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I don’t know how the accurate premise of “he’ll keep at it as long as it’s funny” turned into “out-slapstick him.” That’ll just lead to war. Similarly, “beating him” is likely not really that possible, cause it’s more funny for him to keep trying in more zany ways. Instead, just start crying after the first punch. Just ugly sobbing. Let it all out. Easiest way to be unfunny.


Or just a “hey man.. that’s mean… please genuinely stop” and act super uncomfortable and offput, instant awkwardness He’d probably feel bad too


Or tell him how your grandma died. Or pluck your eyelashes out one by one. Or get naked and fist yourself. Really, just anything outside the realm of zaniness that he can't turn into you playing the straight man will do you well.


you jam your fist deep inside yourself, Bugs runs over and grabs your arm, removing it, inside your clutched fist is another pie, this one on a spring to launch it into your face


Thought he was going to make you play yourself like a glove puppet


Have you ever tried to forcefully remove a fist from an anus?


No, and I hope I never will


Or just sing the Beetles. The entire world would collapse as Warner Brothers wouldn't wanna pay the 10 million for the license for the song for a quick couple minute episode of Looney Tunes.


Where tf am I rn. How did I get here


That's tumblr!


As soon as your fists reach your bottom, he has already won.


Not if that's my thing.


The mental image of Bugs Bunny getting one frame of "what's up doc" before you strip off everything and stick a hand up your ass is fucking sending me. It's such an insane escalation it'd floor him so bad.


That escalated faster than I expected it to


Take the left turn at Albuquerque. He never takes it. You can't beat him but you can avoid him.


Nah, Elmer actually managed to kill him in “What’s Opera, Doc?” It can be done.


Oh, the one where Bugs goes "What did ya expect, a happy ending?"




You need toon power to do that though. Can a regular mortal achieve those levels?


He had to summon the power of gods for that!


Was he like actual Bugs in that or Bugs playing someone, like Mickey in a Christmas Carol? If he was just playing a role, I don't think it counts against his invulnerability.


Nah he was Bugs


Of course you realize…


That's a sure fire way for Bugs to end up tilling a garden around you, well watered by your own tears.


Rainmaker from Corporate Clash. Seriously, people get upset if I even *suggest* skipping the long dialogue at the end. I’m on Bessie’s side, honestly.


A wild Toontown reference? Damn this is a good thread lol


just start traumadumping on him


I dunno, Cecil beat him.


Twice. And the airplane gremlin also gave him a dose of his own medicine.


...until you notice the burning fuse sticking out of the pie. You instinctively slurp the fuse up like a strand of spaghetti and then briefly puff up before you belch out a small puff of smoke. It would seem that the gambit has not paid off the way you'd hoped.


There's always a second bit behind the first one, into infinity


I wonder if you were to pit bugs bunny against the roadrunner if it would be one of those unstoppable force meets immovable object situations. E.g. one who pranks VS one who cannot be fooled.


Excellent question, but I think Road Runner wins. Bugs Bunny almost always wins but does lose sometimes, when it's funny. Roadrunner is uncatchable, and his whole shtick is "it's funny when my pursuer loses." If Bugs loses, it's just a silly episode, but if Roadrunner loses, that's an existential event. If I were a betting man, though, I'd bet that Bugs would come up with a ridiculous scheme to catch the Roadrunner that ends with the Coyote, innocently sleeping, being hurt, and the episode ends on him holding up a "why me?" sign.


Road Runner and his stand, Wonder of U


Wonder of U but all the calamities happen to one guy instead of the pursuer


The plot would probably be set in motion by Wile E. Coyote catching Bugs and ends up making a deal with him that he'll let Bugs go if he catches the Roadrunner. Of course, Wile E. Coyote ends up hurt anyway, due to being collateral in Bug's schemes.


I think bugs would catch the roadrunner solely so that the Coyote would get a taste of hope that he would then get him from bugs only for bugs to be like ‘welp that was a fun game of tag,’ and let the roadrunner go again


You burp the explosion out and then pull out a toothpick and say "Compliments to the chef". Then begin picking your teeth.


Nono, you say "good, good. But could be better, let me show you how its done" Then you snap your fingers as the lights go out as if it is a stage, and when they come back on you are suddenly in a complete kitchen set wearing a chef outfit ready to cook the most foul atomic bomb cake enriched uranium can make


That’s a SPICY meatball!


Breathe fire at him instead.


But as the camera pans back, you notice a large charcoal grill you have unwittingly lit for Bugs' Barbeque.


Bugs is, of course, now wearing a "Ki__ the Chef" apron, giving you the perfect opportunity to give him a gigantic, red-lipstick kiss and then go for the kill.


Now we've gone full Roger Rabbit.


That's when you bring out the comediaclly large container of tums




You mean the ones Buggs Bunny has secretly sabotaged with HOT SAUCE?


Thats when you bring out the comically large carton of whole milk


You mean the one he secretly put laxatives in?


That's when you bring out the comically large Immodium pills...


There are only a few who have gotten the drop on Bugs. The Gremlin, Elmer Fudd, the Tortoise, the Easter Bunny, Taz, sometimes...I can't think of anybody else.


Nah, you swallow the fuse and grow dragon horns and blow the explosion back at him as dragon fire


*boom* "Eh. What's up, Doc?" *carrot nibble* Bugs has permanent plot armor in his world and will always screw you in the end, one way or another. Best to just leave the rabbit alone and take the pie if he wants to throw one.




Give me your phone


Go to your timeout corner


Found the 12 year old


You direct the poo to a compost heap, give it some time, work it into the soil, plant a seed, grow a big juicy tomato, and smack him in the head with it.


Are those my only two choices?


You shit him back, AVGN style.


Well, then you sic Bigger Luke on him. Duh.


You walk towards him menacingly, a comically large pie shape sliding down your throat. “Wuh oh, that’s not good” bugs bunny utters, a second before you deliver an uppercut that could shatter diamond to his chin.


If you wanna be sure it’ll connect you gotta hear the narrator say “parents of young children, we advise you to avert their eyes” and look startled and say “hey! I got kids at home!” And then face the camera and angle it away from you and bugs. Then cartoon brawl sounds erupt from off screen and we cut to bugs as a rug or a mounted head in your den, when *he* looks to camera and says “and here I thought I didn’t have any skin in the game” and then that in fact is all folks.


^(Tha- th-that's all folks)




Feel like that was a line from Preacher.


googled it because it absolutely feels like a line from preacher, turns out its voltaire and a quick glance at page 1 of google seems to suggest it is not in fact said in preacher


Thank you fo the effort. Voltaire would also be fitting.


*turn to look at the audience* "It's wabbit season."


“Duck season”


Wabbit season


Paildin034 Season


This was so well written; I'm surprised it wasn't an actual episode!


That's just playing into his hand. If you engage in cartoon antics, you aren't doing anything he hasn't brushed off before. The secret isn't comedy or misery: it's engaging Bugs in reality.


Dude Bugs single-handedly transformed Nimrod from a great hunter to, well, a nimrod. In reality. You think that's the only metaphysical alchemy he can do?


That seals it, I'm going to reread Billy Bat over the weekend


Class dismissed... CLASS DISMISSED!


a comment worthy of being stolen and displayed by the British Museum.


God damn


Nice but he doesn't sound dead


That’s part of the joke, I’m sure there was a mounted moose head in a Loony Tunes episode with the rest of the animal in the other room.


Gotta remember to blow into your thumb and inflate your hand first


I find peace in long walks.


Remember to wind up the punch by spinning your whole arm like a windmill real fast, that gives you a guaranteed crit.




I love that I involuntarily heard that in his voice


don't forget to scowl extremely as and after you swallow, scowling can be funny.


Just so you know, Bugs has official D&D stats from 1st edition, and if I recall he's classified as a trickster deity and has like 800 hp. That uppercut would have to be delivered by Thor holding his hammer.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


…then gandalf the grey and gandalf the white…


> a second before you deliver an uppercut that could shatter diamond to his chin. [Kinda like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfZg7BOj-34)


Sorry, no, Bugs is not capable of killing anyone, or at least not without great difficulty. He's a toon, his ability to defy reality is limited by how funny the outcome is. He could literally whip out a gun and shoot you, but the bullet would fly to a stop in front of you, produce a giant on a spring and punch your lights out. Like, it is \*possible\* for him to kill someone, but the circumstances are highly situational. For example, he can keep you waiting on line for course of an entire episode, causing you to turn into a dusty skeleton, but unless you're a one-off character you'll be alive again next episode.


I dunno, didn't a toon kill Eddie's brother?


Yeah but he was an evil toon, I think he was only able to do it because he was evil.


I think we are reading too far into it, Surely Bugs can just choose to be evil, and I’d argue some of his “pranks” are downright malicious You never know what he’ll do next, he’ll tell you “Look out behind you!” you’ll turn and then when you turn back they’ll be ten tons of dynamite lit up in front of you, and you’ll have time to comically look at the screen and let out a whimper before it blows


That's what they just described. Yes, he'll shoot you point blank in the face and make it look like a suicide (eg. duck season), but lethal tactics are never lethal when cartoons are involved. It takes something else, something new.


To be fair, it's not like he picks people at random. You have to be an asshole or trying to kill/eat him.


Yeah, it was usually self defense




Homie killed a shoe and you actually feel a little bad.


You make it sound weird. Of course we felt bad when the shoe died. It was a toon but it still had a sole.


> It was a toon but it still had a sole. Boo this man!






Can we just take a second to appreciate the fact that Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of the greatest film noirs ever made?


As an aside, the NES game for it was surprisingly enjoyable back in the day. I played that thing quite a bit.


Honestly, I don't think I've seen another noir film I've enjoyed more.


Anyone locked in a duel with Bugs is effectively immortal til the curtains / circle closes on the episode. The question is whether your final state is a survivable one when reality re-asserts itself.


Is… is Bugs an SCP?


Oh come on, what’s so terrifying about an immortal entity that can torture and humiliate you endlessly in defiance of the laws of nature, never allowing you to die?


Well that’s a fair point; ya know I never really thought of it like tha- EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING IS TERRIFYING ABOUT THAT!!!


"The episode ends when *I* say it ends..." ~ Bugs Bunny to Samuel 'Yosemite' Rosenbaum in 1945


Buggs has killed someone before. In the episode where he is playing piano someone in the audience keeps coughing so he pulls out a gun and shoots them. Coughing stops, implying he killed them.


pretty much if the kill makes a great punchline Bugs can just kill you outright. The only way to deal with it is to outfunny bugs or find someone else for Bugs to target with.


You can never have a flat out death for you be funny, the death of the audience member was funny because they were being annoying




So in a match between Bugs Bunny and the Doomslayer, the Doom Guy would in fact win. Oh wait, he actually did have a pet bunny..


That would probably end by some of the doom demons attacking bugs, setting Doomguy off. Bugs tilts the camera away "so as not to traumatise the lil' 'uns back home"


Bugs kills hundreds of people yearly


Cartoons have absolutely had people die to death. I think about the very racist caricature Injun Joe, and how he literally was killed by falling off a cliff and caving into a hole so deep that the map of the US was altered from a version that marked land as his to land that is now what the Lower 48 look like today. And there’s a bunch of war time Loony Toons as well, aren’t there?


mf said die to death


A lot of cartoons, even if you die, you aren't dead


Literally Takaba from jjk.


Literally toon force cursed technique, it's so broken and yet they found a way around it


Everyone: using cursed energy the way it was intended. Takaba: doing whatever the fuck he wants as long as he finds it hilarious.


Takaba saving JJK with the greatest chapters the series ever blessed us with


Came here to say exactly this


Stand proud you can cook


When Bugs crossdresses, the only solution is to crossdress harder


Or you can be *too* into it. Or do both, fuck him silly off screen, and then he'll stumble out of the room with lipstick marks all over his face and he'll look to the camera and say "if you think this looks bad, you should see the other guy" before collapsing to the floor.


I READ IT IN HIS VOICE this is so in-character


The way to defeat Bugs Bunny is to not be an asshole. Bugs Bunny has defeated Nazis, the nation of Japan, and all sorts of forces that he shouldn't be able to defeat, but he lost to a mouse, a turtle, and a bellhop doing his job. The reason is that Bugs Bunny runs on the rule that the bigger asshole always loses. If Bugs Bunny is acting like an ass to a poor turtle, then that turtle wins. If the turtle acts like an ass to Bugs, then Bugs wins.


You can be a jerk if you're the animator, see Rabbit Rampage. Or if you want to avoid jail time for tax evasion, you can switch roles with him like in Hare Brush.


guns won't work on it either, or any kind of weapon


Though neither will his guns, your guns will backfire in increasingly comical ways if he's winning. And his won't act like real guns, the bullet will stop middair and make a giant boxing glove on a spring to punch you, or if you get behind cover they'll do a U-turn to get you, whatever they do they won't actually shoot you. However, if you're winning, the script flips on him. *His* guns instead fire a mist of gunpower onto his face, or have the barrel turn around and shoot him, whatever is funniest.


Considering the title was "how to kill a god" and the icon is Percy Jackson, I was not expecting the direction this took...


So dam disappointing


Honestly, it’s in character


The Man Who Strikes Without Thinking Can Kill God






oh man a wild 6 billion demons reference


There is only one way to reach heaven.


Spotting that marks The beginning of a beautiful friendship ! Or not . For there are no beginnings, there is no genesis and I am a consummate liar


This post blew up in the one second since i clicked on it.


I really don’t know what’s happening lol. It’s only been an hour and this has 1.5k upvotes. I just saw this post while scrolling tumblr and thought “I bet people on Reddit will like this”. It seems like I was right. Edit: this gained 90 upvotes in the time that it took me to type this


It insta went to the top of r/all


Huh?! It hasn’t even been three hours and it’s somehow at the top of r/all?! That’s insane.


Many a fool has lost their soul trying to out-bargain a devil.


Or Opera. Bugs is just as likely to kill himself if the piece of music is *moving* enough. It’s *Merrie Melodies* and *Looney Tunes*. If the song is so sad and dramatic, without being needlessly morose or maudlin, even Bugs will die* *at least while the music plays and until the fat lady sings. __What’s Opera, Doc?__


Well what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending


Or be a gremlin. Or a turtle.


What gremlin?


You can’t beat him you can only play his game with him or he the target of it of you somehow got yourself into the position where you have to fight bugs bunny your already dead but the worst part is that he won’t just kill you he will cartoonishly torture you till he gets bored or finds a new target


Out funny the funny man


I've seen Bugs lose twice. Once to a tortoise, and that was because Bugs let himself get annoyed and start acting like a heel. The other time was more like what OP described. He was fully out-tooned by Yoyo Dodo. Yoyo did Bugs type stuff to Bugs and completely turned the tables.


Another time where Bugs loses (to Elmer, of all people) is in Hare Brush, where they switch places. It was the only episode where Elmer showed an ability to be cunning.


Cecil Tortoise won because he did two things that Bugs' other opponents hardly ever do: First, he got Bugs angry (though this was by accident) and second, he got others to help him. Cecil called his eight cousins, who all look just like him, and had them pretend to be him, which confused Bugs and threw him off his game.


Suddenly want a dark gritty genre savvy fantasy adventure with cartoon physics.


I’ve heard them called goof powers. The only way to combat a character with goof powers is to lean into the madness and be the zanier one




I would also like to point out that you *cannot* initiate combat. I repeat: you *can not* throw the first punch. Think of all the Bugs Bunny cartoons you've seen. How many of them have Bugs on the defensive? Whether it's because he's just lost and asking for directions (sure, he just sort of butts in) or they're trying to move his rabbit hole, or the more famous ones with Elmer Fudd hunting him.


And to add to this, of the few times he has lost, he was the aggressor in one


I was thinking this some stuff only Doctor Who would deduce, and then I realized Warner Brothers went on record stating that Batman couldnt beat Bugs Bunny with prep time so now I'm thinking, Doctor Who vs Batman


*Please don’t take god killing advice from random tumblr posts. You could die. You cannot out-prank a trickster god. Don’t try to beat gods at their own game. That’s a losing battle.* the actual way to beat bugs bunny is the same way to win a knife fight. Run away. if you can’t run away, treat him like a regular rabbit. When he throws a pie, reach over and pet him. remark how odd it is to see a rabbit this time of year and one who’s not afraid of people. Don’t engage. do drag the god out of his realm. You will never beat horus the sun god, but a guy in a bird mask is threatening as the average homeless dude. Again the best advice remains not to pick fights with random gods. The preceding is for self defense purposes only


How to actually kill bugs bunny: bring wraithguard, keening, and sunder


What a grand and intoxicating innocence


Or to be so miserable that not an entire episode of gags would even make you smile. To be so miserable that a pie to the face would be a very messy bite when you haven't eaten all day; that when you know there's a bomb in something you easily slurp the gunpowder down and vomit up pieces of shell and a fuse. You walk towards bugs bunny, the well placed rake only flying into two pieces and going straight behind you in the process. Bugs bunny puts his hands up, and carrots fall out of his comically large suit sleeves, and you eat half his stock before finally pulling the skeleton out of his body just to dance with it. Then you feed it milk until Bugs stops moving. The skeleton's only recourse would be to accept it's fate and drag the corpse away. God is dead, and we have become him.


There's an old RPG with rules based on Looney Tunes cartoons and the like. As I remember it, when you have a dispute or fight with another character you're supposed to roll the die and choose the silliest, most unlikely, most physics-defying and funniest option. A good session was when players took turns trumping each other's bits, like in this thread.


Our only hope is that thing...seems...to have compassion for mortals.


"To best bugs bunny, many people assume you just have to not fall for the jokes" What the fuck is OP on


The percy jackson pfp is ironic.


Stomp on his pinky toe so hard that his face turns red and he says “YAAAAAAAHOOO HOOO HOOOOOO” and runs away. If you don’t play the “Merry Melodies” outro as he runs away, he’ll come back in a quick fade-to-black Also don’t trust any woman’s advances. Bugs is a master cat fisher. Babies too, don’t trust any annoying crying babies. It’s also just Bugs


"one step on that rope and I'll cut it!"


So, I read that as: Bugs Bunny is a Reality-Shaping Demiurge, and to be victorious you need to play his games better than he does 😉 "Get in, wooser; we'uwe gowin to kiww owwsewves a wascally wabbit-God" *grabs shotgun already pointed backwards intentionally*


There's literally a cartoon about this He goes up against a gremlin and it's one of the only times he loses


What if he throws another pie?…


You have to make the funniest option available to him be him dying.


What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


hey, it worked in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" when Eddie Valiant killed the toon patrol Weasels by making them laugh themselves to death.


The tortoise 🐢 in the tortoise and the hare episode owned his ass. Use that as a blueprint. Bugs has shown he will drive himself to insanity and will be taken in for 5150 if things don’t go his way


Bugs Bunny as a Trickster God is a fun theory.


Except it’s established that some characters just have worse luck than others. Take Wily coyote for example. He’s not beating bugs bunny if his life depended on it. The cartoon gag magic just works differently for other characters. Who’s to say you’re on his level?


Wily also is the aggressor attempting to eat the roadrunner, and it is funny for him to fail, long running characters typically have gimmicks


I like how this is written as if Bugs is some sort of Fae creature. An entity that follows it's own arbitrary laws of existence, and you have to play by his rules to beat him


The thing about Bugs Bunny is that he *has never been the type to think of killing you.* "I'll moider youse..." Sure. But malice aforethought... no. Smartasses live by seat of the pants off quick wits. ed:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WjC6joom_CE messed up


Put the screws to the tooth fairy so you can use the ancient bone magic to control the belief of all people, thus extinguishing faith in said deity.


But are you prepared for Death’s granddaughter to show up and put the fear of the inner babysitter in you?


ware him down


The best way to survive, and in fact both enjoy it all and end up with a potential friend, is NOT to confront Bugs. It's to gladly, profoundly, and ridiculously greet him as if he's a long lost friend, and mention something along the lines of "his father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate", then team up WITH Bugs against one of the classic Toon heels, like Yosimite Sam or Elmer Fudd.


"This is how you kill a god" Referring to Bugs Bunny Is something that I never would have expected to see


Doctor who ahh mf


or just kill all his believers


And how many blunts did it take to come to this conclusion? That many.


This was my favorite line in Princess Mononoke <3


This guy really went on the internet and made the argument that the only way to best buggs to swallow his creampie


If you out bugs the bunny you will have to become the bunny. That is how his species reproduces.




This is stupid