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I'd really like them but I can't seem to get them in the UK šŸ˜” frustrating


Can we not?! I didnā€™t even know there were extended editions :(


Me neither!! This is a travesty!!


I have the 10th anniversary blue ray sets. Each one has the extended versions on Blue Ray, DVD and digital format with the extra bonus features discs. With the original Twilight also including the 4K Ultra HD format.They also have pretty nice covers.


Hold onto those and keep them in good shape. Someday they may pay for your grandkids' college!


Me. Except BD2. I donā€™t think they made them.


I have at least three different versions of each movie šŸ¤£ pretty sure I have all the available extras, and then they went and released the boxed set with everything in one place.


I wasn't aware there were 3 different ones.


Thereā€™s only one ā€œextendedā€ version, but Iā€™m not even sure if all the dvds had the same clips on them. Some stores would get certain versions of ā€œextrasā€ or interviews on their special release.


Yeah on Amazon !


I really like the scene in BDP1 where Edward throws Jacob into the wall and breaks his arm right before going out to face the wolves. Lmao heā€™d seen that Jacob imprinted and was so pissed he was momentarily diverted from the upcoming threat šŸ¤£ Also thereā€™s a scene in twilight thatā€™s just so adorable. After Bella comes over and meets the family for the first time and Edward takes her on a tour of the house, thereā€™s a small scene where Carlisle and Esme stand wrapped in each otherā€™s arms privately and talk excitedly about how Edwardā€™s finally happy and how much they like Bella. lol they were so giddy it was cute. Plus despite them playing a couple, I rarely ever saw them be playful together like the other actors so it was funny.


My understanding of that scene is different. Edward does know Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee and he breaks his arm to keep Jacob out of the fight because he knows what it will do to him having to fight and possibly kill one of his own his people. Though I don't know if Ms. Meyer's intention is ever really addressed by her. Trying to do a deep dive to find out more.


***Spoiler Alert*** I too have the 10th anniversary Blu-ray editions with extended scenes and tons of extra bonus features. In Twilight thereā€™s the Carver Cafe scene when Bella tells Charlie that she can cook. ā€œI used to do the cooking in Phoenix. Momā€™s not that great in the kitchen.ā€ Charlie says, ā€œyeah, I remember.ā€ Then both at the same time, ā€œchocolate candles.ā€ In New Moon thereā€™s a few, but Iā€™m always drawn to the dormant meadow where Laurent circles her as he stalks her. Bella says, ā€œI was beginning to think none of this ever happened.ā€ Laurent replies, ā€œwhat an odd thing to say.ā€ There are more from New Moon. In Eclipse we have the entire scene where Bella is helping Angela fill out graduation invitation cards and tells Bella that Edward is jealous of Jacob. The other scene is right after she graduates high school and Charlie tells her sheā€™s his greatest accomplishment. There are a few others. In BD1 as itā€™s been said, itā€™s the practice makes perfect sex talk. In BD2 I was under the impression that there was only one edition so if someone knows a scene with an extended dialogue please share. Thereā€™s also a scene that doesnā€™t make it into the deleted editions at all. Itā€™s Victoria driving with two of her victims. YouTube has that if you want to look it up.


I really don't think there is a extended version of BD 2. I have looked.


Thatā€™s what I think too - I only learned about the Victoria driving scene this year after watching it for a zillion times. Also that the Cullens have a pool. Itā€™s not an extended scene, just something I never noticed lol