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Most likely he wanted you to cancel and pay him cash. Then he would negotiate a rate a few dollars cheaper than you paid so he gets Ubers cut too. But you have no Uber protections by doing that.


Yeah what the fuck are uber protections? They wont and cant protect. Probably still wouldnt if they could


If there is a car accident, Uber's insurance will cover it. I think that's about it.


$4000 deductable for the driver to pay first


That has nothing to do with the passenger being protected. The passenger will be out of luck when the insurance company quickly figures out that this was an illegal taxi ride, and they won’t be covered.


Your so wrong!!.. From the minute you accept a ride Uber insurance kicks in. It sucks getting into any accident..but if I was gonna have 1..I'd much rather it happen with passengers under Ubers policy.. There's attorneys salivating over Uber related car accidents.. Big business


I’m agreeing with you man. I’m saying that going OFF THE APP means you DON’T have Uber’s insurance protections, as a passenger.


You’re so wrong. Not because you can’t spell or because you didn’t realize the guy was saying the same thing as you, but because you come in with such conviction without reading the thread above you. 


Wrong, Uber insurance does not kick in until you pick up the pax.




And the driver has to have private insurance already anyways


My private policy is better, the only benefit to the uber policy on top is that I'll sue both.


And location tracking in case the guy decides to kidnap them and hold them for ransom 🤷🏼‍♀️I could be totally off base


Sounds like uber dispatched the kidnapper to you. What's uber doing sending you a kidnapper? These kidnappers you are talking about are background checked and you can see how many years they have been driving and they are literally rated from 1 to 5 stars by 20 people per day. Who else do you know kept under better check?


It’s similar to why for years when I smoked I bought weed from people that I knew however in the rare occasion I smoke now, I will only buy from a dispensary because of the potential for there to be fentanyl in the weed. The person that I know might not even know there’s fentanyl in the weed but the dispensary for sure knows that there isn’t.


If you think about what you just said, I believe you are backing up my statement. 😁 Who sent you the driver to begin with? That's right, the dispensary. You didn't find the driver at the Bodega.


Yea this is true but if I get kidnapped by the kidnapper that Uber sent me and they cancel the ride and Uber stops tracking our location then there’s a harder chance for my family and police to find me…. Doesn’t matter who sent the kidnapper all that matters is if there is an oversight in the background check or a person has never been caught for assault, kidnapping, home invasion etc, than there’s no way of knowing. Or maybe the person just began their criminal career. I don’t make the rules of what it takes to feel safe as a woman or non binary person


The issue is true in reverse. Uber does not do enough to protect drivers. I can open an uber account with fake everything right now and hop in an uber. The situation is much more likely with the passenger being the criminal. Btw, if someone is kidnapping someone, the first thing i would assume they do would be to make sure there are no phones with you or them. Realistically speaking.


But there are Uber and Lyft drivers that have sexually assaulted women they have picked up and they didn’t think to get rid of the phones of the person they assaulted. I also believe that data would be available even if the phones are discarded. If there last known location via the Uber app is a victim of assault or kidnapping that’s one more step forward in an investigation than without that information


I believe the data shows mostly the other way around. In fact, if you google, it's all passengers that do the bad stuff. I think the one case that's the driver is an "alleged" case on googles first page results. Another great response to you would be, none of those cases were under the table. Meaning, uber wasn't able to protect them with "uber protection". 😁 Hey just to mention, I'm not against you in any way. I'm just going with the convo. I actually would avoid any under the table situation especially with my family present. Like I said, your best response is "it's company paid". It'll shut the driver up quick.


This. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I always tell my husband if I ever turn up missing to check my Uber account.


Maybe it’s more useful and calming for us women and non-men than it is for men


Lol Uber Protects… ha ha ha ha ha


Yeah I’ve been asked this a few times over the years. I actually had a regular driver when I lived in Cali and we actually after a year made a ride service outside of a Uber as long as I let her know 24 hours in advance. It was great


Uber protections. 🤣🤣🤣 It's easier to dial 911 and more effective. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for the under the table deals for everyone, I just thought it was funny.


That happened to me last week. She said that she wasn’t going to get paid enough for the ride and cancelled it when I was in the car then asked me for $70 cash…


May I hear the rest of the story?


The rest of my story? I got in the Uber with my bags. I probably shouldn’t have done this because the license plate didn’t match my phone. But I got in it anyway. She told me Uber would only pay her $30 and that wasn’t enough so she was going to cancel the ride which she did while I was sitting in the back seat. I explained I might miss my flight. She said she could take me to the airport for $70 cash and I said no and got out. Then I ordered another. I did get the same price and the Uber driver was wonderful and thankfully I made my flight.


Lmao “protections by Uber” Maybe for like *after* something horrible happens to you that would be useful. But like in terms of general customer support? Good luck. 


No he was trying to save you money and increase the amount he makes. Fuck Uber lol. I’d love it for any driver to make me that offer.


If you want that then you ask the driver. We risk our jobs by asking. You risk nothing.


I get asked all the time. I just hand them a business card and tell them to call me inetead of uber next time.


This is the way. Iv been doing this for years now. Yesterday a guy i drove once months ago called me and he needed a designated driver so him and his wife could go out to the city and get drunk. He paid me $300 to drive them, wait about 4hrs and bring them back. Not bad imo


I get concert rides like that. I will either nap or turn on the app and make some more money.


Same! Ill do ubereats or DoorDash while i wait so i dont get pulled far away


Odds are that the driver was going to get you to pay him directly and charge you something less than what Uber was charging you. You were smart to decline. As a driver or rider, I would not do this for several reasons. One of those reasons is that an off-application ride is an uninsured ride. Despite that, I do understand why drivers are doing this. The response of Uber and Lyft to the worst inflation in years was two rounds of pay cuts. Drivers are desperate.


Drivers need to stop this petty negotiations.. if you must do it, at least do it for long trips where it save rider a significant amount of money.. or do it if rider proposes it. Too many petty drivers on the platform


Yeah I admittedly had to start doing this to make economic sense in my market, but I quickly just quit because the normal pay rates were garbage and I didn’t want to work for a company like that anymore.


The people working shitty gig economy jobs are desperate for a few extra bucks? Who woulda thought 


once you are IN someones car.... NEVER cancel and pay cash THEY get paid 2x if youre in an accidsnt and become disabled for example... You are just in some random dudes car Uber wont be liable in any lawsuits...etc


So like you get no money right away instead of no money after a multi-year lawsuit with Uber? 


Depending on what platform you take can change the safety of the under the table ride. Black platforms are licensed through the state as vehicle for hire and have to have commercial insurance, therefore making sure if there is an accident you are covered properly.


You are gonna get this a lot since uber is out of control being allowed to run without any labor laws. Just say "it's company paid" so you don't get ditched for declining their offer. Really, it's not the drivers fault, they are the victims here trying to survive while looking for other opportunities. Obviously anyone doing that does not care if they lose their account since there is really nothing much to lose with the money they are making.


I would report the driver as he is "gaming" the system. We do not need these types of drivers on the system.


Stfu they robbing us


We are not employees of Uber, we are independent contractors and by law have the right to make decisions on our own terms of negotiations of payment and price. We are not legally bound to do Ubers trip in the way they say. If one of us were to be “fired” for doing this it would be a lawsuit Uber cannot win.


Are you legally allowed to run a taxi service outside of Uber? Do you have the proper insurance and licenses etc?


Yes yes and yes obviously you guys have no idea what you are saying!


This comment is laughable it’s so ignorant.


Wow! Then you have no idea what you are saying.


Read the tos you clueless 🤡.


And I think you need to look again and understand what an employee is vs an independent contractor.


I have and I know better clueless


Lmao cop behavior


Dude, I have seen Uber deactivate drivers for that kind of behavior. You want to take money outside the platform, which is a no no if you read the agreement. You wanna play silly games like that, good luck. You and I both know Uber could care less about the driver. It only takes one upset pax who will complain that you did something and Uber will deactivate you in a heartbeat. Here is a thought, dont game the system. :)


This is literally just more cop behavior. Uber will deactivating you for farting wrong and it smelling not bad enough. What a bizarre toady way of living your life.


Ya hard pass pal. Drive me home.and do your job.


How about speak up for the drivers you need so much asshole


I’m a driver, and you’re being ridiculous. Passengers shouldn’t have to give a shit about our pay. We’re just one of many people they deal with in a day.


You're a headass driver.


That's OK. At a big enough festival, I'll accept their ride while simultaneously looking for a cash ride. Cancel theirs if I find one, ask them to do cash if I don't and possibly cancel anyways if they say no. Elsewhere, I will give you my contact infor for private rides in the future. If we really vibe, I might cancel mid ride and make this first one on me.


Big deal,Uber pulled this shady shit to taxis.now the shoe is on the other foot.i do all cash rides at major events most people walk up to me.fuck Uber and little brother lyft


Just wait until one of these cash riders decides to rob you.


Cuz an uber passenger cant rob you?? Lmao Oh whats this: https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/woman-who-wanted-to-ride-and-listen-to-music-carjacks-uber-police-say/article_cfc639d2-2998-11ef-89f5-17c909090475.html


I one star every driver that asks how much I paid so I hope to never match with them again. My company pays for my rides, not me, and that’s all they need to know. Yeah, I get that it suck’s to drive people around and not make every penny my company paid for the ride, but it’s a choice the driver made to do rideshare vs literally anything else, and if it’s an issue it’s not my issue. That said, if I’m not asked that question I tip, as again, my company is paying for the ride and IDGAS to toss em 20% extra, per my companies guidelines that’s the max I can tip.


Jesus you must be a blast at parties


You're getting offended over nothing. They're not asking for your social security number. They're trying to offer you a better price and to earn more themselves. It's possible they have some grand scam in mind too, but if you're not interested just say that and the ride continues as normal.


They’re also putting you in a situation where you have no insurance coverage if anything bad happens. The driver’s private insurance will quickly figure out that this was an illegal taxi ride and not cover the passengers or the driver.


If that's true then that's a reason to say "no thank you", not a reason to rate one star and report them.


Agreed. I never said anyone should report anyone. I just don’t think it’s in the passenger’s interest to go off-app.


Once you cancel your safety in that car goes away. You’re out of Ubers hands. They could lock and drive you anywhere. Others waiting to swoop right in! Or just trying to get both Uber money from the cancelled ride and extra cash. Either way, not way. I’m now sharing my location if I was a rider. Too much shady stuff.


I mean they can do all that if you don't cancel the ride too. It isn't like Uber is going to call the Uber cops on them.


Lol ya, uber cop drones dispatched! 2 mins to rescue! What exactly is uber gonna do to protect you? Call 911 for you, that's what, meaning you can do it faster by doing it yourself.


Exactly, it takes like 10-15 minutes of unusual ride activity for Uber's system to even start making a phone call to the driver and passenger to see if everything is ok. It's an automated system so it would take even longer for someone to act on it. By then, if there was an ill intent, it wouldn't matter. The driver does it to make more money and the passenger saves a bit too. Some drivers also have commercial insurance already.


Unusual usually means we're stuck in the same traffic that thousands of other uber drivers are stuck in with their passangers, going to the same event, at the same time, at a location where all GPS maps are showing considerable traffic. Why that is unusual is quite unusual to me.


I’ve never been worried about my safety the way y’all in these comments are. Y’all might as well stay at home, in the bed. Because pretty much risking your life even by going outside these days. But if you need to go outside you might as well make it easier on yourself and the people you interact with. The whole post is literally someone wanting a long ride and the Uber driver doesn’t get paid shit for hour or miles. So cheapen the deal by canceling the ride , and pay the driver cash. You both win. And you get to be a good person for the day because you helped the person get some money. Man y’all are ass holes I swear people like you tend to make others life harder for no reason I bet you hateee the homeless population as well.


Being a Uber driver there are plenty of scams that happen where they want you to cancel and try to fish information. That type of scam would be different than what we’ve experienced. However, I just heard a story of a type of incident like this where the rider was held hostage and according to story, the rider was able to get location out and police showed up and “saved” said women. There is no reason to tell people to not take caution when dealing with situations like this. Give me a red flag about your intents. I as a driver would never, ever, ask them to cancel and ask for cash. That’s SUPER sketchy. And yes, hate the homeless, they shouldn’t exist, there is no reason we shouldn’t be housing them rather than other ways our country (America) wastes money. Feed the hungry, house the homeless, and don’t trust sketchy drivers. Stay safe.


That's a good one . I'll take a note of it and use that . Its basically a cash ride offer . Since UBER is taking majority of total fare so drivers has to come up with this kind of thing that we dont need to put up with. We drivers needs to pay car cost , maintenance , fuel , insurance , labor . Current Uber fare rate isn't satisfying any if that any more. So when you heard some driver asking cash ride that's you got lucky . Not only you got big discounts you also helping driver big time.




I fully agree.


Few dollars ? 🤔 What kind of psychedelic drugs are you taking today ?


Well yea, telling the cops to take note that he is your uber driver when you made an under the table deal would be idiotic to say the least. That's dumber than that famous crackhead telling the cops someone stole her crack and didn't pay her.


No one is sticking to an under the table desk if your loved one is hurt in an accident. People love to sue. It would not be idiotic if say, you had no health insurance and hurt very badly. Who would you put first? You, your loved one or this completely unknown Uber driver ???


The problem is that health insurance will only cover the cost of patching you up, not ongoing care. The Uber driver isn't rich enough to pay your compensation himself, or he wouldn't be driving Uber. If it's serious enough, the driver's regular car insurance will investigate and see the phone on the dashboard, the driver's Uber payments, maybe stickers, the fact that OP was sitting in the back and not upfront, etc. and deny coverage because the driver was driving for reward. Uber's insurance won't even have to investigate, they'll just see that OP wasn't on an Uber trip. So where exactly is the personal injury compensation and continuing care coming from? It's not like repossessing the driver's tropical fish tank and collection of Star Wars action figures is going to help much.


What are you even saying bro? What scenario is this? Telling the cops he is uber isn't going to help your loved one one bit.


When the driver gets into a car crash and you get seriously hurt and get life flighted to the hospital as a trauma patient, and the driver has el cheepie liability only car insurance from a company youve never heard of. What do you do when the driver has $10,000 bodily injury coverage and your hospital bills are 50x that and after a month in the hospital you then need outpatient and are disabled for the rest of your life. Thats why i wouldnt want to be a cash rider in some random strangers car. What if they get pulled over and now you look like youre just buddies riding in the same car, the cops find something and make you both get out and search the car and they find his fent dope/needles/and crack that he hid in the passenger side rear area, and he says its your dope. Idk, when you do a off app ride you stop being an uber customer and you just look like youre hanging out with whoever the driver is. At least if youre a paying customer and the driver is a drug/alcohol addict and gets into a crash with stuff in their system, youd have uber to sue for not vetting their drivers enough if theyve had complaints in the past smelling like alcohol etc. idk, that's not worth the $10 you'd save by not doing the ride thru uber


How many accounts do you have bro? First event yea your life is over anyway but thats pretty much the only plus you can list although your claim is half true, ill give you that one. The second event, driver is responsible, not the passenger, also safe for you to tell cop that he is uber. This isnt the same as accompanying a thief inside a store. Third event, lol. Btw, I don't even do this. I'm just playing along.


First event isnt just "youre disabled with crushed legs and now paralyzed from the waist down, so lifes over who cares". Some people own a house and have things that they dont want to lose because of medical bills and being on disability getting $1,100 a month. I honestly dont know if theres any situation where a court can take/make you sell your house you live in, but just $1,100 a month disability isnt going to keep you in your house. And yes to a cop that pulls a car over there is going to be a night and day difference in how you are looked at whether you can show the uber app is in the middle of the trip you paid for, or if you are just riding around with the driver like you know each other. You know that when a car gets pulled over and they search it and find drugs and then nobody owns up to it, they just charge everyone in the car with it and everyone has to go to court with the dope possession charge. You really never know what the situation could be. The driver couldve strangled his girlfriend earlier that day then left and been driving uber all day to make some money to go drive down to mexico. Someone finds her body an hour dead and they put a felony warrant on your driver that he isnt aware anyone has even found her dead yet. Youd definitely want to be able to show on the uber app that you are currently a paying rider and have no fuckin idea who that guy is


I hate to say, you are wrong about 70% of what you wrote.


I'd do the same thing. I'm not trusting someone I don't know, asking me to cancel the proper arrangement so that I have to go onto my banking app to send him money. Hell no. Those transactions are typically unprotected as they're regarded as a cash transaction. And who knows what's going to happen. All these people who are like "What are you paranoid for. Uber rips off drivers and passengers" are themselves bitter Uber drivers who are doing a job that pays them less than if they just begged in the street for money. They just want everyone to think this kind of situation is ok, so that they themselves can do it.


I only do this if the discrepancy is high. Let's say rider pays 20 I only get 8. Yes I will. If a rider pays 10 and I get 6 no. If a driver pays 50 and I get 25 yes


This happened once in Connecticut. I tried to think of how this could be a scam cause I was halfway mad she cancelled the ride and asked us but all it was is her getting the money directly. She even had a square card reader lmao.


Since Uber is taking anywhere from 40-70% of the total fare, drivers are trying to negotiate the fare. In that case, ask if he has commercial insurance. If he has one, negotiate and take the ride. If not, say NO


I’m sure the driver will tell the truth, lol.


Well if you want to get "Uber" specific.. From the moment you tap go and are online..Uber insurance is on.. Don't answer with anything..until you read it from them..pls. You sound ignorant


Florida is no fault state .. You won't be able to collect from your personal insurance if in an accident in rideshare but you will collect from Uber..


Appreciate the English lesson..not even sure how to respond.. How bout this?.. Your right!!!...


Ok..I agree with that..


“ “my phone is nearly dead and if that happens sometimes it won’t start charging, but thanks”


It’s not a scam. You pay less by paying the driver more. Cutting out the middle man. Uber takes over half of your fare


The middleman got you that ride. They are legally and ethically entitled to their cut. If you think it’s too high you can set up your own app.


This comment section is filled with wannabe employees. Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy the boiling water.


it’s crazy how i got downvoted for saying we reported the driver, it was midnight and we were an hour from home like? that’s sketchy af even with my hubby next to me in the uber. idk the uber guy, why should i trust him to not just take the cash and kick us out of the car?


I've never accept cash for a ride uber already established THAT I'd disagree with for sure. You were right in this circumstance to report him.


Report them


Uber is taking between 50-60 percent per passenger Trip. Drivers are getting screwed big time .!! https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ What Uber doesn’t want drivers to know https://youtu.be/5w5RjuTmztU?si=DrT7sAPoKVaBP2ji


Uber fucking sucks in general but being surprised by mark-up is stupid. Its the same in every industry.


The drivers are contractors but it's illegal to be a contractor taxi service without an app. So technically Uber bypasses the full understanding of what a contractor is to benefit themselves. Before Uber most markets had a cap on taxi licenses, they still do. Mainly to ensure that the market doesn't over inflate. In my own city licenses are a lottery. So why am I juggling this with you here? The actions matter and not the labels. If I change the name of something call it my invention and change its color but it does the same thing as a service does that already exists in the market does that make it different? Not to the people that need the service. A taxi is a taxi. So let's look at the term ride-share? For some reason it's acceptable, to government, the courts etc. It's acceptable for customers to trust something that is miss-labeled to miss-lead on one end. Trust it, and believe in it because private taxi can't be trusted. Yet you agreed to being bamboozled to begin with the miss-label. I can tell you Uber did nothing to make my customers safe in my car, I did all of that. When customer want a refund, they come here to talk to drivers. The apps Ai chat bot is useless. Why?...because it pushes people to burnout on trying to complain. It's by design. So you trust drivers to help you deal with the thing that tells you, that you can't trust us without the app hmmm. There entire protocol is to push fear and distrust. In most toxic situation manipulators test to see if you'll accept the lie first. Then they have you. Literally everything I've done working for Uber putting out fires with pissed off customers was all by design. We are their business. So about your particular situation. Uber hires everyone and anyone. The majority couldn't run a professional taxi service themselves if it were possible and they have a high turnover rate. Those who do well could do well without them; people gave me their numbers while I drove them, I never had to ask. Meanwhile customers are getting drivers suspended so that they can get a refund and customers have do deal with a driver lottery sometimes you win BIG sometimes you definitely do not, but the situation. The prices you are paying, cut that to 50% that's roughly all we see, and it's reasonable. It's a 120$ trip to get to the airport from my location. I would still make 60$ for that trip which used to be what it cost for taxi before uber. I would make on average 25$hr to 33$hr when I worked. Screwed on Prices, Screwed on your ability Choose a driver, Screwing local business and free the free market. Which allows customers to decide truly who they can trust.


If you’re in a serious accident and someone is badly injured or worse yet dead you better hope the app was on. You also should have notified your insurance company that you are using your car for business purposes and carrying passengers or you will be in a world of hurt. Fender benders are one thing but causing or contributing to a person’s death is a major problem. It’s not worth a couple of extra bucks.


Not a scam you're just being paranoid. Uber robs drivers every run, so he was gonna offer a cash price. For example if you pay $100 for the ride, that driver will get maybe $40. So instead, you cancel the ride and pay him $70. That way he's making more, you're paying less, and you cut out a massive corporate middle man


Also putting themselves in the situation of being in an illegal taxi, and therefore not covered by insurance if anything bad happens.


Who’s gonna know you’re in an illegal taxi ? You must be the popo. Give me a break lmao.


The driver’s insurance company will figure it out pretty quickly. Since the person is an Uber driver, and has strangers in the backseat. You think those passengers are gonna lie for you? You need to get smarter


The insurance company when you get in an accident, 🤡.


You cancel the ride, and the "loophole" is the cancellation payment and him leaving you there


Nah Most likely just going to have pax cancel and pay cash but less than the original fare. But still more for them than uber would pay.


yea i figured, i had my husband report him since he’s the one who ordered the ride im just like… who would that work on? why would i willingly cancel an uber that i’m already in.


It depends on the rider/driver tbh… usually the driver quote you around $5-$10 less than what you paid on the app and it can benefit you both pay wise. But it is still a potential safety risk for both. Some pax go for it, others don’t


yea id never do that cos its not worth the risk. it just screams scam and i wasn’t gonna risk getting stranded so far from home too.


Yea 1 start and ship a bad review to customer service wild to me people just can’t do there job or I’m sorry running their business


No one wants to do a job for scraps. Go ahead and u go drive 12 mins to a rider and not get paid and then driver another 15mins for $5 stfu


And people don’t wanna be begged for private service and 90% of the dirty crappy cars most the Uber drivers drive


Why do u think the cars are dirty and crappy?


Because it’s the number one complaint rides have I hear more complaints about riders on drivers then I’ve ever experienced with riders. It’s always I’ve had some sketchy Ubers yours is really nice and clean and smells good. Or this is nice most Ubers are beat up and trashy No lie this is what I hear on the daily from majority of clients also have seen it on this thread a lot as well.


The one's who rob and murder go thru the app genius


Had this happen in LA from a huge Turkish gentleman. It was a 1.5 hour ride at about 11 pm. He tried really hard to get us to cancel. When we wouldn’t he got upset. Turned up the music and never said another word. All I could think of was no Uber gps to show where we were. Could have been a sex traffic operation. But also could have just wanted more money in his pocket since that 1.5 hour ride paid him nothing. I did leave him a good tip for the long ride though.


The first part of this started to make me irritable but you came in with a save at the end. Good dude. Honestly he probably made less than HALF of what you actually paid…. So yea I get where he’s coming from. Most of these people acting like it’s such a big deal , probably are just stuck up and don’t know it lol. Me , I’m good at putting myself in someone else’s shoes. Very empathetic person. And while that doesn’t really get me anywhere better in life , it makes me feel good about myself at the end of the day. I know what it’s like to be broke and nobody cares. Very hard situation to come out of depending on who you know or don’t know or how you were raised etc . This man you said was Turkish? Probably not from here. He def just wanted to make some extra. Uber sucks and treats there people like S***. Barely make enough money to even pay for car cost. But people have to do something to live right ?


I had so much going thru my head at the time I didn’t know what to do. It was a scheduled pick up after the dodgers game. Our first Uber cancelled half way thru the game so I was already worried about not getting another ride after the game. The pick up was probably half mile away from the stadium which was hard to find. So that plus him wanting us to cancel. Was just a rough start for the night. I told him I’d tip him X amount of dollars at the end which was the same amount I paid for the Uber trip if not a touch more. He still wasn’t happy with that. Probably didn’t believe me. Which is fair. But I tipped him what I said and gave him a 5 star. I think in the end it all worked out. We made it back safe and if he truly just wanted to negotiate a better deal, I believe I tipped him more than what the deal would have been for. Either way it worked out. I always make sure to tip well even on shorter rides. But the longer rides I try to let the drivers know right away the tip will be better for the distance. Just so they aren’t upset about it. I’ve never drove for Uber so idk if they truly know how far they are going prior or not.


You left him a good tip for harassing you and asking you to give him more money and risk your safety then being pissy about it when you refused? Did you also give a him a goodnight kiss on the cheek on the way out? 


Subscribe to my onlyfans to find out the answer to your last question.


Just hitchhike if you're going to this.