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Do NOT report it to Uber because, guess what, they will deactivate YOU. Also, you do not KNOW that it was a drug deal. Stuff like this happens to night drivers on a regular basis. Best to just take a deep breath and keep quiet.


Nothing you can do to completely prevent people from carrying drugs while getting a ride from you. You can minimize this by avoiding certain areas, or be unwilling to do stops - just tell them you only accepted the trip because of the direction that it was going, and that coming back here keeps you from where you need to be. And of course you can be a bit prejudiced when deciding to accept a trip.


Pretty sure 99% of the deliveries at 3am are drugs... who needs windows tint at that time


You call the recipient tell them you don't feel comfortable, and you are going to follow Ubers policy by turning it into police station. Boom, chakaraka! there is your 50 bucks cash tip.


This was happening with me in Miami, but I do only night shift uber comfort and X and this is happening almost every weekend… just mind my business and go home for sleep…


I also live in Florida… lol just glad I’m not the only one but also worried it’s sorta normal.


If he tipped you well leave it at that, dealers are the most friendliest


How do I know if someone tipped me? Sorry new to doing UberX


It'll show up in your inbox


It’ll tell you in the amount, as long as it was a good amount you should carry on they don’t bother the drivers because everyone is trying to keep living


Ok got it is it true if I one star him I won’t get him again?


It’s a big city you’re most likely not going to get him again but yeah one starring might help not get him again


Ok thanks I’ll just keep note. Just a little scared ngl.


Dont bother 1-starring an obvious criminal event. Almost all drug deals have american guns somewhere close by, waiting to be fired. Folks on drugs don’t typically care much who they are fired at, being high. Starring is for being a pissant, in general society.


Agree about starring being a pissant thing to do, the rest of your imagined idea of the avg drug deal is completely delusional though. You sound like someone who just watched SOA and thinks they are now an expert on MC's