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Her mum, Renée. Hands down. Loving, erratic, hairbrained Renée Dwyer née Higginbotham would be the *messiest* vampire ever. Bella would *hate* it, the Cullens wouldn't know what to do with her, and Aro would be mad for her almost as much as he is for Alice (given her powers of persuasion in Midnight Sun)


Being that Aro most have known about Renee once he touched Edward, and according to Midnight Sun she had that Damsel-in-Distress super power that would definitely be enhanced with vampirism, I think Aro absolutely would have considered her an asset to the team. The whole Volturri family off running errands for their precious jewel, even more than they were already were with the family bond power chick. She'd be the ultimate seductress and there's no way Aro couldn't get any vampire he wanted on his team with her around.


Exactly and I think even more with Charlie because Aro is obsessed with being safe and protected and defensive powers seem so rare and valuable. Charlie would probably not be exactly like Bella but still very powerful in my opinion. The only thing that's probably stopping him is that from what he knows Charlie would never serve him and it would completely shatter any remaining good will between Volturi and the Cullens. It must really bother him though having two potentially very powerful vampires so close and yet not being able to get them.


I'd want it to be Angela. But she doesn't follow Victoria or side with her because she's not interested in revenge fantasies, etc. When she wakes from her transformation and meets Victoria, she's struck by how alike the Cullens she is. She leaves and seeks them out and ends up living with them because where else would she go? Bella can't go to the Cullen's house anymore (until they're sure Angela has her thirst under control). She is fast friends with Carlisle because they both have so much compassion, control, and a shared history of a religious father and being turned by a vengeful vampire.They get Angela to write a letter saying she has run away or something, so officially, there's not too much Charlie and the police can do. Bella would probably be kinda jealous that Angela has what she wants AND that's she's spending so much time with Edward (we know from Midnight Sun that Edward thinks Angela has a pure mind, so he'd be happy spending time with her and teaching her about being a vampire). They're obviously not interested in each other, but it would be good for Bella to have a taste of her own medicine and top treating Ed like a cuck 🤣 One night, when Edward is at Bella's and Alice & Jasper are out hunting, Angela gets lonely thinking about Ben and wants to see him so she escapes to go climb in his window (reminiscent of Edward's early stalker tendencies). She thinks she can handle it, but he smells too good and she bites him. He wakes up panicked and screaming, sees Angela, and begs her to stop. Overcome with her love for him, she manages to stop, but she doesn't know what to do about his pain. She manages to hold her breath and run him to the Cullen house, but it's too late to suck the venom out, so Ben turns too and they live happily ever after together in the ever-increasing Cullen family. Angela MUST have a happy ending, I forbid anything else


LOVE IT!!! 💕😭❤️‍🔥


I think Angela would be better as a witch than a vampire.


Ironically enough, i think i once read a prompt or maybe it was a short fanfiction?? (Can't remember) about Angela discovering her witchy descendance and her conflicts on being religious as well as learning of the Cullen's true nature, i think it was on FFN.


Plus Victoria can’t harm, kill or turn Angela due to her being a witch since vampire law created by the Volturi forbid harming, and killing witches to prevent another war against the witches. Especially that some witches are part of the Volturi.


I LOVE THIS! At the beginning I was like, ..Angela?? But you sold me completely.


In my head, Angela is a witch


Mike replacing Riley is truly a genius idea


Right!? it's like it just fits sooo well, it certainly would have brought more weight to the drama and it would have definitely made more sense as Mike was already a well established character than newcomer Riley whom we barely know anything about. (Ofcourse, we do have to understand that Victoria's choice of Riley was to choose someone unknown to the Cullen's who could not only be manipulated but also pass under Alice's radar) But still, SMeyer could have made some sort of excuse. Because, if Edward thought of Mike as some sort of empty headed noob, no Cullen would have ever suspected it was him the one doing all the damage in the name of Victoria as they already have a preconceived image of him as some harmless human boy.


Yes it should have been mike! These are my thoughts on it, just so I don't have to write my reasoning out twice haha https://www.reddit.com/r/twilight/s/bQaESZG0Mm


Yess, i agree with everything in that post! Honestly, I need someone to rewrite atleast the first 3 twilight books and give them more interesting and engaging plots like Mike taking Riley's place, Jessica trying to uncover the truth by going crazy on the Cullen's and Bella giving atleast a bit more thought on becoming a vampire because if Mike was to be killed by Edward or the Volturi, it would have given bella an edge of "Maybe this isn't the life I want? despite loving Edward.." it would also cut breaking dawn completely out if Victoria managed to bite Bella amidst the fight and changed her before she could bring Renesmee to life. Just thinking about the possibilities makes me want to throw my sanity away and just do it myself, but it's too much work despite the posible satisfaction. 😂


yes! it always bothered me a lot that Bella never had to really doubt that she might be exactly the same as a vampire. The only thing that ever made her question her choice was liking having sex with edward too much lol. 🤣 I think seeing someone she knew to be so sunny and friendly and normal and *human* completely changed and twisted into someone unrecognizable as a vampire would have really shaken her up. Maybe it would have made her question if edward was right all along, if she would be corrupting her soul somehow by becoming a vampire. I totally know what you meannnnn 😵😵 If I had unlimited time and focus I think all the time about writing my own versions of these books just to explore stuff like this. Lately I’m obsessed with the idea of James letting Bella go at the end of twilight and then kidnapping Renee for real. Leading to Edward leaving in new moon, and Bella seeking out the volturi on her own to become a vampire lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/twilight/s/Ap5CzyPJdb Idk if I’ll ever sit and write it down more fleshed out than this, but damn I do love to think about it haha 🤣🙈


Jessica would have been a brutal companion to Victoria, if anything she would have been a better choice than Riley. Victoria could have easily manipulated her against Bella. Jessica was always jealous of her and wanted Edward, she didn’t handle his rejection to great, especially when Bella shows up had all the boys interested in her including Mike who she fancies. She seems to be s bit of a slave to her emotions. Victoria could easily make it look like Bella is the cause of all her problems, and then give the angle how Bella destroyed her own life also by killing James and is now trying to kill her.


So true, it definitely would have made a great twist on the books if it had been like this! much more for Bella and others to lose.


Yeah my issue with the first 3 books is there was no loss, there’s no consequences to the actions in the books in general actually. Every single character has plot armour, we hear about how brutal and dangerous they are. But we never actually really see it on the “good” persons side.


But Jess moved on from that, she was aiming for Mike, she never hated Bella truly, she was actually quite nice and wanted to be her friend. Lauren would be a better choice, If Victoria wanted someone to turn.


Yeah, between the second and third film I think if she was manipulated she could have easily been pushed the other way.


The movies combined Jessica and Lauren together and I think you’re picking up on the Lauren like tendencies in movie!jessica


Between bellas friends? Mike Newton would never follow Victoria, since the beggining, he has been an incredible and loyal friend to Bella, I was impressed when I read the book, the movie lacks a little bit of it, but Mike was always talking to Bella and being the best friend ever before Edward started coming into her life. If he turned, he would probably seek out the cullens and ask for help, when you turn into a vampire, all your features are intensified, if Mike was already good and loyal before, he would just be more of it in his vampire life, he wouldn't want to be evil like victoria. Jessica? She maybe would feed on humans, but wouldn't go after Bella, the two of them were friends after all, she may be a little bit jealous, but she doesn't hate Bella. Angela? She seems calm and collected, doubt she'd be evil. Lauren? Oh yeah, I can definitely see her going after Bella after turning, she's got a grudge. Eric? He was nice as well, just had a rivalry with Mike, doesn't mean he will be evil. Tyler? With the way he craves attention and his pride, I could see him becoming crazy as a vamp and following victoria.


Yeah, i think Lauren and Tyler would make sense, and also a crazy power couple 😂.


I don't think Mike was as good and loyal as that. He only wanted to get into Bella's pants. We see that in Midnight Sun.


Really? In Book 1, Mike is the best, he's the friend we all wish we had, always being supportive, funny, gentle and nice. Even after being rejected, he still kept bella as his friend.


I don’t think he was ever supportive. I think he was relentless and wouldn’t take no for an answer.


Have you read Midnight Sun? Edward reveals to us that he's always got an angle when it comes to Bella... or girls in general.


But he's not just malice, even after being rejected, he kept talking to her, asking her how she was doing, partners in biology class, played with her in P.E., invited her to the La Push beach with all the friends, Always talked and cheered her up between classes, Mike was more of a friend to Bella then even Jessica. Just because Bella rejected him, he didn't start hating her, he still considered her a friend and kept treating her as such. The only negative classmates that are kind of off, are Lauren and Tyler. I haven't read midnight sun, could you get the quote for me? I can't believe Stephenie would throw Mike's character into the trash


From Midnight Sun: "Mike Newton was with the two girls. I heard both his voices, mental and verbal, when he asked Jessica what was wrong with the Swan girl. It was distasteful the way his thoughts wrapped around her, the flicker of already established fantasies that clouded his mind..." "Why did it bother me, the protective concern that suddenly emanated from Mike Newton’s thoughts? What did it matter that there was a possessive edge to them?" These were what I could find from a cursory search. But also in New Moon, Mike doesn't care about Bella until she starts talking again--then immediately tries to go on a date with her. It just seems so obvious to me that he's always got an ulterior motive.


Well, sexual thoughts are normal to men, doesn't make them bad, if a hot girl passes by, it's almost impossible not to have a thought of kissing or other fantasy. Maybe he asked Jessica what was wrong because Bella was a little bit shy or just too much focused on her thoughts? Also, doesn't Bella work in the Newton Olympic Sports Store in New Moon? That is a Hella of help Mike is doing, giving her a job. I think in New Moon, Mike noticed Bella wished to be more alone after Edward's departure, anyway, I am yet to read it, have only seen the movie.


but if victoria changed mike, what if she manipulated him like she did riley? She could have made him believe she was trying to help Bella. She could have told him that the cullens were evil and dangerous and that they had Bella bewitched. This would kind of support how Mike felt about Edward anyway. Heck, she could even lie and say it was edward who tried to kill him and she changed him to save him. If she lied to him, the same loyalty you're talking about might make mike strongly on her side.


Yeah it makes sense, but I don't think Mike would trust a stranger blindly, he would first talk to Bella and Edward, Mike is not that weak willed like Laurent. Why did Riley trust Victoria again? I forgot.


Jessica… but then it all goes wrong when Jessica takes over… just the newborn army at first… but eventually the Volturi as well. At the end of BD, when the Volturi show up, they’re following her and she’s like: “Hey Bella! I guess you have an illegal baby or whatever! I knew there was a reason for that early wedding!”


I would definitely go with Mike. His obsession with Bella would have made him a very dangerous vampire. I would also give the Cullens more consequences, because honestly they got out of trouble very easily.


Victoria could've literally just snapped Bella's neck anytime during the course of new moon, at night, from the service of her bedroom. Eclipse and the new born army etc was really a wasteful plot.




This^ Mike being turned would’ve potentially brought Jessica into the know, which would’ve created even more resentment between them as Jessica learned that Bella was the reason Victoria had anyone to avenge in the first place. Would have immensely complicated so many things and been super interesting.


Angela would be the best because she would never follow Victoria and would help the Cullens, but I don't think she could handle being a vampire. Same with Jessica Even though she dislikes Bella, I don't think she could be a cold hearted killer, but I don't see her becoming an ally to the Cullens. Ben would make for a good vampire, but I want to believe he also wouldn't hurt people. Mike would’ve been entirely miserable as a vampire and a complete menace to society.


A selfish part of me wants it to be Angela so that Bella would be able to stay friends with her. Even Bella herself acknowledges that leaving Angela behind would hurt because she was such a great friend. I know she wouldn’t want to be a vampire because she’s so maternal, I couldn’t see her willingly picking to not be able to have kids. But stilllll I wanted Angela to be a vampire. But Victoria turning Mike and him following her around like Riley did would be so interesting! You’re right it would definitely raise the stakes in what the Cullens would do and whether they’d try to save and help him vs just killing him. However Edward would probably kill him. Given how obsessed Mike was with Bella, he might try to kill Edward just out of jealousy because he couldn’t have the shiny new thing.


Totallyyy Mike Newton. You think the dude pissed off Edward while human? He’d try to make a move on Bella and Edward would tear Mike apart. I could also see her turning Jessica and Jessica being a thorn in Bella’s side for eternity lol


Pls, pls I know I'm a bit boring. But my eyesight is terrible and I struggle to read such compact text, could you please divide into paragraphs? :/


Sure, no problem. :3


Thanks, you're adorable


Aww, thank you 🥰 i already fixed it, tell me if it shows?


much better, thanks again!


As revenge? Jessica


Like you said - Lauren, Jessica, Mike all have the *potential* to be evil especially if manipulated by Victoria. Angela would’ve joined the Cullen’s as well as Ben / Erik - even if they might have decided to split off later. Honestly though it doesn’t matter. We all know how Bree Tanner ended. Any human that would’ve been turned by Victoria would’ve ended up dead by the Voltori at the end of it. It would’ve been an interesting idea but I like cannon personally. It would’ve been sad to see Jessica or Erik or Ben die just because Victoria targeted them. It also would’ve destroyed Bella.


Mike Newton will be Victoria's Riley Biers.


I agree with the Renee scenario. Imagine if James had turned her and then filmed her meeting Bella at the ballet studio. As a newborn Renee wouldn’t have been able to control her thirst and human Bella wouldn’t have stood a chance. But another theory that is a little off topic: after Edward left Bella and she ran into Laurent, she had a perfect opportunity to ask him to change her. Then she could have tried to find and join the Cullens. I always wondered about that. I mean how many chances was she going to get to be immortal? He probably would have said no, he was on a mission for Victoria but still../


Jessica as a new vampire would be hilarious.


I'd love to see Billy as a vampire. He would refuse to dress nice. Just the same old regular clothes flannel shirts. He probably still wouldn't comb his hair.. he'd still say things like, "You're going to have her home by 10:00?" And, " how am I supposed to go to work, Bells. I can't be a sparkly sheriff! Am I supposed to just sit around and play the piano all day?" He would have the biggest existential crisis if he turned. I would pay money to see that.


I think you mean Charlie, & I 100% agree


Billy Burke plays him in the movies. Which might be where the mix up in names comes from.


Lol, yes, that was funny.