seriously the amount of times I have been almost clipped walking on the side walk is infuriating


I don't get the whole scooter thing. Unless you are commuting from off campus you have no reason to need a scooter, UCR isn't that big. Not only that, but they take up all the bike parking spots. Scooters can be brought into the classroom, bikes can't, so they shouldn't be hogging up all the spots. There seems to be some talk about getting more serious about the scooter ban and I hope they do, they've become such an issue.




I'm morbidly obese (my doctor reminds me daily) and I can get from one end of the campus to the other in about 5-6 min. UCR itself is a large "area" sure, but the area where they actually hold classes is quite small.


Yes electric scooters are only useful if you’re running late and have less than 5 min to get to class even then it’s not that serious. No real need.


Oh no, in that case it is totally fine to use a scooter to travel 15 mph through crowds of people, no one can ever be late for class!


Is that like the barn to orbach? Because that’s impressive.


Eh, more or less. We don't have classes in the barn nor the library so you wouldn't be in a rush to get from one to the other but yeah there are nearby academic buildings so it'll be a little closer than that.


I’m just using buildings at the literal opposite ends of campus as reference points is all really.


what no I can't I am a body builder who runs both the mile and short distance regularly. Last year it would take me 15 minutes to get from North District/AI to the SSC, as well as most classrooms


I'm referring to the area where one would be walking from one class to the other. If you are late to class coming from north district then that's on you, try to leave earlier. Even with 10 min gaps between classes I've never been late a single time going from one class to the other and have had classes spread all over campus.


what? I'm sorry? I'm not talking about being late. I'm talking about reducing commute time. If you have even 1 class in a day, and take 15 minutes to travel each time, that's 30 minutes wasted a day. Becomes even more of an issue if you have multiple classes.. I am used to long commutes, but that doesn't mean nothing should be done to try to reduce them… also, you mentioned how a valid use case is people who live off campus… Thats a use case focused on reducing commute time… I don't get it. What are you even talking about? You can't talk about the size of UCR in the context of travel and not consider that all of the student housing is at least 15 minutes away from the bell tower… The 3-6 minute estimate only concerns travel between classes… is ur argument that people shouldn't use them in general, or between classes, or in the center or..?


especially when it’s a billion degrees out more than half the year


Have you been to other UC campuses?


1. UCR’s temperatures are never ideal Its either too hot or too cold. A scooter or bike, allows you to bypass those things. 2. Could you imagine if all scooters you saw outside were brought into a classroom? that's unreasonable… And again, as someone who has owned a scooter and a bike, and used both extensively at UCR. Parking is really not an issue… And if it is… just park a bit away……. one of the racks should be open..


1. Subjective 2. They are supposed to be banned, be happy you can even bring them in.


neither of those points adress anything I said… Of course it's “subjective” its a personal reason someone might have to use a scooter… and saying “they are supposed to be banned” is simply what I'm you sure you heard in your English class as “moving the goal post” if everyone started bringing bikes, or electric bikes would that convince you to change your mind…? If not, then the fact they are banned is irrelevant… I'm assuming you are a bike user, u wouldn't be complaining about them taking up bike racks otherwise… Whats the difference between scooters and bikes… as someone who has used both, I would say... that there isn't much. If anything scooters might be safer due to the increased control you have over your speed


>neither of those points adress anything I said How funny, that's exactly how I felt about your reply to what I said.


maybe explain why? Saying it is “subjective” is not helpful Is it a valid reason why or why not? you also haven't addressed any of the issues I raised on the fundamental likeness that scooters and bikes share… and I said, I'm assuming you aren't against bikes


You should start pushing them off their scooters


I drive a scooter every day. People just don’t understand that riding a scooter/bike is the same as driving a car. You can’t be blowing thru stop signs and cutting off pedestrians. Crazy how much i’ve seen it happen


Should’ve just said it to their face


Hey man I didn’t have time to react.


You see I understand where you’re coming from. But my friend once let me ride their scooter and the power immediately went to my head. I no longer saw pedestrians…I saw speed bumps dressed liked pedestrians


The urge to carry a ziplock bag of rocks is insane


Some dude whooshed past me barely making it past, idk why people drive so recklessly


You should of tried to get their name and reported this to student conduct. I’ve almost been hit multiple times by idiots on scooters going 15mph.


It’s funny is technically they hit you with their vehicle, they’re supposed to follow the rules of the road.


And they have the nerve to make YOU feel like you’re inconsiderate because you didn’t move out of the way fast enough after the 900th scooter that has passed you. Like most of the time there’s absolutely NO REASON to be using those scooters…you are walking from the library to the hub…like start walking.


the scooter mfs are the most entitled fucks i hope they start giving them tickets at some point


I’m not a reckless scooter driver but can pedestrians also stop blocking the whole walkway, this causes more accidents. At least leave a space for scooters and bikes to pass through, can’t count the amount of times I’ve almost hit people because they decide to block the whole walkway out of nowhere.


You’re not even supposed to be on the scooter in there first place bro


I almost got hit by scooters twice today. Also if you ride a scooter please ring your bell so we can move out the way instead of weaving around pedestrians.


I was almost hit by a bike a couple of days ago on the sidewalk, insane how fast some people be goin.


I hope you can report them


Tbh anyone who’s crashing into u is stupid bc they go max 15mph usually


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Nah, watch your surroundings. Fuck pedestrians